21 November 1998
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For comprehensive public TEMPEST information:
1 MAY 1998
Communications and Information
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OPR: HQ AFCA/GCIS (Dwight H. Bohl)
Supersedes AFI 33-203, 1 January 1997. |
Certified by: HQ USAF/SCXX (Lt Col Webb)
Pages: 26
Distribution: F |
This Air Force instruction (AFI) implements the emission security (EMSEC)
portion of Air Force Policy Directive (AFPD) 33-2, Information
Protection, and establishes Air Force EMSEC requirements for information
protection (IP). It interfaces with Air Force Systems Security Instruction
(AFSSI) 4100, (C) Communications Security Program (U) (will convert
to AFI 33-201), AFSSI 5100, The Air Force Computer Security (COMPUSEC)
Program (will convert to AFI 33-202), AFSSI 5102, Computer Security
(COMPUSEC) for Operational Systems (will convert to AFI 33-202), and
AFI 33-204, Information Protection Security Awareness, Training, and Education
(SATE) Program. We encourage you to use extracts. Send recommended changes
or comments to Headquarters Air Force Communications Agency (HQ AFCA/XPXP),
203 W. Losey Street, Room 1060, Scott AFB IL 62225-5233, through appropriate
channels, using AF Form 847, Recommendation for Change of Publication,
with an information copy to HQ AFCA/GCI, 203 W. Losey Street, Room 2040,
Scott AFB IL 62225-5234, and Headquarters Air Force Communications and
Information Center (HQ AFCIC/SYNI), 1250 Air Force Pentagon, Washington DC
20330-1250. The Glossary of References and Supporting Information is at
Attachment 1.
This document was substantially revised and must be completely reviewed.
This revision was substantially rewritten to change the emphasis for EMSEC
from a stand-alone program to an integral part of IP. It deletes references
to acquisition (paragraph 2), and implements the EMSEC certification part
of the certification and accreditation process (paragraph 9). It also clarifies
application of the instruction to those contractors who contract to perform
Air Force functions (paragraph 2). It clarifies the three EMSEC assessments
(paragraph 2.1.1) and three EMSEC countermeasures reviews (paragraph 5),
and the process to authenticate them (paragraphs 4.3.2, 5.3, 6, 8, and 9).
It adds the basic steps for validating EMSEC countermeasures reviews (paragraph
6), adds the requirement for the user to notify the wing IP office to make
the EMSEC inspection (paragraph 4.2), and removes the annual requirement
for EMSEC inspections (paragraph 8). It provides instructions for the EMSEC
certification (paragraph 9) and removes the instruction for a reassessment
during an annual inspection (paragraph 8). It makes one level of authority
for approving temporary waivers (paragraph It replaces reference
to the term command, control, communications, and computer (C4)
with information systems. It deletes Air Force Communications
Security (AFCOMSEC) Form 7001, Emission Security Assessment/Emission Security
Countermeasures Review, from being prescribed by this publication (it
is now prescribed by AFSSI 7010, [S] The Emission Security Assessment [U]).
Section A The Emission Security Program.
1. Introduction.
2. Emission Security Requirements.
3. Emission Security Process.
4. Emission Security Assessments.
5. Emission Security Countermeasures Reviews.
6. Validation Requirements.
7. Applying Countermeasures.
8. Emission Security Inspection.
9. Emission Security Certification.
10. Reassessing Requirements.
11. Waivers.
Section B Responsibilities.
12. Responsibilities and Authority.
Section C Qualifications and Classification.
13. Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority.
14. Classification Guidance.
15. Form Prescribed:
1. Introduction. The Air Force EMSEC process has experienced many
changes. Although these changes were attempts to meet the variances of a
dynamic world, they require security protection measures far beyond the needs
of the average user. In the past, EMSEC tended to stand alone; however, IP
now requires a more balanced approach not only to the control of compromising
emanations, NONSTOP, and HIJACK, but to communications security (COMSEC);
COMPUSEC; and SATE as well. The prime objective of EMSEC is to identify
requirements from the standpoint of IP risk management principles and provide
the appropriate protection at the least possible, or no, cost. Key to this
process is a partnership between the wing IP office and the user. The wing
IP office assesses the need for EMSEC as part of IP; determines the required
countermeasures; advises commanders of vulnerabilities, threats, and risks;
and recommends a practical and feasible course of action to the wing commander.
The user applies identified countermeasures.
2. Emission Security Requirements. Air Force organizations and contractors
doing business as the Air Force, whether procuring or using systems to process
classified national security information, must apply EMSEC proportional to
the threat of exploitation.
2.1. They must consider the potential damage to national security if classified
national security information is compromised, and:
2.1.1. Assess the need for EMSEC for each aspect (control of compromising
emanations, NON-STOP, and HIJACK) and determine the specific countermeasures
before beginning architectural engineering and facility design, procuring
systems, or beginning engineering and installation.
2.1.2. Implement or apply required countermeasures before using systems to
process classified national security information.
2.1.3. Operate and maintain systems to preserve the integrity of required
2.2. Processing classified national security information without complying
with the above requirements is a reportable security incident under AFI 31-401,
Managing the Information Security Program, except as allowed for by
waiver in paragraph 11.
3. Emission Security Process. Assess equipment and facilities to determine
the need for EMSEC (control of compromising emanations, NONSTOP, and HIJACK);
determine, validate, and implement or apply the required countermeasures;
and periodically reassess EMSEC requirements. The following paragraphs further
define this process (see Attachment 2).
