See prior amendments: http://cryptome.org/0001/eo12333-amend.htm
Cryptome has inserted into the previoulsy amended EO12333 amendments ordered
on July 30, 2008. text indicates
strikes and text indicates insertions. The
cleaned-up amended text follows the tracked
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2008 16:27:05 -0500 (CDT)
From: Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Subject: Statement by the Director of National Intelligence - Mr. Mike McConnell
Statement by the Director of National Intelligence
Mr. Mike McConnell
On July 30, 2008, President Bush signed a revision to Executive Order (EO) 12333 [below].
Originally signed in 1981 by President Reagan, Executive Order 12333 has been the cornerstone of the Intelligence Community (IC) for over a quarter of a century and has served our Community well. Although amended previously in 2003 and 2004 before the passage of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Action (IRTPA), the Order had not been revised to conform to the Intelligence Reform Act.
With the rise of new national security institutions and to improve our ability to address the national security threats of our day and into the future, it was time to update this foundational policy document to reflect these new realities and to take the next step in intelligence reform to strengthen our collective ability to support our country's security efforts.
The revised executive order addresses four main objectives:
Align DNI authorities with the requirements of IRTPA.Respond further to key findings of the 9/11 and WMD Commissions.
Strengthen the DNI's ability to lead the IC as a unified enterprise.
Maintain or strengthen the protections for privacy rights and civil liberties. All current EO12333 procedures governing collection, retention and dissemination of U.S. person information remain in effect.
Under the leadership of the National Security Council, and with the support of the Community s leadership, we produced a draft Executive Order for the President that will strengthen our Community, and most importantly, serve our nation.
This Executive Order is the next, necessary step in intelligence reform and upholds the key themes of intelligence reform, namely: that the sum of our parts will produce better intelligence than each intelligence element individually; that we need a dedicated official the DNI with the responsibility and authority to lead and integrate this Community; and that the decentralized structure of the Community should remain intact, with most IC elements remaining embedded in cabinet departments.
This is truly a historic day for our Community and the nation. I believe wholeheartedly that this revised Executive Order will have a real and lasting effect, fostering a true Intelligence Community.
# # #
For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
July 31, 2008
Order: Further Amendments to Executive Order 12333, United States Intelligence
By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458), and in order to update and clarify Executive Order 13355 of August 27, 2004, Executive Order 12333 of December 4, 1981, as amended, is hereby further amended as follows:
Section 1. The Preamble to Executive Order 12333, as amended, is further amended by:
(a) Striking "and" and inserting in lieu thereof a comma before the word "accurate", and inserting ", and insightful" after the word "accurate" in the first sentence;
(b) Striking "statutes" and inserting in lieu thereof "the laws" before "of the United States of America" in the third sentence; and
(c) Striking "the" before "United States intelligence activities" in the third sentence.
[Amended text by Cryptome.]
accurate, and insightful information
about the activities, capabilities, plans, and intentions of foreign powers,
organizations, and persons and their agents, is essential to the national
security of the United States. All reasonable and lawful means must be used
to ensure that the United States will receive the best intelligence available.
For that purpose, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution
and statutes
the laws of the United States of America, including
the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and as President of the United
States of America, in order to provide for
the effective conduct of United
States intelligence activities and the protection of constitutional rights,
it is hereby ordered as follows:
Sec. 2. Executive Order 12333, as amended, is further amended by striking Part 1 in its entirety
[Amended text by Cryptome.]
PART 1 Goals, Direction, Duties and
Responsibilities With Respect to the National Intelligence
1.1 Goals.
The United States intelligence effort shall
provide the President and the National Security Council with the necessary
information on which to base decisions concerning the conduct and development
of foreign, defense and economic policy, and the protection of United States
national interests from foreign security threats. All departments and agencies
shall cooperate fully to fulfill this goal.
(a) Maximum emphasis should be given to fostering analytical competition among appropriate elements of the Intelligence Community.
(b) All means, consistent with applicable United States law and this Order, and with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, shall be used to develop intelligence information for the President and the National Security Council. A balanced approach between technical collection efforts and other means should be maintained and encouraged.
(c) Special emphasis should be given to detecting and countering espionage and other threats and activities directed by foreign intelligence services against the United States Government, or United States corporations, establishments, or persons.
(d) To the greatest extent possible consistent with applicable United States law and this Order, and with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, all agencies and departments should seek to ensure full and free exchange of information in order to derive maximum benefit from the United States intelligence effort.
1.2 The National Security
(a) Purpose. The National Security Council (NSC) was established by the National Security Act of 1947 to advise the President with respect to the integration of domestic, foreign and military policies relating to the national security. The NSC shall act as the highest Executive Branch entity that provides review of, guidance for and direction to the conduct of all national foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, and special activities, and attendant policies and programs.
(b) Committees. The NSC shall establish such committees as may be necessary to carry out its functions and responsibilities under this Order. The NSC, or a committee established by it, shall consider and submit to the President a policy recommendation, including all dissents, on each special activity and shall review proposals for other sensitive intelligence operations.
1.3 National Foreign Intelligence Advisory
(a) Establishment and Duties. The Director of Central Intelligence shall establish such boards, councils, or groups as required for the purpose of obtaining advice from within the Intelligence Community concerning:(1) Production, review and coordination of national foreign intelligence;
(2) Priorities for the National Foreign Intelligence Program budget;
(3) Interagency exchanges of foreign intelligence information;
(4) Arrangements with foreign governments on intelligence matters;
(5) Protection of intelligence sources and methods;
(6) Activities of common concern; and
(7) Such other matters as may be referred by the Director of Central Intelligence.
(b) Membership. Advisory groups established pursuant to this section shall be chaired by the Director of Central Intelligence or his designated representative and shall consist of senior representatives from organizations within the Intelligence Community and from departments or agencies containing such organizations, as designated by the Director of Central Intelligence. Groups for consideration of substantive intelligence matters will include representatives of organizations involved in the collection, processing and analysis of intelligence. A senior representative of the Secretary of Commerce, the Attorney General, the Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, and the Office of the Secretary of Defense shall be invited to participate in any group which deals with other than substantive intelligence matters.
1.4 The Intelligence Community. The agencies
within the Intelligence Community shall, in accordance with applicable United
States law and with the other provisions of this Order, conduct intelligence
activities necessary for the conduct of foreign relations and the protection
of the national security of the United States, including:
(a) Collection of information needed by the President and, in the performance of Executive functions, the Vice President, the National Security Council, the Secretaries of State and Defense, and other Executive Branch officials for the performance of their duties and responsibilities;
(b) Production and dissemination of intelligence;
(c) Collection of information concerning, and the conduct of activities to protect against, intelligence activities directed against the United States, international terrorist and international narcotics activities, and other hostile activities directed against the United States by foreign powers, organizations, persons, and their agents;
(d) Special activities;
(e) Administrative and support activities within the United States and abroad necessary for the performance of authorized activities; and
(f) Such other intelligence activities as the President may direct from time to time.
1.5 Director of Central
In order to discharge the duties and
responsibilities prescribed by law, the Director of Central Intelligence
shall be responsible directly to the President and the NSC and
(a) Act as the primary adviser to the President and the NSC on national foreign intelligence and provide the President and other officials in the Executive Branch with national foreign intelligence;
(a)(1) Act as the principal adviser to the President for intelligence matters related to the national security; and(2) Act as the principal adviser to the National Security Council and Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to the national security; and
(b) Develop such objectives and guidance for the Intelligence Community as will enhance capabilities for responding to expected future needs for national foreign intelligence;
(b)(1) Develop such objectives and guidance for the Intelligence Community necessary, in the Director's judgment, to ensure timely and effective collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence, of whatever nature and from whatever source derived, concerning current and potential threats to the security of the United States and its interests, and to ensure that the National Foreign Intelligence Program (NFIP) is structured adequately to achieve these requirements; and(2) Working with the Intelligence Community, ensure that United States intelligence collection activities are integrated in:(i) collecting against enduring and emerging national security intelligence issues;
(ii) maximizing the value to the national security; and
(iii) ensuring that all collected data is available to the maximum extent practicable for integration, analysis, and dissemination to those who can act on, add value to, or otherwise apply it to mission needs.
(c) Promote the development and maintenance of services of common concern by designated intelligence organizations on behalf of the Intelligence Community;
(d) Ensure implementation of special activities;
(e) Formulate policies concerning foreign intelligence and counterintelligence arrangements with foreign governments, coordinate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence relationships between agencies of the Intelligence Community and the intelligence or internal security services of foreign governments, and establish procedures governing the conduct of liaison by any department or agency with such services on narcotics activities;
(f) Participate in the development of procedures approved by the Attorney General governing criminal narcotics intelligence activities abroad to ensure that these activities are consistent with foreign intelligence programs;
(g) Ensure the establishment by the Intelligence Community of common security and access standards for managing and handling foreign intelligence systems, information, and products;
(g)(1) Establish common security and access standards for managing and handling intelligence systems, information, and products, with special emphasis on facilitating:(A) the fullest and most prompt sharing of information practicable, assigning the highest priority to detecting, preventing, preempting, and disrupting terrorist threats against our homeland, our people, our allies, and our interests; and
(B) the establishment of interface standards for an interoperable information sharing enterprise that facilitates the automated sharing of intelligence information among agencies within the Intelligence Community.(2) (A) Establish, operate, and direct national centers with respect to matters determined by the President for purposes of this subparagraph to be of the highest national security priority, with the functions of analysis and planning (including planning for diplomatic, financial, military, intelligence, homeland security, and law enforcement activities, and integration of such activities among departments and agencies) relating to such matters.(B) The countering of terrorism within the United States, or against citizens of the United States, our allies, and our interests abroad, is hereby determined to be a matter of the highest national security priority for purposes of subparagraph (2)(A) of this subsection.(3) Ensure that appropriate agencies and departments have access to and receive all-source intelligence support needed to perform independent, alternative analysis.
(h) Ensure that programs are developed which protect intelligence sources, methods, and analytical procedures;
(i) Establish uniform criteria for the determination of relative priorities for the transmission of critical national foreign intelligence, and advise the Secretary of Defense concerning the communications requirements of the Intelligence Community for the transmission of such intelligence;
(j) Establish appropriate staffs, committees, or other advisory groups to assist in the execution of the Director's responsibilities;
(k) Have full responsibility for production and dissemination of national foreign intelligence, and authority to levy analytic tasks on departmental intelligence production organizations, in consultation with those organizations, ensuring that appropriate mechanisms for competitive analysis are developed so that diverse points of view are considered fully and differences of judgment within the Intelligence Community are brought to the attention of national policymakers;
(l) Ensure the timely exploitation and dissemination of data gathered by national foreign intelligence collection means, and ensure that the resulting intelligence is disseminated immediately to appropriate government entities and military commands;
(m) Establish mechanisms which translate national foreign intelligence objectives and priorities approved by the NSC into specific guidance for the Intelligence Community, resolve conflicts in tasking priority, provide to departments and agencies having information collection capabilities that are not part of the National Foreign Intelligence Program advisory tasking concerning collection of national foreign intelligence, and provide for the development of plans and arrangements for transfer of required collection tasking authority to the Secretary of Defense when directed by the President;
(m)(1) Establish policies, procedures, and mechanisms that translate intelligence objectives and priorities approved by the President into specific guidance for the Intelligence Community.(2) In accordance with objectives and priorities approved by the President, establish collection requirements for the Intelligence Community, determine collection priorities, manage collection tasking, and resolve conflicts in the tasking of national collection assets (except when otherwise directed by the President or when the Secretary of Defense exercises collection tasking authority under plans and arrangements approved by the Secretary of Defense and the Director) of the Intelligence Community.
(3) Provide advisory tasking concerning collection of intelligence information to elements of the United States Government that have information collection capabilities and are not organizations within the Intelligence Community.
(4) The responsibilities in subsections 1.5(m)(2) and (3) apply, to the maximum extent consistent with applicable law, whether information is to be collected inside or outside the United States.
(n) Develop, with the advice of the program managers and departments and agencies concerned, the consolidated National Foreign Intelligence Program budget, and present it to the President and the Congress;
(o) Review and approve all requests for reprogramming National Foreign Intelligence Program funds, in accordance with guidelines established by the Office of Management and Budget;
(p) Monitor National Foreign Intelligence Program implementation, and, as necessary, conduct program and performance audits and evaluations;
(n)(1) Develop, determine, and present with the advice of the heads of departments or agencies that have an organization within the Intelligence Community, the annual consolidated NFIP budget. The Director shall be responsible for developing an integrated and balanced national intelligence program that is directly responsive to the national security threats facing the United States. The Director shall submit such budget (accompanied by dissenting views, if any, of the head of a department or agency that has an organization within the Intelligence Community) to the President for approval; and(2) Participate in the development by the Secretary of Defense of the annual budgets for the Joint Military Intelligence Program (JMIP) and the Tactical Intelligence and Related Activities (TIARA) Program.
(o)(1) Transfer, consistent with applicable law and with the approval of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, funds from an appropriation for the NFIP to another appropriation for the NFIP or to another NFIP component;(2) Review, and approve or disapprove, consistent with applicable law, any proposal to: (i) reprogram funds within an appropriation for the NFIP; (ii) transfer funds from an appropriation for the NFIP to an appropriation that is not for the NFIP within the Intelligence Community; or (iii) transfer funds from an appropriation that is not for the NFIP within the Intelligence Community to an appropriation for the NFIP; and
(3) Monitor and consult with the Secretary of Defense on reprogrammings or transfers of funds within, into, or out of, appropriations for the JMIP and the TIARA Program.
(p)(1) Monitor implementation and execution of the NFIP budget by the heads of departments or agencies that have an organization within the Intelligence Community, including, as necessary, by conducting program and performance audits and evaluations;(2) Monitor implementation of the JMIP and the TIARA Program and advise the Secretary of Defense thereon; and
(3) After consultation with the heads of relevant departments, report periodically, and not less often than semiannually, to the President on the effectiveness of implementation of the NFIP Program by organizations within the Intelligence Community, for which purpose the heads of departments and agencies shall ensure that the Director has access to programmatic, execution, and other appropriate information.
(q) Together with the Secretary of Defense, ensure that there is no unnecessary overlap between national foreign intelligence programs and Department of Defense intelligence programs consistent with the requirement to develop competitive analysis, and provide to and obtain from the Secretary of Defense all information necessary for this purpose;
(r) In accordance with law and relevant procedures approved by the Attorney General under this Order, give the heads of the departments and agencies access to all intelligence, developed by the CIA or the staff elements of the Director of Central Intelligence, relevant to the national intelligence needs of the departments and agencies; and
(s) Facilitate the use of national foreign intelligence products by Congress in a secure manner.
1.6 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads
of Executive Branch Departments and Agencies.
(a) The heads of all Executive Branch departments
and agencies shall, in accordance with law and relevant procedures approved
by the Attorney General under this Order, give the Director of Central
Intelligence access to all information relevant to the national intelligence
needs of the United States, and shall give due consideration to the requests
from the Director of Central Intelligence for appropriate support for
Intelligence Community activities.
(a) The heads of all departments and agencies
(1) Unless the Director provides otherwise, give the Director access to all foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, and national intelligence, as defined in the Act, that is relevant to transnational terrorist threats and weapons of mass destruction proliferation threats, including such relevant intelligence derived from activities of the FBI, DHS, and any other department or agency, and all other information that is related to the national security or that otherwise is required for the performance of the Director's duties, except such information that is prohibited by law, by the President, or by the Attorney General acting under this order at the direction of the President from being provided to the Director. The Attorney General shall agree to procedures with the Director pursuant to section 3(5)(B) of the Act no later than 90 days after the issuance of this order that ensure the Director receives all such information;
(2) support the Director in developing the NFIP;
(3) ensure that any intelligence and operational systems and architectures of their departments and agencies are consistent with national intelligence requirements set by the Director and all applicable information sharing and security guidelines, and information privacy requirements; and
(4) provide, to the extent permitted by law, subject to the availability of appropriations, and not inconsistent with the mission of the department or agency, such further support to the Director as the Director may request, after consultation with the head of the department or agency, for the performance of the Director's functions.
