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Natsios Young Architects    

25 August 2010


Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, third from right, shakes hands with outgoing director of the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency U.S. Navy Vice Adm. Robert B. Murrett and greets incoming director Letitia Long upon as Gates arrives at the agency's new east campus in Springfield, Va., Aug. 9, 2010. Murrett relinquished command to Long, the first woman to head a U.S. intelligence agency. (DoD photo by Cherie Cullen/Released)

20 December 2009. Updated with birdseyes dated February 25, 2009 from

8 September 2009


nga-nce.htm  NGA New Campus East Eyeball  November 9, 2008

Google Maps location

National Geospatial Agency New Campus East
Under Construction


Looking North

Looking East

Looking South

Looking West