4. Emission Security Assessments. This process determines the need
for EMSEC for a system that processes classified national security information.
4.1. The using Air Force organization determines if the system will process
classified national security information.
4.2. If the system will process classified national security information,
the using organization must contact the wing IP office.
4.2.1. The wing IP office makes the EMSEC assessment for wing-level systems
and programs.
4.2.2. The major command (MAJCOM) IP office makes the EMSEC assessment for
MAJCOM-level programs.
4.2.3. The lead MAJCOM IP office, or the certified TEMPEST technical authority
(CTTA), makes the EMSEC assessments for Air Force-level programs.
4.2.4. For Special Category (SPECAT) information, the CTTA makes the EMSEC
4.3. All IP offices:
4.3.1. Use AFSSI 7010 to make the assessments.
4.3.2. Document the EMSEC assessment on AFCOMSEC Form 7001 according to AFSSI
5. Emission Security Countermeasures Reviews. This process determines
the needed control of compromising emanations, NONSTOP, and HIJACK
countermeasures for a system that processes classified national security
5.1. If the EMSEC assessment determined the need for the control of compromising
emanations, NONSTOP, or HIJACK, make the appropriate countermeasures review.
Use Air Force Systems Security
Memorandum (AFSSM) 7011, The Emission Security Countermeasures
Review to make each review.
5.2. The same IP office that made the EMSEC assessments makes the EMSEC
countermeasures review.
5.3. Whenever possible, document the EMSEC countermeasures reviews on the
same AFCOMSEC Form 7001 used for the EMSEC assessments. Where this is not
possible, complete an additional AFCOMSEC Form 7001 for the countermeasures
review with an appropriate reference to the associated assessment.
6. Validation Requirements. The CTTA must validate the EMSEC
countermeasures review because of the costs involved in applying countermeasures
to some facilities and the cost of some countermeasures. Validate EMSEC
countermeasures reviews according to AFSSM 7011. Whenever possible, document
the validation on the same AFCOMSEC Form 7001 used for the EMSEC countermeasures
review. Where this is not possible, complete an additional AFCOMSEC Form
7001 for the validation with an appropriate reference to the associated
assessment and countermeasures review.
7. Applying Countermeasures. The user applies, implements, and maintains
the required countermeasures identified by the EMSEC countermeasures review.
Notify the wing IP office when completed.
8. Emission Security Inspection. Upon notification from the user,
the wing IP office makes an EMSEC inspection to make sure the required EMSEC
countermeasures are effectively applied or implemented. The EMSEC countermeasures
review is the basis for the EMSEC inspection. The user must correct deficiencies
discovered by an EMSEC inspection or request a temporary or permanent waiver
before processing classified national security information.
9. Emission Security Certification. As a part of the certification
and accreditation process, the wing IP office certifies all required EMSEC
countermeasures are in place after the EMSEC inspection. Certify the system
as meeting EMSEC requirements according to AFSSM 7011. Whenever possible,
document the EMSEC certification on the same AFCOMSEC Form 7001 used for
the EMSEC countermeasures review. Where this is not possible, complete an
additional AFCOMSEC Form 7001 for the certification with an appropriate reference
to the associated assessment, countermeasures review, and validation.
10. Reassessing Requirements. Reassess EMSEC requirements when required
by a COMPUSEC risk analysis, the threat changes, or when the classification
level of the information changes. Make a reassessment by reviewing and confirming
the information on the AFCOMSEC Form 7001 is still valid. You do not need
a new AFCOMSEC Form 7001 for changes such as equipment, office, room, or
building changes, that do not change the outcome of the EMSEC assessment
or countermeasures review. Make pen and ink changes instead. If the form
gets too messy, re-accomplish the form.
11. Waivers. There are two kinds of EMSEC waivers: temporary and
11.1. AFCOMSEC Form 3331, Request for Waiver From Information Protection
Criteria. Use this form to document and request either a temporary (see
Attachment 3) or permanent waiver (see
Attachment 4). Attach a copy of the EMSEC
countermeasures review.
11.2. Temporary Waiver. A temporary waiver allows the processing of classified
national security information when the user is not able to implement or apply
all required EMSEC countermeasures. A temporary waiver is valid for one year
to allow the user to accomplish the mission while they implement or apply
all required EMSEC countermeasures.
11.2.1. Conditions. The following conditions must exist before processing
a temporary waiver: All required EMSEC countermeasures were not installed or applied
during installation. Operation is required for mission accomplishment. The user cannot install all required EMSEC countermeasures before
system turn-on.
11.2.2. Processing a Temporary Waiver. The user originates the request for
a temporary waiver, then sends it to the wing IP office for coordination,
and approval or disapproval by the appropriate authority. The control of compromising emanations. For collateral information, the approval authority for the temporary
waiver is the designated approving authority (DAA). For SPECAT information, process the temporary waiver through
the SPECAT EMSEC person to the SPECAT DAA. For Global Command and Control System (GCCS) information, process
the temporary waiver through the MAJCOM IP office to the GCCS DAA. NONSTOP and HIJACK. The CTTA approves all NONSTOP and HIJACK temporary
waivers. NOTE: The terms NONSTOP and HIJACK have classified definitions
(see AFSSI 7010). For collateral information, the approval authority is the Air
Force CTTA. For SPECAT information, process the temporary waiver through
the SPECAT EMSEC person to HQ AFCA/GCIS. For GCCS information, process the temporary waiver through the
11.2.3. Temporary Waiver Renewals. A temporary waiver is renewable for one
year only if the user is making an active effort to correct the problem;
otherwise do not renew it. Process a renewal according to paragraph 11.2.2
before the current temporary waiver expires. Only two renewals are permitted.
