4 October 1997
See index for other COMSARs: http://www.bl.gordon.army.mil/bcblg/comsar/comsar.htm
a. Colonel Fletcher will be TDY the following dates:(1) 21-22 Aug 97 - Fort Hood, TX, Subj: DIV XXI Data Collection.(2) 26-27 Aug 97 - Fort Bragg, NC, Subj: Programmable Digital Radio Demonstration.
b. Mr. Mims will be TDY 26-27 Aug 97 to Fort Bragg, NC, Subj: Programmable Digital Radio Demonstration.
a. WARFIGHTER INFORMATION NETWORK PROOF OF CONCEPT (WIN POC) TESTBED.(1) The WIN POC biweekly meeting was held on 7 Aug. We reviewed the architecture of the first two switches and determined the configuration of the Nortel ATM switch and CISCO router. The purchase orders will be completed this week. We discussed the configuration of the Lucent PBX switch, but need to do more research on their recent upgrades. We reviewed the status update to be briefed to DISC4 later this month. Equipment for the lab network is beginning to arrive and we hope to begin installation early this fall.(2) The Commercial Transition Working Group met for the second time to draft a functional requirements document for PM JTACS to give to industry for a full and open competition of a WIN switch in FY99. The draft continually gets better and more detailed with each meeting of engineers from DCD, JTACS, CECOM, MILSATCOM, and BCBL(G). The current status of this document will be briefed at the Switch Home-on-Home, 4 Sep, at Ft Monmouth.
(3) The Wireless LAN demonstration is being held at Ft Lee, VA, 11-15 Aug. Because some integration problems with STAMIS workstations have been encountered, some new versions of products are being looked at as well as a new architecture. Further investigation is necessary. Results will be published at the completion of the demonstration. (CPT Bierden, BCBL(G), 706-791-8329)
b. DIVISION XXI ADVANCED WARFIGHTING EXPERIMENT (DAWE). The Division XXI effort continues with Team Signal personnel working issues associated with the five experiment issues and one demonstration sponsored by the Signal Center. Specific issues are as follows:
(1) ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE (ATM)/HIGH CAPACITY TRUNK RADIO (HCTR) - Engineers from CECOM and GTE believe that they have solved the problem with the Node Centers dropping shots. It turns out to be a timing issue as the LDR-200 switches timing was configured differently than the LDR-100s. The timing sequence was opposite. Reversing the timing sequence seems to have fixed the problem. Verification is ongoing.(2) GLOBAL BROADCAST SERVICE/BATTLEFIELD AWARENESS DATA DISSEMINATION (GBS/BADD) - Version 2 software is being loaded and tested in the Warfighter Associates. The new software adds a "Help" file and provides for a more robust data base.
(3) LOCAL AREA NETWORK (LAN)/WIDE AREA NETWORK (WAN) Management - Training for LAN and WAN Managers is ongoing. Primary trainers include Team Signal personnel, CPT White (TSM-BC), MAJ Davis (TSM-NM) and SFC Watson (TSM-NM). The current training classes will continue through 15 Aug.
(4) NEAR TERM DIGITAL RADIO (NTDR) - Version 3.3 software is being installed and tested. This is the final version of software for the radio before SIMEX II. The software will provide more user functionality.
(5) DATA COLLECTION - Team Signal has been formally tasked to provide the subject matter experts (SMEs) for our initiatives. This should greatly improve the data collected on these initiatives during SIMEX II and the DIV XXI AWE. There will be an impact on the way Team Signal conducts business, however, this impact should be minimal as TEXCOMs SME software will facilitate the development of written reports and documentation.
(6) SIGNAL OFFICER (SIGO) Training - Team Signal is conducting training for 4th ID SIGOs. The Program of Instruction (POI) was developed to help the SIGOs understand the capabilities and functionality of ATM, HCTR, GBS/BADD, NTDR, Network Management, Battlefield Video Teleconference (BVTC), and Tactical Personal Communication System (PCS). The training is being conducted 13-15 Aug, at Fort Hood. (CPT Carter, BCBL(G), 706-791-3957)
ACTION OFFICER'S TDY:(1) Mr. Widby will be TDY, 11-15 Aug 97, to Ft Lee, VA, to attend CSS Wireless LAN Demo.(2) CPT Bierden will be TDY, 11-13 Aug 97, to Ft Lee, VA, to attend CSS Wireless LAN Demo.
(3) MAJ Knightley will be TDY, 11-14 Aug 97, to attend CEP 1107 Coordination Meeting with AMEDD.
