25 April 1997. Thanks to MC.

ITAA Encryption Survey Results

Thank you for participating in the Information Technology Association of America's e-mail based encryption survey. As promised, below are the results. The results reflect responses from 157 people. The survey was sent to 538 people originally, so we had close to a 30% response rate.

Should you need additional information, please contact Jon Englund, Vice President, ITAA at 703-284-5301 (e-mail: jenglund@itaa.org). We can be found on the Web at http://www.itaa.org/software.htm

1. In your view, how significant is the availability of strong encryption systems for the growth of the Internet and electronic commerce? Please choose one only.

96.2% a) Very Significant

3.16% b) Somewhat Significant

0.63% c) Neutral

0 d) Little Significance

0 e) Insignificant

2. Which segment would be hurt the most by the development of a government-mandated global encryption standard based upon a key management infrastructure? Please choose one only.

43.59% a) Multinationals

21.79% b) Small Businesses

14.74% c) Individuals

19.87% d) Other, please specify... [ ]

3. In general, which of the following do you feel has a more restrictive cryptographic export policy? Please choose one only.

81.17% a) U.S. Government

18.83% b) Other Countries' Governments

4. Are foreign software and computer systems manufacturers taking advantage of U.S. export restrictions to enter this growing market?

91.03% a) Yes

8.97% b) No

5. Over the last three months, do you think that there have been more, the same or fewer non-U.S. companies offering encryption products stronger than U.S. companies can export? Please choose one only.

75.32% a) More

20.78% b) Same

3.90% c) Fewer

6. Do you think that non-U.S. companies will exploit restrictive U.S. export controls on encryption as a way to get their "foot in the door" to offer not only security products but other software solutions?

89.87% a) Yes

10.13% b) No

7. Do you believe that the issue of "foreign availability" - that is, the strength of encryption products broadly available around the world today - should be a factor in determining U.S. export policy on encryption?

83.44% a) Yes

16.56% b) No

8. Which is going to be the greatest practical challenge to the broad implementation of a global key management infrastructure? Choose all that apply.

25.75% a) Technological Complexity

16.72% b) Prohibitive Costs

47.49% c) Difficulty in arriving at international agreements associated with gaining access to encrypted information

10.03% d) Other, please specify... [ ]

9. In your view, what strength encryption is virtually unbreakable and would ensure the protection of confidential company information and transactions conducted over the Internet through 2001? Please choose one only.

0.0% a) 40 Bit Key

1.91% b) 56 Bit Key

14.01% c) 80 Bit Key

45.86% d) 128 Bit Key

38.22% e) Higher Than 128 Bits

10. Do you believe that the U.S. government would like to have domestic restrictions on the strength of encryption that can be used by businesses and individuals?

81.29% a) Yes

18.71% b) No

11. Do you believe that markets, governments or both should set the standards to ensure broad interoperability of encryption products? Please choose one only.

56.96% a) Markets

1.27% b) Governments

41.77% c) Both

This survey was sponsored by the Information Technology Association of America, representing 10,000 member companies and affiliates in the Internet, Intranet, telecommunications, electronic commerce and systems integration segments of the high-tech industry.

Copyright 1997 Information Technology Association of America