17 June 2009
SOME DOD DIRECTIVES AND INSTRUCTIONS The following DoD Directives and Instructions, among others, are identified at the DoD website. You can request copies of any of these documents from:
Office of Freedom of Information By Fax: 703-696-4506 By Electronic link: http://www.dod.mil/pubs/foi/submit_foiareq.html ======================= Administrative Instruction (AI) 30, Security for the Pentagon Reservation, June 5, 2002, FOUO
Directive Type Memoranda DTM 08-050, Defense Cover Program (DCP) Guidance, March 31, 2009, SECRET/NOFORN.
DoD Directive C-3222.5, Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) Management Program for SIGINT Sites, April 22, 1987, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive C-3325.01E, Foreign Materiel Program, October 10, 2006, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive C-3325.05, Classified Title, February 25, 2000, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive C-4515.9, Use of Defense Attache System Aircraft, May 25, 1984, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive C-5030.43, Significant Military Exercises, March 26, 1970
DoD Directive C-5030.44, Military Operations in or Near Politically Sensitive Areas, June 29, 1973
DoD Directive C-5100.19, Critical Information Communications (CRITICOMM) System, June 10, 2008, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive C-5200.19, Control of Compromising Emanations, May 16, 1995, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive C-5230.23, Intelligence Disclosure Policy, November 18, 1983, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Directive O-2000.12-P, DoD Antiterrorism Strategic Plan, June 2004, FOUO
DoD Directive O-3600.1, Information Operations, August 14, 2006, FOUO
DoD Directive O-3600.3, Technical Assurance Standard for Computer Network Attack 9CNA) Capabilities, May 13, 2005, FOUO
DoD Directive O-5100.30, Department of Defense (DoD) Command and Control (C2), January 5, 2006, FOUO
DoD Directive O-5210.41, Security Policy for Protecting Nuclear Weapons, November 1, 2004, FOUO
DoD Directive O-5240.02, Counterintelligence, December 20, 2007, FOUO
DoD Directive O-8530.1 Computer Network Defense (CND), January 8, 2001, FOUO
DoD Directive S-2060.04, DoD Support to the National Technical Nuclear Forensics (NTNF) Program, April 1, 2009, SECRET
DoD Directive S-3115.07, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), January 25, 1973, SECRET
DoD Directive S-3150.7, Controlling the Use of Nuclear Weapons, June 20, 1994, SECRET
DoD Directive S-3321.1, Overt Psychological Operations Conducted by the Military Services in Peacetime, July 26, 1984, SECRET
DoD Directive S-3325.02, Transfer of National Intelligence Collection Tasking Authority (NICTA), March 16, 2009, SECRET
DoD Directive S-4515.17, Gate Keeper, September 13, 2002, SECRET
DoD Directive S-5100.44, Defense and National Leadership Command Capability (DNLCC), July 9, 2008, SECRET
DoD Directive S-5105.61, DoD Cover and Cover Support Activities, May 3, 1997, SECRET
DoD Directive S-5200.37, Management and Execution of Defense Human Intelligence (HUMINT), February 9, 2009, SECRET/NOFORN
DoD Directive S-5210.36, Provision of DoD Sensitive Support to DoD Components and Other Departments and Agencies of the U.S. Government, November 6, 2008, SECRET/NOFORN
DoD Directive S-5210.41-M, Nuclear Weapon Security Manual, November 2004, SECRET
DoD Directive S-5210.81, United States Nuclear Weapons Command and Control, Safety and Security, August 8, 2005, SECRET
DoD Directive TS-3600.1, "Information Warfare," December 21, 1992
DoD Instruction C-2000.23, Conduct of DoD Contacts with the People¹s Republic of China (PRC), July 15, 2008, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Instruction C-2005.01, Freedom of Navigation (FON) Program, October 12, 2005, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Instruction C-5030.44, Significant Military Exercises and Freedom of Navigation Assertions in Politically Sensitive Areas, October 12, 2005, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Instruction C-5105.32, Defense Attache System (DAS), March 18, 2009, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Instruction C-5105.81, Implementing Instructions for DoD Operations at U.S. Embassies, November 6, 2008, CONFIDENTIAL/NOFORN
DoD Instruction C-5240.08, Counterintelligence Security Classification Guide, December 7, 2005, CONFIDENTIAL
DoD Instruction O-2000.22, Designation and Phyiscal Protection of DoD High Risk Personnel (HRP), January 22, 2008, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-3020.43, Emergency Management and Incident Command on the Pentagon Facilities, March 6, 2007, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-3100.11, Illumination of Objects in Space by Lasers, March 31, 2000, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-3115.07, Signals Intelligence (SIGINT), September 15, 2008, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-3600.02, Information Operation (IO) Security Classification Guidance, November 28, 2005, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-5205.11, Management, Administration, and Oversight of DoD Special Access Programs (SAPs), July 1, 1997
DoD Instruction O-5205.11, Management, Administration, Oversight of DoD Special Access Programs (SAPs), July 1, 1997, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-5210.63, DoD Procedures for Security of Nuclear Reactors and Special Nuclear Materials (SNM), November 21, 2006, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-5210.72, Security Classification of Information Concerning High Power Microwave and Related Military Systems, March 9, 1988, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-5240-21, Counterintelligence (CI) Inquires, May 14, 2009, FOUO
DoD Instruction O-7730.12, Notification Procedures for Accidents and Significant Incidents Involving Nuclear Weapons, Reactors, and Radioactive Materials, August 1976
DoD Instruction O-8530.2, Support to Computer Network Defense (CND), March 9, 2001, FOUO
DoD Instruction S-4410. 3, Policies and Procedures for Implementing Approved National and Military Urgency Determinations, November 19, 1974
DoD Instruction S-5100.92, Defense and National Leadership Command Capability (DNLCC) Governance, May 11, 2009, SECRET
DoD Instruction S-5210.82, Protection of Nuclear Weapons Coding Equipment, August 22, 2006, SECRET
DoD Instruction S-5230.28, Low Observable (LO) and Counter Low Observable (CLO) Programs, May 26, 2005, SECRET(?)
DoD Instruction S-5240.09, Offensive Counterintelligence Operations (OFCO), October 29, 2008, SECRET/NOFORN
DoD Instruction S-5240.17, Counterintelligence Collection, January 12, 2009, SECRET/NOFORN
DoD Instruction S-5240.20, Classified Title, April 9, 2009, SECRET/NOFORN.
DoD O-1430.10-C-3-TNG, DoD-Wide Intelligence Career Development Program (ICDP): General Intelligence Personnel; Defense Intelligence Special Career Automated System (DISCAS), July 1988, FOUO
DoD O-2000.12-H, DoD Antiterrorism Handbook, February 2004, FOUO
DoD O-2000.12-P, DoD Antiterrorism Strategic Plan, June 2004, FOUO
DoD O-5200.1-1, Index of Security Classification Guides, September 1996, FOUO
DoD O-5505.9-M, Manual for Interception of Wire, Electronic and Oral Communication for Law Enforcement (the Manual, NOT the Directive).
DoD O-5505.9-M, Procedures for Wire, Electronic, and Oral Interceptions for Law Enforcement, May 1995, FOUO
DoD O-8530.01-M, Department of Defense Computer Network Defense (CND) Service Provider Certification and Accreditation Program, December 17, 2003, FOUO
DTM 08-109, Establishment of the DoD Special Communications Enterprise Office (SCEO), June 11, 2008, FOUO
DTM-08-048, Supply Chain Risk Management (SCRM) to Improve the Integrity of Components Used in DoD Systems, February 19, 2009, FOUO