22 September 1999. Add this excerpt from http://jya.com/tssitk-intel.htm:

SI = Special / Secret Intelligence
TK is a codeword classification, standing for Talent Keyhole, meaning IMINT.
TS/SI/TK is often used as a blanket "entry level clearance" for conferences,
etc., as it is one of the most carefully controlled and restricted. Much of
the context of the AFCEA meets have nothing to do with IMINT whatsoever.

18 September 1999. Thanks to WK.
Source: http://www.afcea.org/fallintel/default.htm


"Commercial Support to Intelligence:
Current Posture and Future Prospects"

A classified symposium
(Top Secret/SI/TK)

October 27-28, 1999
The Defense Intelligence
Analysis Center
Bolling Air Force Base
Washington, D.C.



Syposium Chairman:  

Mr. Robert Juengling
Vice President, Advanced Development
Betac Corporation
(ACS Defense, Inc.)                


Symposium Overview:

As you well know, the Intelligence Community (IC) is awash in huge amounts of unprocessed, raw data.  Collection technology continues to outpace the ability to process, let alone catalog, the growing volume.  In concert (and often in conflict) with the information explosion is the trend toward downsizing throughout the Federal Government, including the IC. 

In this challenging environment, increasing attention is being focused on ways to augment the IC to help it accomplish its mission.  Many are asking questions about the interface between the Community and the private sector:  What role is the private sector playing today in support of the IC, and, more importantly, what should its role be in the future?  How do the IC and other components of the Government view this partnership (or its possibility)?  Is the Capitol Hill perspective different from that of the Executive Branch?  How do private sector leaders view the challenges and opportunities for partnering?  Where do the leaders of key intelligence agencies see opportunities for private sector support?

The AFCEA Fall ’99 Intelligence Symposium has been designed by the government and industry members of the AFCEA Intelligence Committee to bring together public and private sector leaders and experts to explore these questions and more in depth.  These two days will be filled with lessons learned and insights into partnering opportunities.

We hope to see you there!


Robert G. Juengling

Vice President, Advanced Development
Betac Corporation
(ACS Defense, Inc.)
Symposium Chairman


October 27, 1999

Dr. Robert D. Mueller
Vice President, Information Exploitation
Raytheon Systems Company
Day One Session Chairman


7:00 a.m. - 8:30 a.m. Registration, Security Check, Coffee

8:30 a.m. - 8:35 a.m. AFCEA Welcome

Lt Gen C. Norman Wood, USAF (Ret.)
President and CEO
AFCEA International

8:35 a.m. - 8:40 a.m. Program Chairman Welcome

Mr. Robert G. Juengling
Vice President, Advanced Development
Betac Corporation
(ACS Defense, Inc.)

8:40 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. DIA Welcome

VADM Thomas R. Wilson, USN 
Defense Intelligence Agency

9:00 a.m. – 9:05 a.m. Keynote Speaker Introduction

Mr. Robert G. Juengling
Vice President, Advanced Development
Betac Corporation
(ACS Defense, Inc.)           

9:05 a.m. – 9:45 a.m. Keynote Address

The Honorable Joan A. Dempsey - Invited
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for Community Management

Session One:  "State of the Community?"

The national security environment is one characterized by rapid changes, broadening demands for new initiatives, and downsizing.  Pressures to reduce resources, coupled with the need to modernize systems, are forcing the government and industry to collectively identify new business concepts to support policy makers, users, and the warfighter.  In this session, executive and legislative leaders will provide their perspectives on the current state and future of the Intelligence Community.

9:45 a.m. - 9:50 a.m. Session Overview

Dr. Robert D. Mueller
Vice President, Information Exploitation
Raytheon Systems Company
Day One Session Chairman


9:50 a.m. -10:20 a.m. “Congressional Perspective”

Mr. John Millis
Staff Director
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
[See: http://jya.com/hpsci-m illis.htm]

10:20 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. Break and View Exhibits

 11:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. “Executive Perspective on Collection”

Mr. Charles E. Allen
Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection

11:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon “Executive Perspective on Processing”

Dr. John C. Gannon
National Intelligence Council
Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production

12:00 noon – 1:30 p.m. Lunch and View Exhibits

Session Two:  "SIGINT and Imagery-Problems or Solutions?"

