Cryptome DVDs are offered by Cryptome. Donate $25 for two DVDs of the Cryptome 12-years collection of 46,000 files from June 1996 to June 2008 (~6.7 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. The collection includes all files of,,, and, and 23,000 (updated) pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985.The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost.

Web cryptome

8 February 1999

Commandant (G-TTM)
U.S. Coast Guard                   22 Nov 1995
Washington DC 20593

          Coast Guard Telecommunications ACRONYMS

A/D  Analog to Digital
A/K Matrix     Audio and keyline switching matrix device.
AAC  Authorization & Access Control
AAL  ATM Adaptation Layer - a protocol that adapts xfer 
     characteristics of the ATM "layer" to the needs of 
     higher-layer protocols or network services.
AAL Type 1     a protocol designed to meet the needs of CDR 
     network services. Uses 1 octet per cell payload to support  unstructured
     circuit transport (UCT).
AAL Type 3/4   protocol defined to support the needs of SMDS 
     connectionless service.  Uses combo of 4 octets per cell 
     payload and 8 octets per frame to provide its functions.
ABS  Automatic Broadcast Scheduler
AC&I Acquisition, Construction & Improvement
ACC  Access Control Center  (w/Blacker)
Access Line    Portion of a leased line that permanently connects 
     the user w/serving central office (CO).
ACCUNET   AT&T data-oriented digital service
ACI  Adjacent Channel Interference
ACK  control code for a positive ACKnowledgment of rcvd 
ACS  Alternate Control Station
ACTS Advance Communications Technology Satellite
ADP  Automated Data Processing
ADPCM     Adaptive Differential Pulse Code Modulation
AFSAT     Air Force Satellite System
AGC  Automatic Gain Control
AGT  AUTODIN Gateway Terminal - A comms-computer system that interfaces the
     MDT with an ASC. (also see Gateguard)
AJ   Anti-Jam
ALE  Automatic Link Establishment
AM   Amplitude Modulation
AMME Army Automated Multi-media Message Exchange
AMPE Automated Message Processing Equipment
ANDVT     Advanced Narrowband Digital Voice Terminal (KYV-5)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
Application Layer   the 7th & topmost layer of the "OSI Stack" that interfaces
     to the network user
APR  Agency Procurement Request
Architecture   a framework the describes how the components of a system fit
ARPA Advanced Research Projects Agency
ARQ  Automatic Repeat ReQuest, method of automatic error correction used for
     handshake of SITOR terminals in point to point communications to insure
     accurate communications.
ASC  Automatic Switching Center (ie: AUTODIN ASC)
ASCII     American National Standard Code for Information Interchange
ASDS ACCUNET Spectrum of Digital Services, a fractional T1 service tariffed by
ASIC Application Specific Integrated Circuit
ASK  Amplitude Shift Keying
Asynchronous   data transmission that isn't related to specific freq or
     timing. Start/Stop transmission - bytes encapsulated w/start-stop bits
AT&T American Telephone & Telegraph
ATM  Asynchronous Transfer Mode - a form a packet switching; a subset of cell
     relay that uses 53 byte cells as the basic transport unit. A high speed
     transmission technology - cell switching and multiplexing technology. Key
     concept is that all information is carried in short, fixed-length blocks
     called "cells".
AUTODIN   AUTOmatic Digital Information Network, DOD secure record message
     system for teletype data.
AUTOVON   Automatic Voice Network
AWACS     Airborne Early Warning & Control System

B8ZS Bipolar 8-Zero Substitution
B-ISDN    Broadband Integrated Services Digital Data Network
Backbone  a network designed to interconnect lower speed channels
BACS Bay Area Communications System.  A Microwave system extending from
     Monterey to Humbolt Bay controlled by D11 and maintained by SUPRTCEN Alameda
     providing telephone and data services.
Bandwidth The range of frequencies a device can handle. (For a digital circuit
     it is the "bit speed" (BPS) governing the rate at which individual bits are
BCST Broadcast - transmitting to all users at once.
BER  Bit Error Rate
BFES Blacker Front Ends  (on Milnet)
BFSK Binary Frequency Shift Keying
BICI Broadband Inter-Carrier Interface  (lets ATM services of public carriers
BLACKER   NSA Cryptographic device (X.25)
BLOS Beyond Line of Sight
BPS  Bits Per Second - measure of speed at which information is transferred.
BPSK Binary Phase Shift Keying
BPV  Bipolar Violation
Bridge    An internetworking device that connects LANS together at the Media
     Access Control (MAC) or LINK layer of the OSI model (bottom two layers).  They
     are typically cheaper and easier to install and manage than routers.

