7 February 2005

M. writes:

Indymedia UK is again under legal threat: EDO (an arms manufacturer) is threatening to sue for libel, because it considers the statements that they are "warmongers", "their weapons kill children", and "their weapons kill civilians" to be defaming them. As someone pointed out if these statements were not true we could sue them under the Trade Descriptions act -- it is crazy, but anyway...

The letter they send, with links to the articles under threat are at:

http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/02/304915.html [ mirror below]

More background information about EDO's business:

http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/02/304814.html [mirror below]

The decision to fight (instead of just closing shop -- since if we don't fight this one then we will fight no case):

http://lists.indymedia.org/pipermail/imc-uk-process/2005-February/0206-sd.html [mirror below]

[Imc-uk-process] IMC UK Receives Legal Threats

MrDemeanour mrdemeanour at jackpot.uk.net
Sun Feb 6 05:08:26 PST 2005

This is a very brief summary of a discussion that has been under way for
the last 2-3 days on the imc-uk-legal list.

On 31 January a takedown notice was received initially by
email and then via snail-mail by WebArchitects,
threatening legal action if some posts about EDO MBM
Technology Limited [EDO] are not taken down by 2nd
February (that deadline has passed).  Note that the only
relationship between WebArchitects and Indymedia is that
WebArchitects holds the Nominet TAG for the
indymedia.org.uk domain name and provide DNS services for
UK Indymedia, WebArchitects have absolutely no
responsibility for the content of the web site. The letter
was from a firm of lawyers acting for EDO, called REYNOLDS

On 3rd February, a further takedown notice was received
via an email sent to the private UK Indymedia contact
email list, and was forwarded to the imc-uk-legal list.
This second notice was similar to the first, but specified
a new deadline of 7th February for the removal of the
content, and further demanded that Indymedia UK make a
formal, written, signed undertaking.

The text of the two notices is here [link to be inserted, once it's
posted to the wire] and here [link to be inserted].

There followed some fairly exhaustive discussion about our options,
which are (roughly):

* Total capitulation
* Partial compliance - a bit of editing or hiding, and perhaps an
   undertaking of some kind
* Defiance!

It isn't clear which target(s) EDO are contemplating sueing (and it's
best not to enumerate the possibilities here, as this list is archived,
and if we're going to fight them then they can do their own damn
homework :-)

For the sake of brevity, I won't summarise the discussion over the first
two options. Several people have declared that they objected strongly to
any kind of capitulation or compliance; so it would seem that there is
no consensus for editing or hiding the pages in any way, nor for making
any kind of undertaking to avoid similar posts in future.

The prevailing attitude on imc-uk-legal seems to be as follows:

1. These posts are entirely consistent with general Indy ideals,
    although (as usual) some individuals may disagree with aspects of the
    posts or of the actions that were being discussed in them. The posts
    are also in conformance with editorial guidelines.

2. There is no significant defamation; the remarks are either accurate,
    or they are fair comment, or they are trivial (different people have
    taken varying positions on different remarks). I think everyone
    agrees that this is what Indymedia is supposed to be for, even if
    some of the remarks might be considered stroppy, or dodgy or

3. If we don't fight this one, then it would be reasonable for people to
    assume that we can't be arsed to fight *any* takedown notice, and
    we'll be drowning in the things within a month or two.

It seems highly unlikely that we'll be complying with the demands of
EDO's lawyers; it's therefore fair to assume that they'll be looking
to sue someone. So it looks like we have a fight on our hands, folks...


More information about the Imc-uk-process mailing list

Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.

EDO MBM threatens IMC UK: "You can't call us warmongers"

Defender of free speech | 06.02.2005 23:39 | Anti-militarism | Indymedia | South Coast

On Friday morning the following letter was sent by email to IMC UK's contact address, threatening libel action over the suggestion that EDO:

(a) are warmongerers;
(b) are complicit in the deaths of innocent people; and
(c) make things that kill children.

Since their business is the manufacture of weapons (see  http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/02/304814.html) [mirror below], these would all seem to be at the very least fair comment, and arguably simple fact.

(Text below, original M$ Word file attached.)

The subject of the complaint would appear to be the following pages:

 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/01/303499.html [mirror below]
 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/01/304182.html [mirror below]
 http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/01/304521.html [mirror below]

and posibly others, which report on the ongoing campaign against this company.

Definite shadows of McLibel and GANDALF here...

|Indymedia UK |Direct Tel: 020 7306 3416 |
| | |
| imcuk@indymedia.org.uk |Email  stephen.mayer@rpc.co.uk |
| | |
|Pages |
|Fax No |
|Our Ref: SDM/MBM2.3 |3rd February 2005 |
| | |
|Dear Sirs, |
| |

We act for EDO MBM Technology Limited.