(b) The heads of departments and agencies involved
in the National Foreign Intelligence Program shall ensure timely development
and submission to the Director of Central Intelligence by the program managers
and heads of component activities of proposed national programs and budgets
in the format designated by the Director of Central Intelligence, and shall
also ensure that the Director of Central Intelligence is provided, in a timely
and responsive manner, all information necessary to perform the Director's
program and budget responsibilities.
(c) The heads of departments and agencies involved
in the National Foreign Intelligence Program may appeal to the President
decisions by the Director of Central Intelligence on budget or reprogramming
matters of the National Foreign Intelligence Program.
1.7 Senior Officials of the Intelligence
2 The Commandant and the Assistant Commandant for Intelligence of the Coast Guard shall each be considered a Senior Official of the Intelligence Community for purposes of Executive Order 12333 of Dec. 4, 1981 and all other relevant authorities, see section87 of Executive Order No. 13286, which is set out under 6 U.S.C.a. 111 note.
The heads of departments and agencies with
organizations in the Intelligence Community or the heads of such organizations,
as appropriate, shall:
(a) Report to the Attorney General possible violations of federal criminal laws by employees and of specified federal criminal laws by any other person as provided in procedures agreed upon by the Attorney General and the head of the department or agency concerned, in a manner consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, as specified in those procedures;
(b) In any case involving serious or continuing breaches of security, recommend to the Attorney General that the case be referred to the FBI for further investigation;
(c) Furnish to the Director of Central Intelligence and the NSC, in accordance with applicable law and procedures approved by the Attorney General under this Order, the information required for the performance of their respective its duties;
(d) Report to the Intelligence Oversight Board, and keep the Director of Central Intelligence appropriately informed, concerning any intelligence activities of their organizations that they have reason to believe may be unlawful or contrary to Executive order or Presidential directive;
(e) Protect intelligence and intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure consistent with guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence;
(f) Disseminate intelligence to cooperating foreign governments under arrangements established or agreed to by the Director of Central Intelligence;
(g) Participate in the development of procedures approved by the Attorney General governing production and dissemination of intelligence resulting from criminal narcotics intelligence activities abroad if their departments, agencies, or organizations have intelligence responsibilities for foreign or domestic narcotics production and trafficking;
(h) Instruct their employees to cooperate fully with the Intelligence Oversight Board; and
(i) Ensure that the Inspectors General and General Counsels for their organizations have access to any information necessary to perform their duties assigned by this Order.
1.8 The Central Intelligence
All duties and responsibilities of the CIA
shall be related to the intelligence functions set out below. As authorized
by this Order; the National Security Act of 1947, as amended; the CIA Act
of 1949, as amended; appropriate directives or other applicable law, the
CIA shall:
(a) Collect, produce and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, including information not otherwise obtainable. The collection of foreign intelligence or counterintelligence within the United States shall be coordinated with the FBI as required by procedures agreed upon by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Attorney General;
(b) Collect, produce and disseminate intelligence on foreign aspects of narcotics production and trafficking;
(c) Conduct counterintelligence activities outside the United States and, without assuming or performing any internal security functions, conduct counterintelligence activities within the United States in coordination with the FBI as required by procedures agreed upon by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Attorney General;
(d) Coordinate counterintelligence activities and the collection of information not otherwise obtainable when conducted outside the United States by other departments and agencies;
(e) Conduct special activities approved by the President. No agency except the CIA (or the Armed Forces of the United States in time of war declared by Congress or during any period covered by a report from the President to the Congress under the War Powers Resolution (87 Stat. 855)1) may conduct any special activity unless the President determines that another agency is more likely to achieve a particular objective;
(f) Conduct services of common concern for the Intelligence Community as directed by the NSC;
(g) Carry out or contract for research, development and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized functions;
(h) Protect the security of its installations, activities, information, property, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the CIA as are necessary; and
(i) Conduct such administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as are necessary to perform the functions described in sections (a) through (h) above, including procurement and essential cover and proprietary arrangements.
1.9 The Department of State.
The Secretary of State shall:
(a) Overtly collect information relevant to United States foreign policy concerns;
(b) Produce and disseminate foreign intelligence relating to United States foreign policy as required for the execution of the Secretary's responsibilities;
(c) Disseminate, as appropriate, reports received from United States diplomatic and consular posts;
(d) Transmit reporting requirements of the Intelligence Community to the Chiefs of United States Missions abroad; and
(e) Support Chiefs of Missions in discharging their statutory responsibilities for direction and coordination of mission activities.
1.10 The Department of the Treasury. The Secretary
of the Treasury shall: The Department of the Treasury and the Department
of Homeland Security.
(a) Overtly collect foreign financial and monetary information;
(b) Participate with the Department of State in the overt collection of general foreign economic information;
(c) Produce and disseminate foreign intelligence relating to United States economic policy as required for the execution of the Secretary's responsibilities; and
(d) Conduct, through the United States Secret Service, activities to determine the existence and capability of surveillance equipment being used against the President or the Vice President of the United States, the Executive Office of the President, and, as authorized by the Secretary of the Treasury the Secretary of Homeland Security or the President, other Secret Service protectees and United States officials. No information shall be acquired intentionally through such activities except to protect against such surveillance, and those activities shall be conducted pursuant to procedures agreed upon by the Secretary of the Treasury the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General.
1.11 The Department of Defense.
The Secretary of Defense shall:
(a) Collect national foreign intelligence and be responsive to collection tasking by the Director of Central Intelligence;
(b) Collect, produce and disseminate military and military-related foreign intelligence and counterintelligence as required for execution of the Secretary's responsibilities;
(c) Conduct programs and missions necessary to fulfill national, departmental and tactical foreign intelligence requirements;
(d) Conduct counterintelligence activities in support of Department of Defense components outside the United States in coordination with the CIA, and within the United States in coordination with the FBI pursuant to procedures agreed upon by the Secretary of Defense and the Attorney General;
(e) Conduct, as the executive agent of the United States Government, signals intelligence and communications security activities, except as otherwise directed by the NSC;
(f) Provide for the timely transmission of critical intelligence, as defined by the Director of Central Intelligence, within the United States Government;
(g) Carry out or contract for research, development and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized intelligence functions;
(h) Protect the security of Department of Defense installations, activities, property, information, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the Department of Defense as are necessary;
(i) Establish and maintain military intelligence relationships and military intelligence exchange programs with selected cooperative foreign defense establishments and international organizations, and ensure that such relationships and programs are in accordance with policies formulated by the Director of Central Intelligence;
(j) Direct, operate, control and provide fiscal management for the National Security Agency and for defense and military intelligence and national reconnaissance entities; and
(k) Conduct such administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as are necessary to perform the functions described in sections (a) through (j) above.
1.12 Intelligence Components Utilized by the
Secretary of Defense.
In carrying out the responsibilities assigned
in section 1.11, the Secretary of Defense is authorized to utilize the
(a) Defense Intelligence Agency, whose responsibilities shall include;(1) Collection, production, or, through tasking and coordination, provision of military and military-related intelligence for the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, other Defense components, and, as appropriate, non-Defense agencies;
(2) Collection and provision of military intelligence for national foreign intelligence and counterintelligence products;
(3) Coordination of all Department of Defense intelligence collection requirements;
(4) Management of the Defense Attache system; and
(5) Provision of foreign intelligence and counterintelligence staff support as directed by the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
(b) National Security Agency, whose responsibilities shall include:(1) Establishment and operation of an effective unified organization for signals intelligence activities, except for the delegation of operational control over certain operations that are conducted through other elements of the Intelligence Community. No other department or agency may engage in signals intelligence activities except pursuant to a delegation by the Secretary of Defense;
(2) Control of signals intelligence collection and processing activities, including assignment of resources to an appropriate agent for such periods and tasks as required for the direct support of military commanders;
(3) Collection of signals intelligence information for national foreign intelligence purposes in accordance with guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence;
(4) Processing of signals intelligence data for national foreign intelligence purposes in accordance with guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence;
(5) Dissemination of signals intelligence information for national foreign intelligence purposes to authorized elements of the Government, including the military services, in accordance with guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence;
(6) Collection, processing and dissemination of signals intelligence information for counterintelligence purposes;
(7) Provision of signals intelligence support for the conduct of military operations in accordance with tasking, priorities, and standards of timeliness assigned by the Secretary of Defense. If provision of such support requires use of national collection systems, these systems will be tasked within existing guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence;
(8) Executing the responsibilities of the Secretary of Defense as executive agent for the communications security of the United States Government;
(9) Conduct of research and development to meet the needs of the United States for signals intelligence and communications security;
(10) Protection of the security of its installations, activities, property, information, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the NSA as are necessary;
(11) Prescribing, within its field of authorized operations, security regulations covering operating practices, including the transmission, handling and distribution of signals intelligence and communications security material within and among the elements under control of the Director of the NSA, and exercising the necessary supervisory control to ensure compliance with the regulations;
(12) Conduct of foreign cryptologic liaison relationships, with liaison for intelligence purposes conducted in accordance with policies formulated by the Director of Central Intelligence; and
(13) Conduct of such administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as are necessary to perform the functions described in sections (1) through (12) above, including procurement.
(c) Offices for the collection of specialized intelligence through reconnaissance programs, whose responsibilities shall include:(1) Carrying out consolidated reconnaissance programs for specialized intelligence;
(2) Responding to tasking in accordance with procedures established by the Director of Central Intelligence; and
(3) Delegating authority to the various departments and agencies for research, development, procurement, and operation of designated means of collection.
(d) The foreign intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, whose responsibilities shall include:(1) Collection, production and dissemination of military and military-related foreign intelligence and counterintelligence, and information on the foreign aspects of narcotics production and trafficking. When collection is conducted in response to national foreign intelligence requirements, it will be conducted in accordance with guidance from the Director of Central Intelligence. Collection of national foreign intelligence, not otherwise obtainable, outside the United States shall be coordinated with the CIA, and such collection within the United States shall be coordinated with the FBI;
(2) Conduct of counterintelligence activities outside the United States in coordination with the CIA, and within the United States in coordination with the FBI; and
(3) Monitoring of the development, procurement and management of tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conducting related research, development, and test and evaluation activities.
(e) Other offices within the Department of Defense appropriate for conduct of the intelligence missions and responsibilities assigned to the Secretary of Defense. If such other offices are used for intelligence purposes, the provisions of Part 2 of this Order shall apply to those offices when used for those purposes.
1.13 The Department of Energy.
The Secretary of Energy shall:
(a) Participate with the Department of State in overtly collecting information with respect to foreign energy matters;
(b) Produce and disseminate foreign intelligence necessary for the Secretary's responsibilities;
(c) Participate in formulating intelligence collection and analysis requirements where the special expert capability of the Department can contribute; and
(d) Provide expert technical, analytical and research capability to other agencies within the Intelligence Community.
1.14 The Federal Bureau of
Under the supervision of the Attorney General
and pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the
Director of the FBI shall:
(a) Within the United States conduct counterintelligence and coordinate counterintelligence activities of other agencies within the Intelligence Community. When a counterintelligence activity of the FBI involves military or civilian personnel of the Department of Defense, the FBI shall coordinate with the Department of Defense;
(b) Conduct counterintelligence activities outside the United States in coordination with the CIA as required by procedures agreed upon by the Director of Central Intelligence and the Attorney General;
(c) Conduct within the United States, when requested by officials of the Intelligence Community designated by the President, activities undertaken to collect foreign intelligence or support foreign intelligence collection requirements of other agencies within the Intelligence Community, or, when requested by the Director of the National Security Agency, to support the communications security activities of the United States Government;
(d) Produce and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence; and
(e) Carry out or contract for research, development and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to the functions authorized above.
and inserting in lieu thereof the following new part:
PART 1 Goals, Directions, Duties, and Responsibilities with Respect to United States Intelligence Efforts
1.1 Goals. The United States
intelligence effort shall provide the President, the National Security Council,
and the Homeland Security Council with the necessary information on which
to base decisions concerning the development and conduct of foreign,
defense, and economic policies, and the protection of
United States national interests from foreign security threats. All
departments and agencies shall cooperate fully to fulfill this goal.
(a) All means, consistent with applicable Federal law and this order, and with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, shall be used to obtain reliable intelligence information to protect the United States and its interests.
(b) The United States Government has a solemn obligation, and shall continue in the conduct of intelligence activities under this order, to protect fully the legal rights of all United States persons, including freedoms, civil liberties, and privacy rights guaranteed by Federal law.
(c) Intelligence collection under this order should be guided by the need for information to respond to intelligence priorities set by the President.
(d) Special emphasis should be given to detecting and countering:
(1) Espionage and other threats and activities directed by foreign powers or their intelligence services against the United States and its interests;(2) Threats to the United States and its interests from terrorism; and
(3) Threats to the United States and its interests from the development, possession, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass destruction.
(e) Special emphasis
shall be given to the production of timely, accurate, and insightful
reports, responsive to decisionmakers in the executive branch, that draw
on all appropriate sources of information, including open source
information, meet rigorous analytic standards, consider diverse analytic
viewpoints, and accurately represent appropriate alternative views.
(f) State, local, and tribal governments are critical partners in securing and defending the United States from terrorism and other threats to the United States and its interests. Our national intelligence effort should take into account the responsibilities and requirements of State, local, and tribal governments and, as appropriate, private sector entities, when undertaking the collection and dissemination of information and intelligence to protect the United States.
(g) All departments and agencies have a responsibility to prepare and to provide intelligence in a manner that allows the full and free exchange of information, consistent with applicable law and presidential guidance.
1.2 The National Security Council.
(a) Purpose. The National Security Council (NSC) shall act as the highest ranking executive branch entity that provides support to the President for review of, guidance for, and direction to the conduct of all foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, and covert action, and attendant policies and programs.
(b) Covert Action
and Other Sensitive Intelligence Operations. The NSC shall consider
and submit to the President a policy recommendation, including all dissents,
on each proposed covert action and conduct a periodic review of ongoing covert
action activities, including an evaluation of the effectiveness and consistency
with current national policy of such activities and consistency with
applicable legal requirements. The NSC shall perform such other
related to covert action as the President may direct, but shall not undertake
the conduct of covert actions. The NSC shall also review proposals
for other sensitive intelligence operations.
1.3 Director of National Intelligence. Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President, the Director of National Intelligence (Director) shall serve as the head of the Intelligence Community, act as the principal adviser to the President, to the NSC, and to the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security, and shall oversee and direct the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and execution of the National Intelligence Program budget. The Director will lead a unified, coordinated, and effective intelligence effort. In addition, the Director shall, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities under this section, take into account the views of the heads of departments containing an element of the Intelligence Community and of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
(a) Except as otherwise directed by the President or prohibited by law, the Director shall have access to all information and intelligence described in section 1.5(a) of this order. For the purpose of access to and sharing of information and intelligence, the Director:
(1) Is hereby assigned the function under section 3(5) of the Act, to determine that intelligence, regardless of the source from which derived and including information gathered within or outside the United States, pertains to more than one United States Government agency; and(2) Shall develop guidelines for how information or intelligence is provided to or accessed by the Intelligence Community in accordance with
section 1.5(a) of this order, and for how the information or intelligence may be used and shared by the Intelligence Community. All guidelines developed in accordance with this section shall be approved by the Attorney General and, where applicable, shall be consistent with guidelines issued pursuant to section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458) (IRTPA).