     Transparent bridges look at every packet on one network and forward those
     packets destined for another network through the appropriate port.

     Source-routing bridges use special info embedded inside the packet by the orig
     device to forward the frame toward the packets destination.
Broadband supporting a wide range of frequencies.
Bus  a LAN topology where all interconnected computers are aware of all
     transmissions, but each computer receives only those transmissions addressed
     to it.

C2   Command & control
C3(I)     Command, Control, Communications (& Intelligence)
C4(I)     Command, Control, Computers, Communications & Intelligence
C&A  Certification & Accreditation
CAMS Communications Area Master Station.
CAMSLANT  Communications Area Master Station AtLANTic, operational control of
COMMSTAs in their Area. Chesapeake, VA
CAMSPAC   Communications Area Master Station PACific,operational control of
COMMSTAs in their Area. Point Reyes, CA
CAP  Component Approval Process (DMS)
CARRIER   Public/Common provider of communications facility
CASREP    Casualty Report: sent to operational commander on equipment/system
casualty.  NWP10 provides requirements for message and format.
CASCOR    Casualty Corrected: Report sent to operational commander on
     equipment/system casualty correction.  NWP10 provides requirements for message
     and format.
CBR  Constant Bit Rate
CCITT     Consultative Committee;  International Telegraph and Telephone 
CCC  Clear Channel Capacity - ability use use the entire 64Kbs channel without
     the 8Kb overhead (resulting effective data rate at 56Kbs)
CCS  Communications Control System, an automated COMMSTA equipment control
CAP  Component Approval Process
CDAN Component Deployment Approval Notice
CDM  Code Division Multiplexing
CDMA Code Division Multiple Access
Cell a fixed-length unit of data
Cellular  A radio comms technology where coverage areas are defined by "cells"
     and low power frequencies are used.
CGDN Coast Guard Data Network, a CG wide data network on SPRINTNET for EMAIL,
     data and message transfer.  Was called HDN or X.25.
Channel   Logical or physical connection between two end points
Channel Groups Multiple NxDSO's
circuit switching   an "open pipe" technique that establishes a temporary
     dedicated connection between two points.
CISS Center for Information Systems Security
Clear Channel Capability   Ability to use all 64 KBps of a DS0 for 
     user data
Cloud     A homogenous data network. The "public network" (you don't know
     where it goes, as long as it comes out the other end)
CMS  Communications Security Material System: accountability system for
     cryptographic materials
CMW  Compartmented Mode Workstation
CO   Telephone company Central Office
COAX Coaxial cable
COMDAC    Electronic sensor, weapons and display system used on 270 foot WMEC.
COMPUSEC  Computer Security
COMSAT    Communications Satellite
COMSEC    Communications Security
COMMSTA   COMmunication STAtion
CONOPS    CONcept of OPerationS
CONUS     Continental United States
COTS Commercial Off-the-shelf
CP   Crypto-Peripheral (see WSP)
CPE  Customer Premise Equipment
CRC  Cyclic Redundancy Code
CRL  Certificate Revocation List (related to DMS)
Crossbanding   Translating a signals frequency from one major band to another
     (ie. EHF to UHF)
CRTT CAMSPAC keyed, Secure Pacific Radio Teletype broadcast.  CAMSPAC
     simultaneously keys transmitters in Honolulu and Kodiak, AK.
CRYPTO    A device to encrypt or decrypt voice or data transmissions.
CSMA Carrier-Sense Multiple Access with Collision Detection
CSU  Channel Service Unit:  equipment that terminates the long distance
     circuit in the customers location. Often paired with a digital service unit
CUDIXS    Common User Digital Information Exchange System
CW   Continuous Wave Morse Code transmission.
CWO  Communications Watch Officer.

D4   T1 framing technique dividing T1 into 24 channels, a D4 frame being 192 x
     8000 / 24 = 64 Kbps or a DS0
D/A  Digital to Analog
DAA  Designated Approving Authority
DACS Digital Access and Cross-Connect System
DAMA Demand Assigned Multiplex Access - Multiplexing system for Satellite
     Communications to operate several different types of information over one
     Satellite channel.
Datagram  a finite length packet with sufficient information to be routed from
     source to destination independently of previous transmissions
dB   Decibel
dBM  Decibels referred to 1 Milliwatt of Power
DBMS DataBase Management System
DBOF Defense Budget Operating Fund
dBW  Decibel referenced to 1 watt
DBPSK     Differential Binary Phase Shift Keying
DCA  Defense Communications Agency
DCS  Defense Communications System
DDN  Defense Data Network - X.25 common user packet switched communications
DDP  Distributed Data Processing
DDS  Dataphone Digital Service - a carrier offering that uses 2.4-56 Kbs
DEC  Digital Electronics Corporation, computer manufacturer.
Dedicated Lines     A private, leased or owned, communications path 
     between specific sites.