11.2.4. Temporary Waiver Cancellations. Cancel the temporary waiver after
applying the required EMSEC countermeasures (see
Attachment 3 for instructions).
11.2.5. Temporary Waiver Copies. Forward a copy of all temporary waivers,
including renewals and cancellations, to the MAJCOM IP office or SPECAT EMSEC
person and HQ AFCA/GCIS.
11.3. Permanent Waiver. Only a CTTA may waive a specific EMSEC countermeasure.
Such things as an extremely low volume of classified national security
information, a low level of classification, disproportionate costs, impossible
to do, or other conditions that make the application of the EMSEC countermeasure
seem inappropriate to the wing IP office, are the basis for a permanent waiver.
Permanent waivers have no expiration date and are valid as long as the conditions
for approval do not change. Process requests as follows:
11.3.1. The user initiates the request and forwards the request to the wing
IP office for review.
11.3.2. The wing IP office reviews the request for validity and, if valid,
forwards the request to the MAJCOM IP office or SPECAT EMSEC person for review.
11.3.3. The MAJCOM IP office or SPECAT EMSEC person reviews the request and,
if valid, forwards the request, along with appropriate supportive comments,
12. Responsibilities and Authority. This instruction establishes the
following responsibilities and authorities:
12.1. HQ AFCIC/SYNI. Responsible for the EMSEC program according to AFPD
33-2. It establishes Air Force EMSEC policy and doctrine, and coordinates
with the other military departments and government agencies to eliminate
duplication and to exchange technical data.
12.2. Headquarters United States Air Force, Office of the Civil Engineer
(HQ USAF/ILE). The Air Force focal point for design and construction of
facilities containing radio frequency interference (RFI) and electromagnetic
interference (EMI) shielding.
12.2.1. Air Force Civil Engineer Support Agency (HQ AFCESA/CESE). The office
of primary responsibility (OPR) for guidance, information, standards, and
requirements for design and construction of facilities containing RFI and
EMI shielding. The USAF Handbook for the Design and Construction of
HEMP/TEMPEST Shields in Facilities is the HQ AFCESA/CESE document that
provides this guidance, information, standards, and requirements.
12.3. HQ AFCA:
12.3.1. Manages the Air Force EMSEC requirements.
12.3.2. Is assigned CTTA responsibility (see paragraph 13).
12.3.3. Distributes guidance on the domestic and foreign technical threat
environment as provided by the National Security Agency (NSA).
12.3.4. Tasks all Air Force EMSEC testing.
12.3.5. Advises Headquarters Air Education and Training Command (HQ AETC)
on EMSEC curriculum.
12.3.6. Provides Air Force EMSEC requirements and guidance for Air Force
12.3.7. Reviews, approves, or disapproves the installation plans that have
EMSEC requirements when the installation is contracted.
12.3.8. Provides Air Force organizations disposition instructions for
TEMPEST-certified and formerly TEMPEST-certified equipment.
12.4. Headquarters Air Intelligence Agency (HQ AIA). Through the Air Force
Information Warfare Center (AFIWC):
12.4.1. Provides NONSTOP and HIJACK testing and a quick reaction capability
to support emergency testing of facilities.
12.4.2. Provides a capability for limited testing of high value Air Force
systems such as special air mission aircraft and strategic systems such as
F-117, B-2, or special access required programs.
12.4.3. Secures a fee-for-service contracting vehicle for routine and standard
EMSEC testing support.
12.4.4. Manages the Air Force EMSEC testing program to include contract
monitoring and oversight duties.
12.4.5. Provides technical oversight of all contracted Air Force EMSEC tests.
12.4.6. Interacts with the U.S. Government TEMPEST technical community.
12.4.7. Serves as the Air Force technical consultant for emerging EMSEC issues.
12.4.8. Provides a limited testing and evaluation capability for Air Force
information systems in a laboratory environment for zoning and profiling.
12.5. MAJCOMs (include those field operating agencies [FOA] and direct reporting
units [DRU] who have established IP offices [see paragraph]):
12.5.1. Establish EMSEC as a part of IP in the MAJCOM IP office. Include
those Air National Guard (ANG) and United States Air Force Reserve units
gained by the MAJCOM upon activation.
12.5.2. Include EMSEC requirements identified by the MAJCOM IP office in
requests for pro-posal, specifications, statements of work, operational
requirements documents (ORD), program management directives, and contracts
when planning and programming for a procurement requirement for systems (includes
facilities and individual pieces of equipment) that will process classified
national security information. This includes systems under development and
systems embedded in weapons systems. Review mission need statements (MNS)
and equipment specifications for EMSEC considerations and criteria.
12.5.3. Include EMSEC requirements when preparing the COMSEC appendix to
the communications annex of operations plans according to Air Force Manual
(AFMAN) 10-401, Operation Plan and Concept Plan Development and Implementation.
12.5.4. Implement and maintain required countermeasures for systems that
process classified national security information.
12.5.5. Notify wing and regional civil engineers of any unique construction
needed to support programs that process classified national security information.
12.5.6. Ensure inspection of all facilities that have EMSEC requirements
(see paragraph 8).
12.6. MAJCOM IP Office:
12.6.1. The OPR for MAJCOM EMSEC requirements.
12.6.2. Makes sure the person responsible for EMSEC in the IP office receives
EMSEC training.
12.6.3. Provides EMSEC guidance and assistance to the command staff and
subordinate wing IP offices.
