20 March 2003
Source: http://usinfo.state.gov/cgi-bin/washfile/display.pl?p=/products/washfile/latest&f=03031902.plt&t=/products/washfile/newsitem.shtml

US Department of State
International Information Programs

Washington File

19 March 2003

Homeland Security Department Details Operation Liberty Shield

 (Plan aims to bolster protection for U.S. citizens, infrastructure)

 Following is Department of Homeland Security fact sheet that details
 Operation LIBERTY SHIELD, a comprehensive national plan designed to
 increase protection for U.S. citizens and the U.S. infrastructure:

 (begin fact sheet)

 U.S. Department of Homeland Security
 Washington, D.C.
 March 18, 2003

 Operation Liberty Shield

 Operation LIBERTY SHIELD is a comprehensive national plan designed to
 increase protections for America's citizens and infrastructure while
 maintaining the free flow of goods and people across our border with
 minimal disruption to our economy and way of life. Operation LIBERTY
 SHIELD is a multi-department, multi-agency, national team effort. It

 -- Increased security at borders. Stronger transportation protections

 -- Ongoing measures to disrupt threats against our nation

 -- Greater protections for critical infrastructure and key assets 

 -- Increased public health preparedness

 -- Federal response resources positioned and ready



 More Patrols -- Security has been increased at major U.S. ports and
 waterways with more Coast Guard patrols by aircraft, ships and boats.

 More Escorts of Passenger Ships -- The Coast Guard has increased its
 escorts of ferries and cruise ships.

 More Sea Marshals -- Every high interest vessel arriving or departing
 from American ports will have armed Coast Guard Sea Marshals onboard,
 closely watching the ship's crew and ensuring that it makes its port
 call safely. These merchant ships have cargoes, crewmember(s), or
 other characteristics that warrant closer examination.

 Selective Maritime Restrictions -- The Coast Guard will enforce
 security zones in and around critical infrastructure sites in key
 ports. This information will be published and announced for those
 using U.S. waterways.

 Land Borders

 Increasing Border Surveillance -- Surveillance and monitoring of the
 borders will be increased with more agents and patrol assets. These
 forces will cover areas between major ports of entry.

 Increased Border Screening -- Customs and Border Protection officers
 will increase screenings of vehicles and cargo crossing our land
 borders. Officers will conduct more interviews and detailed screenings
 as people transit in and out of the U.S. The actions at land borders
 are not expected to significantly impact the movement of people and
 cargo across the border.

 Asylum Modifications

 Asylum Detainees -- Asylum applicants from nations where al-Qaeda,
 al-Qaeda sympathizers, and other terrorist groups are known to have
 operated will be detained for the duration of their processing period.
 This reasonable and prudent temporary action allows authorities to
 maintain contact with asylum seekers while we determine the validity
 of their claim. DHS and the Department of State will coordinate
 exceptions to this policy.



 Increasing Airport Security -- The Transportation Security Agency will
 implement airport security measures that are proactive, sustainable,
 and focused, based on intelligence information. One of the most
 visible changes will be increasing the presence of law enforcement
 officers on patrol and in airport facilities.

 Checking Airport IDs -- TSA has advised air carriers to review and
 ensure the validity of all personnel ID's for those who have access to
 the secure areas. In addition, TSA screeners will continue to remain
 at a heightened state of alert.

 Airspace Control

 Controlling Vital Airspace -- New temporary flight restrictions have
 been put into place over certain U.S. cities, including Washington
 D.C. and New York City. The FAA will continue to closely monitor air
 traffic in these and other key areas.

 Enhancing Rail Security

 Improving Rail Bridge Security -- State governors have been asked to
 provide additional police or National Guard forces at selected

 Increased Railroad Infrastructure Security -- Railroad companies will
 be asked to increase security at major facilities and key rail hubs.

 AMTRAK Security Measures -- AMTRAK will implement security measures
 consistent with private rail companies.

 Increasing Railroad Hazardous Material (HAZMAT) Safety -- At the
 request of the Department of Transportation private railroad companies
 will monitor shipments of hazardous material and increase surveillance
 of trains carrying this material.

