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Natsios Young Architects

27 November 2006

These compare aerial photos of a Washington DC tunneling construction site, reportedly classified and overseen by the US Navy, for unknown purposes. Cryptome photographed the site in March 2006.

Previous Eyeball of the site:

US Navy Secret DC Tunneling Project

Mapquest, apparently dated September 2005.

USGS Seamless, September 2005. (This appears to match the Mapquest photo, September 2005, above.)
Available from Seamless for viewing only, no download. Photo shown is a screenshot (screenshots require 80% width reduction).

USGS Seamless, September 2005.
Screenshot. Numbers indicate Cryptome photos below.

Cryptome Photos 15 March 2006
1 Kiewit is a prominent tunneling firm, Clark a general contractor.


2 Entrance


3 Entrance and guard house


4 From parking lot across train tracks.


5 From US Park Service parking lot.


6 From US Park Service parking lot.


7 From across highway at north.


8 From across highway. Round hole is high-volume exhaust.


9 Emergency tunnel evacuation cart nearby.


10 Mobile observation tower nearby.


Changes at the site 1997-2005