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30 July 2010

Marine Corps Brig Quantico VA Eyeball

This is our best shot at the brig's location. Correction welcome. Send to: cryptome[at]

July 29, 2010

Pentagon returns Wikileaks suspect to U.S.

A military intelligence analyst suspected in the leak of more than 90,000 classified field reports from Afghanistan was returned to the United States from a base in Kuwait Thursday, an Army spokesman said

"U.S. Army officials transferred PFC Bradley Manning from the Theater Field Confinement Facility in Kuwait to the Marine Corps Base Quantico Brig in Quantico, Virginia, on July 29," Major Bryan Woods, an Army spokesman, said in a statement e-mailed to reporters.,_Quantico

Marine Corps Brig, Quantico

Marine Corps Brig, Quantico is a Level 1 facility military prison operated at Marine Corps Base Quantico in Quantico, Virginia. By definition, this means that it can house relatively few inmates (at the time of writing, about 45) and is not equipped for sentences over 90 days.

In practice, the facility can house approximately 250 inmates in living arrangements ranging from squadbays (for general population) to Special Quarters 2, effectively solitary confinement. The facility is used primarily to allow military inmates to serve sentences of a year or less (generally) and as a place to temporarily harbor inmates awaiting transfer to longer term facilities, such as the United States Disciplinary Barracks at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

Security includes a single chain-link fence about 20 feet high with razor wire, cameras, and guards. Guards are divided into three sections, composed of United States Navy and United States Marine Corps personnel in ranks from E-1 to E-6/7. In addition to security personnel, the Brig has a small permanent administration staff including medical personnel and civilian cooks who work with inmates to prepare meals. At present, the Brig is commanded by a CWO3.

The Quantico Brig also offers a small library and chapel for weekly services.

Over the years, there have been some prominent guests at the Brig, to include John Hinckley, a would-be presidential assassin.

Brig Web Site:

Marine Corps Brig Quantico, VA



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