12.6.4. Assists wing IP offices by making EMSEC assessments, countermeasures
reviews, and EMSEC inspections when requested.
12.6.5. Reviews and approves EMSEC requirements for contractor facilities
for MAJCOM contracts.
12.6.6. Coordinates with the MAJCOM formal training office to establish an
EMSEC training priority system so units with the greatest need for formal
EMSEC training receive the highest priority.
12.6.7. Assists and provides guidance to the MAJCOM civil engineer for correction
of real property EMSEC deficiencies.
12.6.8. Reviews MAJCOM programming and requirements documents that call for
the processing of classified national security information.
12.6.9. For projects that involve more than one wing within the MAJCOM or
for MAJCOM programs: Reviews all project support agreement (PSA) changes and project
packages for facilities that process classified national security information. Coordinates with affected wings for the EMSEC assessments and
countermeasures reviews. Advises command program managers of required EMSEC countermeasures.
12.7. Host Air Force Wings:
12.7.1. Establish EMSEC as a part of IP in the host wing IP office. The wing
IP office addresses all EMSEC requirements on the base, including those of
tenant units (i.e., FOAs, DRUs, and other MAJCOM units), unless there are
other formal agreements. A wing IP office may support non-Air Force units if the units
own service does not, and the unit requests support.
12.7.2. Include a wing IP office representative in planning meetings for
new equipment procurement, installation, or reconfiguration of existing
facilities that process classified national security information.
12.7.3. Assist the wing IP office to determine EMSEC requirements and, when
required, cost estimates of required countermeasures during initial meetings
for new facility construction or upgrade projects.
12.8. Wing IP Office:
12.8.1. Manages wing EMSEC requirements.
12.8.2. Makes EMSEC assessments of all systems that process classified national
security information on the base, including those of tenant organizations,
unless there are other formal agreements.
12.8.3. Makes EMSEC countermeasures reviews when required.
12.8.4. Maintains a file of all current EMSEC assessments and countermeasures
12.8.5. Forwards a copy of all EMSEC countermeasures reviews according to
AFSSM 7011.
12.8.6. Ensures the person responsible for EMSEC in the wing IP office receives
EMSEC training.
12.8.7. Conducts and documents required EMSEC inspections.
12.8.8. Advises commanders, managers, supervisors, or users of countermeasures
required to adequately protect classified national security information (the
countermeasures review) and what deficiencies exist for their systems (the
EMSEC inspection).
12.8.9. Maintains a file of all active temporary and permanent waivers.
12.8.10. Ensures current required Air Force EMSEC guidance and information
are given wide dissemination.
12.8.11. Provides Headquarters 38 Engineering Installation Wing with
countermeasure requirements for information systems before engineering and
installation begins.
12.8.12. Assists the wing civil engineer in planning new facilities, or
reconfiguring existing facil-ities, that process classified national security
information. Advises the wing civil engineer of any countermeasure requirements
for new construction or upgrade projects.
12.8.13. Reviews and approves required countermeasures for contractor facilities
supporting wing contracts.
12.8.14. Helps the contracting officer obtain standards necessary for contractual
compliance with EMSEC requirements.
12.8.15. Reviews all PSAs, PSA changes, and project packages for facilities
that will process classified national security information, to include applicable
EMSEC requirements.
12.8.16. Assists users with the technical aspects of applying countermeasures.
12.8.17. Coordinates on AF Form 1261, Command, Control, Communications
and Computer Systems Acceptance Certificate, before the user processes
any classified national security information.
12.9. HQ AETC. In addition to the responsibilities in paragraph 12.5, HQ
12.9.1. Trains or provides training to installers, operators, and maintenance
technicians of systems that process classified national security information.
12.9.2. Conducts EMSEC training according to AFI 36-2201, Developing,
Managing, and Conducting Training.
12.9.3. Works with HQ AFCA/GCIS to make sure EMSEC portions of curriculums
are current and meet Air Force needs.
12.10. Headquarters Air Force Materiel Command (HQ AFMC). In addition to
the responsibilities in paragraph 12.5, HQ AFMC:
12.10.1. Makes sure EMSEC related configuration control information is available
to the operations, maintenance, and logistics support organizations to maintain
the integrity of countermeasures during a systems life cycle.
12.10.2. Issues time compliance technical orders and modification kits for
equipment and systems that are under its inventory management control and
scheduled for modification.
12.10.3. Establishes configuration control procedures to ensure the continuity
and integrity of countermeasures for equipment and systems that process
classified national security information under its inventory management.
12.10.4. Makes sure technical analyses, cost estimates, and modification
proposals for systems that process classified national security information
consider TEMPEST design and installation requirements.
12.10.5. Conducts a studies and analysis program that will result in research,
development, test, and evaluation of TEMPEST test equipment and techniques.
Coordinates TEMPEST information exchange with HQ AFIWC/EAC.
12.10.6. Uses the host wing IP offices at its engineering and development
centers to make EMSEC assessments and countermeasures reviews for its program
12.10.7. Installs equipment and systems according to EMSEC standards.
12.10.8. Makes sure installation standards retain or enhance EMSEC integrity.
12.10.9. Coordinates exchange of engineering and installation EMSEC information
12.10.10. Performs shielding effectiveness testing when requested.
12.10.11. Provides, when requested, cost estimates for the installation of
required countermeasures. Estimates do not include costs based on good
engineering practices as EMSEC countermeasures costs. Cost estimates reflect
only the delta increase of countermeasure costs.
