12 May 2006.
A writes:
Why does John Hughes-Wilson complain that you've put his life in danger and
then at the bottom of his e-mail to you, put his post code (which in the
UK can narrow down an address search to as little as 15 or so properties)?
It's quite a common function to be able to pinpoint locations by post code
using on-line mapping services or GPS. He surely knew you'd publish
the e-mail - because you always do and he claims to be a fan of the website.
Here's the Multimap link to J H-W's post code.
Funny fellow. Ooops. Shouldn't say that - he might sue me.
11 May 2006
Date: Thu, 11 May 2006 08:06:01 +0100 (BST)
From: John Hughes-Wilson <johnhugheswilson[at]yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Legal Action
To: jya@cryptome.net
I have pointed out quite clearly that at no time was I ever a member of the
FRU in Northern Ireland, much less its Commanding Officer, as you
published. I now see that this falsehood has been picked
up and repeated on Google!
Your continued publication of this lie is therefore both irresponsible and
dangerous. There still remains a number of unreconstructed terrorists in
Northern Ireland who may, as a result of your action, seek to cause harm
to me or my family. Your actions have, in short, put me at risk - and all
based on a lie published by you.
I would be grateful for the name and address of your lawyers. Or would you
prefer the writ for libel and damages to be sent direct to John Young?
Yours faithfully
John Hughes-Wilson
John Hughes-Wilson
Ringwould, Kent
UK. CT 14 8HG
01304 36 33 35
8 May 2006
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 09:57:45 +0100 (BST)
From: John Hughes-Wilson <johnhugheswilson[at]yahoo.co.uk>
Subject: Libel Action
To: jya@cryptome.net
To the Editor of the Cryptome Web Site
Dear Sir or Madam,
I was at no time, nor have I ever been, a member of the Force Reconnaissance
Unit in Northern Ireland as you state on your otherwise admirable web site.
This is a false and misleading claim: it also has potentially dangerous
repercussions, as I am sure you are aware.
If it is repeated please be warned that you - and your woefully inaccurate
reporter, "A" - will be the subject of legal action for libel and damages.
It is not true.
Publication is misleading and irresponsible.
Yours faithfully
John Hughes-Wilson
8 May 2006
John Hughes-Wilson
Ringwould, Kent
UK. CT 14 8HG
01304 36 33 35
From: A2
To: <jya@pipeline.com>
Subject: FRU
Date: Mon, 8 May 2006 09:25:43 +0100
John Hughes-Wilson was never a member of the FRU and will sue any individual
or organisation which repeats this false allegation for libel or slander.
it is not true.
1 May 2006
A. writes:
This is a Sky video on the British Security services MI6. The former Intelligence
officer is John Hughes Wilson (white hair & glasses). He is a former
senior Force Research Unit (FRU) officer (the Boss) in Northern Ireland.
MI6 Headquarters left of Wilson in background.