24 March 1999: See report on Day 2: http://jya.com/aes2-day2.htm

23 March 1999

To: cryptography@C2.net
From: Vin McLellan <vin@shore.net>
Subject: Georgoudis on AES2, Day 1, Rome (FW)
Cc: cypherpunks@algebra.com
Date: Tue, 23 Mar 1999 03:56:53 -0500

        This is an intriguing first-person account of the first day of AES2,
the Rome Conference on the candidates to replace DES as the Advance
Encryption Algorithm (AES)that was posted to sci.crypt by Dianelos
Georgoudis, one of the designers of FROG, one of the AES prospects. Full of
interesting information and thought-provoking asides.  The NIST website
offers most of the (often fascinating!) AES2 papers at:


PS. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be any further info about Ron
Rivest's RC6(a) cipher on NIST's AES2 website. According to Geogoudis,
RC6(a) is apparently a variation on his RC6 block cipher, another AES
candidate, that Rivest presented at the AES2 Conference.  RC6(a) uses a
different key scheduler that requires only 25 bytes of RAM, but it is also
reported to be twice as fast as RC6 in assembler, and five times as fast in
C. There's nothing about RC6(a) on Rivest's home page at MIT or on the RSA


Subject:  Live from the Second AES Conference
Date:  Tue, 23 Mar 1999 01:19:57 GMT
From: dianelos@tecapro.com
Organization: Deja News - The Leader in Internet Discussion

    Here is my report on the first day of the AES2 in Rome. Lots of
    participants, 180+ people from (according to NIST) 23 countries.
    About half the speakers today were not native English speakers, so
    this is indeed an international process. 28 papers were submitted
    (all are at NIST's site: aes.nist.gov) and 21 will be presented

    First some general observations about today: A very full schedule
    with 13 presentations and a rump session with another 15 or so
    short themes, that was finally concluded at 9pm. Many surprises
    and, frankly, some confusion right now. Almost all candidates
    ciphers were stained one way or the other - and a surprising
    strong showing of Rijndael (in the negative sense that very little
    negative was said against it). Certainly many of the speakers were
    frankly biased, but this is normal in a competition. Please keep
    in mind that I am biased too. Here I express what I understood
    from the proceedings as well as my personal opinions, both of
    which may not be correct. Also, sometimes I only mention
    approximate numbers. If you are really interested, read the papers
    on NIST's site.

    In the morning we had 8 presentations with surveys of the ciphers
    - actually lots of measurements mainly about speed. Speed numbers
    can be bewildering because there are so many parameters beyond the
    cipher itself: hardware platform, OS, compiler, quality of
    implementation, memory/speed trade-offs, key scheduling versus
    encryption. Speed may be easy to measure, but I think its
    significance is overrated (the advance of hardware technology will
    double AES's effective speed every 18 months or so, and I don't
    believe that world wide speed requirements will grow that fast
    too). Even worse: different designers chose different margins of
    security and an evaluation process that is obsessed with speed
    would penalize those, who probably wisely, chose to be more
    conservative. Thus, Eli Biham proposed a normalization of the
    candidate algorithms depending on the number of rounds that are
    known not to be secure. This view has also its detractors.

    In the afternoon smart card implementations were discussed. First
    efficiency estimates (both speed and space) were shown. After that
    came three very interesting presentations about attacks against
    smart card implementations. These are real world, practical
    attacks. IBM's Pankaj Rohatgi explained how he got all 128 bits of
    a Twofish key after only 50 (that is 50 not 2^50) uses of a smart

    Now some more information about the presentations:

    First, NIST's Jim Foti explained that they did a lot of speed
    measurements on different platforms. On the reference platform the
    fastest algorithms were Crypton, Rijndael, RC6, MARS, Twofish, and
    E2. The algorithms with the fastest key scheduling are: Crypton,
    Magenta, Safer+, E2, RC6, Rijndael. Dead last, by three orders of
    magnitude, is Frog, which is my own candidate. (I wanted to have a
    complex scheduler and on my Pentium it used "only" one hundredth
    of a second, so I thought that was good enough!) There is much
    change in ranking depending on the survey of speed, but in general
    the "fast" algorithms are Crypton, Mars, RC6, Rijndael, Twofish
    and Mars.