Our client has become aware of false and defamatory information about our client that has been posted on your website at www.indymedia.org.uk.

We refer in particular to the statements that our client "war-mongers", is "complicit in the deaths of innocent people" and makes "things to kill children" and to the comments posted on your website which are falsely ascribed to Paul Hills and David Jones of EDO MBM Technology Limited.
Furthermore, you publish the names and private addresses of MBM EDO Technology Limited employees and comments which actively encourage readers to target these individuals, who are described as a "Mass Murderer at large" and "Masochistic".

These statements are false and highly damaging to our client's reputation and the reputation of it's employees. Our client manufactures weapons interfacing systems and deals only with reputable customers. Our client takes this matter very seriously and is minded to commence proceedings
against you for libel, seeking an injunction, damages and costs.

Our client is, however, prepared to try and settle this matter without recourse to the courts on the condition that on or before Monday 7th February 2005 you remove all material from your website which is defamatory of our client and that, within 14 days of the date of this letter, (by 18th February 2005), you return to us the enclosed draft Undertaking, typed on your letterhead. If you do not comply with this request within the time specified our client reserves its right to commence court proceedings against you without further notice, claiming an injunction and damages and all other reliefs to which it is entitled.

Provided that you comply with our client's requirements, our client will refrain from commencing proceedings against you for libel in respect of your unlawful activities to date, although, of course, our client reserves all its rights in the event of any breach by you of the undertaking.

We look forward to hearing from you as a matter of urgency.

Yours faithfully,



EDO MBM Technology Limited
C/o Reynolds Porter Chamberlain
Chichester House
278-282 High Holborn

Dear Sirs

In consideration of you not commencing proceedings against us for libel for defaming EDO MBM Technology Limited in the manner set out in the letter from Reynolds Porter Chamberlain dated 3rd February 2005 we, Indymedia UK,
hereby undertake that we will not in the future (whether acting by ourselves, our employees or agents or otherwise howsoever) publish defamatory statements relating to the activities of EDO MBM Technology Limited, including, without limitation, those statements complained of in Reynolds Porter Chamberlain's letter of 3rd February 2005 or words to a similar effect.

Yours faithfully,


Print name


Defender of free speech

Why not try

07.02.2005 09:43

Dear Murderers

In consideration of you not commencing proceedings against us for libel for defaming EDO MBM Technology Limited in the manner set out in the letter from Reynolds Porter Chamberlain dated 3rd February 2005 we, Indymedia UK,
hereby undertake that we will definately in the future (acting by ourselves, and our employees and agents and otherwise howsoever) publish defamatory statements relating to the activities of EDO MBM Technology Limited, including, without limitation, those statements complained of in Reynolds Porter Chamberlain's letter of 3rd February 2005 and words to a similar effect.



Print name



So, do EDOs products kill kids or not?

07.02.2005 09:50

"Our client manufactures weapons interfacing systems and deals only with reputable customers."

No doubt EDO/MBM is looking forward to disclosing their full client list and product list to back up that claim.

A nice protracted libel case should bring them loads of publicity as well. Not all of it good, and when it is proven that their "weapons interfacing systems" aid the slaughter of little kiddies in Iraq, well it'll be an expensive own goal, innit?

I note that the briefs appear not to understand how open publishing works.... so Messrs. Roberts, Barnbrook, Hills, Jones, Mullins and Northam might well like to reconsider their usefulness.

EDO MBM - For the bombing of kids.

EDO MBM - against accountabililty and freedom of speech.

My suggestion - stop making da "weapons interface systems" and make something that saves lives rather than takes them.


Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.

EDO MBM Technology

Googler | 04.02.2005 17:19 | Anti-militarism | London | South Coast

With *loads* of Indymedia articles about this fine weapons manufacturer like...
Arms company shut down  http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/05/292127.html
Demos against EDO/MBM this week including verdict of rooftop 5 trial  http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/01/304379.html
Arms company EDO MBM shut down for a day  http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2004/05/291990.html
Brighton Arms Co in sticky situation  http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2005/01/303757.html
... one wonders what this company does?

Their website tells us..
"EDO MBM Technology is a proven designer, developer and manufacturer of weapon interfacing (carriage & release) ... Its principle products and services include:
* weapon interfacing design services
* bomb racks / ERUs
* weapon suspension and ancillary systems
* pylon ancillaries
* practice bomb carriers
* precision motors and encoders
* product support services"
[  http://www.mbmtech.co.uk/ ]

All good wholesome stuff there, can't be any problem with that. They are working on parts for the /precision/ guided new Paveway bomb...
"Raytheon Systems, prime contractor on the Royal Air Force’s new Paveway IV precision-guided bomb, has awarded a £6.5 million contract to supply the weapon-to-pylon interface to Brighton, UK-based Edo MBM Technology."
[  http://www.flightdailynews.com/singapore2004/02_26/defence/edo.shtm ]

Cool. And you will be pleased to know they already make components [  http://www.mbmtech.co.uk/wsas.html ] for the excellent Enhanced Paveway and Paveway III which was well deployed in Iraq and you *saw* the precision there. It's been proved too in tests...

