7 May 2010 A video survey yesterday of security at the Justice Center will be put on YouTube shortly. Along with another video of a demonstration at the center of the Center of a protest against persecution of Muslims and other long-targeted groups, featuring statements by relatives of recently prosecuted Muslims. July 2009 video of Justice Center: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkKdf_Sa7bQ
Times Square Car Bomber Interrogation SiteCryptome yesterday visited the NYC Justice Center, an architectural complex of governmental courthouses, detention facilites, prosecutor offices and law enforcement agencies, to photograph and video latest security measures following the Times Square alleged car bomb incident and location of the current trial of Osama bin Laden's bodyguard. An inquiry about the bodyguard trial at the federal courthouse led a court official to say "if are you asking about the car bomber, he is not here yet, he is still over at 26 Federal Plaza." 26 Federal Plaza (Jacob K. Javits Federal Building) is the location of the FBI New York office among other federal agencies. There have been reports that the FBI brings suspects and arrestees to the basement of the building to be held and interrogated before arraignment at a nearby courthouse. Based on the court official's remark this appears to be the case for the alleged Times Square car bomber. The only extra security at 26 Federal Plaza were black vans blocking two entrances of an underground garage. Another entrance did not have a blocking van. A significant security issue at 26 Federal Plaza is the replacement of DHS Federal Protective Service (FPS) officers with Wackenhut Services, Inc. (WSI) personnel who do not appear to be up to the standards of FPS in attitude, alertness, intelligence, training, physical condition and spiffy authoritative uniform. No doubt cheaper though and with fewer benefits, and the change does provide jobs for those not able to cash in on military, police, political and government connections to be owners of WSI. Insecurity in the area continues through curb-side proliferation of easily-faked vehicle windshield placards denoting "Federal Law Enforcement Vehicle Identification," so screw security, far better to filch a high-value free parking space worth thousands of dollars a year.