Demod     Demodulator: A device to convert received teletype audio tones to
teletype data.
Demux     Demultiplex
DES  Commercial Digital Encryption Standard, encryption method used for voice
or data for UNCLASSIFIED sensitive information.  NOT AUTHORIZED for classified
DDN  Defense Digital Network for high speed DOD data systems.
DDS  Digital Data Service
DGG  Defense Global Grid
Dialup    A communications path through a telephone line using tones to
establish the connection
Digital Data Connections  Three types:
     (1)  Circuit Switched:  similar to std phone line, dial 
          up-xfer data-hang up.
     (2)  Leased Lines: permanent circuit connections that are 
          always available without any required setup time.
     (3)  Packet Switched:  
          (a)  X.25:  "low speed"/low volume w/lots of error               
          (b)  Frame Relay:  "stripped down" version of X.25, 
               w/higher speed, less error checking

DII  Defense Information Infrastructure
DISA Defense Information Systems Agency
DISN Defense Information System Network (replacement for DDN) 
     provides global multi-media connectivity
Distributed Backbone Topology  A network configuration where local sites connect
     to other sites through intermediate, higer capacity sites.
DITSO     Defense Information Technology Services Organization
DMS  Defense Messaging System - Replacement for AUTODIN - Secure,
     multilevel (U-TS/SCI) desktop to desktop message system. 

     Key components of the DMS X.400 Message Handling System 
     (MHS) are:

        MTA - Message Transfer Agent
        UA - User Agent (an application that provides users access to 
                  the MTS
        OUA - Organizational User Agent - version of UA that provides
                  release authentication and message distribution for
                  organizational messages
        MS - Message Stores (mailbox)
        MLA - Mail List Agent
        MTS - Message Transfer System (a network of MTA's)

     Key components of the DMS X.500 Directory Services (which provide 
     source for Originator/Recipient (O/R) addresses (& public key) are:

        DUA - Directory User Agent (user interface to the 
                  directory resident in each user workstation)
        DSA - Directory Ststem Agent (application provides access to the 
                  distributed information base
DOD  Department of Defense
DONCAF    Department of the Navy Central Adjudication Facility, Washington
     Navy Yard for background investigation adjudications and security clearances.
DPA  Departmental Procurement Approval (by DOT for big $$$)
DPCM Differential Pulse Code Modulation
DPSK Differential Phase Shift Keying
DS0  Digital Signal,  Level 0  (64 Kbps)
DS1  Digital Signal,  Level 1  (1.544 Mbps)
DS3  Digital Signal,  Level 3  (44.736 Mbps)
DSA  Directory System Agent
DSCS Defense Satellite Communications System
DSI  Digital Speech Interpolation
DSN  Defense Switching Network, DOD telephone system for voice and low speed
DSNET1    Defense Secure Network 1 - Secret Segment of DDN
DSNET2    Defense Secure Network 2 - Top Secret segment of DDN
DSNET3    Defense Secure Network 3 - SCI segment of DDN
DSS  Digital Signature Standard (an NIST standard) (DMS)
DSU  Digital Service Unit:  a synchronous serial data inferface that buffers
     and controls the flow of data between a network portal, such as a bridge or
     router, and the channel service unit (CSU).
DTS  Diplomatic Telecommunications Service
DUA  Directory User Agent (DMS)

EAM  Emergency Action Message (e.g. USAF Global EAM)
Earth Station  A place where satellite signals are received and processed
EBLOS     Extended Beyond Line of Sight
EC   Earth Coverage
ECAC Electromagnetic Compatability Analysis Center, Annapolis, MD
ECCM Electronic Counter-Countermeasures
EDI  Electronic Data Interchange
EECEN     USCG Electronics Engineering Center, Wildwood, NJ
EEPROM    Electronically Erasable Programmable Read-Only Memory
EGP  Exterior Gateway Protocol
EHF  Extremely High Frequency  ( >30 GHz )
EILSP     Electronics Integrated Logistics Support Plan
EIP  Embedded INFOSEC Product
EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power
EKMS Electronic Key Management System (EKMC Finksburg, MD)
ELF  Extremely Low Frequency (0 - 3 KHz) Submarine traffic
ELF  Encrypted Link Filter  (Direct interface for e-mail and modem service for
ELINT     Electronic Intelligence
e-mail    Electronic Mail
EMI  ElectroMagnetic Interference
EMP  ElectroMagnetic Pulse
ENCODE    Add check bits to data stream to allow for error correction at
ENCRYPT   Scramble data to provice Communications Security
EOM  End of Message
ERP  Effective Radiated Powerl
ERPAL     Electronics Repair Parts Allowance List
ES   End System
ESF  Extended Superframe Format - T1 line framing technique using 24 D4 frames
per ESF frame to provide "robust" line diagnostics, monitoring and control
ETHERNET  A local area newtwork (fiber, twisted pair or coax) used to connect
computing devices

