17 June 1997
Source: Mail list Cyberia-L@listserv.aol.com
To: CYBERIA-L@LISTSERV.AOL.COM Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 10:32:02 -0400 From: "Peter D. Junger" <junger@SAMSARA.LAW.CWRU.EDU> Subject: Need Expert Opinion that Article Is Covered by 1st Amend Comments: To: Fight Censorship <fight-censorship@vorlon.mit.edu> Comments: cc: "Gino J. Scarselli" <gscarsel@mail.multiverse.com>, Raymond Vasvari <freespeech@mail.multiverse.com>, Kevin Francis O'Neill <koneill@trans.csuohio.edu>, Spencer Neth <sxn6@po.cwru.edu>, "Melvin R. Durchslag" <mrd@po.cwru.edu>, "Jonathan L. Entin" <jle@po.cwru.edu>, Irene Graham <rene@pobox.com>, dlawson@onthe.net.au I am forwarding an appeal by Irene Graham for legal experts to express their opinion that in the United States a satirical article in a student newspaper giving instructions on shoplifting would be protected from censorship by the First Amendment. To give you a sense of what is at issue, here is the second paragraph of the article: Within capitalism, most of us are either (1) alienated from our labour and hence dependent on the ruling classes for commodities as basic as food and clothing, (2) excluded from the division of labour, in which case we are likewise dependant on the State, or (3) performing unpaid and/or unrecognised labour and hence dependant on patriarchal relations for food, clothing, etcetera. In any case, our access to resources is severely limited by contemporary relations of domination. One partial solution to this problem may be to STEAL. A copy of the article may be found on my web server at <http://samsara.law.cwru.edu/comp_law/10-shoplifting.html> and also at <http://dingo.vut.edu.au/~src/noname/95-05/10-shoplifting.html>. Australia has adopted a uniform system of censorship that applies to all publications and the censors had classified this article as ``Refused Classification'', which is their most censorious rating. An appeal was taken from this classification to the Federal Court of Australia and that court affirmed the Refused Classification classification, in part on the ground that even in the United States with its---the court does not quite say ``ridiculous''---First Amendment this article would not be constitutionally protected. The Federal Court's opinion is available at <http://www.austlii.edu.au/au/cases/cth/federal_ct/1997/474.html>. Here is the relevant portion of that court's opinion: The freedom enjoys its widest protection under the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which provides that Congress may make no law "abridging the freedom of speech". The Supreme Court of the United States has always accepted that the freedom is not absolute and that there are certain classes of speech which have "never been thought to raise any constitutional problem": see Chaplinsky v. New Hampshire 315 US 568 (1942) at 572 per Murphy J delivering the opinion of the Court. In that regard, it has been accepted that the First Amendment would not restrict the "power and duty of the State to take adequate steps to preserve the peace and to protect the privacy, the lives and the property of its residents...": see Thornhill v. Alabama 310 US 88 (1940) at 105 per Murphy J. By way of example The most stringent protection of free speech would not protect a man in falsely shouting fire in a theatre, and causing a panic. (see: Schenck v. United States 249 US 49 (1919) at 52 per Holmes J.) One of the acknowledged interests which may restrict the constitutionally protected freedom of speech is the need to protect against words which may induce the commission of crime. Dr Alexander Meiklejohn states in his work Free Speech and Its Relation to Self-Government (1948) at 18 that the legislature has the right and duty to prohibit certain forms of speech: Words which incite men to crime are themselves criminal and must be dealt with as such. See also Brandenburg v. Ohio 395 US 444 (1969) at 447. Counsel for the applicants could not point to any instances in the free speech jurisprudence of the United States or other jurisdictions where constitutional protection is given for speech which might be likely to cause or induce the commission of a crime. I have supplied Ms. Graham and the person who is preparing the brief with a copy of the District Court's opinion in the Paladin Enterprises case and will shortly be sending them my opinion to the effect that an article like the one at issue would without question be protected from censorship in the United States under the First Amendment. But I am sure that additional opinions, especially from those who teach or practice Constitutional Law, would be appreciated. Please send your opinons to: dlawson@onthe.net.au and rene@pobox.com (Irene Graham). -- Peter D. Junger--Case Western Reserve University Law School--Cleveland, OH EMAIL: junger@samsara.law.cwru.edu URL: http://samsara.law.cwru.edu NOTE: junger@pdj2-ra.f-remote.cwru.edu no longer exists ------begin forwarded message From: rene@pobox.com (Irene Graham) To: "Peter D. Junger" <junger@samsara.LAW.CWRU.Edu> Subject: Re: Here is the Lexis report of the Paladin case Date: Tue, 17 Jun 1997 22:23:16 +1000 Peter Thanks very very much for the report. It seems absolutely relevant to me, but then IANAL. I'm advised Counsel is being briefed tomorrow and sometime soon thereafter they'll decide whether to appeal. I hesitate to ask you for further assistance, small though I hope it is. However, I sometimes get the feeling that few solicitors here have heard of the First Amendment - or at least don't understand what it is at all. The guy who's helping prepare the brief for the barrister wants to know whether I know a US lawyer who would be prepared to comment, even off the record, on whether or not the shoplifting article would be protected speech in the US. (I suspect he may just want to feel more confident when briefing the barrister.) You seem the most likely candidate - given you mirrored the page, I assume you have already read it and the tone of your email to your colleagues gave me the impression you had no doubt. If so, and you can find the time and be bothered, I'd be very grateful if you'd drop him a note: dlawson@onthe.net.au The end result of this case is either going to be very good, or very bad, for free speech in Oz, there isn't any middle ground. Again, thanks for all your help. Best wishes Irene ---------End forwarded message