    The next paper was by Brian Gladman, the Briton who singlehandedly
    coded in C all 15 algorithms based only on their description, but
    he was not present. His basic result is that for small, medium and
    large blocks RC6, Rijndael, Mars, Twofish and Crypton are the

    Then came Bruce Schneier's presentation about speed. Again Bruce's
    exposition was interesting and clear. He made a good point that
    only assembly code speeds should be compared because otherwise you
    measure a particular compiler's efficiency rather than the
    cipher's. This is true, but in a networked world pure Java is
    going to be used too as a platform independent solution. He
    mentioned that the CPU also affects relative speeds, especially
    with ciphers like RC6 and MARS that use data depending rotations
    and multiplications. (RC6 in particular took some beating for its
    relative inefficiency both with 8-bit smart cards and later,
    surprisingly, with next generation CPUs.) Bruce mentioned that 8
    bit processors with little RAM will stay with us forever, because
    they will be used more and more for embedded systems. Less
    convincingly, he claimed that also 32 bit processors will stay
    with us for a long time. I think the prevalent view is that in the
    future 64 bits CPUs and beyond will be prevalent for high-end
    personal applications. His final ranking: Twofish, Rijndael,
    Crypton, E2, Mars for Pentiums; Rijndael, Crypton, E2, RC6,
    Twofish for hashing.

    Then came SUN's Alan Folmsbee who compared ciphers from the Java
    perspective. He used two platforms: Ultrasparc and "MicroJava" a
    new processor that directly executes Java source code. He measured
    "excess avalanche", RAM size, ROM size and speed. Excess avalanche
    tries to measure how conservative the choice of number of rounds
    is. According to his particular weights (and at the very least he
    is considered impartial) the five best algorithms are: RC6, Mars,
    Safer+, Serpent and Crypton. Guess who number six is? Frog.
    Trouble is he did not even pretend to measure security as such and
    only used the avalanche criterion - which is not supposed to be
    synonymous with security. By the way, here Rijndael did not fare
    very well being one of the slower algorithms.

    Serve Vaudenay was another designer presenting a survey. His
    recommendation is Mars, RC6, Serpent, ... and DFC. He criticized
    NIST on the choice of ANSI-C for their reference platform. I tend
    to agree: assembler and then Java for interoperability probably
    makes more sense. His criteria were speed, transparency in the
    design of the S-boxes (with some criticism for Serpent in that
    respect) and simplicity. I liked his emphasis on simplicity in
    algorithm design. He stated that a complicated (but insecure)
    algorithm only increases the latency delay before somebody finds a
    practical attack. His last criterion was "state of the art
    research". HPC and Frog were deemed "empirical" with no reference
    to any research results and were un-ceremoniously thrown off board
    (I wonder what happened to Frog's splendid simplicity?) Deal and
    DFC were judged to be based on a theoretical design, everybody
    else on a mere heuristic design.

    Then came Craig Clapp (who I believe participates in sci.crypt)
    with a rather interesting paper on instruction level parallelism
    of the candidates. He tried to measure what would happen in highly
    parallel processors that are projected in the future. For this he
    actually used a compiler that produces code for hypothetical
    processors with between one and ten pipelines. As expected, with
    hypothetical processors that are similar to current designs RC6,
    Mars and Twofish came out best. With higher levels of parallelism
    though, Rijndael and Crypton were faster. By the way, in these
    measurements he used Biham's notion of ciphers with "normalized"
    security, i.e. sometimes less rounds than the standard

    After that, Eli Biham made his case for normalizing the algorithms
    to en equal level of security before making speed measurements. So
    he cut down the number of rounds to an "insecure" number depending
    either on their authors' estimates or on his own estimate - and
    then added two rounds. By "insecure" here is meant that an attack
    is known of roughly less complexity than exhaustive key search.
    Now, of course, this is a lower limit; nobody really knows at what
    number of rounds any of these ciphers become insecure in that
    sense. Even so it is a good method because none of the candidates
    should be allowed to be faster than that. If somebody finds a
    better attack, then this would move up the minimum number of
    rounds resulting in a slower cipher. Now, he was criticized for
    adding two rounds instead of increasing the number of rounds by a
    constant factor. Anyway, in his final analysis (surprise!) Serpent
    becomes the fastest normalized cipher. With all that, Eli Biham's
    experience in cryptography is really huge and his basic point is
    undoubtedly sound. I think it useful to copy here his estimates:

                      originally                                now
        Cipher     rounds   cycles    minimal secure rounds    cycles
        Serpent     32       1800             17                 956
        Mars        32       1600             20                1000
        Rijndael    10       1276              8                1021
        Twofish     16       1254             14                1097
        Crypton     12       1282             11                1175
        E2          12       1808             10                1507
        RC6         20       1436             21                1508
        CAST-256    48       2088             40                1740
        DES (with NIST API would be more or less here)
        Safer+       8       4424              7                3871
        DFC          8       5874              9                6608
        Deal         6       8950             10               14917
        LOKI97      16       6376             38               15143
        Magenta      6      23186             11               42508
        Frog         8       2182              ?
        HPC          8       2602              ?