"In other words, 100 non-fatigued, un-drugged, test pilots flying in perfect weather with miles of visibility and no distractions perfectly deliver their Paveway [9] III laser-guided bombs (CEP of 8 meters). Fifty percent of those Paveway IIIs will fall within 8 meters of the target. The other half will strike more than 8 meters from the target. Note that CEP is a median not a mean average measurement. Thus, there is no outer bound as in a normal distribution. [10]"
[  http://www.providence.edu/mba/goodrich/war/surgical/ ]

As a good arms company in Europe they have been doing some sterling work on the bargain price Eurofighter project....
"EDO to provide Eurofighter components
"EDO MBM Technology Ltd, a unit of EDO Corporation has been awarded an initial contract worth � million ($2.2 million), with options of �illion ($5.5 million), for the supply of scanning motors and drive electronics on the Eurofighter Typhoon infra-red search and track system, known as PIRATE (Passive Infra-Red Airborne Track Equipment.)"
[  http://defence-data.com/eft/eftpage44.htm ]

Keeping a good profile up they sponsored this excellent conference...
"Airborne Strike -- 26th and 27th April 2004 The Hatton, London; Sponsored by: EDO-MBM Technology.
"Expand your understanding of air power`s central contribution to the joint battlespace by attending SMi`s `Airborne Strike` Conference. Not only can modern air power arrive quickly where needed, it has become far more lethal in conventional operations."
[  http://static.highbeam.com/m/m2presswire/february192004/airbornestrike26thand27thapril2004thehattonlondons/ ]

Can't see what the problem is?


Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.

EDO on trial in Brighton Magistrates 11 - 14th Jan 2005

the wall must fall | 06.01.2005 12:54 | Anti-militarism | London | South Coast

please come and support 5 activists on trial for aggravated trespass 11-14th Jan at EDO Tech - Brighton's very own arms manufacturer. Demonstrations are planned at the court in the afternoon on Tuesday 11th and at the factory at 4pm on Thursday 14th to celebrate the end of the trial. Crash pad accomodation available in brighton - email  thewallmustfall@hotmail.com if you'd lke to come along

there will also be a public meeting against EDO in Mouslecoomb on the 11th at 6.30pm - see the website for details


Trial of EDO Tech 5 – 11-14 Jan 05, Brighton Magistrates’ Court.

In May 2004, 5 people climbed onto the roof of EDO/MBM Technology, an arms company in Brighton. They hung banners across the front of the building and stayed on the roof most of the day, even though one brave man had broken his ankle. There was another group blockading the entrance road at the same time.

Mainstream media reported the protest, raising the profile of the campaign against this arms factory. EDO/MBM did very little work and lost £20, 000.

Five activists were arrested for staging a rooftop occupation lasting
late into the evening. They are charged with aggravated trespass which is defined as obstructing lawful business.
The activists will use the International Criminal Court Act 2001 to argue that EDO/MBM's business is unlawful. The ICC Act makes it a crime under domestic law to be ancillary to war crimes andcrimes against humanity – the defense will argue that the war on Iraq constitutes such a crime.

EDO/MBM is an arms factory, on the Home Farm Industrial Estate, Mouslecoomb, Brighton.manufacturing bomb release mechanisms for F16, Hawk Hurricane and Tornado Fighter Jets, tank diagnostic systems and the controversial Paveway IV precision guidance system used in the invasion and occupation of Iraq. The factory supplies equipment to Lockheed Martin in the USA who equip human rights abusers like Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Israel and Turkey.

For more information, telephone 07900698550 or email  thewallmustfall@hotmail.com. For more details about the campaign see http/:smashedo.bpec.org

the wall must fall
- Homepage: http://www.smashedo.bpec.org

1 year on

18.01.2005 06:46

Guess what, you break laws and you can expect to be arrested!

Guilty - do not pass go - go straight to Jail!

1 Year on, all this free TV, Radio and Argus sponsorship and your ranks have swelled by oh,at least 5. What is now 16.
Why? Is it because your 'cause' is championed by with school boy vandalism and bullying tactics - breaking windows, throwing paint, damaging property and shouting abuse.
The vast majority of people in Brighton evidently don't approve?

Brighton Masses

Who's Guilty?