(b) In addition to fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities prescribed by the Act, the Director:
(1) Shall establish objectives, priorities, and guidance for the Intelligence Community to ensure timely and effective collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence, of whatever nature and from whatever source derived;(2) May designate, in consultation with affected heads of departments or Intelligence Community elements, one or more Intelligence Community elements to develop and to maintain services of common concern on behalf of the Intelligence Community if the Director determines such services can be more efficiently or effectively accomplished in a consolidated manner;
(3) Shall oversee and provide advice to the President and the NSC with respect to all ongoing and proposed covert action programs;
(4) In regard to the establishment and conduct of intelligence arrangements and agreements with foreign governments and international organizations:
(A) May enter into intelligence and counterintelligence arrangements and agreements with foreign governments and international organizations;(B) Shall formulate policies concerning intelligence and counterintelligence arrangements and agreements with foreign governments and international organizations; and
(C) Shall align and synchronize intelligence and counterintelligence foreign relationships among the elements of the Intelligence Community to further United States national security, policy, and intelligence objectives;
(5) Shall participate in the development of procedures approved by the Attorney General governing criminal drug intelligence activities abroad to ensure that these activities are consistent with foreign intelligence programs;
(6) Shall establish common security and access standards for managing and handling intelligence systems, information, and products, with special emphasis on facilitating:
(A) The fullest and most prompt access to and dissemination of information and intelligence practicable, assigning the highest priority to detecting, preventing, preempting, and disrupting terrorist threats and activities against the United States, its interests, and allies; and(B) The establishment of standards for an interoperable information sharing enterprise that facilitates the sharing of intelligence information among elements of the Intelligence Community;
(7) Shall ensure that appropriate departments and agencies have access to intelligence and receive the support needed to perform independent analysis;
(8) Shall protect, and ensure that programs are developed to protect, intelligence sources, methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure;
(9) Shall, after consultation with the heads of affected departments and agencies, establish guidelines for Intelligence Community elements for:
(A) Classification and declassification of all intelligence and intelligence-related information classified under the authority of the Director or the authority of the head of a department or Intelligence Community element; and(B) Access to and dissemination of all intelligence and intelligence-related information, both in its final form and in the form when initially gathered, to include intelligence originally classified by the head of a department or Intelligence Community element, except that access to and dissemination of information concerning United States persons shall be governed by procedures developed in accordance with Part 2 of this order;
(10) May, only with respect to Intelligence Community elements, and after consultation with the
head of the originating Intelligence Community element
or the head of the originating department, declassify, or direct the declassification of, information or intelligence relating to intelligence sources, methods, and activities. The Director may only delegate this authority to the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence;(11) May establish, operate, and direct one or more national intelligence centers to address intelligence priorities;
(12) May establish Functional Managers and Mission Managers, and designate officers or employees of the United States to serve in these positions.
(A) Functional Managers shall report to the Director concerning the execution of their duties as Functional Managers, and may be charged with developing and implementing strategic guidance, policies, and procedures for activities related to a specific intelligence discipline or set of intelligence activities; set training and tradecraft standards; and ensure coordination within and across intelligence disciplines and Intelligence Community elements and with related non-intelligence activities. Functional Managers may also advise the Director on: the management of resources; policies and procedures; collection capabilities and gaps; processing and dissemination of intelligence; technical architectures; and other issues or activities determined by the Director.(i) The Director of the National Security Agency is designated the Functional Manager for signals intelligence;(ii) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is designated the Functional Manager for human intelligence; and
(iii) The Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is designated the Functional Manager for geospatial intelligence.
(B) Mission Managers shall serve as principal substantive advisors on all or specified aspects of intelligence related to designated countries, regions, topics, or functional issues;
(13) Shall establish uniform criteria for the determination of relative priorities for the transmission of critical foreign intelligence, and advise the Secretary of Defense concerning the communications requirements of the Intelligence Community for the transmission of such communications;
(14) Shall have ultimate responsibility for production and dissemination of intelligence produced by the Intelligence Community and authority to levy analytic tasks on intelligence production organizations within the Intelligence Community, in consultation with the heads of the Intelligence Community elements concerned;
(15) May establish advisory groups for the purpose of obtaining advice from within the Intelligence Community to carry out the Director's
responsibilities, to include Intelligence Community executive management committees composed of senior Intelligence Community leaders. Advisory groups shall consist of representatives from elements of the Intelligence Community, as designated by the Director, or other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices, as appropriate;(16) Shall ensure the timely exploitation and dissemination of data gathered by national intelligence collection means, and ensure that the resulting intelligence is disseminated immediately to appropriate government elements, including military commands;
(17) Shall determine requirements and priorities for, and manage and direct the tasking, collection, analysis, production, and dissemination of, national intelligence by elements of the Intelligence Community, including approving requirements for collection and analysis and resolving conflicts in collection requirements and in the tasking of national collection assets of Intelligence Community elements (except when otherwise directed by the President or when the Secretary of Defense exercises collection tasking authority under plans and arrangements approved by the Secretary of Defense and the Director);
(18) May provide advisory tasking concerning collection and analysis of information or intelligence relevant to national intelligence or national security to departments, agencies, and establishments of the United States Government that are not elements of
the Intelligence Community; and shall establish
procedures, in consultation with affected heads of departments or agencies and subject to approval by the Attorney General, to implement this authority and to monitor or evaluate the responsiveness of United States Government departments, agencies, and other establishments;(19) Shall fulfill the responsibilities in section 1.3(b)(17) and (18) of this order, consistent with applicable law and with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, whether information is to be collected inside or outside the United States;
(20) Shall ensure, through appropriate policies and procedures, the deconfliction, coordination, and integration of all intelligence activities conducted by an Intelligence Community element or funded by the National Intelligence Program. In accordance with these policies and procedures:
(A) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States;(B) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities outside the United States;
(C) All policies and procedures for the coordination of counterintelligence activities and the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence inside the United States shall be subject to the approval of the Attorney General; and
(D) All policies and procedures developed under this section shall be coordinated with the heads of affected departments and Intelligence Community elements;
(21) Shall, with the concurrence of the heads of affected departments and agencies, establish joint procedures to deconflict, coordinate, and synchronize intelligence activities conducted by an Intelligence Community element or funded by the National Intelligence Program, with intelligence activities, activities that involve foreign intelligence and security services, or activities that involve the use of clandestine methods, conducted by other United States Government departments, agencies, and establishments;
(22) Shall, in coordination with the heads of departments containing elements of the Intelligence Community, develop procedures to govern major system acquisitions funded in whole or in majority part by the National Intelligence Program;
(23) Shall seek advice from the Secretary of State to ensure that the foreign policy implications of proposed intelligence activities are considered, and shall ensure, through appropriate policies and procedures, that intelligence activities are conducted
in a manner consistent with the responsibilities pursuant to law and presidential direction of Chiefs of United States Missions; and(24) Shall facilitate the use of Intelligence Community products by the Congress in a secure manner.
(c) The Director's exercise of authorities in the Act and this order shall not abrogate the statutory or other responsibilities of the heads of departments of the United States Government or the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Directives issued and actions taken by the Director in the exercise of the Director's authorities and responsibilities to integrate, coordinate, and make the Intelligence Community more effective in providing intelligence related to national security shall be implemented by the elements of the Intelligence Community, provided that any department head whose department contains an element of the Intelligence Community and who believes that a directive or action of the Director violates the requirements of section 1018 of the IRTPA or this subsection shall bring the issue to the attention of the Director, the NSC, or the President for resolution in a manner that respects and does not abrogate the statutory responsibilities of the heads of the departments.
(d) Appointments to certain positions.
(1) The relevant department or bureau head shall provide recommendations and obtain the concurrence of the Director for the selection of: the Director of the National Security Agency, the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, the Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and
Analysis, the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, the Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy, the Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury, and the Executive Assistant Director for the National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If the Director does not concur in the recommendation, the department head may not fill the vacancy or make the recommendation to the President, as the case may be. If the department head and the Director do not reach an agreement on the selection or recommendation, the Director and the department head concerned may advise the President directly of the Director's intention to withhold concurrence.(2) The relevant department head shall consult with the Director before appointing an individual to fill a vacancy or recommending to the President an individual be nominated to fill a vacancy in any of the following positions: the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; uniformed heads of the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps above the rank of Major General or Rear Admiral; the Assistant Commandant of the Coast Guard for Intelligence; and the Assistant Attorney General for National Security.
(e) Removal from certain positions.
(1) Except for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, whose removal the Director
may recommend to the President, the Director and the relevant department head shall consult on the removal, or recommendation to the President for removal, as the case may be, of: the Director of the National Security Agency, the Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis, the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, and the Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury. If the Director and the department head do not agree on removal, or recommendation for removal, either may make a recommendation to the President for the removal of the individual.(2) The Director and the relevant department or bureau head shall consult on the removal of: the Executive Assistant Director for the National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy, the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, the Assistant Commandant of the Coast Guard for Intelligence, and the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. With respect to an individual appointed by a department head, the department head may remove the individual upon the request of the Director; if the department head chooses not to remove the individual, either the Director or the department head may advise the President of the department head's
intention to retain the individual. In the case of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense may recommend to the President either the removal or the retention of the individual. For uniformed heads of the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps, the Director may make a recommendation for removal to the Secretary of Defense.(3) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect the authority of the President to nominate, appoint, assign, or terminate the appointment or assignment of any individual, with or without a consultation, recommendation, or concurrence.
1.4 The Intelligence Community. Consistent with applicable Federal law and with the other provisions of this order, and under the leadership of the Director, as specified in such law and this order, the Intelligence Community shall:
(a) Collect and provide information needed by the President and, in the performance of executive functions, the Vice President, the NSC, the Homeland Security Council, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, senior military commanders, and other executive branch officials and, as appropriate, the Congress of the United States;
(b) In accordance with
priorities set by the President, collect information concerning, and
conduct activities to protect against, international terrorism,
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, intelligence activities directed
against the United States, international criminal drug activities, and
other hostile activities directed against the
United States by foreign powers, organizations, persons, and their
(c) Analyze, produce, and disseminate intelligence;
(d) Conduct administrative, technical, and other support activities within the United States and abroad necessary for the performance of authorized activities, to include providing services of common concern for the Intelligence Community as designated by the Director in accordance with this order;
(e) Conduct research, development, and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized functions and missions or the provision of services of common concern for the Intelligence Community;
(f) Protect the security of intelligence related activities, information, installations, property, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the Intelligence Community elements as are necessary;
(g) Take into account State, local, and tribal governments' and, as appropriate, private sector entities' information needs relating to national and homeland security;
(h) Deconflict, coordinate, and integrate all intelligence activities and other information gathering in accordance with section 1.3(b)(20) of this order; and
(i) Perform such other
functions and duties related to
intelligence activities as the President may direct.
1.5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads of Executive Branch Departments and Agencies. The heads of all departments and agencies shall:
(a) Provide the Director
access to all information and intelligence relevant to the national security
or that otherwise
is required for the performance of the Director's duties, to include
administrative and other appropriate management information, except such
information excluded by law, by the President, or by the Attorney General
acting under this order at the direction of the President;
(b) Provide all programmatic and budgetary information necessary to support the Director in developing the National Intelligence Program;
(c) Coordinate development and implementation of intelligence systems and architectures and, as appropriate, operational systems and architectures of their departments, agencies, and other elements with the Director to respond to national intelligence requirements and all applicable information sharing and security guidelines, information privacy, and other legal requirements;
(d) Provide, to the maximum extent permitted by law, subject to the availability of appropriations and not inconsistent with the mission of the department or agency, such further support to the Director as the Director may request, after consultation with the head of the department or agency, for the performance of the Director's functions;
(e) Respond to advisory tasking from the Director under section 1.3(b)(18) of this order to the greatest extent possible, in accordance with applicable policies established by the head of the responding department or agency;
(f) Ensure that all elements within the department or agency comply with the provisions of Part 2 of this order, regardless of Intelligence Community affiliation, when performing foreign intelligence and counterintelligence functions;
(g) Deconflict, coordinate, and integrate all intelligence activities in accordance with section 1.3(b)(20), and intelligence and other activities in accordance with section 1.3(b)(21) of this order;
(h) Inform the Attorney General, either directly or through the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence and counterintelligence activities inside the United States not coordinated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(i) Pursuant to arrangements developed by the head of the department or agency and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and approved by the Director, inform the Director and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, either directly or through his designee serving outside the United States, as appropriate, of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means outside the United States that has not been coordinated with the Central Intelligence Agency; and
(j) Inform the Secretary of Defense, either directly or through his designee, as appropriate, of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence outside the United States in a region of combat or contingency military operations designated by the Secretary of Defense, for purposes of this paragraph, after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence.
1.6 Heads of Elements of the Intelligence Community. The heads of elements of the Intelligence Community shall:
(a) Provide the Director
access to all information and intelligence relevant to the national security
or that otherwise is required for the performance of the Director's duties,
to include administrative and other appropriate management
information, except such information excluded by law, by the President, or
by the Attorney General acting under this order at the direction of
the President;
(b) Report to the Attorney General possible violations of Federal criminal laws by employees and of specified Federal criminal laws by any other person as provided in procedures agreed upon by the Attorney General and the head of the department, agency, or establishment concerned, in a manner consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, as specified in those procedures;
(c) Report to the Intelligence Oversight Board, consistent with Executive Order 13462 of February 29, 2008, and provide copies of all such reports to the Director, concerning any intelligence activities of their elements that they have reason to believe may be unlawful or contrary to executive order or presidential directive;
(d) Protect intelligence and intelligence sources, methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with guidance from the Director;
(e) Facilitate, as appropriate, the sharing of information or intelligence, as directed by law or the President, to State, local, tribal, and private sector entities;
(f) Disseminate information or intelligence to foreign governments and international organizations under intelligence or counterintelligence arrangements or agreements established in accordance with section 1.3(b)(4) of this order;
(g) Participate in
the development of procedures approved by the Attorney General governing
production and dissemination of information or intelligence resulting from
criminal drug intelligence activities abroad if they have intelligence
responsibilities for foreign or domestic criminal drug production and
trafficking; and
(h) Ensure that the inspectors general, general counsels, and agency officials responsible for privacy or civil liberties protection for their respective organizations have access to any information or intelligence necessary to perform their official duties.
1.7 Intelligence Community Elements. Each element of the Intelligence Community shall have the duties and responsibilities specified below, in addition to those specified by law or elsewhere in this order. Intelligence Community elements within executive departments shall serve the information and intelligence needs of their respective heads of departments and also shall operate as part of an integrated Intelligence Community, as provided in law or this order.
(a) The Central Intelligence Agency. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities without assuming or performing any internal security functions within the United States;
(3) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover and proprietary arrangements;
(4) Conduct covert action activities approved by the President. No agency except the Central Intelligence Agency (or the Armed Forces of the United States in time of war declared by the Congress or during any
period covered by a report from the President to the Congress consistent with the War Powers Resolution, Public Law 93148) may conduct any covert action
activity unless the President determines that another agency is more likely to achieve a particular objective;(5) Conduct foreign intelligence liaison relationships with intelligence or security services of foreign governments or international organizations consistent with section 1.3(b)(4) of this order;
(6) Under the direction and guidance of the Director, and in accordance with section 1.3(b)(4) of this order, coordinate the implementation of intelligence
and counterintelligence relationships between elements of the Intelligence Community and the intelligence or security services of foreign governments or international organizations; and(7) Perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence as the Director may direct.
