Donate for the Cryptome collection of files from June 1996 to the present

12 August 2010. Updated.

27 January 2008. Updated.

15 December 2006

Previous Eyeball showing the four centers in 1994:

Aerial views from Google Earth.
WTC Site A


WTC Site B Compare to Site B construction at earlier stage.


WTC Site B


WTC Site B


WTC Site B


WTC Site B


WTC Site B

WTC Site B

WTC Site B


WTC Site B


WTC Site B


 WTC Site C


WTC Site C The facility at upper right is new.

WTC Site C

WTC Site C

WTC Site D Not much is new except for the entrance facility under construction.


WTC Site D


WTC Site D


WTC Site D Entrance facility under construction.

15 December 2006

Previous Eyeball showing the four centers in 1994:

The term "Warrenton Training Center" was initially used by the US Army for military training and the facilities have signs that
continue to use that as cover. See the previous eyeball for more information.

Aerial photos and map from, which shows images of many sites more recent than those shown on Google and the older photos on

CIA Warrenton Training Centers
Eyeball Update

Site A and B

Site A

Site B Showing Substantial New Construction Underway

Site B in 1994. From

Site B Showing Substantial New Construction Underway

Site C

Site D Serves as Both CIA and State Department Communications Center

In 2003 a digital camera chip and a video-tape of this facility were confiscated from Cryptome by security personnel with a
promise to return them upon request. Requests to CIA have not been answered. The two radomes at lower right are very large,
about 80-90 feet high.