31 December 2002
Source: http://www.aqsacom.com/index.html

Company Profile

Founded in 1994, Aqsacom is a public limited company whose major shareholder is Gilles Blanc, the founder and CEO of Aqsacom.

Based 30 km. in the south of Paris, in the largest European high-tech Business Park, Aqsacom is a rapidly growing company in the Information and Communication Technologies Industry.

Software editor for Telecommunication Network Management, Aqsacom employs 30 people, including experts in:

· Telecom engineering

· Network engineering

· Computing

Aqsacom Network Management Systems for wireline, wireless, satellite and IP networks are being used in over 20 countries throughout the world. Exports represent 70% of Aqsacom's turnover.

Products and Services

Management of Legal Requirements

Means of telecommunications (Internet, digital networks, …) are increasingly being used to perpetrate and facilitate criminal activity. Data concerning these communications are likely to be used for research and detecting penal offences. Legislation obliges telecommunications and ISP operators to make these data available to Legal Authorities.

Aqsacom's expertise in Telecommunications Networks Management and its close co-operation with security professionals have combined to address the diversity of lawful requirements:

· Interception

· Identification

· Localization

All Aqsacom's security products can be combined in a powerful solution so that Telecommunications and ISP operators can provide the Authorities with a reliable and professional service.

· SUIVCOM is a platform for managing interceptions on fixed, mobile, satellite and IP networks, which manages exchanges between networks and Administration monitoring centers no matter what technology they use.

· SUIVCOM, a legally compliant solution, meets ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute) and CALEA (Communications Assistance to Law Enforcement Act) international standards and easily adapts to national specifications.

The SUIVCOM platform's open architecture can be integrated with the following applications designed for mobile networks:

· SINGLE SUBSCRIBER used to restore nominal (teleservices, ...) and temporary (call forwarding, LAC, ...) data from a national subscriber

· FOREIGNER SURVEY used to detect and identify foreign subscribers when they connect to a national network and national subscribers on foreign networks

· MOBILETRACK used to identify communications transmitted or received from a monitored area, as well as the geographical location of a target with a standard subscription.

and the following application, designed for the Internet:

· WEB TRACKING provides ISPs with traffic data, although their need to store this data for invoicing purposes is tending to fade with the development of Internet access flat-rates

For more details on security products, please fill in the form on this site. We shall get back to you.