Facility  Communications link or circuit
FAX  Facsimile
FCC  Federal Communications Commission
FDDI Fiber Distributed Data Interface - a fiber optic local area network (LAN)
     connecting computing devices
FDDI-II   a variation of FDDI that supports isochronous traffic
FDM  Frequency Division Multiplexing
FDMA      Frequency Division Multiple Access
FEC  Forward Error Correction, used for the broadcast mode of SITOR.
Fiber     Fiber Optic Cable
FIPS Federal Information Processing Standard
FLEETSATCOM    Navy Satellite Communications System
Flow Control   ability of network node to manage different data rates by means
     of buffering schemes or by reducing the data flow from a sending station
FOC  Full Operational Capability
FOW  Forward Orderwire
Fractional T1  NxDS0 portion of T1 bandwidth
Frame Relay    A high speed data "packet" transfer scheme; an upgrade of X.25
     packet switching
FREQ. HOP Randomize transmission frequencies to provide AJ and LPI.
FRTT COMMSTA Boston keyed, Secure Atlantic Radio Teletype broadcast.
FSB  DOD/USN Fleet Satellite Broadcast  (UHF)
FSK  Frequency Shift Keying, a method of data transmission by shifting a
     center frequency to higher a lower frequencies creating marks and spaces.
FT1  fractional T1, individual 64Kb channels of the 1.54Mb T1
FTP  File Transfer Protocol
FTAM File Transfer, Access & Management
FTS2000   GSA contract with AT&T to provide telephone and telephone networks
     for non-DOD government agencies.
FY   Fiscal Year

G    Billion
GAIN Concentration of signal in preferred direction.
GATEWAY   A device that interconnects dissimilar LAN's that employ different
     high-level protocols
GBA  Gimballed Antenna
GCCS Global Command & Control System
GDA  Gimballed Dish Antenna
GEOS Geostationary Satellite. A satellite in a synchronous orbit above the
GHz  Gigahertz - billions of cycles per second 
Global Dial Tone   A concept of universal, everywhere, anytime simple 
     to use communications.
GLORI     Global Radio Interface
GOSIP     Government Open Systems Interconnection Protocol. 
     Defines a common set of data communication protocols that enable systems
     developed by different vendors to interoperate and users of different
     applications on those systems to exchange information.
GOTS Government Off the Shelf
GMCC Gateway Monitoring & Control Center
GMDSS     Global Maritime Distress and Safety System.
GPS  Global Positioning System
Groom     Efficient allocation/assignment of DS0's on T1

HDN  Hybrid Data Network.  (now CGDN)
HDN  Heterogeneous Data Networks - Networks with dissimilar data formats.
HDR  High Data Rate (Tx rate greater than 1.544 Mbps)
HEMP High Altitude Electro-magnetic Pulse
HF   High Frequency  (3 - 30 MHz  or  3000 - 30000 KHz)
HFCW High Frequency Morse CW (3-30 MHz).
HFDL High Frequency Data Link; (Low volume) Mode for packet HF transmission
used by WPB, WLB, WAGB, and LORAN Stations for communications.
HFRWI     High Frequency Radio Wireline Interface, Secure phone patch from
     desktop STU-III to ship via HF or Satellite (Navy)
HHR  High Hop Rate
HI-CAP    Telephone Company reference to a T-1 digital circuit.
HOBA HOrizontal Broadband Antenna
HPA  High Power Amp
HPBW Half Power Beam Width
HPCC High Performance Computing & Communications
Hz   Hertz  (aka:  cycles per second)

