12 March 1999
Date: Wed, 10 Mar 1999 20:18:55 -0800 (PST) From: Clifford Neuman <bcn@ISI.EDU> To: the-computer-security-community@ISI.EDU Subject: Workshop on Countering Cyber-Terrorism Countering Cyber-Terrorism June 22-23 Marina del Rey, California A workshop sponsored by the Information Sciences Institute of the University of Southern California Call for Participation Recent studies warn of Cyber-Terrorism and the vulnerability of our computer systems and infrastructure to attack. These reports identify damage that determined, knowledgeable, and well-financed adversaries could inflict on commercial, government, and military systems. Such attacks would have severe consequences for the public, and in particular the economy, which has become dependant on computers and communications infrastructure. The objective of this workshop is to identify things that should be done to improve our ability to detect, protect against, contain, neutralize, mitigate the effects of, and recover from cyber-terrorist attacks. Participants are sought from the computer security, electronic commerce and banking, network infrastructure, military, and counter-terrorism communities, as well as those with experience of cyber-terrorist attacks. Recommendations may suggest research and development or operational measures that can be taken. The workshop is NOT a forum for presentation of the latest security systems, protocols or algorithms. The workshop will address the strategies, framework, and infrastructure required to combine and incrementally deploy such technologies to counter the cyber-terrorist threat. Attendance will be limited to approximately 25 participants. Participants will be selected on the basis of submitted position papers that raise issues for the workshop to discuss, identify threats or countermeasures, or propose strategies or infrastructure to counter the threat of cyber-terrorism. Position papers should be four pages or less in length. Submissions should be sent in e-mail in Word or PDF format, or as ASCII text to cyber-terrorism-ws@isi.edu. Please check the web page http://www.isi.edu/cctws for more information, including a position paper from the organizers which will be available two weeks prior to the submission deadline. Important Dates: Organizer's Paper Available April 5, 1999 Position Papers Due April 19, 1999 Notification of Acceptance May 1, 1999 Revised Position Papers Due May 28, 1999 Position Papers Available on Web June 9 Workshop Dates June 22-23 Organizing Committee: Bob Balzer, Information Sciences Institute, Balzer@isi.edu Thomas Longstaff, CERT Coordination Center, tal@cert.org Don Faatz, the MITRE Corporation, dfaatz@mitre.org Clifford Neuman, Information Sciences Institute, bcn@isi.edu