26 February 1997
Note: These PDF-formatted public comments have been converted to HTML. See http://jya.com/bxapctoc.htm

24 February 1997
Source: http://www.bxa.doc.gov/pubcomts.htm

Public Comments
on the December 30, 1996
Encryption Regulation

On December 30, 1996, the Bureau of Export Administration issued an interim rule amending the Export Administration Regulations entitled, "Encryption Items Transferred From the U.S. Munitions List to the Commerce Control List." The rule solicited comments from the public for consideration in development of the final rule. The period for submission of comments closed on February 13. Below is an index of the public comments which the Bureau received. Each index entry is linked to a PDF file which contains an image of the comment from the named individual, company, or group.

Hard copies of these documents are available for viewing in the BXA Freedom of Information Reading Room. Please call Margaret Cornejo at (202) 482-5653 for further information.

WARNING: These files comprise 25 megabytes of data. Each page is approximately 28k. Each PDF file contains all of the comments of one commentor. We have noted the size of each file. Download time for the larger files could be substantial depending upon the speed of your connection. To read these files, you will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Public Comments
Encryption Items Transferred from the
U.S. Munitions List to the
Commerce Control List

December 30, 1996
(61 FR 68572)

[Hyperlinks to PDF-formatted comments below are to the BXA Web site]

  1. University of Waterloo, 32K
  2. John and Laren Navas, 35K
  3. Cylink, 49K
  4. Motorola, 212K
  5. Secure Computing, 78K
  6. Tuttle and Taylor, 313K
  7. Lyman C. Welch, 78K
  8. ISTAC, 138K
  9. American Association for the Advancement of Science, 230K
  10. Trusted information Systems, Inc., 240K
  11. IBM, 251K
  12. Hughes Electronics, 250K
  13. Industry Coalition on Technology Transfer (ICOTT), 196K
  14. Murphy & Weber, 120K
  15. Steptoe & Johnson LLP, 229K
  16. America Online, Inc., 238K
  17. Citibank, 1296K
  18. NCR, 104K
  19. American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), 138K
  20. United States Council for International Business, 449K
  21. V-One, 134K
  22. William A. Root, 525K
  23. Thoroughbred Security Solutions, Ltd., 181K
  24. Microsoft, 2783K
  25. Commercial Internet Exchange Association, 340K
  26. The Direct Marketing Association, Inc., 126K
  27. Technical Communications Corp., 11896K
  28. Software Publishers Association, 488K
  29. Alston & Bird, 380K
  30. Association for Computing Machinery, 417K
  31. National Association of Manufacturers, 269K
  32. Computer & Communications Industry Association, 374K
  33. Dewey Ballantine, 284K
  34. American Bankers Association, 482K
  35. Steptoe & Johnson for Visa USA Inc. and Visa International, 192K
  36. Winston & Strawn for ICOTT, 204K
  37. Sun Microsystems, 331K
  38. Key Escrow Working Group, 408K
  39. Hewlett Packard, 336K
  40. Scientific-Atlanta, Inc., 158K
  41. Timothy Hinds, 66K
  42. Information Security Incorporated, 119K
  43. Securities Industry Association, 315K

[Note: list obtained 24 February 1997, 1700 ET; check BXA site for any additions]

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