9 April 2002
Source: http://usinfo.state.gov/cgi-bin/washfile/display.pl?p=/products/washfile/latest&f=02040802.tlt&t=/products/washfile/newsitem.shtml

US Department of State
International Information Programs

Washington File

08 April 2002

Fact Sheet Says Citizen Corps to Help Make America Safer

(President promotes initiative on trip to Tennessee April 8) (1470)

The White House released this Fact Sheet on the Citizen Corps April 8:

(begin text)

Office of the Press Secretary
April 8, 2002

Citizen Corps Grows Strong in America's Communities

Presidential Action

The President's Citizen Corps initiative that he announced on January
30, 2002 to involve Americans in service activities that will make
their communities safer and better prepared to respond to emergencies
has been met with strong interest in our Nation's communities. Today,
the President will travel to Knoxville, Tennessee to discuss his
Citizen Corps initiative. The President will announce that:

-- More than 40 local leaders in cities and counties around the
country have launched Citizen Corps Councils to offer citizens
opportunities to help make their communities safer, stronger, and
better prepared for preventing and handling threats of terrorism,
crime, and other emergencies and disasters. Fourteen of those local
leaders joined him in Knoxville to demonstrate their commitment to
coordinating, expanding, and creating volunteer opportunities through
Citizen Corps.

-- America's mayors, local government leaders, and governors will
today receive the comprehensive Citizen Corps: A Guide for Local
Officials. This guide will instruct them on how to start Citizen Corps
Councils in their communities to build upon their existing crime
prevention, disaster preparedness, and public health response
activities through volunteer service.

-- To support the Citizen Corps programs and the creation of Citizen
Corps Councils, so communities can get them up and running as soon as
possible, he has requested $50 million for Citizen Corps in his
supplemental budget request to Congress for fiscal year 2002. He has
already requested $230 million for the Citizen Corps initiative in his
fiscal year 2003 budget.

-- The Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal agencies
have begun examining ways to include Citizen Corps activities as a
factor in awarding grants to local and state governments from existing
and proposed emergency preparedness and response programs.

Background on Citizen Corps

Citizen Corps is a component of President Bush's USA Freedom Corps
initiative that will create opportunities for individuals to volunteer
and participate in community emergency preparation, prevention and
response activities. Citizen Corps includes five national programs
that can be used at the local level by Citizen Corps Councils. They

-- Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) Training; Medical Reserve
Corps; Neighborhood Watch; Operation TIPS (Terrorism Information and
Prevention System); Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS)

Citizen Corps was created to offer those who want to devote their
energy and skills, in the aftermath of September 11, to helping their
country and their communities by getting involved in activities that
support emergency, crime, and natural disaster prevention,
preparedness and response. Since it was launched, more than 25,000
Americans in all 50 states and territories have signed up to volunteer
through Citizen Corps by calling 1-877-USA-Corps or logging on to

Citizen Corps will be coordinated at the local level by Citizen Corps
Councils that will bring together local elected officials, first
responders, educational institutions, medical facilities, faith-based
and community organizations, and civic, business, and industry
leaders. The Councils will build a web of volunteer support for first
responder activities by drawing on existing programs in their
communities and helping to create new opportunities.

Local government leaders from: Arlington Heights, Illinois; Charlotte,
North Carolina; Chattanooga, Tennessee; Fort Wayne, Indiana;
Knoxville, Tennessee; Laredo, Texas; Los Angeles, California; Orange
County, California; Orlando, Florida; Placentia, California; Redondo
Beach, California; Santa Fe County, New Mexico; Tucson, Arizona; and
Washington, D.C. joined President Bush in Knoxville, TN today for his
announcements on Citizen Corps.

In Our Communities

More than 40 communities around the country are launching Citizen
Corps Councils to coordinate volunteer support for emergency
preparedness, prevention and response. The Councils will coordinate
the work already being done by citizen volunteers in communities
around the country to create a platform for strengthening and
expanding those volunteer activities. Highlights of activities
underway include:

-- Knoxville Tennessee's Citizen Corps Council met for the first time
on March 28, 2002, bringing together a broad-based group of community
leaders who represent Knoxville's public and private sectors,
emergency management agencies, and faith-based community. Knoxville's
Citizens' Police Academy was one of the community models for the
Citizen Corps' Volunteers in Police Service (VIPs) program.