12.11. Program Managers. Responsible for early coordination with MAJCOM IP
offices, SPECAT EMSEC persons, and wing IP offices to:
12.11.1. Make sure EMSEC requirements are in MNSs, ORDs, etc.
12.11.2. Establish EMSEC requirements at the systems planned locations.
12.12. Air Force Information Systems Users:
12.12.1. Contact the wing IP office (FOA or DRU IP office for those FOAs
and DRUs managing their own EMSEC requirements) for assistance when the need
to process classified national security information arises.
12.12.2. Request the wing IP office make an EMSEC assessment to identify
the need for EMSEC at the earliest date possible.
12.12.3. Implement required countermeasures.
12.12.4. Request the wing IP office perform an EMSEC inspection, after
installation, but before operation, if required.
12.12.5. Correct all deficiencies identified by an EMSEC inspection and request
a re-inspection.
12.12.6. Maintain countermeasures to as-applied or as-installed conditions.
12.12.7. Initiate requests for temporary and permanent waivers (see paragraph
11) and EMSEC tests (see AFSSM 7011), when needed.
12.13. SPECAT Facilities. Facilities that process SPECAT classified national
security information are administered outside the normal chain of command.
SPECAT EMSEC persons are:
12.13.1. Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA/DAC-2A). The office where the Sensitive
Compartmented Information (SCI) EMSEC person is located. For all DIA accredited
SCI facilities (SCIF), this office fulfills the responsibilities of the MAJCOM
IP office identified in paragraph 12.5.
12.13.2. HQ AIA/SOXS. The office where the EMSEC person is located for facilities
accredited by NSA. For all NSA accredited SCIFs, this office fulfills the
responsibilities of the MAJCOM IP office identified in paragraph 12.5.
12.13.3. Office of the Secretary of the Air Force (SAF/AQ-PJ). The office
where the EMSEC person is located for special access required and special
access programs. For all special access required and special access program
accredited facilities, this office fulfills the responsibilities of the MAJCOM
IP office identified in paragraph 12.5.
12.13.4. For all other SPECAT facilities, contact HQ AFCA/GCIS for guidance.
13. Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority. A CTTA is an experienced,
technically qualified government employee who meets established certification
requirements according to National Security Telecommunications and Information
Systems Security Committee-approved criteria and appointed by HQ AFCIC/SYNI
to fulfill CTTA responsibilities. A CTTA conducts or validates countermeasures
reviews to determine compliance with applicable national, Department of Defense
(DoD), and Air Force policy and instructions. A CTTA must meet the following
13.1. Complete three continuous years of EMSEC technical experience, including
at least one year of experience evaluating vulnerabilities of operational
facilities and recommending countermeasures.
13.2. Complete mandatory training on the technical threat.
13.3. Complete technical training identified by the National Manager for
National Security Telecommunications and Automated Information Systems Security.
HQ AFCIC/SYNI may waive technical training requirements.
14. Classification Guidance. AFMAN 33-272, (S) Classifying
Communications Security, TEMPEST, and C4 Systems Security Research and
Development Information (U), is the classification guide for EMSEC matters.
15. Form Prescribed:
15.1. AFCOMSEC Form 3331, Request for Waiver From Information Protection
Director, Communications and Information
Attachment 1
AFPD 33-2, Information Protection
AFI 31-401, Managing the Information Security Program
AFI 33-204, Information Protection Security Awareness, Training, and Education
(SATE) Program
AFI 36-2201, Developing, Managing, and Conducting Training
AFMAN 10-401, Operation Plan and Concept Plan Development and
AFMAN 33-272, (S) Classifying Communications Security, TEMPEST, and C4
Systems Security Research and Development Information (U)
AFSSI 4100, (C) Communications Security Program (U) (will be replaced
by AFI 33-201)
AFSSI 5100, The Air Force Computer Security (COMPUSEC) Program (will
be replaced by AFI 33-202)
AFSSI 5102, Computer Security (COMPUSEC) for Operational Systems (will
be replaced by AFI 33-202)
AFSSI 7010, (S) The Emission
Security Assessment (U)
AFSSM 7011, The Emission
Security Countermeasures Review
Executive Order 12958, Classified National Security Information, April
17, 1995
The USAF Handbook for the Design and Construction of HEMP/TEMPEST Shields
in Facilities
Abbreviations and Acronyms
AETCAir Education and Training Command
AFCAAir Force Communications Agency
AFCESAAir Force Civil Engineer Support Agency
AFCICAir Force Communications and Information Center
AFCOMSECAir Force Communications Security (used on forms)
AFIAir Force Instruction
AFIWCAir Force Information Warfare Center
AFMANAir Force Manual
AFMCAir Force Materiel Command
AFPDAir Force Policy Directive
AFSSIAir Force Systems Security Instruction
AFSSMAir Force Systems Security Memorandum
AIAAir Intelligence Agency
ANGAir National Guard
C4Command, Control, Communications, and Computer (term replaced
by Information Systems)
COMSECCommunications Security
COMPUSECComputer Security
CTTACertified TEMPEST Technical Authority
DAADesignated Approving Authority
DIADefense Intelligence Agency
DoDDepartment of Defense
DRUDirect Reporting Unit
EMIElectromagnetic Interference
EMSECEmission Security
FOAField Operating Agency
GCCSGlobal Command and Control System
IPInformation Protection
MAJCOMMajor Command
MNSMission Need Statement
NSANational Security Agency
OPROffice of Primary Responsibility
ORDOperational Requirements Document
PSAProject Support Agreement
RFIRadio Frequency Interference
SATESecurity Awareness, Training, and Education
SCISensitive Compartmented Information
SCIFSensitive Compartmented Information Facility
SPECATSpecial Category
USAFUnited States Air Force
Certified TEMPEST Technical Authority (CTTA)An experienced,
technically qualified government employee who has met established certification
requirements according to National Security Telecommunications and Information
Systems Security Committee-approved criteria and appointed by a United States
Government department or agency to fulfill CTTA responsibilities.