In this session, leaders of the two agencies most visible in the collection and processing spotlight – the National Security Agency and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency – will address their approaches to a balanced collection environment, the challenges they see to exploit and disseminate data and provide usable intelligence at all levels, and what they see as the future of their agencies.  In addition, they will discuss their perspectives on how the private sector can support their efforts.

1:30 p.m. - 1:35 p.m. Session Overview

Dr. Robert D. Mueller
Vice President, Information Exploitation
Raytheon Systems Company
Day One Session Chairman

1:35 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. “The Future of SIGINT”

Mr. Terry L. Thompson
Deputy Director for Support Services
Department of Defense
National Security Agency   

2:15 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. “The Future of Imagery”

LTG James C. King, USA
National Imagery and Mapping Agency

3:00 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. In-place Break

Session Three: "Transition – A Role for Industry?"

Government is looking to industry for solutions and assistance in the exploitation and reporting of intelligence information.  This public/private partnership increasingly is seen as an integral part of the solution to provide a fully integrated, interoperable, collaborative, and all-source intelligence infrastructure.  In this session, senior industry speakers will address this partnership and provide their assessments of the contributions the private sector brings to the mix.

3:15 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.                     

Mr. Duane P. Andrews
Corporate Executive Vice President and Director

4:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m. Technology Reception

October 28, 1999

Mr. Thomas K. Coghlan
Chief Financial Executive 
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Day Two Session Chairman

7:00 a.m. - 8:40: a.m. Registration, Security Check, Coffee

8:40 a.m. - 8:45 a.m. Program Chair Welcome and Keynote Speaker Introduction

Mr. Robert G. Juengling
Vice President, Advanced Development
Betac Corporation
(ACS Defense, Inc.)

8:45 a.m. – 9:30 a.m. Keynote Address

Speaker TBD

Session Three: “Transition – A Role for Industry?" (continued)

This session continues the focus on the role that industry can play in the transition from an all-government intelligence community to a partnership.

9:30 a.m. - 9:35 a.m. Session Overview

Mr. Thomas K. Coghlan
Chief Financial Executive 
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Day Two Session Chairman

9:35 a.m. - 10:15 a.m. “The Role of Commercial Imagery”

Mr. Jeffrey K. Harris
Space Imaging

10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m. Break and View Exhibits

Session Four:  "Space-Based Collection and All-Source/HUMINT – Problems or Solutions?"

The future intelligence environment is evolving toward broader and more sophisticated issues, an expanding customer base, greater and more diverse collection capabilities, greater volume of information, and technological advances.  Leaders from the National Reconnaissance Office and the Defense Intelligence Agency, two agencies at the forefront of this evolution, will discuss the challenges ahead in the intelligence collection arena, the future of their agencies, and how Industry can assist them.

10:45 a.m. - 10:50 a.m. Session Overview

Mr. Thomas K. Coghlan
Chief Financial Executive
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Day Two Session Chairman

10:50 a.m. - 11:25 a.m. “The Future of Space Based Collection”

The Honorable Keith R. Hall
National Reconnaissance Office

11:25 a.m. - 12:00 noon “The Future of All-Source Intelligence”

VADM Thomas R. Wilson
Defense Intelligence Agency

12:00 noon - 1:30 p.m. Lunch and View Exhibits

Session Five:  "Where Are We Headed as a Community?"

In this capstone session, former Intelligence Community leaders from both the executive and legislative branches will discuss the road ahead for the intelligence community and its partnership with industry.

1:30 p.m. - 1:35 p.m. Session Overview

Mr. Thomas K. Coghlan
Chief Financial Executive 
National Imagery and Mapping Agency
Day Two Session Chairman

1:35 p.m. - 2:15 p.m. “The Future of Open Source”

Dr. Mark M. Lowenthal
Senior Principal, Intelligence Directorate
SRA International, Inc.