(b) The Defense Intelligence Agency. The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions;(2) Collect, analyze, produce, or, through tasking and coordination, provide defense and defense-related intelligence for the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders, other Defense components, and non-Defense agencies;
(3) Conduct counterintelligence activities;
(4) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover and proprietary arrangements;
(5) Conduct foreign defense intelligence liaison relationships and defense intelligence exchange programs with foreign defense establishments, intelligence or security services of foreign governments, and international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order;
(6) Manage and coordinate all matters related to the Defense Attaché system; and
(7) Provide foreign intelligence and counterintelligence staff support as directed by the Secretary of Defense.
(c) THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY. The Director of the National Security Agency shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), process, analyze, produce, and disseminate signals intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions;(2) Establish and operate an effective unified organization for signals intelligence activities, except for the delegation of operational control
over certain operations that are conducted through other elements of the Intelligence Community. No other department or agency may engage in signals intelligence activities except pursuant to a
delegation by the Secretary of Defense, after coordination with the Director;(3) Control signals intelligence collection and processing activities, including assignment of resources to an appropriate agent for such periods and tasks as required for the direct support of military commanders;
(4) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover arrangements;
(5) Provide signals intelligence support for national and departmental requirements and for the conduct of military operations;
(6) Act as the National Manager for National Security Systems as established in law and policy, and in this capacity be responsible to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director;
(7) Prescribe, consistent with section 102A(g) of the Act, within its field of authorized operations, security regulations covering operating practices, including the transmission, handling, and distribution of signals intelligence and communications security material within and among the elements under control of the Director of the National Security Agency, and exercise the necessary supervisory control to ensure compliance with the regulations; and
(8) Conduct foreign cryptologic liaison relationships in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(d) The National Reconnaissance Office. The Director of the National Reconnaissance Office shall:
(1) Be responsible for research and development, acquisition, launch, deployment, and operation of overhead systems and related data processing facilities to collect intelligence and information to support national and departmental missions and other United States Government needs; and(2) Conduct foreign liaison relationships relating to the above missions, in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(e) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency shall:
(1) Collect, process, analyze, produce, and disseminate geospatial intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions;(2) Provide geospatial intelligence support for national and departmental requirements and for the conduct of military operations;
(3) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover arrangements; and
(4) Conduct foreign geospatial intelligence liaison relationships, in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(f) The Intelligence and Counterintelligence Elements of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. The Commanders and heads of the intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), produce, analyze, and disseminate defense and defense-related intelligence and counterintelligence to support departmental requirements, and, as appropriate, national requirements;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities;
(3) Monitor the development, procurement, and management of tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conduct related research, development, and test and evaluation activities; and
(4) Conduct military intelligence liaison relationships and military intelligence exchange programs with selected cooperative foreign defense establishments and international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(g) Intelligence Elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Under the supervision of the Attorney General and pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions, in accordance with procedural guidelines approved by the Attorney General, after consultation with the Director;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities; and
(3) Conduct foreign intelligence and counterintelligence liaison relationships with intelligence, security, and law enforcement services of foreign governments or international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order.
(h) The Intelligence and Counterintelligence Elements of the Coast Guard. The Commandant of the Coast Guard shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence including defense and defense-related information and intelligence to support national and departmental missions;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities;
(3) Monitor the development, procurement, and management of tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conduct related research, development, and test and evaluation activities; and
(4) Conduct foreign intelligence liaison relationships and intelligence exchange programs with foreign intelligence services, security services or international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and, when operating as part of the Department of Defense, 1.10(i) of this order.
(i) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State; The Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of the Treasury; The Office of National Security Intelligence, Drug Enforcement Administration; The Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security; and The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Department of Energy. The heads of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State; the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of the Treasury; the Office of National Security Intelligence, Drug Enforcement Administration; the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security; and the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Department of Energy shall:
(1) Collect (overtly or through publicly available sources), analyze, produce, and disseminate information, intelligence, and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions; and(2) Conduct and participate in analytic or information exchanges with foreign partners and international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order.
(j) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The Director shall collect (overtly or through publicly available sources), analyze, produce, and disseminate information, intelligence, and counterintelligence to support the missions of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, including the National Counterterrorism Center, and to support other national missions.
1.8 The Department of State. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order, the Secretary of State shall:
(a) Collect (overtly or through publicly available sources) information relevant to United States foreign policy and national security concerns;
(b) Disseminate, to the maximum extent possible, reports received from United States diplomatic and consular posts;
(c) Transmit reporting requirements and advisory taskings of the Intelligence Community to the Chiefs of United States Missions abroad; and
(d) Support Chiefs of United States Missions in discharging their responsibilities pursuant to law and presidential direction.
1.9 The Department of the Treasury. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order the Secretary of the Treasury shall collect (overtly or through publicly available sources) foreign financial information and, in consultation with the Department of State, foreign economic information.
1.10 The Department of Defense. The Secretary of Defense shall:
(a) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate information and intelligence and be responsive to collection tasking and advisory tasking by the Director;
(b) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate defense and defenserelated intelligence and counterintelligence, as required for execution of the Secretary's responsibilities;
(c) Conduct programs and missions necessary to fulfill national, departmental, and tactical intelligence requirements;
(d) Conduct counterintelligence activities in support of Department of Defense components and coordinate counterintelligence activities in accordance with section 1.3(b)(20) and (21) of this order;
(e) Act, in coordination
with the Director, as the
executive agent of the United States Government for signals intelligence
(f) Provide for the timely transmission of critical intelligence, as defined by the Director, within the United States Government;
(g) Carry out or contract for research, development, and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized intelligence functions;
(h) Protect the security of Department of Defense installations, activities, information, property, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the Department of Defense as are necessary;
(i) Establish and maintain defense intelligence relationships and defense intelligence exchange programs with selected cooperative foreign defense establishments, intelligence or security services of foreign governments, and international organizations, and ensure that such relationships and programs are in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.3(b)(21) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order;
(j) Conduct such administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as are necessary to provide for cover and proprietary arrangements, to perform the functions described in sections (a) though (i) above, and to support the Intelligence Community elements of the Department of Defense; and
(k) Use the Intelligence
Community elements within the Department of Defense identified in
section 1.7(b) through (f) and, when the Coast Guard is operating
as part of the Department
of Defense, (h) above to carry out the Secretary of Defense's responsibilities
assigned in this section or other departments, agencies, or offices within
the Department of Defense, as appropriate, to conduct the intelligence missions
and responsibilities assigned to the Secretary of Defense.
1.11 The Department of Homeland Security. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall conduct, through the United States Secret Service, activities to determine the existence and capability of surveillance equipment being used against the President or the Vice President of the United States, the Executive Office of the President, and, as authorized by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the President, other Secret Service protectees and United States officials. No information shall be acquired intentionally through such activities except to protect against use of such surveillance equipment, and those activities shall be conducted pursuant to procedures agreed upon by the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General.
1.12 The Department of Energy. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order, the Secretary of Energy shall:
(a) Provide expert scientific, technical, analytic, and research capabilities to other agencies within the Intelligence Community, as appropriate;
(b) Participate in formulating intelligence collection and analysis requirements where the special expert capability of the Department can contribute; and
(c) Participate with the Department of State in overtly collecting information with respect to foreign energy matters.
1.13 The Federal Bureau of Investigation. In addition to the authorities exercised by the intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice under sections 1.4 and 1.7(g) of this order and under the supervision of the Attorney General and pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall provide technical assistance, within or outside the United States, to foreign intelligence and law enforcement services, consistent with section 1.3(b)(20) and (21) of this order, as may be necessary to support national or departmental missions.
Sec. 3. Part 2 of Executive Order 12333, as amended, is further amended by:
(a) In section 2.1, striking the first sentence and inserting in lieu thereof: "Timely, accurate, and insightful information about the activities, capabilities, plans, and intentions of foreign powers, organizations, and persons, and their agents, is essential to informed decisionmaking in the areas of national security, national defense, and foreign relations.";
(b) In section 2.1, inserting a comma after "innovative";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.1 Need.
Accurate and timely information about the
capabilities, intentions and activities of foreign powers, organizations,
or persons and their agents is essential to informed decisionmaking in the
areas of national defense and foreign relations.
Timely, accurate, and insightful information about
the activities, capabilities, plans, and intentions of foreign powers,
organizations, and persons, and their agents, is essential to informed
decisionmaking in the areas of national security, national defense, and foreign
relations. Collection of such information is a priority objective
and will be pursued in a vigorous, innovative,
and responsible manner that is consistent with the Constitution and applicable
law and respectful of the principles upon which the United States was founded.
(c) In section 2.2, inserting ", the spread of weapons of mass destruction," after "international terrorist activities" in the first sentence;
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.2 Purpose.
This Order is intended to enhance human and technical collection techniques, especially those undertaken abroad, and the acquisition of significant foreign intelligence, as well as the detection and countering of international terrorist activities, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and espionage conducted by foreign powers. Set forth below are certain general principles that, in addition to and consistent with applicable laws, are intended to achieve the proper balance between the acquisition of essential information and protection of individual interests. Nothing in this Order shall be construed to apply to or interfere with any authorized civil or criminal law enforcement responsibility of any department or agency.
(d) In the first sentence of section 2.3, striking "Agencies within the" and inserting in lieu thereof "Elements of the", inserting a comma after "retain", striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "Intelligence Community element", and inserting "or by the head of a department containing such element" after "concerned";
(e) In section 2.3, inserting ", after consultation with the Director" preceding the period at the end of the first sentence;
(f) In section 2.3, inserting a comma after "retention" in the second sentence;
(g) In section 2.3(b), striking "FBI" and inserting in lieu thereof "Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)";
(h) In section 2.3(b), striking "agencies" and inserting in lieu thereof "elements" each time it appears;
(i) In section 2.3(c), striking "narcotics" and inserting in lieu thereof "drug,";
(j) In section 2.3(d), inserting a comma after "victims";
(k) In section 2.3(e), striking "sources or methods" and inserting in lieu thereof "sources, methods, and activities";
(l) In section 2.3(e), striking "agencies" and inserting in lieu thereof "elements" and striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element";
(m) In section 2.3(g), inserting a comma after "physical";
(n) In section 2.3(h), striking "and"; [probably should be section 2.3(i).]
(o) In section 2.3(i), striking "federal" and inserting in lieu thereof "Federal" and inserting a comma after "local";
(p) In the last sentence of section 2.3, striking "agencies within" and inserting in lieu thereof "elements of", striking ", other than information derived from signals intelligence,", striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element" in both instances and inserting immediately before the period: ", except that information derived from signals intelligence may only be disseminated or made available to Intelligence Community elements in accordance with procedures established by the Director in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and approved by the Attorney General";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.3 Collection of Information.
Agencies within the
Elements of the Intelligence Community
are authorized to collect, retain, or disseminate
information concerning United States persons only in accordance with procedures
established by the head of the
Intelligence Community element concerned
or by the head of a department containing such
element and approved by the Attorney General, consistent with the
authorities provided by Part 1 of this Order, after
consultation with the Director. Those procedures shall permit collection,
retention, and dissemination of the following
types of information:
(a) Information that is publicly available or collected with the consent of the person concerned;(b) Information constituting foreign intelligence or counterintelligence, including such information concerning corporations or other commercial organizations. Collection within the United States of foreign intelligence not otherwise obtainable shall be undertaken by the
FBIFederal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or, when significant foreign intelligence is sought, by other authorizedagencieselements of the Intelligence Community, provided that no foreign intelligence collection by suchagencieselements may be undertaken for the purpose of acquiring information concerning the domestic activities of United States persons;(c) Information obtained in the course of a lawful foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, international
narcoticsdrug, or international terrorism investigation;(d) Information needed to protect the safety of any persons or organizations, including those who are targets, victims, or hostages of international terrorist organizations;
(e) Information needed to protect foreign intelligence or counterintelligence
sources or methodssources, methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure. Collection within the United States shall be undertaken by the FBI except that otheragencieselements of the Intelligence Community may also collect such information concerning present or former employees, present or former intelligenceagencyelement contractors or their present or former employees, or applicants for any such employment or contracting;(f) Information concerning persons who are reasonably believed to be potential sources or contacts for the purpose of determining their suitability or credibility;
(g) Information arising out of a lawful personnel, physical, or communications security investigation;
(h) Information acquired by overhead reconnaissance not directed at specific United States persons;
(i) Incidentally obtained information that may indicate involvement in activities that may violate
federalFederal, state, local or foreign laws;and(j) Information necessary for administrative purposes.
In addition, agencies
elements within the Intelligence Community may
disseminate information, other than information
derived from signals intelligence, to each appropriate
agency within
elements of the Intelligence Community for purposes
of allowing the recipient
element to determine whether the information
is relevant to its responsibilities and can be retained by
it, except that information derived from signals
intelligence may only be disseminated or made available to Intelligence Community
elements in accordance with procedures established by the Director in
coordination with the Secretary of Defense and approved by the Attorney
(q) In the first three sentences of section 2.4, striking "Agencies within" and inserting in lieu thereof "Elements of"; striking "Agencies" and inserting in lieu thereof "Elements of the Intelligence Community"; and striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "Intelligence Community element concerned or the head of a department containing such element";
(r) In the second sentence of section 2.4, inserting ", after consultation with the Director" after "Attorney General";
(s) In section 2.4(a), striking "CIA" and inserting in lieu thereof "Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)";
(t) In section 2.4(b) and (c), striking "agencies" and inserting in lieu thereof "elements of the Intelligence Community".
(u) In section 2.4(b)(2), striking the period and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon;
(v) In section 2.4(c)(1), striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element";
(w) In section 2.4(c)(2), striking the period and inserting in lieu thereof "; and";
(x) In section 2.4(d) striking "than" and inserting in lieu thereof "that";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.4 Collection Techniques.
Agencies within
Elements of the Intelligence Community shall
use the least intrusive collection techniques feasible within the United
States or directed against United States persons abroad.
Elements of the Intelligence Community are not
authorized to use such techniques as electronic surveillance, unconsented
physical search, mail surveillance, physical surveillance, or monitoring
devices unless they are in accordance with procedures established by the
head of the agency
Intelligence Community element concerned or the head
of a department containing such element concerned and approved by
the Attorney General, after consultation with the
Director. Such procedures shall protect constitutional and other legal
rights and limit use of such information to lawful governmental purposes.
These procedures shall not authorize:
(a) TheCIACentral Intelligence Agency (CIA) to engage in electronic surveillance within the United States except for the purpose of training, testing, or conducting countermeasures to hostile electronic surveillance;(b) Unconsented physical searches in the United States by
agencieselements of the Intelligence Community other than the FBI, except for:(1) Searches by counterintelligence elements of the military services directed against military personnel within the United States or abroad for intelligence purposes, when authorized by a military commander empowered to approve physical searches for law enforcement purposes, based upon a finding of probable cause to believe that such persons are acting as agents of foreign powers; and(2) Searches by CIA of personal property of non-United States persons lawfully in its possession
.;(c) Physical surveillance of a United States person in the United States by
agencieselements of the Intelligence Community other than the FBI, except for:(1) Physical surveillance of present or former employees, present or former intelligenceagencyelement contractors or their present of former employees, or applicants for any such employment or contracting; and(2) Physical surveillance of a military person employed by a nonintelligence element of a military service
.; and(d) Physical surveillance of a United States person abroad to collect foreign intelligence, except to obtain significant information
thanthat cannot reasonably be acquired by other means.
(y) In section 2.5, striking the final sentence and inserting in lieu thereof "The authority delegated pursuant to this paragraph, including the authority to approve the use of electronic surveillance as defined in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as amended, shall be exercised in accordance with that Act.";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.5 Attorney General Approval.
