20 September 1997
Source: http://csrc.ncsl.nist.gov/tacdfipsfkmi/

This excerpt is provided as link to information on the Cryptographic Key Recovery System (CKRS) described in the August Meeting documents

Technical Advisory Committee to Develop a Federal Information Processing Standard for the Federal Key Management Infrastructure

Tentatively Scheduled Meeting Dates

Date Location
October 15-16, 1997 Orlando, FL
December 17-18, 1997 TBD

Meeting Announcements

1996-11-21 First Meeting Announced firstmtg.txt [3419 bytes]
1997-02-14 Federal Register Notice regarding February 19-20 1997 Meeting notice970219.txt
1997-04-23 Federal Register Notice regarding April 23-24 1997 Meeting notice970423.txt
1997-08-27 Federal Register Notice regarding August 27-28 1997 Meeting notice970827.txt
1997-09-11 Federal Register Notice regarding October 15-16 1997 Meeting notice971015.txt

[Snip other tables of meetings and reports -- see source URL]

Materials from August 1997 Meeting

1997-09-03 Draft FIPS Announcement Section Announcement.doc
1997-09-03 Draft Model Diagrams figs-KR3.doc
1997-09-03 Working Group 1 Draft Section (Model) WG1.doc
1997-09-03 Working Group 2 Draft Section (Security) WG2.rtf
1997-09-03 Working Group 5 Draft Section (Interoperability) and WG5.doc
1997-09-03 Working Group 8 Draft Section (Documentation and Assurance) WG8.rtf

Glossary References

  1. Definitions from OECD Cryptography Principles (3/97)
  2. Definitions from the UK TTP Proposal (3/97)
  3. Key Escrow System Glossary ('95)