2:15 p.m. - 2:45 p.m. “What does the Future Hold for Intelligence?”

Dr. Robert J. Hermann
Senior Partner
Global Technology Partners

2:45 p.m. - 3:15 p.m. Break

3:15 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. “The Future of the Intelligence Industry”

ADM William O. Studeman, USN (Ret.)
Vice President and Deputy General Manager, Intelligence
TRW Inc.

3:45 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Wrap Up and Adjourn

Symposium Chairman


Analytical Graphics, Inc.
Designed to provide sophisticated modeling and visualization capabilities, Satellite Tool Kit (STK) 4.0 performs functions that are critical to all mission types.  These functions include propagating vehicles, determining visibility areas and times, and computing sensor pointing angles and generating results in textual and graphical formats.  The STK user interface simplifies and streamlines these functions for novice and expert users alike.

The Boeing Company
The Boeing AMHS is the premier message management tool for intelligence and C2 missions.  The AMHS effectively supports all requirements for today’s record messages and text documents, providing both inbound message distribution and outbound message production in the same software package.  The AMHS provides retrospective search, long term message storage, backside message delivery, and wire service support in a package ready to transition as a DMS Profiler User Agent.

Comptek, PRB Associates Inc.
Precision Targeting Suite (PTS) leverages existing tools and databases to provide an integrated environment for the targeting, planning, and analysis of precision munitions.  PTS provides for broad data fusion using imagery and intelligence databases, weapon performance data, and target visualization tools.

Computer Sciences Corporation
CSC helps clients in industry and government use information technology (I/T) to achieve strategic and operational objectives. With 50,000 employees in more than 700 offices worldwide, the company tailors solutions from a broad suite of integrated services offerings, including e-business strategies and technologies; management and I/T consulting; systems consulting and integration; and I/T and business process outsourcing.

FORE Systems Federal
FORE’s Networks of Steel deliver the increased capacity, reduced complexity and unparalleled flexibility and scalability necessary to build networks that last.  Thousands of enterprise and service provider customers worldwide have put FORE Systems’ solutions at the heart of their networks.

L-3 Communications Corporation
Secure Terminal Equipment (STE) is a digital, multi-media terminal providing secure voice and data communications up to TS/SCI, over ISDN, PSTN, and TRI-TAC/MSF, using PCMCIA Fortezza Plus crypto card. The exhibit will feature secure video teleconference at 128 Kbps.

McBride/Tracor Enterprise Solutions

Marconi Enterprise Solutions (now part of McBride and Associates)
For over thirty years, Marconi Enterprise Solutions (acquired by McBride and Associates in June 1999) has assisted virtually every agency of the U.S. Government to keep pace with evolving information technology by offering a wide selection of products and services through a variety of competitively-priced and convenient-to-use contract procurement vehicles.  Our approach to the fulfillment of customer requirements is predicated on long-term customer satisfaction.  Our commitment to customer satisfaction is evidenced by the fact that 80% of our business is from repeat customers.  One of our core business areas is the U.S. intelligence community.  Since 1986, Tracor-ES has delivered over $240 million worth of products and services to military and civilian intelligence agencies.  We currently provide over ten thousand products to the intelligence community through our SASS II Contract, IC4I Contracts and DITC BPA.

Microsoft is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers.  The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing every day.

Rational Software Corporation

SAS Institute Inc.
SAS software offers a cohesive strategy to gain access to your organization’s data, transform that data for further exploration or exploit that data for improved decision making.  Government decision makers use SAS technology for solutions in financial management, data warehousing, decision support, human resource systems and performance management information systems.

Secure Computing Corporation
Secure Computing Corporation is one of the largest network security companies in the world and the firewall market leader in the federal government.  Our solutions are designed to provide a secure and productive environment for conducting business on the Internet as well as protecting classified enclaves.

