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25 January 2007

TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER. Karl Kamb shall withdraw [168] Counterclaim from the record in this action. If deft/conterpltf Karl Kamb wishes to refile the counterclaim, he shall do so under seal and not attach any exhibits which were previously attached to [168]. All parties who have appeared in this action shall refrain from discussing the contents of allegation in or attachments to deft Karl Kamb's Counterclaim with any members of the media or press. The only comment parties may make to such third party is that the Counterclaim would be withdrawn and refiled under seal. This provision of the Order remains in effect unless otherwise ordered by the Court. Signed by Judge Michael H. Schneider on 01/25/07. cc:attys 1-25-07(mll, ) Modified on 1/25/2007 (mll, ). (Entered: 01/25/2007)

HP/Karl Kamb/Katsumi Iizuka court filings:

hp.order.jan07.pdf (order, 406KB)

hp.under.seal.jan07.pdf (under seal, 283KB)


hp.amended.complaint.aug06.pdf (1.6MB)

hp.bydesign.brief.apr06.pdf (194KB)

hp.bydesign.brief.jan06.pdf (295KB)

hp.iizuka.affidavit.jan06.pdf (277KB)

hp.kamb.counterclaim.jan07.pdf (324KB)

hp.kamb.counterclaim.jan07excerpt.pdf (243KB)

hp.karl.kamb.affidavit.jan06.pdf (286KB)

hp.mceachern.response.jan06.pdf (185KB)

hp.original.complaint.nov05.pdf (1.1MB)