Collateral InformationAll national security information classified
under the provisions of an executive order, for which special community systems
of compartments (e.g., Sensitive Compartmented Information) are not formally
Compromising EmanationUnintentional signal that, if intercepted
and analyzed, would disclose the information transferred, received, handled,
or otherwise processed by any information-processing equipment.
Countermeasures1. That form of military science that by the
employment of devices and/or techniques, has as its objective the impairment
of the operational effectiveness of enemy activity. 2. Any action, device,
procedure, technique, or other means that reduces the vulnerability of an
automated information system.
Countermeasures ReviewA technical evaluation of a facility to
identify the inspectable space, the required countermeasures, and the most
cost-effective way to apply required countermeasures.
EmanationUnintended signals or noise appearing external to an
Emission Security (EMSEC)The protection resulting from all measures
taken to deny unauthorized persons information of value that might be derived
from NONSTOP and HIJACK intercepts and the interception and analysis of
compromising emanations from crypto-equipment, information systems, and
telecommunications systems.
Emission Security AssessmentAn evaluation of a facility to determine
the need for emission security.
Emission Security Countermeasures ReviewA review of a facility
to determine needed countermeasures.
Equipment Radiation TEMPEST ZoneA zone established as a result
of determined or known equipment radiation TEMPEST characteristics. The zone
includes all space within which a successful hostile intercept of compromising
emanations is considered possible.
Facility1. A real-property entity consisting of one or more
of the following: a building; a structure; a utility system, pavement, and
underlying land. 2. A physically definable area which contains classified
national security information-processing equipment.
HazardA measure of both the existence and the compromising nature
of an emanation. Hazards exist if, and only if compromising emanations are
detectable beyond the inspectable space.
HIJACKThe definition of HIJACK is classified (see AFSSI 7010).
Information Systems(DoD) The organized collection, processing,
transmission, and dissemination of information, in accordance with defined
procedures, whether automated or manual. In information warfare, this includes
the entire infrastructure, organization, and components that collect, process,
store, transmit, display, disseminate, and act on information.
Inspectable SpaceThe three-dimensional space surrounding equipment
that processes classified national security or sensitive information within
which TEMPEST exploitation is not considered practical or where legal authority
to identify or remove a potential TEMPEST exploitation exists.
National Security InformationInformation that has been determined,
pursuant to Executive Order 12958, Classified National Security
Information, April 17, 1995, or any predecessor order, to require protection
against unauthorized disclosure, and is so designated.
NONSTOPThe definition of NONSTOP is classified (see AFSSI 7010).
RED and BLACK ConceptSeparation of electrical and electronic
circuits, components, equipment, and systems that handle classified plain
text (RED) information in electrical signal form from those which handle
unclassified (BLACK) information in the same form.
Service Cryptologic ElementA term used to designate separately
or together those elements of the United States Army, United States Navy,
and United States Air Force that perform cryptologic functions.
Special Category (SPECAT) InformationThe definition of SPECAT
is classified (see AFSSI 7010).
TEMPESTAn unclassified term referring to technical investigations
for compromising emanations from electrically operated processing equipment;
these investigations are conducted in support of emission security.
TEMPEST-Certified EquipmentSystems or equipment that were certified
within the requirements of the effective edition of NSTISSAM TEMPEST/1-92,
Level I, or TEMPEST specifications as determined by the department or agency
Attachment 2
A.2.1. Use the flow charts in Figure A.2.1. and Figure
A.2.2. to assess equipment and facilities to determine the need for EMSEC;
determine, validate, and implement or apply the required coutner measures;
and periodically reassess EMSEC requirements.
Figure A2.1. The Emission Security Flowchart [Poor image redrawn
for clarity. High resolution version
Figure A2.2. The Emission Security Flowchart Continued. [Poor image
redrawn for clarity. High resolution
version (94K).]

Attachment 3
A3.1. Temporary Waiver. This attachment provides guidance for completing
AFCOMSEC Form 3331 for a temporary waiver. Due to the limited space on the
AFCOMSEC Form 3331, attach additional information as required.
A3.2. Filling Out the Form for Collateral Information.
A3.2.1. Block 1: The wing IP office numbers the initial temporary waiver
using the following format: MAJCOM, base, requesting unit, last two digits
of year, minimum two digit temporary waiver number with a T.
Use the original temporary waiver number for renewals. EXAMPLES:
ACC-Langley-1776ABW-95-01T, AFMC-Edwards-1925CS-95-104T.
A3.2.2. Block 2: Not to exceed one year from the date of approval (Block
A3.2.3. TO: Either a senior manager in the users chain to the DAA or
the wing IP office; use organization and office symbol.
A3.2.4. FROM: The requester's organization and office symbol.
A3.2.5. Block 3: Check temporary and either initial,
renewal, or cancellation. NOTE: For cancellations:
skip Blocks 4 through 6 and 8 through 18.
A3.2.6. Block 4: Base, building, room number, organization, office symbol,
and title.
A3.2.7. Block 5: List the specific countermeasures not met.