DISTRIBUTION:Arnold, LTC, arnoldj@emh1.gordon.army.milAvant, CW4 Curley A., TTH DCSIM, avantc@usasoc.soc.mil
Aymar, LTC Edward O., DCSOPS(FD), aymareo@pentemh12.army.mil
Ball, LTC, scball.zamal@sama-emh2.army.mil
Barrett, COL, British LNO, barrettj@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Barron, COL, barronm@absouth-naples.army.mil
Bell, MAJ, bellh@optec.army.mil
Bitto, LTC, asqyfd@isc1110-emh1.army.mil
Borders, LTC, bordersm@hood-emh3.army.mil
Bosse, COL, caravanr@benning-emh2.army.mil
Bouchard, LTC, asqk-k-c@taegu-emh1.army.mil
Bowman COL, bowmans@spacecmd-emh2.army.mil
Bridges, LTC, asqx-bn-co@panama-emh1.army.mil
Buit, Tanya, buit@lee-dns1.army.mil
Burse, COL Billy, burseb@emh5.bragg.army.mil
Busby, LTC, asqk-j-cdr@emh3.korea.army.mil
Carroll, LTC Lance S., Deputy DCSIM, carrolll@usasoc.soc.mil
Carte, Mr. Ron, TEXCOM, txh2873@texcom-emh1.army.mil
Carter, COL Harvey, TEXCOM, txh2801@texcom-emh1.army.mil
Carter, John, kj4mc@worldnet.att.net
Catudal, LTC, catudalt@msn.com
Cavanaugh, COL(P) Pete, cavanag@acom.mil
CECOM, amsel-rd-as-ar@monmouth-emh3.army.mil
Cheek, Joseph, Cheekj@email.hohenfels.army.mil
Cleyhorn, LTC, asqg-vs-cdr@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Coffman, COL Sammy, blmo@sill-battlelab.army.mil
Cohen, LTC, cohenh@soc.mil
Colwell, Vince, vcolwell@ftgordon-amedd.army.mil
Cornelison, MAJ, cornelis@optec.army.mil
Crockett, COL, crocklc@dcsopspo2.army.mil
Cross, Mr. Ronald, ADO, crossr@ado.army.mil
Davis, CPT, TECO, davisjw@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Davis, Mr. Glenn, SSB, DCD, davisg@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Dionisio, CPT, dionisir@bragg-emh5.army.mil
Doerer, LTC, asqe-xd-co@sigbn52-emh1.army.mil
Droke, COL Willard "Bud", drokew@emh10.monroe.army.mil
Emison, COL, emisons@mqg-smtp3.usmc.mil
Estrella, COL A, cdrrsgs@email.chievres.army.mil
Everette, COL Sherwood, everetts@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Ferezan, COL, ferezan@victory6.vcorps.army.mil
Fletcher, COL Benjamin, fletcheb@bcblg.gordon.army.mil
Floyd, Ms., floyds@lee-dns1.army.mil
Flynn, LTC Thomas, flynnt@bliss-emh6.army.mil
Foley, Mr., foleyk@monroe-emh9.army.mil
Fong, LTC, asqk-d-cdr@emh3.korea.army.mil
Gerstein, LTC, 141bncdr@iron1.1ad.army.mil
Girdwood, MAJ Steve, girdwoos@emh10.monroe.army.mil
Gongaware, COL, asqgcdr@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Gorzelnik, LTC, gorzelnm@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Grissom, Ted, grissomt@usfk.korea.army.mil
Gunzelman, COL, gunzelman@ftknox-mbbl-lan.army.mil
Guthrie, LTC, guthriem2@hood-emh3.army.mil
Hammond, COL, hammondm@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Henderson, LTC, hendersonr@hood-03.army.mil
Hightower, LTC, hightowj@shafter-emh3.army.mil
Hogan, LTC, hogan@jcse.macdill.af.mil
Horback, LTC, asqe-s-se-44cdr@emh2.mannheim.army.mil
Howard, LTC, howardd@43sigbn.heidelberg.army.mil
Huff, COL, huffr@huachuca-emh30.army.mil
Hylton, COL Jim, hyltonj@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Johnson, LTC, eaid-si-co@emh2.korea.army.mil
Karpinski, COL Mike, karpinsm@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Karr, LTC, asqg-fs-cdr@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Kennedy, COL, kennedj1@lee-dns1.army.mil
King, MAJ Rick, eaid-so@emh2.korea.army.mil
Klooster, COL, asqe-s-co@mannheim-emh2.army.mil
Kopenhafer, COL James, kopenjf@hqda.army.mil
Lamb, LTC, lambr@usfk.korea.army.mil
