17 July 1998
This is an index to the 933 encryption patent abstracts from 1976 to 1998 available on July 16, 1998, at the US Patent Office Web site: http://www.uspto.gov. It is derived from a single search under the term "encryption," and thus may not include cryptography, cryptology, steganograpy or other data or communication security items. For other searches see: http://patents.uspto.gov/access/search-bool.html
The list is divided into parts of 100 items listed latest to earliest. All nine parts are available as a Zipped file: http://jya.com/pto-071698.zip (47K).
Item No. | Date Range | Patent No. Range (Latest first) |
1-100 | Feb. 3, 1998 to Jul. 14, 1998 | 5,781,632 to 5,715,314 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-100.htm |
101-200 | Apr. 8, 1997 to Feb. 3, 1998 | 5,715,164 to 5,619,575 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-200.htm |
201-300 | Jun. 18, 1996 to Apr. 8, 1997 | 5,619,574 to 5,528,691 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-300.htm |
301-400 | May 2, 1995 to Jun. 11, 1996 | 5,412,722 to 5,307,370 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-400.htm |
401-500 | Apr. 26, 1994 to May 2, 1995 | 5,412,722 to 5,307,370 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-500.htm |
501-600 | Oct. 27, 1992 to Apr. 19, 1994 | 5,305,384 to 5,159,630 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-600.htm |
601-700 | Oct. 16, 1990 to Oct. 6, 1992 | 5,153,921 to 4,964,165 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-700.htm |
701-800 | Apr. 5, 1988 to Oct. 16, 1990 | 4,964,164 to 4,736,423 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-800.htm |
801-933 | May 11, 1976 to Apr. 5, 1988 | 4,736,420 to 3,956,615 | http://jya.com/pto-071698-933.htm |