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1 March 2005. One of the Eyeball series.

See also 63 US Nuclear Power Plants:

Few high-resolution satellite images of US nuclear power plants are available. Exceptions are this one at Braidwood, IL, Dresden, IL, Salem-Hope Creek, NJ, Oyster Creek, NJ, and McGuire, NC,available from USGS satellite photo coverage.

FEMA's formerly public emergency information for this plant now withdrawn (now dead link)

Braidwood Generating Station



Plume (10-mile) Emergency Planning Zone Jurisdictions (now dead link)

Ingestion (50-mile) Emergency Planning Zone Jurisdictions

Qualifying Exercise

Chronology of Past Exercises

Status of 350 Plan Approval (now dead link)

Status of Alert and Notification System (now dead link)

Exercise Schedule (now dead link)

Additional Plant Information [NRC's Nuclear Plant Information Books] (new, active link)

Updated: January 24, 2001

Braidwood Generating Station

Braidwood Nuclear Power Plant 2002
USGS photo
(One-half full size, made available on June 9, 2003)

Braidwood Nuclear Power Plant 2002
USGS photo
(Full size, made available on June 9, 2003)