A3.2.8. Block 6: State the problem briefly. If the approving authority will
need more information than will fit in the block to fully understand the
problem, use plain bond paper and attach the continued discussion.
A3.2.9. Block 7: Briefly explain your justification for processing classified
national security information without meeting all the required countermeasures.
For example, what is the mission impact of not processing? Why can't you
apply the countermeasures before system turn-on? Attach a copy of the EMSEC
countermeasures review, AFCOMSEC Form 7001.
A3.2.9.1. For renewals: The first entry in Block 7 must be, The initial
temporary waiver approved date is ____.
A3.2.9.2. For cancellations: Explain the cancellation. For example,
countermeasures applied or equipment no longer used to
process classified national security information.
A3.2.10. Block 8:
A3.2.10.1. Initial: List interim procedures to lessen the risk while the
temporary waiver is in effect.
A3.2.10.2. Renewal: Indicate the corrective actions you have taken to date.
A3.2.11. Block 9:
A3.2.11.1. Initial: State the action that will correct the deficiency. State
the date corrective measures will start. State the completion date for corrective
A3.2.11.2. Renewal: State what corrective actions remain. State the date
remaining corrective measures will start. State the completion date for remaining
corrective measures.
A3.2.12. Blocks 10 and 11: Self explanatory.
A3.2.13. Block 12: As necessary within the requesters organization.
A3.2.14. Blocks 13 through 15: Self explanatory.
A3.2.15. Reviewing Official: Use Blocks 16 through 27 as necessary to document
the reviews. A review by the wing IP office is mandatory. It is the last
review before forwarding the request to the DAA. You cannot have more than
two reviews.
A3.2.16. First Reviewing Official.
A3.2.16.1. TO: The wing IP office.
A3.2.16.2. FROM: This reviewer (organization and office symbol); either a
manager in the users chain or the wing IP office.
A3.2.16.3. Block 16: As necessary within the reviewers organization.
A3.2.16.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A3.2.16.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A3.2.16.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A3.2.17. The Wing IP Offices Review.
A3.2.17.1. TO: The DAA.
A3.2.17.2. FROM: The wing IP office (organization and office symbol).
A3.2.17.3. Block 16 or 22: As necessary within the wing IP office.
A3.2.17.4. Block 17 or 23: Self explanatory.
A3.2.17.5. Block 18 or 24: Mark the approval or
disapproval block.
A3.2.17.6. Blocks 19 through 21 or 25 through 27: Self explanatory.
A3.2.18. Approval Authority: Use this area to approve the temporary waiver.
A3.2.18.1. TO: The requester (organization and office symbol).
A3.2.18.2. FROM: The DAA.
A3.2.18.3. Block 28: As necessary.
A3.2.18.4. Block 29: Mark the approved or disapproved
or returned for further action block.
A3.2.18.5. Block 30: The date this form is signed is the date of approval.
A3.2.18.6. Blocks 31 and 32: Self explanatory.
A3.2.19. Block 33: The originator places the classified by and
declassify on in the bottom right corner of this block.
A3.3. Filling Out the Form for Special Category Information.
A3.3.1. Complete all of paragraphs A3.2.1 through A3.2.14, and A3.2.19.
A3.3.2. In the first TO: Block after Block 2, add the base to the organization
and office symbol.
A3.3.3. Reviewing Official: Use Blocks 16 through 27 as necessary to document
the reviews. A review by the wing IP office and the SPECAT EMSEC person is
mandatory and is the last review before forwarding the request to the approving
authority. If you need reviews in addition to the wing IP office and SPECAT
EMSEC person, attach additional AFCOMSEC Forms 3331 using only the reviewing
official blocks.
A3.3.4. Reviewing Official Other Than The Wing IP Office. Any manager in
the users chain.
A3.3.4.1. TO: The next level for review or the wing IP office (organization,
office symbol, and base).
A3.3.4.2. FROM: This reviewer (organization, office symbol, and base).
A3.3.4.3. Block 16: As necessary within the reviewers organization.
A3.3.4.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A3.3.4.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A3.3.4.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A3.3.5. The Wing IP Offices Review.
A3.3.5.1. TO: The SPECAT EMSEC person (organization, office symbol, and base).
A3.3.5.2. FROM: The wing IP office (organization, office symbol, and base).
A3.3.5.3. Block 16: As necessary within the wing IP office.
A3.3.5.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A3.3.5.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A3.3.5.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A3.3.6. The SPECAT EMSEC Persons Review.
A3.3.6.1. TO: The SPECAT information DAA (organization, office symbol, and
A3.3.6.2. FROM: The SPECAT EMSEC person (organization and office symbol).
A3.3.6.3. Block 16: As necessary within the SPECAT EMSEC person 's office.
A3.3.6.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A3.3.6.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A3.3.6.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A3.3.7. Approval Authority: This area is used to approve the temporary waiver.
A3.3.7.1. TO: The requester (organization, office symbol, and base).
A3.3.7.2. FROM: The SPECAT information DAA (organization, office symbol,
and base).
A3.3.7.3. Block 28: As necessary.
A3.3.7.4. Block 29: Mark the approved or disapproved
or returned for further action block.
A3.3.7.5. Block 30: The date this form is signed is the date of approval.
A3.3.7.6. Blocks 31 and 32: Self explanatory.
Attachment 4
A4.1. Permanent Waiver. This attachment provides guidance for completing
the AFCOMSEC Form 3331 for a permanent waiver. Due to the limited space on
the AFCOMSEC Form 3331, attach additional information as required.
A4.2. Filling Out the Form for Collateral Information.