 Enhancing Road Security

 Government and Industry Teamwork -- The Department of Transportation
 will work closely with hazardous material shippers and carriers and
 encourage them to follow transportation security checklists and
 recommendations. Suggested measures include employee identification
 checks, communications plans, and emphasis on operator awareness. U.S.
 and Canadian authorities will also coordinate cross-border hazardous
 material shipments.


 Monitoring Terrorist Suspects

 Tracking Suspects -- The FBI will continue to closely monitor
 individuals suspected of links to terrorism.

 Identifying Terrorist Supporters -- The FBI is working closely with
 the Departments of Justice and DHS to identify those that would
 facilitate terrorist activity through fundraising, logistical support
 and recruitment.

 Foreign National Information -- In order to advise members of the
 Iraqi community of the FBI's responsibilities in protecting them from
 hate crimes, and to elicit information that may be useful to the U.S.
 Government in the event of hostilities in Iraq, the FBI, working with
 the Department of State and immigration officials, has identified a
 number of Iraqi-born individuals in the U.S. that may be invited to
 participate in voluntary interviews.


 Protecting Key Economic Centers and Ports

 Vital Petro-chemical Facilities -- The Coast Guard will provide
 maritime protection for petroleum centers located in close proximity
 to major coastal population centers.

 Strengthening Nuclear Regulatory Safeguards

 Facility Security -- The Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) is
 requiring all licensed users of radioactive material to take
 additional security measures.

 Protecting Key Infrastructure -- The Federal government, state and
 local organizations and the private sector are increasing the security
 presence at chemical facilities, nuclear power sites, key electrical
 grids, bridges, subway systems, and other sites.


 Monitoring and Vigilance -- The Department of Homeland Security,
 together with other government agencies, continues to monitor the
 Internet for signs of a potential terrorist attack, cyber-terrorism,
 hacking, and state-sponsored information warfare. Industry and public
 Internet users are reminded of the importance of employing sound
 security practices and reporting unusual activity or intrusion
 attempts to DHS or local law enforcement.


 Increasing Disease Surveillance and Food Security

 Alerting and Informing the Food Industry -- The Department of
 Agriculture is alerting producer organizations of the increased threat
 status and urging them to implement additional security measures such
 as inspecting all vehicles and escorting all visitors to their

 Department of Health and Human Services Outreach -- HHS is alerting
 state and local health departments, hospitals, and medical care
 providers to report any unusual diseases or disease patterns. HHS has
 put the U. S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corp Readiness Force
 of doctors, nurses, and other health care staff on alert status and
 alerted emergency support and management teams to possible deployment.

 Imported Food Monitoring -- HHS has taken aggressive steps to enhance
 the inspection of imported food and is coordinating federal, state,
 and local communications on imported food issues and potential food

 USDA Monitoring of Food Chain -- The Department of Agriculture is
 taking steps to assure that employees and representatives throughout
 the food and agriculture community are alerted and aware of the need
 for extra precautions during this time. USDA is encouraging state and
 private authorities to monitor feedlots, stockyards, import and
 storage areas.


 National Emergency Response Teams -- DHS has pre-positioned National

 Emergency Response Teams (ERT-N) with one team designated for the
 National Capital Region. These teams are able to provide onsite
 management of federal response efforts.

 Incident Teams -- USDA Incident Management Teams (IRTs) from the U. S.
 Forest Service are ready to deploy to an emergency site to manage an
 incident with other DHS, federal, state, and local authorities.

 DECON Teams Ready -- EPA decontamination teams are on alert and ready
 to deploy.

 In addition to the measures being taken in Operation LIBERTY SHIELD,
 members of the public are encouraged to become more informed about the
 emergency preparedness measures they can take to protect themselves
 and family members.

 School Preparedness -- On March 6, the Secretary of Education, Rod
 Paige, and Secretary Ridge announced a new web site that provides
 educators and school administrators with key emergency information to
 include in their own preparedness plans. The website includes
 information covering a variety of emergencies, including natural
 disasters, violent incidents, and terrorist acts. The website is:

 READY.GOV -- The READY.GOV website and 1-800-Be-Ready line provide
 citizens with informative preparedness suggestions and advice for

 (end fact sheet)

 (Distributed by the Office of International Information Programs, U.S.
 Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)