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17 October 2006. Add more recent Google Earth photos.

13 June 2006

A writes:

Would you mind eyeballing Bill O'Reilly? In the past he has threatened to publicly post some of  his callers phone numbers and addresses, so I thought he wouldn't mind his own info being publicly accessible if he is so in favor of those methods.

Source: US Search

William J. O'Reilly and Maureen E. McPhilmy-O'Reilly
33 Shore Drive
Manhasset, NY 11030

No Telephone Number

Bill O'Reilly

33 Shore Drive

Gate to Shore Drive
Photos above:




33 Shore Dr

School District

School district 6
State school code 282206

Building Description

Total number of rooms 10
Total number of full baths 4
Total number of half baths 1

Property Assessment

Appraised land value $1,063,830
Appraised improvement value $1,112,970
Appraised total $2,176,800
Total cost value $1,876,310
Total income value $0
Total market value $2,176,800
Building gross value $0
Misc building value $0

Year Built

Year built 1928

Lot description

Lot size 147 x 198
Lot shape I

Phone Records

No business listings were found.

No residential listings could be found.

Building Characteristics

Structural Qualities

Story height 2
Exterior wall code 1
Architectural Style 6

Heating System

Heat code CENTRAL/AC
Heat system code CENTRAL W AC
Fuel type Gas

Interior Qualities

Attic code Full
Basement code FULL
Grade 1.67
Number of fireplaces 4
Main section ground floor area 1284
Total square feet living area 4631
Condition, design, utility Very good
Percent complete 100%

Land Description

Property Use

Property use classification 2100
Property class 1
Land code Water View
Land influ percentage 0%

Land Description

Acres 0.6161
Topography LEVEL

Buildings on Site

Location factor (area type) NO LOCATION
Number of living units 1
Utility code ALL PUBLIC

Description of Street

Street code PAVED
Fronting location factor (street) NONE
Traffic code LIGHT

Goggle Maps

Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking West

Atop Fox News, 1211 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY

Added 17 October 2006