20 December 1997

Date: Wed, 17 Dec 1997 22:41:55 -0500
From: David Kennedy <76702.3557@compuserve.com>
Subject: Interesting Crypto-Law Articles
To: "crypto@ncsa.com" <CRYPTO@ncsa.com>, Cryptography <CRYPTOGRAPHY@c2.net>

[DMK: I couldn't find these on jya.com; leading me to believe they are not
well known, yet.]

Acknowlegement:  rod@redlaw.com in Computer Privacy Digest/comp.privacy

Reference:  http://scs.student.virginia.edu/~vjolt/ 

            [Virginia Journal of Law and Technology]

Fall 97:

1. The Use of Encrypted Coded, and Secret Communications is an Ancient 
Liberty Protected by the United States Constitution

By John A. Fraser III.
2. Windows Nine-to-Five: Smyth v. Pillsbury and the Scope of an Employee’s Right of Privacy in Employer Communications
By Rod Dixon.
3. Giving the Internet an Acid Bath of Economics: Electronic Defamation Viewed Through a New Lens
By Ray Ibrahim.
4. Reinventing an Outdated Wheel: Innovations in Complex Litigation
By John C. Lowe.
5. Encryption and the First Amendment
By Robert M. O’Neil.