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Natsios Young Architects

20 December 2009. Also:

National Geospatial Agency New Campus East Under Construction Eyeball

9 November 2008


NGA Bethesda Sumner:

NGA Bethesda Dalecarlia:

NGA Washington Naval Yard:

NGA Newington:

NGA Reston:

NGA Westfields:

NGA College:

NGA New Campus East:

New Campus East Frequently Asked Questions

DoD Base Realignment and Closure

1. Why was NGA included in the BRAC process?

The Defense Department of Defense uses BRAC to achieve several goals: eliminate excess infrastructure, reshape our military, pursue jointness, optimize military readiness, and realize significant savings in support of transforming the Department of Defense. Consolidating NGA facilities in the east will solve critical security and force protection issues for the Agency as well as create a world-class working environment for the workforce that will better enable the NGA to accomplish its increasingly complex, diverse, and expanding missions.

General Information About New Campus East

While NGA continues to transform its processes and systems for the geospatial intelligence (GEOINT) mission, the Agency will soon begin an even more visible change: consolidating its eastern facilities. In accordance with the Department of Defense Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC) actions that became law in November 2005, NGA will consolidate eastern operations in the Springfield, Virginia area on the Engineer Proving Ground of Fort Belvoir by September 15, 2011. As NGA moves to this “New Campus East,” it will close its primary sites in Bethesda, Reston, and the Washington Navy Yard, in addition to relocating smaller NGA functions.

Current NGA Facilities

3. Which of the current NGA facilities are being consolidated under the BRAC?

The May 2005 DoD BRAC recommendation for NGA read as follows: “Close National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA) Dalecarlia and Sumner sites, Bethesda, MD; Reston 1, 2 and 3, leased installations in Reston, VA; Newington buildings 8510, 8520, and 8530, Newington, VA; and Building 213 a leased installation at the South East Federal Center, Washington, DC. Relocate all functions to a new facility at Fort Belvoir, VA. Realign the National Reconnaissance Office facility, Westfields, VA, by relocating all NGA functions to a new facility at the Fort Belvoir, VA. Consolidate all NGA National Geospatial-Intelligence College functions on Fort Belvoir into the new facility at Fort Belvoir, VA.”

4. What will be done with the NGA Bethesda, Reston, and Washington Navy Yard buildings after NGA moves out?

The Bethesda site is owned by the Army and will be turned over to the Army. At Reston, NGA will terminate the lease, and future occupancy will be a decision made by the building owner. At the Washington Navy Yard, the NGA building is owned by the General Services Administration (GSA) and will be turned back to GSA so the land can be included in the Southeast Federal Center (SEFC) development in Washington, D.C. GSA has a web site about this project at

5. When will the existing NGA sites at Bethesda, Reston, and the Washington Navy Yard site close?

We anticipate closures to occur from late 2010 through 2011.

6. Will the NGA West facilities be kept open?

Yes. Facilities of NGA West in St. Louis and Arnold, Missouri, while not directly involved in the consolidation, will play a critical role in mission assurance and NGA business continuity.

New Campus East Workforce

16. What benefits will NGA’s workforce experience as a result of the consolidation?

In order to retain and recruit the best people, NGA is designing the new campus to be a state-of-the-art workplace with, for example, open office environments where employees can collaborate and share their expertise. The consolidation will also reduce the need to travel between sites in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area, putting assign­ments, training, all NGA organizations and other Agency resources within easy range of all employees. The outcome—improved expertise of the workforce, ready access to all NGA resources and improved ability to perform mission responsibilities—will benefit NGA, its partners, and its customers.

As the agency transforms physically, NGA’s workforce will experience beneficial changes in its culture. These changes will involve how people think, act, and behave as the Agency executes its mission. The agency is developing a building design that will enable enhanced business processes and foster a new work environment based on the five key cultural attributes of trust, collaboration, ownership, learning and teaching, and a fun and friendly work environment. For example, these attributes could be enabled through open environments and spaces that enable greater collaboration, a “fun” work environment with pleasant dining facilities and fitness centers, and technology that improves work processes.

National Geospatial Intelligence Agency
New Campus East


Engineer Proving Ground Pre-construction of NGA New Campus East,-77.191486&ie=UTF8&ll=38.75318,-77.193246&spn=0.014709,0.034332&t=k&z=16


NGA New Campus East (at P)