7 March 2002
Source: http://www.usdoj.gov/ag/speeches/2002/030502newsconferencenationalsecuritycoordinationcouncil.htm

                       Attorney General Transcript
          News Conference - National Security Coordination Council
                           Tuesday, March 5, 2002
                           DOJ Conference Center

     ATTY GEN. JOHN ASHCROFT: Good afternoon. Next Monday will mark
     six months since terrorists awakened America to the defense of
     freedom. For six months, the men and women of the Department of
     Justice have joined with their colleagues in state and local law
     enforcement in a campaign to mobilize the vast resources of our
     justice system and the awesome moral force of to defeat

     The president has charged us with a critical mission: to protect
     our nation and its citizens from serious, immediate, ongoing
     threats. To fulfill this mission, the Department of Justice has
     launched the most comprehensive criminal investigation in world
     history. We've embarked on a wartime reorganization of the
     Department of Justice, putting the prevention of terrorist
     attacks at the center of our law enforcement mission. 

     Outside Washington, we have forged new relationships of
     cooperation with state and local law enforcement. We have
     organized federal, state and local law enforcement into regional
     anti-terrorism teams. Hundreds of thousands of leads, many from
     concerned and responsible citizens, have been investigated by the
     Federal Bureau of Investigation. Over 100 individuals have been

     Among the most important lessons we have learned is the lesson
     that countering a threat as vast and as complex as international
     terrorism requires unprecedented cooperation and coordination. No
     single individual, agency, department or government can succeed
     alone. We have instead sought to weave a seamless web of
     prevention, involving not just government but businesses and
     communities, state and local governmental operations, citizens in
     a united effort to identify, disrupt and dismantle terrorist

     Within the Department of Justice, we recognize the concomitant
     need to marshal our formidable resources to fight terrorism in
     the most effective manner possible. Accordingly, today I
     amannouncing the creation of the National Security Coordination
     Council of the Department of Justice. The principle mission of
     the National Security Coordination Council will be ensure a more
     seamless coordination of all functions of the department relating
     to national security, particularly our efforts tocombat

     The National Security Coordination Council will complement and
     build on the Department of Justice efforts to protect the nation
     from terrorism and other national security threats. It will also
     be the department's voice on these issues to other federal
     agencies. Chairing the National Security Coordination Council
     will be an undertaking that requires leadership, principled
     commitment to justice, and an expert understanding of the threats
     facing our nation, and the large tools at our disposal to defeat
     those threats. 

     I can think of no better nor more qualified public servant than
     Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson to fill this role. Since
     September the 11th, he has worked tirelessly both within the
     Department of Justice and in cooperation with other government
     agencies to pursue every avenue within the law to identify and
     prevent terrorist attacks on Americans. He is and has been a
     courageous leader in the Department of Justice. He is a very
     valuable, faithful servant to the president of the United States
     and a dogged advocate of justice. 

     Personally, I have learned to rely on Larry Thompson to the
     highest level possible. Each morning we receive the reports
     together about information developed in the previous day's work
     by intelligence and law enforcement agencies. He shepherds the
     responsibilities related to the Justice Department's role in
     national security in relationships with other agencies of the
     federal government. He has been an active leader among deputies
     of various departments in coordinating the responses of these
     departments to make sure that we offer the American people the
     most secure effort that we could possibly offer from the federal
     level. He has worked aggressively to build relationships with
     state and local authorities so that we have the kind of vertical
     integration of law enforcement and information, including
     intelligence that can be gained from those at the local level and
     sent to us at the federal level. 

     And it's with a sense of great confidence that I call upon him to
     fulfill this responsibility. I know of no person anywhere inside
     government or out who could undertake this responsibility with a
     greater likelihood of success than Larry. And I am grateful that
     he has accepted the responsibility of chairman of the National
     Security Coordination Council of the Department of Justice. 

