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7 February 2004

Employees of Retalix were named in a DEA report on suspected Israeli spies:

E-mails below comment on Retalix employees. The writer of the e-mails was grilled, threatened and fired by Retalixs.

Suspected Israeli Spies in Texas

Retalix USA Headquarters

6100 Tennyson Parkway, Suite 150
Plano, TX 75024
USGS Photo February 2001
(This pre-dates Retalix move-in, which may be into the building under construction at right.)


33.068854 N
96.832598 W


33.072766 N
96.827674 W

Employees of Retalix          Photos, addresses and maps dated April, 2003.

Hillel Dor
6302 Windcrest Dr.
Plano, TX

Marina Glickman
5920 Andover Dr.
The Colony, TX

Ronen Akiva
6915 Clearhaven Dr.
Dallas, TX

Tomer Ben-Dor
3900 Winford Dr.
Plano, Tx

Zeev Miller
3552 Kimble Dr.
Plano, TX

Previously published at:

17 April 2003


Subject: Post this on your web site

Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 01:53:17 -0500

I realize that you were just trying to help me by posting my earlier emails 

but I think it may have caused more harm than good; at least for the short 


So if you will be so kind as to post this email for me then maybe I can make 

a little lemonaide from the previous lemons.

The way I see it is if the "powers that be" at my job have already read my 

email postings from earlier then they'll probably go back to your site to 

see if you've posted any more emails.

Please respect my wishes, here. I just want to avoid any harm against my 

family and me.

And please don’t show my email address again, too. If I'm lucky and they 

still don’t know who I am then that would be a good thing. But I don't want 

to take any chances. However, I’m fairly certain that they know it’s me.

So I'd like to use your site to get this message across to them:

To anyone at my job who's thinking about causing me (or my family) harm. 

Understand that you will be met with harsh resistance and in the worst 

possible way. I have taken the liberty of gathering very sensitive 

information and I've given to a few people, along with some specific 

instructions as to how to use this information.

If anything untoward should happen to me then all of your customers (at the 

corporate level) will receive this information. Also, every local, state, 

and national media organization...all of congress...every federal law 

enforcement agency...and every large stock-oriented investment firm in the 

nation. All of these various entities will receive a detailed email...and 

all at the same time.

This information is sensitive enough to cause the company to tank as well as 

sending any non-U.S. citizens with an H1-B visa right back home.

Also, I have notified a few...let's just say "not so nice" individuals (that 

love me like a brother) about all of this. And they will be taking it 

personally if anything happens to my family or me.

These individuals already have the home addresses and photos of some of your 

"intelligence" people and my friends won't hesitate to exercise (with 

extreme prejudice) their G-d given right to the "eye for an eye" Law as 

stated in the Torah.

So if you don't want a very messy situation on your hands then I suggest 

that you BACK OFF! NOW!

Sha alu Shalom Yerushalayim


16 April 2003. Revised to delete source's address and identifying information.

10 April 2003


Subject: Israeli Spies in Texas

Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 17:29:28 -0500


I want to know where you got this information. Why? Because I happen to

see some of these people and I want to know if I am looking at a bunch of 

filthy rotten spies! If this is information true then I will need to  

take a little extra action).

If it is not true then I want to put it to rest and continue with my life. 

Either way, I want to know.

Here is the link to your archive that I am talking about:

I've seen Hillel Dor, Tomer Ben Dor, Marina Glickman, Ofir Navon, Zeev 

Miller, as well as a few others that are mentioned as being involved in this 

spy ring.

If you are the "patriotic American" that you claim to be then you should 

have no problem in helping me to protect myself.

If you choose not to get back to me (within a reasonable period of time) 

then I will personally inform them of your website and I'm sure that you can 

not afford a defamation of character lawsuit.

Understand this, even if you get back to me with "not so credible" 

information I'll just keep it to myself...I just want you to respond to this 

email because this is a very serious issue with me.

I may be a Jew but I am an American first. I'm a former Light Infantry 

Soldier and I'm all about the Red, White, and Blue. And if I find out that 

all of this information is true then I'll do my part in bringing them down. 

They don't scare me in the least.

Get back to me.

We never offer proof, but leave that up to readers to decide for themselves. As stated at the top of the file, the report came from John Sugg, a reporter in Atlanta. Although there were a number of news items about the report when it first appeared, I've not heard much lately. I'm not sure those named as spies would have much to complain about, rather they might be proud of it. If you can get those you know to tell more about what they have been up to since the story broke, send it over. Any info you have or may get either supporting or refuting the report will be welcome for publication, with or without attribution. That's what Cryptome is for: to publish what no reputable outlet would risk their rep over. Regards, John
To: Subject: Re: Israeli Spies in Texas Date: Wed, 09 Apr 2003 21:10:55 -0500 Hi John, Well John, as G-d as my witness, I swear than I am telling you the truth. I see these people every day. And while I have been VERY pro-Israel over the years...after reading your site (and cross referencing against other sources)...let's just say that my allegiance is starting to wane. All of the people that I mentioned are the ones named on your site. They still work for Retalix in Dallas, TX and I see them all the time. Funny thing is...I really don't like any of them. But I'm not going to let my dislike for them to lead me to automatically assume that they are least not yet. But if I find enough information that proves that they are spies...G-d help them because I'm going to burn them in a big way. The Federal Government may not be on my side...but the media and the customers of Retalix would have a field day with this information. Long story short...Retalix goes bye bye and all the Israeli's go the hell home! I already have a contingency plan in place that will do that very thing should the worst happen to me or any member of my family. I guess the reason that I'm so surprised about this is because you're all the way up there in New York...and I'm all the way down here in Texas. And to see the NAMES of people that you recognize on a website is a little shocking. Well John, you seem to be a truth seeker so I'm asking you to help me to seek the truth on this one. Would you mind putting me in contact was John Sugg? All of his web links seem to dead but I'm sure that you can contact him. So will you help me?