30 March 1998: Link to David Wagner's papers
26 March 1998
The Fifth Fast Software Encryption Workshop will take place at theHotel du Louvre on 1998, March 23-24-25. The program below and other information are available on the web page of the workshop: http://www.dmi.ens.fr/~vaudenay/fse5/ This workshop is organized by the Ecole Normale Superieure and the Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique in cooperation with the International Association for Cryptologic Research and with the generous sponsor of Microsoft and Gemplus. Monday, 23rd 9h45 registration with coffee 10h15 introductory remarks 10h30 Session 1 --- Cryptanalysis 1 title: New Results in Linear Cryptanalysis of RC5 author: A.A. Selcuk title: Higher Order Differential Attack of a CAST Cipher author: S. Moriai, T. Shimoyama, T. Kaneko title: Cryptanalysis of Twoprime author: D. Wagner, B. Schneier, J. Kelsey, D. Coppersmith 12h00 Lunch 14h00 Session 2 --- New Stream Cipher title: JEROBOAM author: H. Chabanne, E. Michon title: Fast Hashing and Stream Encryption with Panama author: J. Daemen, C.S.K. Clapp title: Joint Hardware/Software Design of a Fast Stream Cipher author: C.S.K. Clapp 15h30 break 16h00 Session 3 --- Construction Analysis title: On the Security of Hashing Scheme Based on SL2 author: K.S. Abdukhalikov, C. Kim title: About Feistel Schemes with Six (or more) Rounds author: J. Patarin title: Monkey: Black-Box Symmetric Ciphers Designed for MONopolizing KEYs author: A. Young, M. Yung 17h30 end of day Tuesday, 24th 9h00 Session 4 --- Hash Functions title: MRD Hashing and its Application to Multisender Authentication author: R. Safavi-Naini, S. Bakhtiari title: New Constructions for Secure Hash Functions author: W. Aiello, S. Haber, R. Venkatesan 10h00 break 10h30 Session 5 --- Pseudo Random Generators title: Cryptanalytic Attacks on Pseudorandom Number Generators author: J. Kelsey, B. Schneier, D. Wagner, C. Hall 11h00 Panel 12h30 Lunch 14h30 Session 6 --- New Block Cipher title: CS-Cipher author: J. Stern, S. Vaudenay title: On the Design and Security of RC2 author: L.R. Knudsen, V. Rijmen, R.L. Rivest, M.J.B. Robshaw title: Serpent: a new Block Cipher Proposal author: E. Biham, R. Anderson, L. Knudsen 16h00 break 16h30 new results (to be submitted at the workshop) [...] 20h30 Dinner Wednsday, 25th 9h30 Session 7 --- Modes of Operations title: Attacking Triple Encryption author: S. Lucks title: Cryptanalysis of some Multiple Modes of Operation author: D. Wagner 10h30 break 11h00 Session 8 --- Cryptanalysis 2 title: Differential Cryptanalysis of the ICE Encryption Algorithm author: B. Van Rompay, L. Knudsen, V. Rijmen title: The first two Rounds of MD4 are not One-Way author: H. Dobbertin title: Differential Cryptanalysis of KHF author: D. Wagner [See also D. Wagner: http://www.cs.berkeley.edu/~daw/me.html ] 12h30 Lunch Adjourn