The Attorney General hereby is delegated the power to approve the use for
intelligence purposes, within the United States or against a United States
person abroad, of any technique for which a warrant would be required if
undertaken for law enforcement purposes, provided that such techniques shall
not be undertaken unless the Attorney General has determined in each case
that there is probable cause to believe that the technique is directed against
a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power.
Electronic surveillance, as defined in the
Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, shall be conducted in accordance
with that Act, as well as this Order.
The authority delegated pursuant to
this paragraph, including the authority to approve the use of electronic
surveillance as defined in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978,
as amended, shall be exercised in accordance with that Act.
(z) In section 2.6, inserting "and other Civil" before "Authorities" in the caption and striking "Agencies within" and inserting in lieu thereof "Elements of";
(aa) In section 2.6(a), inserting a comma
after "property" and striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof
(bb) In section 2.6(c), striking
"General Counsel" and inserting in lieu thereof "general counsel", and striking
"agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element or department" in the second
(cc) In section 2.6(d), inserting "or other civil" before "authorities";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.6 Assistance to Law Enforcement Civil Authorities.
Agencies within
Elements of the Intelligence Community are
authorized to:
(a) Cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies for the purpose of protecting the employees, information, property, and facilities of anyagencyelement within the Intelligence Community;(b) Unless otherwise precluded by law or this Order, participate in law enforcement activities to investigate or prevent clandestine intelligence activities by foreign powers, or international terrorist or narcotics activities;
(c) Provide specialized equipment, technical knowledge, or assistance of expert personnel for use by any department or
agencyelement or department, or, when lives are endangered, to support local law enforcement agencies. Provision of assistance by expert personnel shall be approved in each case by theGeneral Counselgeneral counsel of the providing agency; and(d) Render any other assistance and cooperation to law enforcement or other civil authorities not precluded by applicable law.
(dd) In section 2.7, striking "Agencies within" and inserting in lieu thereof "Elements of";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.7 Contracting.
Agencies within
Elements of the Intelligence Community are
authorized to enter into contracts or arrangements for the provision of goods
or services with private companies or institutions in the United States and
need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized
intelligence purposes. Contracts or arrangements with academic institutions
may be undertaken only with the consent of appropriate officials of the
2.8 Consistency With Other Laws.
Nothing in this Order shall be construed to authorize any activity in violation of the Constitution or statutes of the United States.
(ee) In section 2.9, striking "agencies within" and inserting in lieu thereof "elements of", and striking "agency within" and inserting in lieu thereof "element of" the first time it appears and "Intelligence Community element" the second and third times it appears;
(ff) In section 2.9, striking "his" and inserting in lieu thereof "such person's";
(gg) In section 2.9, inserting "or the head of a department containing such element" before "and approved by the Attorney General", and inserting ", after consultation with the Director" after "the Attorney General";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.9 Undisclosed Participation in Organizations Within the United States.
No one acting on behalf of agencies
within elements of the Intelligence
Community may join or otherwise participate in any organization in the United
States on behalf of any agency
within Intelligence Community element
without disclosing
his such
person's intelligence affiliation to appropriate officials of the
organization, except in accordance with procedures established by the head
of the agency
Intelligence Community element concerned
or the head of a department containing such
element and approved by the Attorney General,
after consultation with the Director. Such participation shall be
authorized only if it is essential to achieving lawful purposes as determined
by the agency
Intelligence Community element head or designee.
No such participation may be undertaken for the purpose of influencing the
activity of the organization or its members except in cases where:
(a) The participation is undertaken on behalf of the FBI in the course of a lawful investigation; or(b) The organization concerned is composed primarily of individuals who are not United States persons and is reasonably believed to be acting on behalf of a foreign power.
(hh) In section 2.10, striking "agency within" and inserting in lieu thereof "element of", and inserting a comma after "contract for";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.10 Human Experimentation.
No agency within
element of the Intelligence
Community shall sponsor, contract for, or conduct
research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by
the Department of Health and Human Services. The subject's informed consent
shall be documented as required by those guidelines.
2.11 Prohibition on Assassination.
No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.
(ii) In section 2.12, striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element"; and
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.12 Indirect Participation.
No agency
element of the Intelligence Community shall
participate in or request any person to undertake activities forbidden by
this Order.
(jj) At the end of Part 2, inserting a new
section 2.13 as
follows: "2.13 Limitation on Covert Action. No covert action
may be conducted which is intended to influence United States political
processes, public opinion, policies, or media.".
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
2.13 Limitation on Covert Action. No covert action may be conducted which is intended to influence United States political processes, public opinion, policies, or media.
Sec. 4. Part 3 of Executive Order 12333, as amended, is further amended by:
(a) In section 3.1, striking "of Central Intelligence"; inserting "elements," after "agencies,"; and striking "special" and inserting in lieu thereof "covert action";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.1 Congressional Oversight.
The duties and responsibilities of the Director
of Central
Intelligence and the heads of other
elements, and entities
engaged in intelligence activities to cooperate with the Congress in the
conduct of its responsibilities for oversight of intelligence activities
shall be as provided in title 50, United States Code, section 413., implemented
in accordance with applicable law,including title V of the Act. The requirements
of section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C.
2422), and section 501 of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended (50
U.S.C. 413), applicable law,including title V of the Act, shall apply to
covert action
activities as defined in this Order.
(b) Striking section 3.2 and inserting in lieu thereof: "3.2 Implementation. The President, supported by the NSC, and the Director shall issue such appropriate directives, procedures, and guidance as are necessary to implement this order. Heads of elements within the Intelligence Community shall issue appropriate procedures and supplementary directives consistent with this order. No procedures to implement Part 2 of this order shall be issued without the Attorney General's approval, after consultation with the Director. The Attorney General shall provide a statement of reasons for not approving any procedures established by the head of an element in the Intelligence Community (or the head of the department containing such element) other than the FBI. In instances where the element head or department head and the Attorney General are unable to reach agreements on other than constitutional or other legal grounds, the Attorney General, the head of department concerned, or the Director shall refer the matter to the NSC.";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.2 Implementation.
The NSC, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney
General, and the Director of Central Intelligence shall issue such appropriate
directives and procedures as are necessary to implement this Order. Heads
of agencies within the Intelligence Community shall issue appropriate
supplementary directives and procedures consistent with this Order. The Attorney
General shall provide a statement of reasons for not approving any procedures
established by the head of an agency in the Intelligence Community other
than the FBI. The National Security Council may establish procedures in instances
where the agency head and the Attorney General are unable to reach agreement
on other than constitutional or other legal grounds.
3.2 Implementation. The President, supported by the NSC, and the Director shall issue such appropriate directives, procedures, and guidance as are necessary to implement this order. Heads of elements within the Intelligence Community shall issue appropriate procedures and supplementary directives consistent with this order. No procedures to implement Part 2 of this order shall be issued without the Attorney General's approval, after consultation with the Director. The Attorney General shall provide a statement of reasons for not approving any procedures established by the head of an element in the Intelligence Community (or the head of the department containing such element) other than the FBI. In instances where the element head or department head and the Attorney General are unable to reach agreements on other than constitutional or other legal grounds, the Attorney General, the head of department concerned, or the Director shall refer the matter to the NSC.
(c) Striking section 3.3 and inserting in lieu thereof: "3.3 Procedures. The activities herein authorized that require procedures shall be conducted in accordance with existing procedures or requirements established under Executive Order 12333. New procedures, as required by Executive Order 12333, as further amended, shall be established as expeditiously as possible. All new procedures promulgated pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as amended, shall be made available to the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.";
(d) Inserting after section 3.3 the following new section: "3.4 References and Transition. References to "Senior Officials of the Intelligence Community" or "SOICs" in executive orders or other Presidential guidance, shall be deemed references to the heads of elements in the Intelligence Community, unless the President otherwise directs; references in Intelligence Community or Intelligence Community element policies or guidance, shall be deemed to be references to the heads of elements of the Intelligence Community, unless the President or the Director otherwise directs.";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.3 Procedures.
Until the procedures required by this Order
have been established, the activities herein authorized which require procedures
shall be conducted in accordance with existing procedures or requirements
established under Executive Order No. 12036. Procedures required by this
Order shall be established as expeditiously as possible. All procedures
promulgated pursuant to this Order shall be made available to the congressional
intelligence committees.
3.3 Procedures. The activities herein authorized that require procedures shall be conducted in accordance with existing procedures or requirements established under Executive Order 12333. New procedures, as required by Executive Order 12333, as further amended, shall be established as expeditiously as possible. All new procedures promulgated pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as amended, shall be made available to the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.
3.4 References and Transition. References to "Senior Officials of the Intelligence Community" or "SOICs" in executive orders or other Presidential guidance, shall be deemed references to the heads of elements in the Intelligence Community, unless the President otherwise directs; references in Intelligence Community or Intelligence Community element policies or guidance, shall be deemed to be references to the heads of elements of the Intelligence Community, unless the President or the Director otherwise directs.
(e) Striking "3.4 Definitions" and inserting in lieu thereof "3.5 Definitions";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.4 Definitions.
3.5 Definitions
For the purposes of this Order, the following terms shall have these meanings:
(f) Amending the definition of "Counterintelligence" in section 3.5(a), as renumbered, by inserting "identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or" before "protect against espionage", inserting "or their agents," after "persons,", inserting "organizations or activities" after terrorist, and striking "activities, but not including personnel, physical, document or communications security programs";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
(a) Counterintelligence means information gathered and activities conducted
to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect
against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations
conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons,
or their agents, or international terrorist
organizations or activities
activities, but not including personnel, physical,
document or communications security programs.
(g) Striking section 3.5(b)-(h), as renumbered, and inserting in lieu thereof:
"(b) Covert action means an activity or activities of the United States Government to influence political, economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role of the United States Government
will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly, but does not include:(1) Activities the primary purpose of which is to acquire intelligence, traditional counterintelligence activities, traditional activities to improve or maintain the operational security of United States Government programs, or administrative activities;(2) Traditional diplomatic or military activities or routine support to such activities;
(3) Traditional law enforcement activities conducted by United States Government law enforcement agencies or routine support to such activities; or
(4) Activities to provide routine support to the overt activities (other than activities described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3)) of other United States Government agencies abroad.
(c) Electronic surveillance means acquisition of a nonpublic communication by electronic means without the consent of a person who is a party to an electronic communication or, in the case of a nonelectronic communication, without the consent of a person who is visibly present at the place of communication, but not including the use of radio direction-finding equipment solely to determine the location of a transmitter.
(d) Employee means a person employed by, assigned
or detailed to, or acting for an element within the Intelligence Community.(e) Foreign intelligence means information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons, or international terrorists.
(f) Intelligence includes foreign intelligence and counterintelligence.
(g) Intelligence activities means all activities that elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized to conduct pursuant to this order.
(h) Intelligence Community and elements of the Intelligence Community refers to:
(1) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence;(2) The Central Intelligence Agency;
(3) The National Security Agency;
(4) The Defense Intelligence Agency;
(5) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency;
(6) The National Reconnaissance Office;
(7) The other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through reconnaissance programs;
(8) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps;
(9) The intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(10) The Office of National Security Intelligence of the Drug Enforcement Administration;
(11) The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy;
(12) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State;
(13) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury;
(14) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security;
(15) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Coast Guard; and
(16) Such other elements of any department or agency as may be designated by the President, or designated jointly by the Director and the head of the department or agency concerned, as an element of the Intelligence Community.
(i) National Intelligence and Intelligence Related to National Security means all intelligence, regardless of the source from which derived and including information gathered within or outside the United States, that pertains, as determined consistent with any guidance issued by the President, or that is determined for the purpose of access to information by the Director in accordance with section 1.3(a)(1) of this order, to pertain to more than one United States Government agency; and that involves threats to the United States, its people, property, or interests; the development, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass
destruction; or any other matter bearing on United States national or homeland security.(j) The National Intelligence Program means all programs, projects, and activities of the Intelligence Community, as well as any other programs of the Intelligence Community designated jointly by the Director and the head of a United States department or agency or by the President. Such term does not include programs, projects, or activities of the military departments to acquire intelligence solely for the planning and conduct of tactical military operations by United States Armed Forces.".
(h) Redesignating the definition of "United States Person" as section 3.5(k) and therein striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element";
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
(b) Electronic surveillance means acquisition
of a nonpublic communication by electronic means without the consent of a
person who is a party to an electronic communication or, in the case of a
nonelectronic communication, without the consent of a person who is visibly
present at the place of communication, but not including the use of radio
direction-finding equipment solely to determine the location of a
(c) Employee means a person employedby, assigned
to or acting for an agency within the Intelligence Community.
(d) Foreign intelligence means information
relating to the capabilities, intentions and activities of foreign powers,
organizations or persons, but not including counterintelligence except for
information on international terrorist activities.
(e) Intelligence activities means all activities
that agencies within the Intelligence Community are authorized to conduct
pursuant to this Order.
(f) Intelligence Community and agencies within
the Intelligence Community or organizations within the Intelligence Community[,]
refer to the following agencies or organizations:
(1) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA);
(2) The National Security Agency (NSA);
(3) The Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA);
(4) The offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through reconnaissance programs;
(5) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State;
(6) The intelligence elements of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), the Department of the Treasury, and the Department of Energy;
(7) The staff elements of the Director of Central Intelligence; and
(8) Those The intelligence elements of the Coast Guard and those elements of the Department of Homeland Security that are supervised by the Department's Under Secretary for Information Analysis and Infrastructure Protection through the Deaprtment's Assistant Secretary for Information Analysis, with the exception of those functions that involve no analysis of foreign intelligence information; and
(9) National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency.
(g) The National Foreign Intelligence Program
includes the programs listed below, but its composition shall be subject
to review by the National Security Council and modification by the
(1) The programs of the CIA;
(2) The Consolidated Cryptologic Program, the General Defense Intelligence Program, and the programs of the offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through reconnaissance, except such elements as the Director of Central Intelligence and the Secretary of Defense agree should be excluded;
(3) Other programs of agencies within the Intelligence Community designated jointly by the Director of Central Intelligence and the head of the department or by the President as national foreign intelligence or counterintelligence activities;
(4) Activities of the staff elements of the Director of Central Intelligence;
(5) Activities to acquire the intelligence required for the planning and conduct of tactical operations by the United States military forces are not included in the National Foreign Intelligence Program.
(h) Special activities means activities conducted
in support of national foreign policy objectives abroad which are planned
and executed so that the role of the United States Government is not apparent
or acknowledged publicly, and functions in support of such activities, but
which are not intended to influence United States political processes, public
opinion, policies, or media and do not include diplomatic activities or the
collection and production of intelligence or related support
(b) Covert action means an activity
or activities of the United States Government to influence political,
economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role
of the United States Government
will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly, but does not include:
(1) Activities the primary purpose of which is to acquire intelligence, traditional counterintelligence activities, traditional activities to improve or maintain the operational security of United States Government programs, or administrative activities;(2) Traditional diplomatic or military activities or routine support to such activities;
(3) Traditional law enforcement activities conducted by United States Government law enforcement agencies or routine support to such activities; or
(4) Activities to provide routine support to the overt activities (other than activities described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3)) of other United States Government agencies abroad.
(c) Electronic surveillance means acquisition of a nonpublic communication by electronic means without the consent of a person who is a party to an electronic communication or, in the case of a nonelectronic communication, without the consent of a person who is visibly present at the place of communication, but not including the use of radio direction-finding equipment solely to determine the location of a transmitter.
(d) Employee means a person employed
by, assigned
or detailed to, or acting for an element within the Intelligence
(e) Foreign intelligence means information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons, or international terrorists.
