25 November 2006
Previous Eyeballs of Site R: http://eyeball-series.org
Cryptome began its Eyeball Series in March 2002 using the maps and aerial photos of Mapquest and Terraserver. Mapquest withdrew its aerial photos some months later, apparently due to national security concerns. Then high-resolution photos of selected cities from USGS Seamless were used. And then Google Maps, Google Earth and Local Live photo offerings which were more recent than those of Mapquest and Terraserver. Some sensitive sites, such as the Vice President's residence were obscured.
Recently Mapquest has commenced offering aerial photos again and some are more recent than those of the other services. Updated eyeballs have been prepared with Mapquest photos.
Site R, near Waynesboro, PA
Entrance and Guard Station
Helipad, lower left, and Portals A and B
Portals C and D, and Sewage Plant at Upper Right
Antennas and Ventilation Shaft on Hilltop