3 October 1998
Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 03:43:00 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: FWD: Sigint confab in the Netherlands
To: jya@jya.com
From: nobody@shinobi.alias.net (Anonymous)
The following appeared on the Diplomatic History list [H-DIPLO], but may interest a broader audience.
> > > begin forwarded material < < <
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 20:50:23 -0400
From: H-DIPLO <hdiplo@YorkU.CA>
Subject: Sigint conference in the Netherlands [Wiebes]
From: "C. Wiebes" <wiebes@pscw.uva.nl>
More and more students of the Cold War begin to realize that the intelligence communities played an important role during the Cold War. In recent years in particular the importance of Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) has been stressed and especially the capabilities and possibilities of reading and decyphering diplomatic, military, commercial and other communications of other nations.
This growing awareness of the importance of intelligence applies not only to the activities of the big services but also to those of the smaller nations like for example the Netherlands. For this exact reason a couple of years go the Netherlands Intelligence Studies Association (NISA) was established in which academics and (former and still active) members of the Netherlands intelligence community work together in order to promote research into the history of Dutch intelligence communities. This growing interest in Holland had led in Holland to publications dealing with the history of the Dutch internal security service (1995) and the Netherlands foreign intelligence service (November 1998)[*].
As honorary secretary of the NISA it is my pleasure to announce that the NISA on Friday December 18th will host a an afternoon-conference dealing with 'Sigint and the Netherlands during the Cold War'.
The speakers who will present a paper are academics and former intelligence officials. The four papers are dealing with:
* A general introduction as regards Sigint and its importance in the Cold War;* The history of the TIVC (= Dutch NSA/GCHQ);
* The Dutch internal security service and its using of Sigint;
* Dutch Sigint and the conflict with Indonesia as regards New Guinea, 1950 - 1962.
Probably a fifth speaker will be added who will deal with
* Dutch Sigint during the Cold War.
This conference will take place in Amsterdam on December 18th from 13.00 - 17.00 hours and the language is English. The admission fee is $ 20 including a reception afterwards.
Those who want to attend and receive the final programme: please contact
Dr. Cees Wiebes
P.O. Box 18 210
1001 ZC Amsterdam
The Netherlands
E-mail: wiebes@pscw.uva.nl
* Information welcome on the two books: jy@jya.com