    (He does not try to estimate Frog's and HPC's minimal secure
    rounds - a pity - but Wagner's paper on Frog estimates double the
    number of rounds, which would put me in the 10th place)

    Next, Jim Foti explained some preliminary results of NIST's round
    1 randomness testing. For that battery of tests he used NIST's own
    statistical tools, Crypt-XB (which I had never heard before) and
    Diehard. In general everybody made this grade, even though they
    were some quirks with RC6 and HPC that are interpreted as
    statistical illusions while more testing is being done.

    Next, thankfully, came lunch. One amazing piece of information I
    picked at the table (while eating pasta al-dente and a literally
    bleeding piece of meat). As it happens, I sat at the table with a
    guy from the Federal Reserve. So I asked him if it was true that
    every day more than a hundred billion dollars is transmitted by
    wire. I explained that I had read this somewhere but that it
    seemed an incredible amount. Well, he answered that every day more
    than three trillion dollars are transferred by electronic means -
    in other words, every five days an amount compared to USA's one
    year economic output is translated into electrons.

    After lunch, Prof. Koeune from Belgium, also a sometime
    participant in sci.crypt, presented a paper on the implementation
    of several AES candidates on smart cards. He chose two instances:
    the low cost, 8-bit Intel 8051 and the advanced, 32-bit ARM with
    1kB of RAM. The approximate results are as follows:

                         8051    ARM
        Cipher   RAM     cycles  cycles
        E2       344      9K      2K
        RC6      205     14K      1K
        Rijndael  49      4K      2K
        Twofish   49      ?      10K

    For more and up to date information visit the page of cEASer
    project: http://www.dice.ucl.ac.be/crypto/CAESAR/caesar.html

    Geoffrey Keating presented a similar paper for the Motorola 6805,
    also a 8-bit CPU. Best algorithms: Rijndael, Twofish, Crypton and
    RC6. RC6 does need a lot of RAM (170-200 bytes) and later in the
    evening River [ed- Rivest?] presented RC6a with a different key
    scheduler that requires only 25 bytes of RAM and also is twice as 
    fast in assembler and five times as fast in C - Rivest's middle 
    name of course is Merlin).

    Then came three presentations about attacks against smart cards,
    no doubt orchestrated by NIST so that each paper made an even more
    powerful impression than the one before.

    The first paper was presented by Adi Shamir. I don't know whether
    Shamir is a teacher, but if he is then he must be a very good one
    indeed. First he explained about Paul Kocher's power attacks
    against smart cards (explained in Kocher's home page
    www.cryptography.com). The basic idea is to observe how much power
    a smart card consumes while executing a cipher (this can be done
    down to the level of microcode!). So, every instruction has a
    footprint and also the "Hamming weight" of the data processed
    (i.e. the number of bits with value 1) affects the power
    consumption as you need more power to charge up a register or
    memory bit to one than to flush it down. So, if you write a value
    with a lot of ones you will require more power. This attack, by
    the way, is a noninvading attack. Say you use a smart card and its
    reader has been doctored by an attacker and transmits details
    about the power consumption. Now Shamir showed that it is not
    necessary to have known texts encrypted. By using data from many
    different encryptions (different data but with the same key) and
    comparing their power graphs you will find that there are places
    where the power consumption strongly correlates. These are the
    times when the cipher is doing work that is not dependent on the
    variable data streams - i.e. when the cipher is doing its key
    scheduling. The technique explained is slightly more complex, but
    the point made was that DES could easily (actually especially
    easily) be broken in this way. On the other hand, Skipjack, a
    modern cipher produced by the US government, would be especially
    hard to attack in this way.

    Next, Joan Daemen, one of the authors of Rijndael, presented
    another comparative study about attacks against smart cards. He
    differentiated between timing attacks (useful mainly against older
    implementations of public key smart cards), power analysis
    attacks, and Differential Power Analysis (DPA) attacks. The latter
    is based on the fact that for some instructions the average power
    consumption correlates with the value of one input bit. As
    possible defense mechanisms he mentioned artificially produced
    noise but this can be cancelled out using a larger sample of
    cases. Another possibility is "balancing", an expensive
    proposition where, for example, you use 4 bit arithmetic on an 8
    bit smart card, taking care that the other 4 bits are always the
    complement of the "true" 4 bits, i.e. maintaining a constant
    Hamming weight. According to his analysis the algorithms which are
    easiest to protect against such attacks are Crypton, DEAL,
    Magenta, Rijndael and Serpent. The worse would be CAST-256, DFC,
    E2, HPC, Mars and RC6. His conclusion was that these kind of
    implementation attacks are really much more relevant than the
    academic attacks often discussed, because they can be implemented
    in practice and do some real harm.

