19 March 1997
Global source: http://cobar.cs.umass.edu/ciirdemo/Govbot/ (Query "national imagery")
More at: http://www.nima.mil/

Source: http://www.dtic.dla.mil/defenselink/news/Oct96/b100196_bt563-96.html

October 1, 1996


The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) today joins the ranks of the Department of Defense as the newest combat support agency. Established by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency Act of 1996, NIMA has a global mission and unique responsibilities to manage and provide imagery and geospatial information to national policy makers and military forces. In recognition of its unique responsibilities and global mission, NIMA is also established as a part of the U.S. Intelligence Community.

NIMA brings together in a single organization the imagery tasking, exploitation, production and dissemination responsibilities and the mapping, charting and geodetic functions of eight separate organizations of the Defense and Intelligence communities. By providing comprehensive management of U.S. imaging and geospatial capabilities, NIMA will improve support to national and military customers alike.

NIMA's mission is to provide timely, relevant and accurate imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial information in support of national security objectives. The agency's vision is to guarantee the information edge--ready access to the world's imagery, imagery intelligence and geospatial information.

NIMA incorporates the Defense Mapping Agency, the Central Imagery Office, and the Defense Dissemination Program Office in their entirety; and the mission and functions of CIA's National Photographic Interpretation Center. These organizations are disestablished effective today. Also included in NIMA are the imagery exploitation, dissemination and processing elements of the Defense Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office and the Defense Airborne Reconnaissance Office.

Navy Rear Admiral J.J. Dantone, Jr., formerly the director of the Defense Mapping Agency and the director of the NIMA Implementation Team, has been named acting director for the new agency. Named as deputy directors are Leo Hazlewood (Operations); Dr. Annette Krygiel (Systems and Technology) and W. Douglas Smith (Corporate Affairs).

First among NIMA's core values is commitment to the customer. NIMA consolidates activities and functions that will permit employees to work with some of the latest technological developments in computers, communications, digital imagery and geospatial information. A major early thrust of the agency will be to promote the use of commercial solutions within NIMA while maintaining continued high levels of support to our military forces and national policy makers.

Headquartered in Fairfax, Va., NIMA will operate major facilities in the Northern Virginia, Washington, D. C., Bethesda, Md. and St. Louis, Mo. areas with support and liaison offices worldwide.

For further information, contact the NIMA Public Liaison Office at 703-275-8409.


Source: http://www.dtic.mil/defenselink/pubs/ofg/of_nima.html

DoD Organization and Functions Guidebook


(DoD Directive 5105.60)

The National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) is a Combat Support Agency of the Department of Defense under the authority, direction, and control of the Secretary of Defense and the overall supervision of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Command, Control, Communications, and Intelligence (ASD(C3I)). The mission of the NIMA is to provide timely, relevant, and accurate imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial information in support of the national security objectives of the United States. The NIMA carries out this responsibility by advising the Secretary and Deputy Secretary of Defense, the ASD(C3I), the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the Combatant Commanders, and, for national intelligence purposes, the Director of Central Intelligence and other Federal Government officials, on imagery, imagery intelligence, and gospatial information; and by supporting the imagery, imagery intelligence, and geospatial requirements of the Departments and Agencies of the Federal Government, to the extent provided by law.

Source: http://www.dtic.dla.mil/npr/cio.html


First field during the pilot effort, the Image Product Archive (IPA), standardized library function based on commercially available hardware and software, significantly improved the ability of warfighters to directly access and receive high quality imagery. At a number of key locations in the U.S., IPA now successfully links clients in the Intelligence Community with producers of imagery who can direct the activities of imagery collection platforms across service boundaries. Consequently, deployed military users have ready access to an electronic inventory of imagery and imagery-derived products using commercial-off-the-shelf computer systems. Further benefits are expected with the introduction of IPA into the European and Pacific theaters of operations during 1996.

The IPA Client was installed on the USS George Washington (CVN 73) during the pilot effort. This marked the first time forces afloat have been able to fully participate in the USIS, and demonstrated IPA's ability to provide imagery to and from forces at sea. It is also the first installation of IPA on a service-unique intelligence workstation, further streamlining the activities of DoD imagery analysts. These military analysts now have increased, readily-available sources of imagery through PA3I. IPA has also been installed on an Army intelligence workstation testbed, and will be installed on the Air Force intelligence workstation during 1996. IPA will also become resident on the Global Command and Control System.

The PA3I also achieved considerable success in adapting, enhancing and incorporating communications and intelligence systems toward pilot objectives. Notably, the PA3I delivered improvements for both the imagery analyst and imagery consumer via increased communications capability at numerous sites. Pilot also witnessed establishment of IPA to INTELINK access for both SCI and SECRET COLLATERAL users. As a result, INTELINK users are able to access IPA/INTELINK central servers for IPA holdings--once again aiding the customer base through increased access via streamlined processes. IPA was also integrated onto the Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System (JDISS), the widely-distributed workstation standard, thereby allowing global JDISS users access to imagery and imagery products on IPA servers.

The success of PA3I resonates into the future, as other imagery archives will migrate to the IPA. IPA has also been selected as the imagery file server for the defense-wide airborne reconnaissance development program. The PA3I constitutes a major success story for the Department of Defense.

Source: http://www.dtic.dlA.mil/ieb_cctwg/conf-96/NEL.html


Bridging Exploitation, Research
and Development in service
to the Imagery Community

What is the NEL?