(f) Intelligence includes foreign intelligence and counterintelligence.
(g) Intelligence activities means all activities that elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized to conduct pursuant to this order.
(h) Intelligence Community and elements of the Intelligence Community refers to:
(1) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence;(2) The Central Intelligence Agency;
(3) The National Security Agency;
(4) The Defense Intelligence Agency;
(5) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency;
(6) The National Reconnaissance Office;
(7) The other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through reconnaissance programs;
(8) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps;
(9) The intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(10) The Office of National Security Intelligence of the Drug Enforcement Administration;
(11) The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy;
(12) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State;
(13) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury;
(14) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security;
(15) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Coast Guard; and
(16) Such other elements of any department or agency as may be designated by the President, or designated jointly by the Director and the head of the department or agency concerned, as an element of the Intelligence Community.
(i) National Intelligence and
Intelligence Related to National Security means all intelligence, regardless
of the source from which derived and including information gathered within
or outside the United States, that pertains, as determined consistent
with any guidance issued by the President, or that is determined for the
purpose of access to information by the Director in accordance with
section 1.3(a)(1) of this order, to pertain to more than one
United States Government agency; and that involves threats to the
United States, its people, property, or interests; the development,
proliferation, or use of weapons of mass
destruction; or any other matter bearing on United States national or
homeland security.
(j) The National Intelligence Program means all programs, projects, and activities of the Intelligence Community, as well as any other programs of the Intelligence Community designated jointly by the Director and the head of a United States department or agency or by the President. Such term does not include programs, projects, or activities of the military departments to acquire intelligence solely for the planning and conduct of tactical military operations by United States Armed Forces.
(h) Redesignating the definition of "United States Person" as section 3.5(k) and therein striking "agency" and inserting in lieu thereof "element";
(i) Striking section 3.5;
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
(k) United States person means a United States
citizen, an alien known by the intelligence
element concerned to be a permanent resident
alien, an unincorporated association substantially composed of United States
citizens or permanent resident aliens, or a corporation incorporated in the
United States, except for a corporation directed and controlled by a foreign
government or governments.
(i) Striking section 3.5;
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.5 Purpose and Effect.
This Order is intended to control and provide
direction and guidance to the Intelligence Community. Nothing contained herein
or in any procedures promulgated hereunder is intended to confer any substantive
or procedural right or privilege on any person or
(j) In section 3.6, striking "Order No. 12036 of January 24, 1978, as amended, entitled "United States Intelligence Activities," is" and inserting in lieu thereof "Orders 13354 and 13355 of August 27, 2004, are", and inserting before the period"; and paragraphs 1.3(b)(9) and (10) of Part 1 supersede provisions within Executive Order 12958, as amended, to the extent such provisions in Executive Order 12958, as amended, are inconsistent with this Order"; and
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.6 Revocation.
Executive Order No. 12036 of January 24, 1978,
as amended, entitled "United States Intelligence Activities,"
is Orders 13354 and 13355 of
August 27, 2004, are revoked ; and
paragraphs 1.3(b)(9) and (10) of Part 1 supersede provisions within
Executive Order 12958, as amended, to the extent such provisions in
Executive Order 12958, as amended, are inconsistent with this
(k) Inserting the following new section 3.7 to read as follows:
"3.7 General Provisions.
(a) Consistent with section 1.3(c) of this order, nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(1) Authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof; or(2) Functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.".
[Text amended added by Cryptome.]
3.7 General Provisions.
(a) Consistent with section 1.3(c) of this order, nothing in this order shall be construed to impair or otherwise affect:
(1) Authority granted by law to a department or agency, or the head thereof; or(2) Functions of the Director of the Office of Management and Budget relating to budget, administrative, or legislative proposals.
(b) This order shall be implemented consistent with applicable law and subject to the availability of appropriations.
(c) This order is intended only to improve the internal management of the executive branch and is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law or in equity, by any party against the United States, its departments, agencies or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
Sec. 5. This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party at law or in equity against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
July 30, 2008.
# # #
Amended text.
Executive Order: Further Amendments to Executive Order 12333,
United States Intelligence Activities
Timely, accurate, and insightful information about the activities, capabilities, plans, and intentions of foreign powers, organizations, and persons and their agents, is essential to the national security of the United States. All reasonable and lawful means must be used to ensure that the United States will receive the best intelligence available. For that purpose, by virtue of the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the National Security Act of 1947, as amended, and as President of the United States of America, in order to provide for ffective conduct of United States intelligence activities and the protection of constitutional rights, it is hereby ordered as follows:
PART 1 Goals, Directions, Duties, and Responsibilities with Respect to United States Intelligence Efforts
1.1 Goals. The United States
intelligence effort shall provide the President, the National Security Council,
and the Homeland Security Council with the necessary information on which
to base decisions concerning the development and conduct of foreign,
defense, and economic policies, and the protection of
United States national interests from foreign security threats. All
departments and agencies shall cooperate fully to fulfill this goal.
(a) All means, consistent with applicable Federal law and this order, and with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, shall be used to obtain reliable intelligence information to protect the United States and its interests.
(b) The United States Government has a solemn obligation, and shall continue in the conduct of intelligence activities under this order, to protect fully the legal rights of all United States persons, including freedoms, civil liberties, and privacy rights guaranteed by Federal law.
(c) Intelligence collection under this order should be guided by the need for information to respond to intelligence priorities set by the President.
(d) Special emphasis should be given to detecting and countering:
(1) Espionage and other threats and activities directed by foreign powers or their intelligence services against the United States and its interests;(2) Threats to the United States and its interests from terrorism; and
(3) Threats to the United States and its interests from the development, possession, proliferation, or use of weapons of mass destruction.
(e) Special emphasis
shall be given to the production of timely, accurate, and insightful
reports, responsive to decisionmakers in the executive branch, that draw
on all appropriate sources of information, including open source
information, meet rigorous analytic standards, consider diverse analytic
viewpoints, and accurately represent appropriate alternative views.
(f) State, local, and tribal governments are critical partners in securing and defending the United States from terrorism and other threats to the United States and its interests. Our national intelligence effort should take into account the responsibilities and requirements of State, local, and tribal governments and, as appropriate, private sector entities, when undertaking the collection and dissemination of information and intelligence to protect the United States.
(g) All departments and agencies have a responsibility to prepare and to provide intelligence in a manner that allows the full and free exchange of information, consistent with applicable law and presidential guidance.
1.2 The National Security Council.
(a) Purpose. The National Security Council (NSC) shall act as the highest ranking executive branch entity that provides support to the President for review of, guidance for, and direction to the conduct of all foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, and covert action, and attendant policies and programs.
(b) Covert Action
and Other Sensitive Intelligence Operations. The NSC shall consider
and submit to the President a policy recommendation, including all dissents,
on each proposed covert action and conduct a periodic review of ongoing covert
action activities, including an evaluation of the effectiveness and consistency
with current national policy of such activities and consistency with
applicable legal requirements. The NSC shall perform such other
related to covert action as the President may direct, but shall not undertake
the conduct of covert actions. The NSC shall also review proposals
for other sensitive intelligence operations.
1.3 Director of National Intelligence. Subject to the authority, direction, and control of the President, the Director of National Intelligence (Director) shall serve as the head of the Intelligence Community, act as the principal adviser to the President, to the NSC, and to the Homeland Security Council for intelligence matters related to national security, and shall oversee and direct the implementation of the National Intelligence Program and execution of the National Intelligence Program budget. The Director will lead a unified, coordinated, and effective intelligence effort. In addition, the Director shall, in carrying out the duties and responsibilities under this section, take into account the views of the heads of departments containing an element of the Intelligence Community and of the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.
(a) Except as otherwise directed by the President or prohibited by law, the Director shall have access to all information and intelligence described in section 1.5(a) of this order. For the purpose of access to and sharing of information and intelligence, the Director:
(1) Is hereby assigned the function under section 3(5) of the Act, to determine that intelligence, regardless of the source from which derived and including information gathered within or outside the United States, pertains to more than one United States Government agency; and(2) Shall develop guidelines for how information or intelligence is provided to or accessed by the Intelligence Community in accordance with
section 1.5(a) of this order, and for how the information or intelligence may be used and shared by the Intelligence Community. All guidelines developed in accordance with this section shall be approved by the Attorney General and, where applicable, shall be consistent with guidelines issued pursuant to section 1016 of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Protection Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-458) (IRTPA).
(b) In addition to fulfilling the obligations and responsibilities prescribed by the Act, the Director:
(1) Shall establish objectives, priorities, and guidance for the Intelligence Community to ensure timely and effective collection, processing, analysis, and dissemination of intelligence, of whatever nature and from whatever source derived;(2) May designate, in consultation with affected heads of departments or Intelligence Community elements, one or more Intelligence Community elements to develop and to maintain services of common concern on behalf of the Intelligence Community if the Director determines such services can be more efficiently or effectively accomplished in a consolidated manner;
(3) Shall oversee and provide advice to the President and the NSC with respect to all ongoing and proposed covert action programs;
(4) In regard to the establishment and conduct of intelligence arrangements and agreements with foreign governments and international organizations:
(A) May enter into intelligence and counterintelligence arrangements and agreements with foreign governments and international organizations;(B) Shall formulate policies concerning intelligence and counterintelligence arrangements and agreements with foreign governments and international organizations; and
(C) Shall align and synchronize intelligence and counterintelligence foreign relationships among the elements of the Intelligence Community to further United States national security, policy, and intelligence objectives;
(5) Shall participate in the development of procedures approved by the Attorney General governing criminal drug intelligence activities abroad to ensure that these activities are consistent with foreign intelligence programs;
(6) Shall establish common security and access standards for managing and handling intelligence systems, information, and products, with special emphasis on facilitating:
(A) The fullest and most prompt access to and dissemination of information and intelligence practicable, assigning the highest priority to detecting, preventing, preempting, and disrupting terrorist threats and activities against the United States, its interests, and allies; and(B) The establishment of standards for an interoperable information sharing enterprise that facilitates the sharing of intelligence information among elements of the Intelligence Community;
(7) Shall ensure that appropriate departments and agencies have access to intelligence and receive the support needed to perform independent analysis;
(8) Shall protect, and ensure that programs are developed to protect, intelligence sources, methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure;
(9) Shall, after consultation with the heads of affected departments and agencies, establish guidelines for Intelligence Community elements for:
(A) Classification and declassification of all intelligence and intelligence-related information classified under the authority of the Director or the authority of the head of a department or Intelligence Community element; and(B) Access to and dissemination of all intelligence and intelligence-related information, both in its final form and in the form when initially gathered, to include intelligence originally classified by the head of a department or Intelligence Community element, except that access to and dissemination of information concerning United States persons shall be governed by procedures developed in accordance with Part 2 of this order;
(10) May, only with respect to Intelligence Community elements, and after consultation with the
head of the originating Intelligence Community element
or the head of the originating department, declassify, or direct the declassification of, information or intelligence relating to intelligence sources, methods, and activities. The Director may only delegate this authority to the Principal Deputy Director of National Intelligence;(11) May establish, operate, and direct one or more national intelligence centers to address intelligence priorities;
(12) May establish Functional Managers and Mission Managers, and designate officers or employees of the United States to serve in these positions.
(A) Functional Managers shall report to the Director concerning the execution of their duties as Functional Managers, and may be charged with developing and implementing strategic guidance, policies, and procedures for activities related to a specific intelligence discipline or set of intelligence activities; set training and tradecraft standards; and ensure coordination within and across intelligence disciplines and Intelligence Community elements and with related non-intelligence activities. Functional Managers may also advise the Director on: the management of resources; policies and procedures; collection capabilities and gaps; processing and dissemination of intelligence; technical architectures; and other issues or activities determined by the Director.(i) The Director of the National Security Agency is designated the Functional Manager for signals intelligence;(ii) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency is designated the Functional Manager for human intelligence; and
(iii) The Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency is designated the Functional Manager for geospatial intelligence.
(B) Mission Managers shall serve as principal substantive advisors on all or specified aspects of intelligence related to designated countries, regions, topics, or functional issues;
(13) Shall establish uniform criteria for the determination of relative priorities for the transmission of critical foreign intelligence, and advise the Secretary of Defense concerning the communications requirements of the Intelligence Community for the transmission of such communications;
(14) Shall have ultimate responsibility for production and dissemination of intelligence produced by the Intelligence Community and authority to levy analytic tasks on intelligence production organizations within the Intelligence Community, in consultation with the heads of the Intelligence Community elements concerned;
(15) May establish advisory groups for the purpose of obtaining advice from within the Intelligence Community to carry out the Director's
responsibilities, to include Intelligence Community executive management committees composed of senior Intelligence Community leaders. Advisory groups shall consist of representatives from elements of the Intelligence Community, as designated by the Director, or other executive branch departments, agencies, and offices, as appropriate;(16) Shall ensure the timely exploitation and dissemination of data gathered by national intelligence collection means, and ensure that the resulting intelligence is disseminated immediately to appropriate government elements, including military commands;
(17) Shall determine requirements and priorities for, and manage and direct the tasking, collection, analysis, production, and dissemination of, national intelligence by elements of the Intelligence Community, including approving requirements for collection and analysis and resolving conflicts in collection requirements and in the tasking of national collection assets of Intelligence Community elements (except when otherwise directed by the President or when the Secretary of Defense exercises collection tasking authority under plans and arrangements approved by the Secretary of Defense and the Director);
(18) May provide advisory tasking concerning collection and analysis of information or intelligence relevant to national intelligence or national security to departments, agencies, and establishments of the United States Government that are not elements of
the Intelligence Community; and shall establish
procedures, in consultation with affected heads of departments or agencies and subject to approval by the Attorney General, to implement this authority and to monitor or evaluate the responsiveness of United States Government departments, agencies, and other establishments;(19) Shall fulfill the responsibilities in section 1.3(b)(17) and (18) of this order, consistent with applicable law and with full consideration of the rights of United States persons, whether information is to be collected inside or outside the United States;
(20) Shall ensure, through appropriate policies and procedures, the deconfliction, coordination, and integration of all intelligence activities conducted by an Intelligence Community element or funded by the National Intelligence Program. In accordance with these policies and procedures:
(A) The Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities inside the United States;(B) The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall coordinate the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means and counterintelligence activities outside the United States;
(C) All policies and procedures for the coordination of counterintelligence activities and the clandestine collection of foreign intelligence inside the United States shall be subject to the approval of the Attorney General; and
(D) All policies and procedures developed under this section shall be coordinated with the heads of affected departments and Intelligence Community elements;
(21) Shall, with the concurrence of the heads of affected departments and agencies, establish joint procedures to deconflict, coordinate, and synchronize intelligence activities conducted by an Intelligence Community element or funded by the National Intelligence Program, with intelligence activities, activities that involve foreign intelligence and security services, or activities that involve the use of clandestine methods, conducted by other United States Government departments, agencies, and establishments;
(22) Shall, in coordination with the heads of departments containing elements of the Intelligence Community, develop procedures to govern major system acquisitions funded in whole or in majority part by the National Intelligence Program;
(23) Shall seek advice from the Secretary of State to ensure that the foreign policy implications of proposed intelligence activities are considered, and shall ensure, through appropriate policies and procedures, that intelligence activities are conducted
in a manner consistent with the responsibilities pursuant to law and presidential direction of Chiefs of United States Missions; and(24) Shall facilitate the use of Intelligence Community products by the Congress in a secure manner.
