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TRUSTe has compiled an educational library of online trust and privacy resources. On this page you'll find links to reports, studies, legislative primers and more!


Behavioral Advertising
Cloud Computing

Consumer Advocacy & Education
Data Breaches & Security

General Online Privacy
Identity Theft
Privacy Laws
Social Networking

Behavioral Advertising

Future of Privacy Forum Online Behavioral Advertising "Icon" Study
Future of Privacy Forum
January 2010

Online Advertising and The Future of Privacy
Internet Governance Forum
January 2010

An Empirical Study of How People Perceive Online Behavioral Advertising
Carnegie Mellon University
November 2009

Americans Reject Tailored Advertising
University of Pennsylvania & Berkeley Center for Law & Technology
September 2009

Flash Cookies and Privacy
University of California, Berkeley
Summer 2009

Consumer Attitudes about Behavioral Targeting
March 2009

Cloud Computing
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Cloud Computing and Data Use Regulatory Considerations
March 2010

Security and Privacy in Cloud Computing
Johns Hopkins University
February 2010

Taking Account of Privacy when Designing Cloud Computing Services
HP Laboratories
March 2009

Privacy in the Clouds: Risks to Privacy and Confidentiality from Cloud Computing
World Privacy Forum
February 2009

Cloud Computing Privacy Tips
World Privacy Forum
February 2009

Privacy in the Cloud Computing Era
November 2009

Consumer Advocacy & Education
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The Center for Democracy and Technology (CDT) is a Washington, D.C.-based non-profit public interest organization working to keep the Internet open, innovative, and free.

The Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC) is a Washington, D.C. -based public interest research center dedicated to protecting privacy, the First Amendment, and constitutional values.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is a San Francisco-based, donor-funded non-profit that champions the public interest in critical battle affecting digital rights.

Federal Trade Commission
The Federal Trade Commission is the government agency tasked with protecting consumer privacy.

Future of Privacy Forum
The Future of Privacy Forum is a Washington, D.C.-based think tank that seeks to advance responsible data practices.

The World Privacy Forum
The World Privacy Forum is a nonprofit, public interest research group focused on conducting in-depth research, analysis, and consumer education in the area of privacy.

Data Breaches & Security
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Data Breach & Incident Readiness Planning Guide
Online Trust Alliance
May 2010

A Summary of State Data Breach Laws
January 2010

Fourth Annual US Cost of Data Breach Study
PGP Corporation & Ponemon Institute
January 2009

Protecting Personal Information: A Guide for Businesses
The Federal Trade Commission

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A Guide to Privacy On Facebook

FAQ - Facebook Privacy Controls

Facebook Privacy Controls

A Guide to Facebook’s New Privacy Settings
The New York Times
May, 2010

Sophos's recommendations for Facebook settings
May, 2010

Answers to Your Questions on Facebook's Personalized Web Tools
April 26, 2010

Facebook's Privacy Policy
April 22, 2010

General Online Privacy
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Consumer Password Worst Practices
January 2010

How Internet Users' Privacy Concerns Have Evolved Since 2002
North Carolina State University
July 2009

Online Guide to Practical Privacy Tools

Online Privacy: A Tutorial for Parents and Teachers

Understanding Consumer Privacy: A Review and Future Directions
University of Nebraska Lincoln
February 2008

Identity Theft
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Identity Fraud Survey Report: Consumer Version
Javelin Strategy & Resource
February 2010

Identity Theft: Trends and Issues
Congressional Research Service
January 2010

To Catch a Thief: Are Identity Theft Services Worth the Cost?
Consumer Federation of America
March 2009

Preventing Identity Theft: A Guide for Consumers
National Crime Prevention Council

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Preserving Privacy in Location-based Mobile Social Applications
U. C. Santa Barbara
February, 2010

Threats to Mobile Phone Users’ Privacy
Memorial University of Newfoundland et al.

Mobile Security Report

Solutions to Security and Privacy Issues in Mobile Social Networking
University of Colorado at Boulder

From Spaces to Places: Emerging Contexts in Mobile Privacy
The Open University

Privacy Laws
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Timeline: Privacy And The Law

A Review of Federal and State Privacy Laws
Better Business Bureau

Privacy laws of the United States

Social Networking
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One Year Later, Social Networkers Are Savvier About Keeping Information Private, But Still Take Risks
Webroot Research
April 2010

You Are Who You Know: Inferring User Profiles in Online Social Networks
MPI-SWS, Rice University, Northeastern University
February 2010

Business Owners: How Not to Botch Social Media
February 2010

On the Leakage of Personally Identifiable Information Via Online Social Networks
AT&T Labs & Worcester Polytechnic Institute
August 2009

Social Networking, Privacy Policies and Security Risks: How to protect your personal information online
IAPP & Intel
July 2009

Measuring Privacy Risk in Online Social Networks
University of California, Davis
May 2009

De-anonymizing Social Networks
The University of Texas at Austin
May 2009

Social Network Site Privacy: A Comparative Analysis of Six Sites
Office of the Privacy Commissioner of Canada
February 2009

Privacy Protection for Social Networking APIs
University Of Virginia

Privacy tips for Social Networking

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