A central focus for imagery exploitation

by conducting

for our customers:

NEL Skills

NEL Contractor Base

Unique Resources

NEL Business Areas


For additional information, contact Paul DelGaudio, (Acting) Executive Officer, NEL, 202-863-3201.
15 April 1996

Source: http://tuvok.au.af.mil/au/2025/volume1/chap07/v1c7-6.htm

Appendix A
Sample Systems

This appendix lists and briefly describes current and near-term systems used for intelligence gathering, processing, and dissemination. This list is not all inclusive.


1. Contingency Theater Automated Planning System (CTAPS) for Air Tasking Order (ATO) preparation and dissemination

2. Constant Source -- an automatic associator receiving threat data from national and theater systems via the Tactics and Related Applications (TRAP) broadcast and providing an Electronic Order of Battle
3. Department of Defense Intelligence Information System -- supporting "timely" preparation and presentation of intelligence information to military commanders and national-level decision makers
4. Joint Deployable Intelligence Support System (JDISS) -- supporting imagery dissemination and providing a backbone for secondary imagery
5. Regional Operations Control Center/Airborne Warning and Control System (ROCC/AWACS) Digital Information Link (TADIL) -- providing real-time surveillance and battle management information
6. Joint Situational Awareness System (JSAS) -- providing some multi-source fusion products for a limited set of users


1. Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications System (JWICS) -- providing secure, high-speed multimedia network connectivity between and among all levels from National Agencies and Commands to deployed forces
2. Joint Service Imagery Processing System (JSIPS) -- a modular, deployable imagery exploitation system with the capability to receive, process, and exploit near real-time inputs from national and tactical assets and then disseminate imagery and message products to commanders at all levels

HQ ACC/SCX, C4I Systems Guide, Langley AFB, Va., 1994.

Contact: Air Force 2025
Last updated: 11 December 1996

Back to 2025 Home Page

Source: http://jitc-emh.army.mil/nitf/refs.htm

NITFS Reference Documents*

MIL-HDBK-1300A.................National Imagery Transmission Format Standard (NITFS)

MIL-STD-188-196...................Bi-level Image Compression for the NITFS

MIL-STD-188-197A................Adaptive Recursive Interpolated Differential Pulse Code Modulation (ARIDPCM) Image Compression for the NITFS

MIL-STD-188-198A................Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) Image Compression for the NITFS

MIL-STD-188-199...................Vector Quantization Decompression for the NITFS

MIL-STD-2301........................Computer Graphics Metafile (CGM) Implementation Standard for the NITFS

MIL-STD-2500A.......................National Imagery Transmission Format (Version 2.0)

MIL-STD-2545-44500.............Tactical Communications Protocol 2 (TACO2) for the NITFS

ISO IS 10918-1/CCITT T.81...Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Draft Recommendation, Still Images. Part I: Requirements and Guidelines

ISO CD 10918-II......................Digital Compression and Coding of Continuous-tone Still images, Part II: Compliance Testing

JIEO Circular 9008..................NITFS Certification Test & Evaluation Program Plan (with latest errata sheets)

JIEO Plan 9000, Sup 1.............Imagery Information Technology Standards Management Plan, Supplement 1, DoD National Imagery Transmission Format Standards (NITFS) Configuration Management Plan (to be published)

JIEO TIS** 9137.....................NITFS TACO2 to KY-57/58 Cryptographic Devices

JIEO TIS 9138.........................NITFS TACO2 to KG-84A & C Cryptographic Devices

JIEO TIS 9139.........................NITFS TACO2 to KY-68 Cryptographic Devices

JIEO TIS 9140.........................NITFS TACO2 to STU-III Cryptographic Devices

FIPS PUB 10-3.........................Countries, Dependencies, Areas of Special Sovereignty, and Their Principle Administrative Divisions

FIPS PUB 128..........................Computer Graphics Metafile

NITF Ver 1.1............................National Imagery Transmission Format, Version 1.1

NITF Ver 1.1, Vol I..................National Certification Policy

NITF Ver 1.1, Vol II................NITF Certification Plan, Processes, and Procedures

* Contact the Information Technology Standards Integrated Bulletin Board System (ITSI BBS) helpdesk at (703) 487-8338/ DSN 364-8338 for the latest information regarding these publications or assistance in establishing a BBS user account.

** Technical Interface Specification

NITFS "Navigator"

go to one of the following pages...

Current as of: 20 January 1997
JITC NITFS CTE Facility, Bldg. 57305, Fort Huachuca, AZ, 85613
Web page comments or problems? Please forward to: JITCN@fhu.disa.mil

Source: http://cbdnet.access.gpo.gov/index.html

[Commerce Business Daily: Posted March 6, 1997]
From the Commerce Business Daily Online via GPO Access

CLASSCOD: C--Architect and Engineering Services - Construction
OFFADD: National Imagery and Mapping Agency, 4600 Sangamore Road,
  MS PCC-E/D-6, Bethesda, MD 20816-5003
POC Contact Point: Mr. Howard Pierce, Contract Specialist, (301)
CNT NMA401-97-D-2732
AMT $825,000
LINE 0001-0003
DTD 030497
TO Stanmyre & Noel Architects, 11495 Sunset Hills Road, Suite
  200, Reston, VA 20190
CITE: (I-065 SN039054)