(c) The Director's exercise of authorities in the Act and this order shall not abrogate the statutory or other responsibilities of the heads of departments of the United States Government or the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Directives issued and actions taken by the Director in the exercise of the Director's authorities and responsibilities to integrate, coordinate, and make the Intelligence Community more effective in providing intelligence related to national security shall be implemented by the elements of the Intelligence Community, provided that any department head whose department contains an element of the Intelligence Community and who believes that a directive or action of the Director violates the requirements of section 1018 of the IRTPA or this subsection shall bring the issue to the attention of the Director, the NSC, or the President for resolution in a manner that respects and does not abrogate the statutory responsibilities of the heads of the departments.
(d) Appointments to certain positions.
(1) The relevant department or bureau head shall provide recommendations and obtain the concurrence of the Director for the selection of: the Director of the National Security Agency, the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, the Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and
Analysis, the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, the Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy, the Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury, and the Executive Assistant Director for the National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. If the Director does not concur in the recommendation, the department head may not fill the vacancy or make the recommendation to the President, as the case may be. If the department head and the Director do not reach an agreement on the selection or recommendation, the Director and the department head concerned may advise the President directly of the Director's intention to withhold concurrence.(2) The relevant department head shall consult with the Director before appointing an individual to fill a vacancy or recommending to the President an individual be nominated to fill a vacancy in any of the following positions: the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence; the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency; uniformed heads of the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps above the rank of Major General or Rear Admiral; the Assistant Commandant of the Coast Guard for Intelligence; and the Assistant Attorney General for National Security.
(e) Removal from certain positions.
(1) Except for the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, whose removal the Director
may recommend to the President, the Director and the relevant department head shall consult on the removal, or recommendation to the President for removal, as the case may be, of: the Director of the National Security Agency, the Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, the Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, the Under Secretary of Homeland Security for Intelligence and Analysis, the Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research, and the Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury. If the Director and the department head do not agree on removal, or recommendation for removal, either may make a recommendation to the President for the removal of the individual.(2) The Director and the relevant department or bureau head shall consult on the removal of: the Executive Assistant Director for the National Security Branch of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the Director of the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy, the Director of the National Reconnaissance Office, the Assistant Commandant of the Coast Guard for Intelligence, and the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence. With respect to an individual appointed by a department head, the department head may remove the individual upon the request of the Director; if the department head chooses not to remove the individual, either the Director or the department head may advise the President of the department head's
intention to retain the individual. In the case of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, the Secretary of Defense may recommend to the President either the removal or the retention of the individual. For uniformed heads of the intelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps, the Director may make a recommendation for removal to the Secretary of Defense.(3) Nothing in this subsection shall be construed to limit or otherwise affect the authority of the President to nominate, appoint, assign, or terminate the appointment or assignment of any individual, with or without a consultation, recommendation, or concurrence.
1.4 The Intelligence Community. Consistent with applicable Federal law and with the other provisions of this order, and under the leadership of the Director, as specified in such law and this order, the Intelligence Community shall:
(a) Collect and provide information needed by the President and, in the performance of executive functions, the Vice President, the NSC, the Homeland Security Council, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, senior military commanders, and other executive branch officials and, as appropriate, the Congress of the United States;
(b) In accordance with
priorities set by the President, collect information concerning, and
conduct activities to protect against, international terrorism,
proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, intelligence activities directed
against the United States, international criminal drug activities, and
other hostile activities directed against the
United States by foreign powers, organizations, persons, and their
(c) Analyze, produce, and disseminate intelligence;
(d) Conduct administrative, technical, and other support activities within the United States and abroad necessary for the performance of authorized activities, to include providing services of common concern for the Intelligence Community as designated by the Director in accordance with this order;
(e) Conduct research, development, and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized functions and missions or the provision of services of common concern for the Intelligence Community;
(f) Protect the security of intelligence related activities, information, installations, property, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the Intelligence Community elements as are necessary;
(g) Take into account State, local, and tribal governments' and, as appropriate, private sector entities' information needs relating to national and homeland security;
(h) Deconflict, coordinate, and integrate all intelligence activities and other information gathering in accordance with section 1.3(b)(20) of this order; and
(i) Perform such other
functions and duties related to
intelligence activities as the President may direct.
1.5 Duties and Responsibilities of the Heads of Executive Branch Departments and Agencies. The heads of all departments and agencies shall:
(a) Provide the Director
access to all information and intelligence relevant to the national security
or that otherwise
is required for the performance of the Director's duties, to include
administrative and other appropriate management information, except such
information excluded by law, by the President, or by the Attorney General
acting under this order at the direction of the President;
(b) Provide all programmatic and budgetary information necessary to support the Director in developing the National Intelligence Program;
(c) Coordinate development and implementation of intelligence systems and architectures and, as appropriate, operational systems and architectures of their departments, agencies, and other elements with the Director to respond to national intelligence requirements and all applicable information sharing and security guidelines, information privacy, and other legal requirements;
(d) Provide, to the maximum extent permitted by law, subject to the availability of appropriations and not inconsistent with the mission of the department or agency, such further support to the Director as the Director may request, after consultation with the head of the department or agency, for the performance of the Director's functions;
(e) Respond to advisory tasking from the Director under section 1.3(b)(18) of this order to the greatest extent possible, in accordance with applicable policies established by the head of the responding department or agency;
(f) Ensure that all elements within the department or agency comply with the provisions of Part 2 of this order, regardless of Intelligence Community affiliation, when performing foreign intelligence and counterintelligence functions;
(g) Deconflict, coordinate, and integrate all intelligence activities in accordance with section 1.3(b)(20), and intelligence and other activities in accordance with section 1.3(b)(21) of this order;
(h) Inform the Attorney General, either directly or through the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Director of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence and counterintelligence activities inside the United States not coordinated with the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(i) Pursuant to arrangements developed by the head of the department or agency and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency and approved by the Director, inform the Director and the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency, either directly or through his designee serving outside the United States, as appropriate, of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence collected through human sources or through human-enabled means outside the United States that has not been coordinated with the Central Intelligence Agency; and
(j) Inform the Secretary of Defense, either directly or through his designee, as appropriate, of clandestine collection of foreign intelligence outside the United States in a region of combat or contingency military operations designated by the Secretary of Defense, for purposes of this paragraph, after consultation with the Director of National Intelligence.
1.6 Heads of Elements of the Intelligence Community. The heads of elements of the Intelligence Community shall:
(a) Provide the Director
access to all information and intelligence relevant to the national security
or that otherwise is required for the performance of the Director's duties,
to include administrative and other appropriate management
information, except such information excluded by law, by the President, or
by the Attorney General acting under this order at the direction of
the President;
(b) Report to the Attorney General possible violations of Federal criminal laws by employees and of specified Federal criminal laws by any other person as provided in procedures agreed upon by the Attorney General and the head of the department, agency, or establishment concerned, in a manner consistent with the protection of intelligence sources and methods, as specified in those procedures;
(c) Report to the Intelligence Oversight Board, consistent with Executive Order 13462 of February 29, 2008, and provide copies of all such reports to the Director, concerning any intelligence activities of their elements that they have reason to believe may be unlawful or contrary to executive order or presidential directive;
(d) Protect intelligence and intelligence sources, methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure in accordance with guidance from the Director;
(e) Facilitate, as appropriate, the sharing of information or intelligence, as directed by law or the President, to State, local, tribal, and private sector entities;
(f) Disseminate information or intelligence to foreign governments and international organizations under intelligence or counterintelligence arrangements or agreements established in accordance with section 1.3(b)(4) of this order;
(g) Participate in
the development of procedures approved by the Attorney General governing
production and dissemination of information or intelligence resulting from
criminal drug intelligence activities abroad if they have intelligence
responsibilities for foreign or domestic criminal drug production and
trafficking; and
(h) Ensure that the inspectors general, general counsels, and agency officials responsible for privacy or civil liberties protection for their respective organizations have access to any information or intelligence necessary to perform their official duties.
1.7 Intelligence Community Elements. Each element of the Intelligence Community shall have the duties and responsibilities specified below, in addition to those specified by law or elsewhere in this order. Intelligence Community elements within executive departments shall serve the information and intelligence needs of their respective heads of departments and also shall operate as part of an integrated Intelligence Community, as provided in law or this order.
(a) The Central Intelligence Agency. The Director of the Central Intelligence Agency shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities without assuming or performing any internal security functions within the United States;
(3) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover and proprietary arrangements;
(4) Conduct covert action activities approved by the President. No agency except the Central Intelligence Agency (or the Armed Forces of the United States in time of war declared by the Congress or during any
period covered by a report from the President to the Congress consistent with the War Powers Resolution, Public Law 93148) may conduct any covert action
activity unless the President determines that another agency is more likely to achieve a particular objective;(5) Conduct foreign intelligence liaison relationships with intelligence or security services of foreign governments or international organizations consistent with section 1.3(b)(4) of this order;
(6) Under the direction and guidance of the Director, and in accordance with section 1.3(b)(4) of this order, coordinate the implementation of intelligence
and counterintelligence relationships between elements of the Intelligence Community and the intelligence or security services of foreign governments or international organizations; and(7) Perform such other functions and duties related to intelligence as the Director may direct.
(b) The Defense Intelligence Agency. The Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions;(2) Collect, analyze, produce, or, through tasking and coordination, provide defense and defense-related intelligence for the Secretary of Defense, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, combatant commanders, other Defense components, and non-Defense agencies;
(3) Conduct counterintelligence activities;
(4) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover and proprietary arrangements;
(5) Conduct foreign defense intelligence liaison relationships and defense intelligence exchange programs with foreign defense establishments, intelligence or security services of foreign governments, and international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order;
(6) Manage and coordinate all matters related to the Defense Attaché system; and
(7) Provide foreign intelligence and counterintelligence staff support as directed by the Secretary of Defense.
(c) THE NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY. The Director of the National Security Agency shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), process, analyze, produce, and disseminate signals intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions;(2) Establish and operate an effective unified organization for signals intelligence activities, except for the delegation of operational control
over certain operations that are conducted through other elements of the Intelligence Community. No other department or agency may engage in signals intelligence activities except pursuant to a
delegation by the Secretary of Defense, after coordination with the Director;(3) Control signals intelligence collection and processing activities, including assignment of resources to an appropriate agent for such periods and tasks as required for the direct support of military commanders;
(4) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover arrangements;
(5) Provide signals intelligence support for national and departmental requirements and for the conduct of military operations;
(6) Act as the National Manager for National Security Systems as established in law and policy, and in this capacity be responsible to the Secretary of Defense and to the Director;
(7) Prescribe, consistent with section 102A(g) of the Act, within its field of authorized operations, security regulations covering operating practices, including the transmission, handling, and distribution of signals intelligence and communications security material within and among the elements under control of the Director of the National Security Agency, and exercise the necessary supervisory control to ensure compliance with the regulations; and
(8) Conduct foreign cryptologic liaison relationships in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(d) The National Reconnaissance Office. The Director of the National Reconnaissance Office shall:
(1) Be responsible for research and development, acquisition, launch, deployment, and operation of overhead systems and related data processing facilities to collect intelligence and information to support national and departmental missions and other United States Government needs; and(2) Conduct foreign liaison relationships relating to the above missions, in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(e) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency. The Director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency shall:
(1) Collect, process, analyze, produce, and disseminate geospatial intelligence information and data for foreign intelligence and counterintelligence purposes to support national and departmental missions;(2) Provide geospatial intelligence support for national and departmental requirements and for the conduct of military operations;
(3) Conduct administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as necessary for cover arrangements; and
(4) Conduct foreign geospatial intelligence liaison relationships, in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(f) The Intelligence and Counterintelligence Elements of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. The Commanders and heads of the intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), produce, analyze, and disseminate defense and defense-related intelligence and counterintelligence to support departmental requirements, and, as appropriate, national requirements;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities;
(3) Monitor the development, procurement, and management of tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conduct related research, development, and test and evaluation activities; and
(4) Conduct military intelligence liaison relationships and military intelligence exchange programs with selected cooperative foreign defense establishments and international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and 1.10(i) of this order.
(g) Intelligence Elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Under the supervision of the Attorney General and pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions, in accordance with procedural guidelines approved by the Attorney General, after consultation with the Director;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities; and
(3) Conduct foreign intelligence and counterintelligence liaison relationships with intelligence, security, and law enforcement services of foreign governments or international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order.
(h) The Intelligence and Counterintelligence Elements of the Coast Guard. The Commandant of the Coast Guard shall:
(1) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate foreign intelligence and counterintelligence including defense and defense-related information and intelligence to support national and departmental missions;(2) Conduct counterintelligence activities;
(3) Monitor the development, procurement, and management of tactical intelligence systems and equipment and conduct related research, development, and test and evaluation activities; and
(4) Conduct foreign intelligence liaison relationships and intelligence exchange programs with foreign intelligence services, security services or international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.7(a)(6), and, when operating as part of the Department of Defense, 1.10(i) of this order.
(i) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State; The Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of the Treasury; The Office of National Security Intelligence, Drug Enforcement Administration; The Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security; and The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Department of Energy. The heads of the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, Department of State; the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of the Treasury; the Office of National Security Intelligence, Drug Enforcement Administration; the Office of Intelligence and Analysis, Department of Homeland Security; and the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence, Department of Energy shall:
(1) Collect (overtly or through publicly available sources), analyze, produce, and disseminate information, intelligence, and counterintelligence to support national and departmental missions; and(2) Conduct and participate in analytic or information exchanges with foreign partners and international organizations in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order.
(j) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence. The Director shall collect (overtly or through publicly available sources), analyze, produce, and disseminate information, intelligence, and counterintelligence to support the missions of the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, including the National Counterterrorism Center, and to support other national missions.
1.8 The Department of State. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Bureau of Intelligence and Research under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order, the Secretary of State shall:
(a) Collect (overtly or through publicly available sources) information relevant to United States foreign policy and national security concerns;
(b) Disseminate, to the maximum extent possible, reports received from United States diplomatic and consular posts;
(c) Transmit reporting requirements and advisory taskings of the Intelligence Community to the Chiefs of United States Missions abroad; and
(d) Support Chiefs of United States Missions in discharging their responsibilities pursuant to law and presidential direction.
1.9 The Department of the Treasury. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order the Secretary of the Treasury shall collect (overtly or through publicly available sources) foreign financial information and, in consultation with the Department of State, foreign economic information.
1.10 The Department of Defense. The Secretary of Defense shall:
(a) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate information and intelligence and be responsive to collection tasking and advisory tasking by the Director;
(b) Collect (including through clandestine means), analyze, produce, and disseminate defense and defenserelated intelligence and counterintelligence, as required for execution of the Secretary's responsibilities;
(c) Conduct programs and missions necessary to fulfill national, departmental, and tactical intelligence requirements;
(d) Conduct counterintelligence activities in support of Department of Defense components and coordinate counterintelligence activities in accordance with section 1.3(b)(20) and (21) of this order;
(e) Act, in coordination
with the Director, as the
executive agent of the United States Government for signals intelligence
(f) Provide for the timely transmission of critical intelligence, as defined by the Director, within the United States Government;
(g) Carry out or contract for research, development, and procurement of technical systems and devices relating to authorized intelligence functions;
(h) Protect the security of Department of Defense installations, activities, information, property, and employees by appropriate means, including such investigations of applicants, employees, contractors, and other persons with similar associations with the Department of Defense as are necessary;
(i) Establish and maintain defense intelligence relationships and defense intelligence exchange programs with selected cooperative foreign defense establishments, intelligence or security services of foreign governments, and international organizations, and ensure that such relationships and programs are in accordance with sections 1.3(b)(4), 1.3(b)(21) and 1.7(a)(6) of this order;
(j) Conduct such administrative and technical support activities within and outside the United States as are necessary to provide for cover and proprietary arrangements, to perform the functions described in sections (a) though (i) above, and to support the Intelligence Community elements of the Department of Defense; and
(k) Use the Intelligence
Community elements within the Department of Defense identified in
section 1.7(b) through (f) and, when the Coast Guard is operating
as part of the Department
of Defense, (h) above to carry out the Secretary of Defense's responsibilities
assigned in this section or other departments, agencies, or offices within
the Department of Defense, as appropriate, to conduct the intelligence missions
and responsibilities assigned to the Secretary of Defense.
