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Natsios Young Architects    

19 September 2010

A sends: Here are some photographs I took yesterday of the Pope's motorcade in London. Description for photos with this message.

Pope Security for London Visit Photos

Pope Security for London Visit Photos

The 'X' on the map shows the spot where I was standing.


01 - Truck possibly transporting Popemobile to start of route. I had seen it pass earlier with a major escort (one marked car in front and one unmarked and one marked behind). It returned with just the one marked car in front.


02 - Uniformed police lined the route from about 2pm - motorcade scheduled for 6pm.


03 - Truck with extra crowd control barriers.


04 & 05 - There was not much crowd presence on this section until nearly 4pm.



06 - At one point the police line was adjusted and they moved along slightly.


07 - The view up to Hyde Park Corner and the end of the route. More uniform presence further up. Counter weighted and articulated armature for TV coverage just visible emerging for the tree line.


08 - These two cycling uniforms were not police but medics. Cycles were by far the best way to get around.


09 & 10 - Approximately one hour before the motorcade passed this street sweeper came by to... clean away the offensive leaves of fall.



11, 12, 13 & 14 - Truck with extra crowd control barriers not needed and moved away.





15 - Helicopters hovering overhead all day. Presume one chopper as a shared resource for TV coverage. Others were for security.


16 - Three busses passed by. Not sure who they had transported down. Did not see them arrive.


17 & 18 - Two suits, most likely from the Met Police Protection Command / Diplomatic Protection Group. Definitely British and not Itallian. Heard them talking to uniforms near by.



19 - Uniform with papers in hand probably Met Police Bronze Command or Silver Command (Gold Command would be stuck at head office).


20 & 21 - The approach of another senior uniform - again probably either Met Police Bronze Command or Silver Command.



22 - Chopper activity.


23 & 24 - Messages for the unifroms would occasionally come through on the radio network.



25 - The best shot I could get of a chopper.


26 - Marked car sped by heralding the start of the motorcade.


27 - Motorcycle outriders and unmarked cars.


28 & 29 - Even more helicopter activity.



30 - Unmarked Met Police van - Electronic Counter Measurers?


31 - Three units of Met Police uniforms moved from start of route to end for crowd control.


32 - Motorcycle outriders a sign that motorcade getting close.


33, 34 & 35 The motorcade enters Constitution Hill.





36 & 37 - The motorcade enters Constitution Hill.



38 - First van.


39 - The full length of the motorcade.


40 - Presumably TV car with double camera eyeballs.


41 - The Popemobile.


42 - Motorcade continues towards Hyde Park Corner.


43 - Protection Range Rover - virtually brand new, plate for 2010.


44 - The motorcade from behind.