     Now, before I turn this even over to the deputy attorney general,
     I would like to mention and discuss the DNA samples being taken
     from detainees at Guantanamo Bay. 

     Currently, the United States government is collecting and using
     the collection of DNA samples as a standard identification tool
     of these detainees. And as we discussed yesterday, the FBI
     oversees the combined DNA index system, or what is called CODIS.
     That's the national DNA index. While the law does not currently
     allow law enforcement to collect DNA samples and use them, the
     law --pardon me, let me just start that again -- the law does
     allow law enforcement to use DNA samples.The law does not allow
     these samples to be entered into the DNA database because the
     samples do not fit categories currently housed in CODIS. What I'm
     saying is that the samples collected from detainees in the war
     effort are not among the categories that would currently fit in
     the CODIS system. We believe that this law should be changed. 

     The Department of Justice is currently reviewing a legislative
     proposal that would allow these samples to be entered into the
     CODIS system, and that would assist law enforcement officials in
     the identification of those who might seek to harm the United
     States and U.S. interests through terrorism, either now or in the

     Let me just go over that one more time. Law enforcement uses DNA
     to identify those who have been convicted or charged with various
     law enforcement offenses, and there are categories for those
     kinds of collections to be included in the CODIS system. There is
     no category in the CODIS system for inclusion of detainees in a
     war or conflict, and we believe that that would be an appropriate
     amendment in the interests of the public safety of the United
     States and we will seek that. 

     We are also obtaining fingerprints from detainees. Those
     fingerprints will be added to the criminal law enforcement
     database for the United States and the database used to screen
     entrants into the United States. 

     Now, back to the major reason for this opportunity to speak with
     you, and that's the introduction of Larry Thompson, whose
     responsibility it will be to chair that national security council
     for the Department of Justice. And I'm delighted that he's agreed
     to be involved in getting that job done and doing it well. Doing
     it well and getting it done will not be strange enterprises to
     Larry. He's been acting in that role with great skill and with a
     tremendous degree of success over the last several months, and
     I'm delighted to be able to introduce him to you at this time. 

     Larry, thank you. 

     MR. THOMPSON: He left me alone. (Laughter.) I want to thank
     Attorney General Ashcroft. Iespecially want to thank him for the
     confidence that he has in me and in the men and women of my

     The first priority of the Department of Justice, bar none, is
     combating the threat of terrorist attacks. The attorney general's
     creation of the National Security Coordination Council adds a
     significant weapon to our arsenal in that battle. The council
     dedicates the leadership of the department to ensure the
     participation of all elements within and outside the department
     that can enhance our counter-terrorism efforts. The council will
     assemble knowledge, intelligence, and expertise from every corner
     of the department. We will better coordinate policy, planning and
     operations, and more efficiently allocate resources in our
     paramount mission to prevent, defeat and disrupt terrorist
     attacks before they occur. 

     The council will frame national security issues for resolution by
     the attorney general or me,ensuring that we make decisions with
     the benefit of the wealth and breadth of counter-terrorism
     experience in the department and throughout government. 

     Joining me on the council will be the director of the FBI with
     the participation of the executive assistant director for
     counter-terrorism and counter-intelligence; the commissioner of
     the INS; the chief of staff of the attorney general; the
     assistant attorney general of the Criminal Division, with
     appropriate participation of the Terrorism and Violent Crimes
     Section and the Office of International Affairs, as well as other
     components of that division; the assistant attorney general for
     the Office of Justice programs; and the counsel of the Office of
     Intelligence and Policy Review. 

     Other department officials as well as representatives from other
     agencies, such as the CIA and Department of Defense, will be
     invited to attend council meetings and participate in council
     deliberations and discussions as necessary and appropriate. For
     example, the interconnection of the war on terrorism and our
     anti-drug efforts may occasionally require the participation of
     DEA Administrator Asa Hutchinson. The council will convene at
     least biweekly and more frequently asevents dictate. 