1.11 The Department of Homeland Security. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order, the Secretary of Homeland Security shall conduct, through the United States Secret Service, activities to determine the existence and capability of surveillance equipment being used against the President or the Vice President of the United States, the Executive Office of the President, and, as authorized by the Secretary of Homeland Security or the President, other Secret Service protectees and United States officials. No information shall be acquired intentionally through such activities except to protect against use of such surveillance equipment, and those activities shall be conducted pursuant to procedures agreed upon by the Secretary of Homeland Security and the Attorney General.
1.12 The Department of Energy. In addition to the authorities exercised by the Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy under sections 1.4 and 1.7(i) of this order, the Secretary of Energy shall:
(a) Provide expert scientific, technical, analytic, and research capabilities to other agencies within the Intelligence Community, as appropriate;
(b) Participate in formulating intelligence collection and analysis requirements where the special expert capability of the Department can contribute; and
(c) Participate with the Department of State in overtly collecting information with respect to foreign energy matters.
1.13 The Federal Bureau of Investigation. In addition to the authorities exercised by the intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation of the Department of Justice under sections 1.4 and 1.7(g) of this order and under the supervision of the Attorney General and pursuant to such regulations as the Attorney General may establish, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation shall provide technical assistance, within or outside the United States, to foreign intelligence and law enforcement services, consistent with section 1.3(b)(20) and (21) of this order, as may be necessary to support national or departmental missions.
2.1 Need.
Timely, accurate, and insightful information about the activities, capabilities, plans, and intentions of foreign powers, organizations, and persons, and their agents, is essential to informed decisionmaking in the areas of national security, national defense, and foreign relations. Collection of such information is a priority objective and will be pursued in a vigorous, innovative, and responsible manner that is consistent with the Constitution and applicable law and respectful of the principles upon which the United States was founded.
2.2 Purpose.
This Order is intended to enhance human and technical collection techniques, especially those undertaken abroad, and the acquisition of significant foreign intelligence, as well as the detection and countering of international terrorist activities, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, and espionage conducted by foreign powers. Set forth below are certain general principles that, in addition to and consistent with applicable laws, are intended to achieve the proper balance between the acquisition of essential information and protection of individual interests. Nothing in this Order shall be construed to apply to or interfere with any authorized civil or criminal law enforcement responsibility of any department or agency.
2.3 Collection of Information.
Elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized
to collect, retain, or disseminate information concerning United States persons
only in accordance with procedures established by the head of the
aIntelligence Community element concerned or by the head
of a department containing such element and approved by the Attorney General,
consistent with the authorities provided by Part 1 of this Order, after
consultation with the Director. Those procedures shall permit collection,
retention, and dissemination of the following types of information:
(a) Information that is publicly available or collected with the consent of the person concerned;(b) Information constituting foreign intelligence or counterintelligence, including such information concerning corporations or other commercial organizations. Collection within the United States of foreign intelligence not otherwise obtainable shall be undertaken by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) or, when significant foreign intelligence is sought, by other authorized elements of the Intelligence Community, provided that no foreign intelligence collection by such elements may be undertaken for the purpose of acquiring information concerning the domestic activities of United States persons;
(c) Information obtained in the course of a lawful foreign intelligence, counterintelligence, international drug, or international terrorism investigation;
(d) Information needed to protect the safety of any persons or organizations, including those who are targets, victims, or hostages of international terrorist organizations;
(e) Information needed to protect foreign intelligence or counterintelligence sources, methods, and activities from unauthorized disclosure. Collection within the United States shall be undertaken by the FBI except that other elements of the Intelligence Community may also collect such information concerning present or former employees, present or former intelligence element contractors or their present or former employees, or applicants for any such employment or contracting;
(f) Information concerning persons who are reasonably believed to be potential sources or contacts for the purpose of determining their suitability or credibility;
(g) Information arising out of a lawful personnel, physical, or communications security investigation;
(h) Information acquired by overhead reconnaissance not directed at specific United States persons;
(i) Incidentally obtained information that may indicate involvement in activities that may violate Federal, state, local or foreign laws;
(j) Information necessary for administrative purposes.
In addition, elements within the Intelligence Community may disseminate information to each appropriate elements of the Intelligence Community for purposes of allowing the recipient element to determine whether the information is relevant to its responsibilities and can be retained by it, except that information derived from signals intelligence may only be disseminated or made available to Intelligence Community elements in accordance with procedures established by the Director in coordination with the Secretary of Defense and approved by the Attorney General.
2.4 Collection Techniques.
Elements of the Intelligence Community shall use the least intrusive collection techniques feasible within the United States or directed against United States persons abroad. Elements of the Intelligence Community are not authorized to use such techniques as electronic surveillance, unconsented physical search, mail surveillance, physical surveillance, or monitoring devices unless they are in accordance with procedures established by the head of the Intelligence Community element concerned or the head of a department containing such element concerned and approved by the Attorney General, after consultation with the Director. Such procedures shall protect constitutional and other legal rights and limit use of such information to lawful governmental purposes. These procedures shall not authorize:
(a) The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to engage in electronic surveillance within the United States except for the purpose of training, testing, or conducting countermeasures to hostile electronic surveillance;(b) Unconsented physical searches in the United States by elements of the Intelligence Community other than the FBI, except for:
(1) Searches by counterintelligence elements of the military services directed against military personnel within the United States or abroad for intelligence purposes, when authorized by a military commander empowered to approve physical searches for law enforcement purposes, based upon a finding of probable cause to believe that such persons are acting as agents of foreign powers; and(2) Searches by CIA of personal property of non-United States persons lawfully in its possession
.;(c) Physical surveillance of a United States person in the United States by elements of the Intelligence Community other than the FBI, except for:
(1) Physical surveillance of present or former employees, present or former intelligence element contractors or their present of former employees, or applicants for any such employment or contracting; and(2) Physical surveillance of a military person employed by a nonintelligence element of a military service
.; and(d) Physical surveillance of a United States person abroad to collect foreign intelligence, except to obtain significant information that cannot reasonably be acquired by other means.
2.5 Attorney General Approval.
The Attorney General hereby is delegated the power to approve the use for intelligence purposes, within the United States or against a United States person abroad, of any technique for which a warrant would be required if undertaken for law enforcement purposes, provided that such techniques shall not be undertaken unless the Attorney General has determined in each case that there is probable cause to believe that the technique is directed against a foreign power or an agent of a foreign power. The authority delegated pursuant to this paragraph, including the authority to approve the use of electronic surveillance as defined in the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act of 1978, as amended, shall be exercised in accordance with that Act.
2.6 Assistance to Law Enforcement Civil Authorities.
Elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized to:
(a) Cooperate with appropriate law enforcement agencies for the purpose of protecting the employees, information, property, and facilities of any element within the Intelligence Community;(b) Unless otherwise precluded by law or this Order, participate in law enforcement activities to investigate or prevent clandestine intelligence activities by foreign powers, or international terrorist or narcotics activities;
(c) Provide specialized equipment, technical knowledge, or assistance of expert personnel for use by any department or element or department, or, when lives are endangered, to support local law enforcement agencies. Provision of assistance by expert personnel shall be approved in each case by the general counsel of the providing agency; and
(d) Render any other assistance and cooperation to law enforcement or other civil authorities not precluded by applicable law.
2.7 Contracting.
Elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized to enter into contracts or arrangements for the provision of goods or services with private companies or institutions in the United States and need not reveal the sponsorship of such contracts or arrangements for authorized intelligence purposes. Contracts or arrangements with academic institutions may be undertaken only with the consent of appropriate officials of the institution.
2.8 Consistency With Other Laws.
Nothing in this Order shall be construed to authorize any activity in violation of the Constitution or statutes of the United States.
2.9 Undisclosed Participation in Organizations Within the United States.
No one acting on behalf of elements of the Intelligence Community may join or otherwise participate in any organization in the United States on behalf of any Intelligence Community element without disclosing such person's intelligence affiliation to appropriate officials of the organization, except in accordance with procedures established by the head of the Intelligence Community element concerned or the head of a department containing such element and approved by the Attorney General, after consultation with the Director. Such participation shall be authorized only if it is essential to achieving lawful purposes as determined by the Intelligence Community element head or designee. No such participation may be undertaken for the purpose of influencing the activity of the organization or its members except in cases where:
(a) The participation is undertaken on behalf of the FBI in the course of a lawful investigation; or(b) The organization concerned is composed primarily of individuals who are not United States persons and is reasonably believed to be acting on behalf of a foreign power.
2.10 Human Experimentation.
No element of the Intelligence Community shall sponsor, contract for, or conduct research on human subjects except in accordance with guidelines issued by the Department of Health and Human Services. The subject's informed consent shall be documented as required by those guidelines.
2.11 Prohibition on Assassination.
No person employed by or acting on behalf of the United States Government shall engage in, or conspire to engage in, assassination.
2.12 Indirect Participation.
No element of the Intelligence Community shall participate in or request any person to undertake activities forbidden by this Order.
2.13 Limitation on Covert Action. No covert action may be conducted which is intended to influence United States political processes, public opinion, policies, or media.
3.1 Congressional Oversight.
The duties and responsibilities of the Director and the heads of other departments, elements, and entities engaged in intelligence activities to cooperate with the Congress in the conduct of its responsibilities for oversight of intelligence activities shall be as provided in title 50, United States Code, section 413., implemented in accordance with applicable law,including title V of the Act. The requirements of section 662 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended (22 U.S.C. 2422), and section 501 of the National Security Act of 1947, as amended (50 U.S.C. 413), applicable law,including title V of the Act, shall apply to all covert action activities as defined in this Order.
3.2 Implementation.
The President, supported by the NSC, and the Director shall issue such appropriate directives, procedures, and guidance as are necessary to implement this order. Heads of elements within the Intelligence Community shall issue appropriate procedures and supplementary directives consistent with this order. No procedures to implement Part 2 of this order shall be issued without the Attorney General's approval, after consultation with the Director. The Attorney General shall provide a statement of reasons for not approving any procedures established by the head of an element in the Intelligence Community (or the head of the department containing such element) other than the FBI. In instances where the element head or department head and the Attorney General are unable to reach agreements on other than constitutional or other legal grounds, the Attorney General, the head of department concerned, or the Director shall refer the matter to the NSC.
3.3 Procedures.
The activities herein authorized that require procedures shall be conducted in accordance with existing procedures or requirements established under Executive Order 12333. New procedures, as required by Executive Order 12333, as further amended, shall be established as expeditiously as possible. All new procedures promulgated pursuant to Executive Order 12333, as amended, shall be made available to the Select Committee on Intelligence of the Senate and the Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence of the House of Representatives.
3.4 References and Transition.
References to "Senior Officials of the Intelligence Community" or "SOICs" in executive orders or other Presidential guidance, shall be deemed references to the heads of elements in the Intelligence Community, unless the President otherwise directs; references in Intelligence Community or Intelligence Community element policies or guidance, shall be deemed to be references to the heads of elements of the Intelligence Community, unless the President or the Director otherwise directs.
3.5 Definitions
For the purposes of this Order, the following terms shall have these meanings:
(a) Counterintelligence means information gathered and activities conducted to identify, deceive, exploit, disrupt, or protect against espionage, other intelligence activities, sabotage, or assassinations conducted for or on behalf of foreign powers, organizations or persons, or their agents, or international terrorist organizations or activities.
(b) Covert action means an activity
or activities of the United States Government to influence political,
economic, or military conditions abroad, where it is intended that the role
of the United States Government
will not be apparent or acknowledged publicly, but does not include:
(1) Activities the primary purpose of which is to acquire intelligence, traditional counterintelligence activities, traditional activities to improve or maintain the operational security of United States Government programs, or administrative activities;(2) Traditional diplomatic or military activities or routine support to such activities;
(3) Traditional law enforcement activities conducted by United States Government law enforcement agencies or routine support to such activities; or
(4) Activities to provide routine support to the overt activities (other than activities described in paragraph (1), (2), or (3)) of other United States Government agencies abroad.
(c) Electronic surveillance means acquisition of a nonpublic communication by electronic means without the consent of a person who is a party to an electronic communication or, in the case of a nonelectronic communication, without the consent of a person who is visibly present at the place of communication, but not including the use of radio direction-finding equipment solely to determine the location of a transmitter.
(d) Employee means a person employed
by, assigned
or detailed to, or acting for an element within the Intelligence
(e) Foreign intelligence means information relating to the capabilities, intentions, or activities of foreign governments or elements thereof, foreign organizations, foreign persons, or international terrorists.
(f) Intelligence includes foreign intelligence and counterintelligence.
(g) Intelligence activities means all activities that elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized to conduct pursuant to this order.
(h) Intelligence Community and elements of the Intelligence Community refers to:
(1) The Office of the Director of National Intelligence;(2) The Central Intelligence Agency;
(3) The National Security Agency;
(4) The Defense Intelligence Agency;
(5) The National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency;
(6) The National Reconnaissance Office;
(7) The other offices within the Department of Defense for the collection of specialized national foreign intelligence through reconnaissance programs;
(8) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Army, the Navy, the Air Force, and the Marine Corps;
(9) The intelligence elements of the Federal Bureau of Investigation;
(10) The Office of National Security Intelligence of the Drug Enforcement Administration;
(11) The Office of Intelligence and Counterintelligence of the Department of Energy;
(12) The Bureau of Intelligence and Research of the Department of State;
(13) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of the Treasury;
(14) The Office of Intelligence and Analysis of the Department of Homeland Security;
(15) The intelligence and counterintelligence elements of the Coast Guard; and
(16) Such other elements of any department or agency as may be designated by the President, or designated jointly by the Director and the head of the department or agency concerned, as an element of the Intelligence Community.
(i) National Intelligence and
Intelligence Related to National Security means all intelligence, regardless
of the source from which derived and including information gathered within
or outside the United States, that pertains, as determined consistent
with any guidance issued by the President, or that is determined for the
purpose of access to information by the Director in accordance with
section 1.3(a)(1) of this order, to pertain to more than one
United States Government agency; and that involves threats to the
United States, its people, property, or interests; the development,
proliferation, or use of weapons of mass
destruction; or any other matter bearing on United States national or
homeland security.
(j) The National Intelligence Program means all programs, projects, and activities of the Intelligence Community, as well as any other programs of the Intelligence Community designated jointly by the Director and the head of a United States department or agency or by the President. Such term does not include programs, projects, or activities of the military departments to acquire intelligence solely for the planning and conduct of tactical military operations by United States Armed Forces.
(k) United States person means a United States citizen, an alien known by the intelligence element concerned to be a permanent resident alien, an unincorporated association substantially composed of United States citizens or permanent resident aliens, or a corporation incorporated in the United States, except for a corporation directed and controlled by a foreign government or governments.
3.6 Revocation.
Executive Orders 13354 and 13355 of August 27, 2004, are revoked ; and paragraphs 1.3(b)(9) and (10) of Part 1 supersede provisions within Executive Order 12958, as amended, to the extent such provisions in Executive Order 12958, as amended, are inconsistent with this Order.
This order is not intended to, and does not, create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable by any party at law or in equity against the United States, its departments, agencies, or entities, its officers, employees, or agents, or any other person.
July 30, 2008.
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