-- Through the "Mayor's Matching Grant Program," seven Orlando,
Florida neighborhood associations have created Community Emergency
Response Teams (CERT) and purchased emergency equipment. Orlando also
has a robust Neighborhood Watch program, as well as the Citizen
Observer Program to recruit and train volunteers to help the Orlando
Police Department reduce crime in neighborhoods.

-- Through Citizen Corps, Charlotte, North Carolina leaders are
identifying ways to assist local law enforcement agencies and working
to create a strategic communication plan for use in the event of a
terrorist threat or attack -- including development of a homeland
security web page, amateur radio network, and a fax/e-mail network.

-- The Village of Arlington Heights, Illinois has a 20-year track
record of using volunteers to support law enforcement and first
responders. Arlington Heights already maintains a comprehensive
network of mutual aid agreements and an active neighborhood watch
program that includes 80 individual groups. They are now working to
coordinate its efforts through a new Citizen Corps Council.

-- The City of Fort Wayne, Indiana and Allen County are working to
create a Citizen Corps Council that will incorporate the activities
already underway at the Fort Wayne Regional Community Policing
Institute, a comprehensive program offering innovative community
policing education and training to community members.

-- Santa Fe County, New Mexico is creating a Citizen Corps Council
with the help of local non-profit organizations and community leaders
who are working to attract more citizens to volunteer to make their
community safer.

-- The call for Citizen Corps volunteers has already gone out in
Placentia, California, where they have stepped up recruiting for their
Neighborhood Watch, Community Emergency Response Team, Volunteers in
Police Service, Police Explorers, and Radio Amateur Civil Emergency
Services programs.

-- Orange County, California has a Citizen Corps Advisory Council
involving agreements with 113 community affiliates, including city
governments, school districts, and special jurisdictions, such as the
airport and other transportation and water districts. Their Citizen
Corps Council will also include two new programs: the Professional
Services Reserves and Private Sector Terrorism Response Group.

-- Two weeks after the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Mayor
Robert Walkup started "Operation Safe Tucson," which now serves as the
local Citizen Corps Council. The Council has already met, and is
coordinating Tucson's Neighborhood Watch and its Citizen's
Preparedness Corps -- a grassroots, volunteer group that is bringing
emergency preparedness to every home, school, and place of worship in
the community.

-- Mayor Anthony Williams has committed Washington, D.C.'s Commission
on National and Community Service to develop its Citizen Corps
Council. The Commission has already convened a meeting with local
volunteer organizations and local officials to begin their planning
activities, including their plans for Medical Reserve Corps and
Volunteers in Police Service programs.

-- The City of Los Angeles, California's Citizen Corps Council will be
working with a number of local programs including their Community
Emergency Response Team (CERT), Neighborhood Watch program, and
SafetyNET program. Los Angeles developed what is now the nationally
used CERT program in 1985 as a way of offering basic training in
disaster preparedness and rescue skills in the event of an earthquake.
SafetyNET is the city's volunteer neighborhood emergency training

-- The City of Laredo, Texas has been a leader in "mutual aid" between
cities, partnering with Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, Mexico to increase
first responder and volunteer collaboration to ensure the safety of
their residents. Their fire and police departments already use
volunteers to assist them in carrying out their duties in times of
emergency and on everyday basis.

-- Several neighborhood-rebuilding programs in Chattanooga, Tennessee
will work with that city's Citizen Corps programs. Recently, Mayor Bob
Corker created the Strategic Neighborhood Initiative, a partnership
between the City and 15 high priority neighborhoods that will be
working to make those neighborhoods safe places to live and work.

-- The City of Redondo Beach already relies extensively relies on
citizen participation to prevent crime and to prepare for emergencies,
including CERT training, a citizens' police academy, Neighborhood
Watch, and a Safer City program, all of which promote the goals of the
Citizen Corps initiative.

For more information regarding the Citizen Corps programs and
activities or to obtain a copy of the Citizen Corps Guide for Local
Officials, go to www.citizencorps.gov.

(end text)

(Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)