18.01.2005 17:48

"Guilty - do not pass go - go straight to Jail! "
I'm impressed by your grasp of English law!
While this would be the ideal situation for EDO and the rest of the defence industry to handle anyone who should question their right to facilitate the killing of thousands of innocents it should be noticed that no law was broken apart from trespass which is a civil matter. It's only the lies of morally challenged EDO directors and employees make this look like aggravated trespass.

BTW. What's the law against scrawlling libelous comments about what a local councillor does to babies on a wall.

To me it shows that, as a protestor, when you do something like this you might as well break the law if you're going to get done for it anyway...the animal rights people have the right idea...watch your backs boys...

Also, if you think there are only 16 people involved you should get some numeracy lessons.
See you Thursday.


Sticks and Stones

18.01.2005 21:38

This campaign is going fantastically well. A year ago nobody knew about what you were up to. Now most people in Brighton do.

We never thought it would be easy to get you scumbags out of Brighton but we're here for the long haul. Comments made by prosecution witnesses show that the things we say at the noise demos are getting to them and making them examine their consciences. This was indicated in court last week by someone who said as a mother she objected to being called 'child killer' and was disturbed by the thought.

We can never know how many people have left the company as a result of our actions or will do. It's hard enough working 5 days a week in a grotty building on a trading estate even making nice things. When you end a long day making (or supporting those who do) things to kill children 1000s of miles away then get confronted by some people who point this simple fact out to you it grinds them down.


Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.

Saturday Night Edonism in Brighton

Greedophobe | 23.01.2005 14:20 | Anti-militarism | London | South Coast

As many Brightonians were having it large down town some local pixies were having some fun out of town at local arms dealers EDO/MBM Technology, responsible for the manufacture of instruments of death such as bomb-release machanisms and tank diagnostic systems.

The wee creatures felt unable to spend their Saturday night in a 'civilised' fashion down town or staying in with a video and pizza. Their thoughts turned instead to matters such as the devastation of Falluja and other Iraqi cities facilitated by companies such as EDO/MBM.
Venting their rage at such vile and immoral business in their back yard these pixies redesigned EDO's front door, the latest in a string of attacks aimed at making the war-mongers face up to their responsibility for needless suffering across the world and engage solely in civilian production, which already accounts for part of their output.
Until EDO recognises the demands of the local community and acts on them locals will feel obliged to engage in the most effective forms of direct action against them whether on Saturday night or any other time of the week.


You know it makes sence

23.01.2005 18:54

Nice one, what a good campaign.

Seems very autonomous, would be good if all of the groups that exist in Brighton and elsewhere target EDO/MBM thus making life very hard indeed for the clueless ones engaged in the Arms trade.

Get yourself or your group down to Edo, its there 24/7 so plenty of time to pay them a visit.

I hear throught the grapevine that paint and rocks are good presents to bring and deposit squarely through office windows etc.

You know it makes sence

Paul Hills

Legal Warning

25.01.2005 15:54

I would like to remind all pixies that it is illegal to go to the premises of EDO MBM on Home Farm Road, Brighton, and break windows thus increasing our companies insurance premiums to the point where we will no longer be insured. It is also illegal to throw red paint on the front of the building or to spray appropriate messages onto the walls or to place epoxy resin into the keyholes of our expensive locks, you cheeky little rascals!

EDO's Masochistic Managing Director, David Jones

Indymedia UK is a network of individuals, independent and alternative media activists and organisations, offering grassroots, non-corporate, non-commercial coverage of important social and political issues.

Activists visit home of EDO/MBM Death Dealer

Dave Jone's Wife | 29.01.2005 16:25 | Anti-militarism | London | South Coast

On thursday a group of activists visited the home of the company secretary of EDO/MBM Technology. The company sec had a very nice house in a secluded part of Eastbourne

Residents of the quiet Eastbourne housing estate were given leaflets proclaiming that there was a 'MASS MURDERER AT LARGE' explaining Anthony Roberts' involvement in the production of release mechanisms for the Paveway 4 guided bomb at EDO/MBM's factory on the Home Farm Industrial Estate in Brighton.

Activists left the estate with a brief drumroll outside Mr Robert's house - just to make sure he knew we'd been there

Dave Jone's Wife

Keep it up

29.01.2005 17:17

These tactics learnt from the Animal Rights movement do work wonders!

Alerting the neighbourhood of a human killer/non human animal killer is the way forward.

The local neighbourhood of these perverts need, and have a right to know who they are living near....

Why the hell should these f*cking b*stards live in peace???




Well Done!

30.01.2005 11:24

Good work. These tactics provide another weapon in the campaign so long as they are kept peaceful and the establishment don't put everyone under permanent house arrest.

These moral retards need educating!

Stop State Terrorism