Lawrence, LTC, afzp-vce-c@stewart-emh3.army.mil
Landrum, LTC, atzh-tb-447bn@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Lee, COL Rick, leer@seoul-1sig.korea.army.mil
Lehman, LTC, asqpaco@richardson-emh2.army.mil
Lowrey, Vern, lowreyv@wood.army.mil
Luk, LTC, lukw@wspan-cmdt.panama.army.mil
Lusk, COL Patrick, luskp@secbde.secsigbde.army.mil
Luster, LTC, lustera@hq.102sigb.army.mil
Lynn, LTC, lynna@hood-emh3.army.mil
MacGregor, COL, macgregd@leav-bcbl.army.mil
MacTaggart, LTC, asqysr@ajcc-emh1.army.mil
Madison, LTC, madisone@drum-emh3.army.mil
Mahaffey, COL Michael, mahaffem@emh6.monroe.army.mil
Maida, LTC, maidas@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Matthews, Kenneth, TEXCOM, txh2802@texcom-emh1.army.mil
McAllister, MAJ Marilyn, mcallism@emh1.gordon.army.mil
McKeown, LTC, mckeownw@hood-emh3.army.mil
Meeks, LTC Carolyn, OPTEC, meeks@optec.army.mil
Meredith, LTC, mereditj@emh5.bragg.army.mil
Meyer, COL John J., jjmeyer@worldnet.att.net
Mokrycki, LTC, mokrycki@buckner-emh2.army.mil
Moore, MAJ, txh2803@texcom-hood.army.mil
Moran, COL Dennis, morand@hood-emh3.army.mil
Morrison, COL Stewart, morrisos@optec.army.mil
Newman, LTC, newmanh@72sigbn.7sigbde.army.mil
Nichols, Mr. Larry, nicholsl@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Offen, CPT Lee, OPTEC, offen@optec.army.mil
Outland, Mr. Teddy, OPTEC, outlandt@optec.army.mil
Paulson, Rosemary, paulsonr@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Petersen, LTC, petersen@lewis-29sig.army.mil
Pontius, LTC, cosig25@schofield-emh1.army.mil
Premo, COL Gregory, premo@darmstadt-22sig.army.mil
Price, LTC, afzb-kj@campbell-emh1.army.mil
Pritchard, COL Peter, pritchap@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Pruneski, CPT, sca@sig-school2.sig.trg.defence.gov.au
Reynolds, COL Bob, reynolds@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Richardson, COL Velma, asqy-cdr@ritchie-emh1.army.mil
Riggin, Mr. Chuck, TECO, rigginc@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Rodakowski, COL, rodakoww@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Roman, LTC, romanc@emh5.bragg.army.mil
Rose, LTC, roseja@email.vicenza.army.mil
Santilli, Mr., santillc@lee-dns1.army.mil
Secretary General, ISC, asgsncoic@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Shaddrix, LTC, cdr69sig@email.wuerzburg.army.mil
Shively, COL Robert, shively@doim6.monmouth.army.mil
Slupik, LTC, co-17sig@email.wuerzburg.army.mil
Smith, LTC, smithd6@bragg.army.mil
Smith, J., LTC, smithjg@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Spragg, CPT, spraggg@knox-emh1.army.mil
Stallcup, LTC, stallcup@lewis-emh2.army.mil
Steimer, COL Gary, steimerg@bragg-emh5.army.mil
Stevenson, Mary, stevensonm@huachuca-emh12.army.mil
Stump, LTC, stumpg@spacecmd-emh2.army.mil
Sul, Mr, OPTEC, sul@tecnet1.jcte.jcs.mil
Taylor, COL Thomas, taylort@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Thomas, COL Kenneth, thomask@doim6.monmouth.army.mil
Tuckey, COL Thom, tuckeyt@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Tyler, LTC, tylerc@huachuca-emh24.army.mil
Urias, COL, urias@doim6.monmouth.army.mil
Varljen, LTC, asqe-xjco@email.chievres.army.mil
Via, LTC, viad@emh5.bragg.army.mil
Vickery, Mr., vickerye@emh10.monroe.army.mil
Walker, LTC, vsbr-co@email.darmstadt.army.mil
Ward, LTC, 54bncdr@dhahraw-emh3.army.mil
Wilson, LTC, wilson@440sig.darmstadt.army.mil
Yavorsky, LTC, yavorskj@emh1.gordon.army.mil
Zelazny, COL Robert, zelaznyr@emh1.gordon.army.mil