A4.2.1. Block 1: The wing IP office numbers the initial permanent waiver
using the following format:
MAJCOM, base, requesting unit, last two digits of year, minimum two digit
permanent waiver nu mber wi t h a P. EXAMPLES:
ACC-Langley-1776ABW- 95-01P, AFMC-Edwards-1925CS-95-104P.
A4.2.2. Block 2: Enter, no expiration date.
A4.2.3. TO: Either the DAA or the wing IP office; use organization and office
A4.2.4. FROM: The requester's organization and office symbol.
A4.2.5. Block 3: Check permanent.
A4.2.6. Block 4: Base, building, room number, organization, office symbol,
and title.
A4.2.7. Block 5: List the specific countermeasure not met; one countermeasure
to a request for a permanent waiver.
A4.2.8. Block 6: State the problem briefly. If the CTTA will need more
information to fully understand the problem, use an attachment and explain
A4.2.9. Block 7: Briefly explain your justification for processing classified
national security information without applying the required countermeasure.
For example, why can't the required countermeasure be applied? Attach a copy
of the countermeasures review, AFCOMSEC Form 7001.
A4.2.10. Block 8: List procedures to lessen the risk while the permanent
waiver is in effect.
A4.2.11. Blocks 9 through 11: Leave blank.
A4.2.12. Blocks 12: As necessary within the requesters organization.
A4.2.13. Blocks 13 through 15: Self explanatory.
A4.2.14. Reviewing Official: Use Blocks 16 through 27 as necessary to document
the reviews. A review by the wing and MAJCOM IP offices is mandatory. It
is the last review before forwarding the request to the CTTA. If you need
reviews in addition to the wing and MAJCOM IP offices, attach additional
AFCOMSEC Forms 3331 using only the reviewing official blocks.
A4.2.15. Reviewing Official Other Than The Wing IP Office. Any manager in
the users chain.
A4.2.15.1. TO: The next level for review or the wing IP office (organization,
office symbol, and base).
A4.2.15.2. FROM: This reviewer (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.2.15.3. Block 16: As necessary within the reviewers organization.
A4.2.15.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A4.2.15.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A4.2.15.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A4.2.16. The Wing IP Offices Review.
A4.2.16.1. TO: The MAJCOM IP office (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.2.16.2. FROM: The wing IP office (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.2.16.3. Block 16: As necessary within the wing IP office.
A4.2.16.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A4.2.16.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A4.2.16.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A4.2.17. The MAJCOM IP Offices Review.
A4.2.17.1. TO: The CTTA (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.2.17.2. FROM: The MAJCOM IP office (organization and office symbol).
A4.2.17.3. Block 16: As necessary within the MAJCOM IP office.
A4.2.17.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A4.2.17.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A4.2.17.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A4.2.18. Approval Authority: The CTTA uses this area to approve the waiver
A4.2.18.1. TO: The requester; organization and office symbol.
A4.2.18.3. Block 28: As necessary.
A4.2.18.4. Block 29: Mark the approved or disapproved
or returned for further action block.
A4.2.18.5. Block 30: The date this form is signed is the date of approval.
A4.2.18.6. Blocks 31 and 32: Self explanatory.
A4.2.19. Block 33: The originator places the classified by: and
declassify on on the bottom right corner of this block.
A4.3. Filling Out the Form for Special Category Information.
A4.3.1. Complete all of paragraphs A4.2.1 through A4.2.14, and A4.2.19.
A4.3.2. In the first TO: block after block 2, add the base to the organization
and office symbol.
A4.3.3. Reviewing Official: Use Blocks 16 through 27 as necessary to document
the reviews. A review by the wing IP office and the SPECAT EMSEC person is
mandatory and is the last review before forwarding the request to the CTTA.
If you need reviews in addition to the wing IP office and SPECAT EMSEC person,
attach additional AFCOMSEC Forms 3331 using only the reviewing official blocks.
A4.3.4. Reviewing Official Other Than The Wing IP Office. Any manager in
the users chain.
A4.3.4.1. TO: The next level for review or the wing IP office (organization,
office symbol, and base).
A4.3.4.2. FROM: This reviewer (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.3.4.3. Block 16: As necessary within the reviewers organization.
A4.3.4.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A4.3.4.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A4.3.4.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A4.3.5. The Wing IP Offices Review.
A4.3.5.1. TO: The SPECAT EMSEC person (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.3.5.2. FROM: The wing IP office (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.3.5.3. Block 16: As necessary within the wing IP office.
A4.3.5.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A4.3.5.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A4.3.5.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A4.3.6. The SPECAT EMSEC Persons Review.
A4.3.6.1. TO: The CTTA (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.3.6.2. FROM: The SPECAT EMSEC person (organization and office symbol).
A4.3.6.3. Block 16: As necessary within the SPECAT EMSEC persons office.
A4.3.6.4. Block 17: Self explanatory.
A4.3.6.5. Block 18: Mark the approval or disapproval
A4.3.6.6. Blocks 19 through 21: Self explanatory.
A4.3.7. Approval Authority: This area is used to approve the permanent waiver.
A4.3.7.1. TO: The requester; organization, office symbol, and base.
A4.3.7.2. FROM: The CTTA (organization, office symbol, and base).
A4.3.7.3. Block 28: As necessary.
A4.3.7.4. Block 29: Mark the approved or disapproved
or returned for further action block.
A4.3.7.5. Block 30: The date this form is signed is the date of approval.
A4.3.7.6. Blocks 31 and 32: Self explanatory.
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