Signal Science, Inc.
SignalWorks - High Powered Signal Analysis Tools for Windows Workstations NightHawk - Self Contained, Portable, Signal Analysis Workstation

VITGroup, a Division of Vredenburg, provides state-of-the-art technology tools that enable a broad range of clients to manage and process information that is critical to their daily business operations.  Our solutions utilize the latest in commercial off-the-shelf technology and apply to all open system standards.  This approach takes advantage of today’s technology while enabling future state-of-the-art enhancements without system retooling.

Wang Government Services
Wang Government Services is the industry leader in TEMPEST and Zone Security Solutions that use state-of-the-art communications, computing and network technologies.  Products include servers, desktops, laptops, printers, scanners, storage devices, switches, routers, encryption devices and trusted guard systems and guard applications.

Whitaker Brothers, Inc.
In addition to over 50 years of quality sales and service experience, Whitaker Brothers has the largest selection of DOD Approved, High Security paper shredders available to assist you with your document destruction needs.

Z Microsystems, Inc.
Z Microsystems, Inc. is shaping the “field-ready” rugged computing category – a growing segment of the multi-billion dollar worldwide deployable computing market.  Z Micro’s innovative design capabilities reinvent commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) equipment (such as AMLCD’s, computers, mass storage systems and power management devices) to enable computing in harsh environments.  Z Microsystems is leading the evolution of the “field ready” computing category.


This two-day, Top Secret SI/TK symposium has been designed to provide you with the continuing education you need to stay current in your profession and to facilitate dialogue between and among the Intelligence Community components and Industry.

Invited Keynote Speaker

The Honorable Joan A. Dempsey
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence for
Community Management



Symposium Speakers

Mr. Charles E. Allen
Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Collection

Mr. Duane P. Andrews
Corporate Executive Vice President and Director

Dr. John C. Gannon
National Intelligence Council
Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production

The Honorable Keith R. Hall
National Reconnaissance Office

Mr. Jeffrey K. Harris
Space Imaging

Dr. Robert J. Hermann
Senior Partner
Global Technology Partners

LTG James C. King, USA
National Imagery and Mapping Agency

Dr. Mark M. Lowenthal
Senior Principal, Intelligence Directorate
SRA International, Inc.

Mr. John Millis
Staff Director
House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence

ADM William O. Studeman, USN (Ret.)
Vice President and Deputy General Manager, Intelligence
TRW Inc.

Mr. Terry L. Thompson
Deputy Director for Support Services
Department of Defense
National Security Agency

VADM Thomas R. Wilson, USN
Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

Registration Information:

Please Note:  Because of security requirements, all registrations must be received no later than October 22, 1999.

Written confirmation will be mailed to you after your security clearance has been confirmed to AFCEA by the SSO DIA.

Cancellations, Refunds and Substitutions
Refunds must be requested in writing and postmarked or faxed no later than October 15, 1999.  Written cancellations received by that date will be refunded in full.  Due to security clearance requirements, no substitutions are permitted.  No-shows will be invoiced.

Security Clearance Certification
All attendees must be US Citizens, cleared TOP SECRET and currently indoctrinated for SI and TK.  Clearance certification must be originated by your Special Security Officer (SSO) or Contractor Special Officer (CSSO) and forwarded either by electronic message (cable) to SSO DIA//DAC-3C/AFCEA//.  The message must include the following:  (1) Attendee’s full name, (2) Social Security Number, (3) Rank or Grade (4) Security Clearance and Accesses,  (5) Date of Visit: October 27-28, 1999, (6) Purpose of Visit: AFCEA Intelligence Symposium, and (7) SSO DIA POC: David Horan, 202-231-8326.  To pass clearance information via secure fax, use (703) 907-0576; non-secure fax numbers, use (202) 231-8892 or (703) 907-1573. Please pass your clearance ASAP!  We can not admit you without confirmation from DIA that your clearances have been passed.

Call AFCEA at (800) 336-4583, ext. 6250, or (703) 631-6250
E-mail:  intelligence@afcea.org