     This new structure will help us marshal our wide ranging
     resources to develop, direct andexecute our counter-terrorism
     strategy to eliminate terrorist threats before they develop into
     terroristacts. While counter-terrorism coordination and emphasis
     have been a way of life for us sinceSeptember 11th, today's
     creation of this council marks a significant advance, in my
     opinion, in thedepartment's fight against terrorism. No other
     enforcement priority of the department has garneredthis intensity
     of focus. No other enforcement priority of the department has
     ensured this degree ofseamless leadership coordination. And no
     other enforcement priority of the department hascombined this
     breadth of multi-disciplinary participation, reflecting our
     counter -- excuse me,reflecting our comprehensive and united
     counter-terrorism effort. 

     The department's unity in this important effort mirrors our own
     nation's unity. Ours is one people dedicated to one goal -- to
     protect our country against the threat of terrorism. Through this
     new structure, we firmly declare our purpose, to draw on every
     legal weapon at our disposal to accomplish our common aim. 

     Thank you. And I'll be happy to try to answer any questions you
     may have. 

     Q Larry, when you create a council to coordinate things
     seamlessly, it kind of implies that things have been coordinated
     seamlessly before. Was there a situation that drove the creation
     of this council? 

     MR. THOMPSON: Quite the contrary. Since September 11th, and
     especially September 11th,we have been working very hard to do
     everything that we possibly can to be as efficient, as effective,
     and to react in as a rapid response as we can to the terrorist
     threats that we face. We've considered some things that make a
     lot of sense to us, and, quite frankly, we've considered
     somethings that didn't work out. This council effort, today's
     announcement, marks the creation of what we believe, after the
     experience that we've had since September 11th, what we believe
     works, and what we believe we need to have to move forward as a
     department in our important counter-terrorism efforts. 

     Q There have been some questions as to whether you can handle the
     counter-terrorism and the Enron investigation. Do you think that
     at this point you're going to have to step down? 

     MR. THOMPSON: No, I don't think so. As I mentioned, I have
     confidence in the attorney general and the fine men and women in
     my office -- and, quite frankly, the fine men and women in this
     department. I am one of the leaders of the department, but I'm
     confident that with the effort, the expertise, and the hard work
     of the other men and women of this department that we can handle
     diligently and responsibly all the things that are on our plate. 

     Yes sir. 

     Q Two quick questions. One is, what will happen now that this
     council is in effect that is not happening before this? I mean,
     obviously coordination, and communication, and officials are
     meeting. What exactly will be done that won't -- that hasn't been
     done before? And on the DNA, some critics have said that it's not
     fair, these people have not been convicted. It's not -- it's a
     violation of civil rights to use the DNA. What's your response? 

     MR. THOMPSON: Let me respond to the first -- your first question.
     The council has some budgetary implications, and so hopefully
     when this new council is reviewed and approved by Congress we
     will have more resources -- seven additional positions to help us
     in our fight against terrorism. And secondly, it provides more of
     a structure and more of a formal -- formal focus on how we are
     going to coordinate our counter-terrorism efforts. And I think
     it's something that we have done, but not in a formal way. And I
     think it's appropriate and good to do it -- to establish amore
     formal mechanism at this time. 

     Q There are some reports recirculating today that the U.S. has
     supposedly broken an Israeli spyring. These are reports that have
     come up and been denied in the past. I'm wondering if you could
     put this to rest finally, or tell us if there anything to it. 

     MR. THOMPSON: I'm not going to comment on that. 

     Q Does this replace EONS (ph)? 

     MR. THOMPSON: The function of EONS (ph) will be incorporated into
     the new council, Deborah. 

     Q How much of a budget are you requesting? 

     MR. THOMPSON: It's seven new positions. I'm not certain as to how
     much that amount would-- Okay. 

     Q Can you address the DNA question? Can you reply to the

     MR. THOMPSON: I'm sorry, I have to go to another meeting. 
