24 June 1998
To: ukcrypto@maillist.ox.ac.uk Subject: Re: Skipjack KEA Up Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 21:55:29 +0000 From: Markus Kuhn <Markus.Kuhn@cl.cam.ac.uk> John Young wrote on 1998-06-24 16:01 UTC: > Others have asked when the code will be released, if ever. > One surmise is that will be done only to encryption vendors > who will be hogtied in the usual fashion. Implementing and testing SKIPJACK from the NIST spec was a simple straightforward ~2 hour programming exercise. Example code is available from http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/download/skipjack.tar.gz SKIPJACK is not that particularly interesting, except that it looks like it was designed by people who are also responsible for designing brute-force keysearch farms. I found the so far three published papers from AES contributor groups much more exciting. Markus -- Markus G. Kuhn, Security Group, Computer Lab, Cambridge University, UK email: mkuhn at acm.org, home page: <http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/>