    This point was made dramatically clear by the next speaker, IBM's
    Pankaj Rohatgi, who actually implemented the Twofish 6805
    reference code on a ST16 smart card and was able to recover the
    full 128-bit secret key using only about 50 independent block
    encryptions. He showed how noise can be cancelled out in these
    attacks and how he guessed the bits of the whitening. Whitening
    XORs data bits with constant key bits, ie: D <- D xor K. Using DPA
    it can be found out if D retains its value (in which case K=0) or
    is inverted (in which case K=1). In this way all of the whitening
    keys' bits can be found. In the case of Twofish the recovery of
    the whitening key allows the definition of a small number (10^6)
    of candidate master keys, from which the correct key can be
    derived. He surveyed all 15 candidates declaring them all unfit.
    The easiest to attack were judged to be Crypton, Deal, Loki-97,
    Magenta, Rijndael, Safer+, Serpent and Twofish, where DPA needs to
    be done only on very few rounds. Slightly harder would be ciphers
    like CAST-256, DFC, E2, Mars and RC6. Hardest to attack would be
    Frog and HPC, but only because they employ large key dependent
    tables - which make them more difficult to implement in smart
    cards in the first place. The moral here may be that availability
    of more RAM can make a smart cart more secure. He mentioned some
    possible defenses that do not work: adding noise or reordering the
    sequence of operations. He made clear that even balancing would
    not work, because this by definition is a technique where two
    physically separate parts of hardware are used; these parts can
    never be identical, so a correlation of bit values can always be
    determined. He rather cryptically mentioned that secret sharing
    techniques where one bit is split in several values might have an
    application here. I asked him whether a capacitor build in the
    smart card and powerful enough to charge several instructions
    wouldn't effectively hide the detailed timing of the power
    consumption. He said that a capacitor can be easily disabled, but
    that this defense might work in an noninvading threat model (this
    is the most dangerous kind where a smart-card's key can be stolen
    while the user is using the card in the normal manner).

    After that came the rump session. A few highlights:

    Doug Whiting described some efficiency estimates on Merced
    (supposedly a secret future Intel CPU). Here are the results:

        cipher      Pentium II        Merced
        RC6            250             620
        Rijndael       283             170
        Serpent        900             800
        Twofish        258             230

    RC6 (as mentioned before) actually seems to get worse. The same is
    estimated will happen with Mars too.

    Takeshi Shimoyama claimed that some S-boxes of Serpent were not
    secure against high-order differential cryptanalysis. His
    presentation was laced with a lot of jokes and laughter and I
    cannot judge how serious (if at all) this a problem is for

    David Wagner showed that there is a large set of equivalent keys
    in HPC that can be found just by flipping 1 bit of the master key
    and then keep trying for about 500 times. This would mean that HPC
    is not a good algorithm for implementing hashes. Wagner, by the
    way, will present tomorrow the paper about weak keys in Frog.

    Rivest presented RC6a with the much more efficient key scheduler
    variant (see above). He claimed that 8-bit chips "will go away",
    but nobody really believed that he really believed it.

    Bruce Schneier made a case against the idea of choosing not one
    but several "approved" AES algorithms. He used the argument that
    cryptanalytic efforts should not be divided between several
    ciphers because then each individual cipher would be less trusted.
    I didn't quite understand this argument: all ciphers that make it
    to the second round will be strongly analyzed anyway no matter
    whether only one or more than one is finally declared the winner.
    He mentioned that if they were two AES ciphers and you used one
    bit of the key to chose one of them, then half the time you would
    use a less powerful cipher. But one could also say that half the
    time one would use the more powerful cipher. (Say, after the
    second round cipher A is deemed the strongest followed by cipher
    B. Now suppose NIST chooses both as a standard and somebody in the
    future finds an attack that works better against A than against B,
    which would make B stronger than A). Also if there should be a
    catastrophic failure with cipher A (a non zero probability),
    cipher B could be easily substituted just by fixing this one bit
    in the key. He argued that multiple standard ciphers would be much
    more expensive to implement. This is probably true but I think
    this measurable cost should be balanced against the risk (a
    non-zero probability) that a single AES may fail catastrophically
    some time in the future when it is already broadly used. If that
    should happen the cost would be extremely large. The possibility
    of a catastrophic failure is really what should keep the NIST
    people awake at night.

    One wonders what is so wrong in declaring several good algorithms
    for specialized environments. Actually, after today's presentation

    about attacks against smart cards, somebody mentioned that a smart
    card is a sufficiently different environment to justify a
    specialized cipher. There is a large class of applications where
    ciphers are implemented in software, where speed is not important,
    and where security is important. In these cases one might choose
    to combine several algorithms in series at no particular additional

    So who will make it to the second round? No idea.

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