12 June 2002
Source: http://usinfo.state.gov/cgi-bin/washfile/display.pl?p=/products/washfile/latest&f=02061102.plt&t=/products/washfile/newsitem.shtml

US Department of State
International Information Programs

Washington File

11 June 2002

Wolfowitz Says Jose Padilla Is "Where He Belongs"

(Defense Deputy's June 11 interview on CBS "Early Show") (1080)

The U.S. citizen arrested in May and transferred to a military jail
June 10 is an enemy combatant who can be held for the duration of the
conflict, according to Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz.

American Jose Padilla, also known as Abdullah al Mujahir, "is an enemy
combatant," Wolfowitz told CBS-TV viewers June 11. "Enemy combatants,
whether they are American citizens or not American citizens, are
subject to the same provisions of the laws of war," he said.

U.S. authorities do not believe Padilla had gotten beyond the early
stages of planning to build and explode a radiological or other
device, Wolfowitz said. Nevertheless, Padilla had extensive contacts
with al-Qaida operatives and had received "a great deal of
instruction," he said.

Current plans are to question Padilla about who his associates were
and how the United States might track them down, he said.

Following is a transcript of Wolfowitz's remarks:

(begin transcript)

U.S. Department of Defense News Briefing
Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz
June 11, 2002

(Interview with Jane Clayson, CBS "Early Show")

JANE CLAYSON: What exactly is a so-called dirty bomb? As the attorney
general said, it's more technically known as a radioactive dispersion
device, using a conventional explosive charge to spread radioactive
material over a large area. Unlike a nuclear weapon, it would not kill
thousands or do extensive damage, though it would raise long-term
cancer risks. Officials say its greatest effect might not be physical,
but psychological.

Paul Wolfowitz is deputy secretary of Defense. Mr. Wolfowitz, good

WOLFOWITZ: Good morning.

CLAYSON: How worried should we be about the potential for someone to
use a so-called dirty bomb in the U.S.?

WOLFOWITZ: We've got to be very concerned about a whole range of
weapons of mass destruction. The president has pointed this out over
and over again. This particular individual, Mr. Padilla, Mr. Muhajir,
whatever you prefer to call him, was in the very early stages of his
planning. I don't think there was actually a plot beyond some fairly
loose talk and his coming in here obviously to plan further deeds.

CLAYSON: So it was nothing  -- 

WOLFOWITZ: The general problem is something  -- 

CLAYSON: -- beyond loose talk?

WOLFOWITZ: Oh, he was definitely working on trying to do it. But it's
not as though this was a plan that was on the verge of being executed.
The point, though, that the president has made over and over again is
that there are countries that have weapons of mass destruction who
work with terrorists, and that is really the greatest danger to the
United States.

CLAYSON: Was there a timetable, Mr. Wolfowitz, set for this particular

WOLFOWITZ: To the best of our knowledge, there was not. He was still
in the early planning stages.

CLAYSON: And what about targets? You first suggested Washington DC but
backed off on that a little bit?

WOLFOWITZ: All we've ever said is that he indicated some knowledge of
the Washington area. As I say, this was in the earliest stages of
planning. This man, it's worth pointing out, was a petty criminal in
the United States. Somehow he was recruited in jail into being
something far worse than a petty criminal, and he came into this
country with the intention, by various means, not just the dirty-bomb
idea, of killing hundreds and maybe thousands of Americans. And now
he's where he belongs.

CLAYSON: Do you believe he had access to radiological materials?

WOLFOWITZ: We don't believe he did as of the time we caught him, but
he thought he could get his hands on it somewhere in this country.

CLAYSON: So how much contact did this man have with al-Qaida? And was
he taking orders directly from them?

WOLFOWITZ: A great deal of contact, and clearly taking a great deal of
instruction. If I might, though, just point out to your viewers where
we are today; we're at the site of the Pentagon where the plane
crashed in on the morning of September 11th.

We made such extraordinary progress in rebuilding the building that
we're about to lay the last piece of limestone in the building. And
today we're going to put this time capsule in that's going to honor
the men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice that morning.

It's also a way of honoring the incredible determination and resolve
of the workers who put this building back together so quickly. I think
it's symbolic of the resolve of the American people to prevail over
people like Padilla and Abu Zubaydah and their like.

CLAYSON: Well, congratulations to all those who have worked so hard on
that reconstruction project. Let me ask you a couple more questions,
Mr. Wolfowitz, about Mr. Muhajir. How long can he be held in this
country without formally being charged?

WOLFOWITZ: He's an enemy combatant, and as in earlier wars, you can
hold an enemy combatant until the end of the conflict.

CLAYSON: And the fact that he's an American citizen, does that give
him the right to a fair and speedy trial?

WOLFOWITZ: He is an enemy combatant. Enemy combatants, whether they
are American citizens or not American citizens, are subject to the
same provisions of the laws of war.

CLAYSON: Are there other suspects, either in this country or overseas,
who are working with this man?

WOLFOWITZ: He clearly had associates. And one of the things we want to
ask him about is who those associates were and how we might track them

CLAYSON: So you believe there are others out there. So we've caught
one man, but there are still many to be caught.

WOLFOWITZ: We have caught hundreds, and there are still probably
hundreds more. That's why the president, Secretary Rumsfeld and
everyone in this administration has emphasized over and over again
this is going to be a long struggle. It's not over with just one man
or one country.

But it is worth pointing out that if we hadn't had the success we had
militarily in Afghanistan, Abu Zubaydah would still be sitting in a
sanctuary in Afghanistan instead of being questioned by American law
enforcement people.

CLAYSON: Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz, I appreciate your
time. Thank you.

WOLFOWITZ: Thank you.

(end transcript)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)