I&A  Identification & Authentication
I&T  Integration & Test
I/O  Input/Output
IADS International ACCUNET Digital Service
IBR  Intermediate Bit Rate  (see IDR)
IC   Integrated Circuit
ICA  Integrated Communications Architecture
ICD  International Code Designator
IDR  Intermediate Data Rate (64, 128, 255, 384, 512, 768 KBps)
IDSCP     Initial Defense Satellite Communications Program
IEEE Institute for Electrical & Electronic Engineers
IEEE has letter designators to define certain frequency bands for convenience, 
     they are:
     Desig     Frequency Range
     "A"       160-186 MHz
     "G"       186-225 MHz
     "P"       225-390 MHz
     "L"       390-1550 MHz
     "S"       1550-4200 MHz
     "C"       4200-7000 MHz
     "X"       7000-11000 MHz
     "K"       11000-33000 MHz
     "Q"       33000-46000 MHz
     "V"       46000-56000 MHz
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IF   Intermediate Frequency
IFL  Inter-facility Link
IGRP Internet Gateway Routing Protocol
IHFDL     Integrated High Frequency Data Link, used when the HFDL terminal is
     communicating between ship and Group Office via the SDN without CAMS/COMMSTA
ILSP Integrated Logistics Support Plan
IMO  International Maritime Organization
INE  In-line Network Encryptors
INMARSAT  Internaional Mobile satellite Organization, was INternational
     MARitime SATellite Organization, international company headquartered in London
     providing analog and digital satellite communications at a tariffed rate. 
     COMSAT Inc. is the United States representative for this monopoly.
Intelligent Gateway    A process that uses external variables to dynamic-
     ally select communications paths.  Translates data 
     formats between heterogeneous sub networks.
INTERNET  A network that interconnects two or more other networks
Interoperable  Ability to communicate between processes.
IOC  Initial Operational Capability
IOC  Inter-Office Channel
IP   Internet Protocol
IPR  In Process Review
IS   Information System
ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network - CCITT defined high speed digital
ISSA Inter-Service Support Agreement
ITDS Information Transfer Distribution System, used to transfer messages from
     SSAMPS throughout the Coast Guard via CGDN.  (Formerly called MTDS.)
ITSDN     Integrated Tactical Secure Data Network
IXC  Inter-Exchange Carrier
Isochronous    equally timed;  timing info is transmitted on the channel along
     with date - sending asychronous data by synchronous means...sending asynch
     characters between each pair of start and stop bits.

JRSC Jam Resistant Secure Communications

K    Thousand
KBPS KiloBits Per Second  (BPS x 1000)
KDC  Key Distribution Center (Finksburg, MD operated by NSA)
KEA  Key Encryption Algorithm
Keyer     A device to convert teletype data to a 2000Hz audio tone with a
     shift of either +/-85 or +/- 425Hz for transmission.
KG-84C    CRYPTO box for decrypting and encrypting secure point to point RATT
     circuits over HF. (GPEE)
KG-84A    CRYPTO box for decrypting and encrypting secure point to point data
     over landline. (GPEE)
KHz  Kilohertz  (cycles per second x 1000)
KRL  Key Revocation List (related to DMS)
kW   Kilo Watt  (Watt x 1000)
KWT-46    CRYPTO box for encrypting secure RATT broadcasts.  (Vallor system)
KWR-46    CRYPTO box for decrypting secure RATT broadcasts.  (Vallor system)
KY-75     Old generation (PARKHILL) of Secure Voice CRYPTO being replaced by
     KYV-5 (ANDVT).
KYV-5     New Secure Voice (ANDVT) CRYPTO that replaces KY-75 (PARKHILL).

L-band    Frequency band from 390 MHz - 1550 MHz
LA   Local Authority
LAN  Local Area Network:  Any data network that spans a local or limited
     geographic area. (ie. office, building, campus environ) ownership by user
LATA Local Access and Transport Area - local TELCO serving area
LATENCY   The time it takes for data to transit from source to destination
LAW  Local Authority Workstation - network security mgmt services ie.
     programming "TESSERA" cards, loading keymat, & user authentication
LCCE Life Cycle Cost Estimates
LDMX Navy Local Digital Message Exchange
LDR  Low Data Rate (Tx rate 75-2400 bps)
LEASAT    Leased Satellite
LEC  Local Exchange Carrier
LEIS Law Enforcement Information System
LEOS Low Earth Orbiting Satellite
LF   Low Frequency  (30 - 300 KHz)
LHR  Low Hop Rate
Link 11   A datalink system to exchange tactical data less than 5 seconds old
     between ships using HF radio.
Link 16   A SHF Satellite system used between battle group commands for real
     time tactical data.  Distributed to battle group by Link 11
LL   Local Loop
LMD  Local Management Device
LNA  Low Noise Amplifier
LO   Local Oscillator
LOC  Limited Operational Capability
LOS  Line of Sight
LPC  Linear Predictive Coding
LPI  Low Probability of Intercept
LSO  Local Servicing Office
LUF  Lowest usable frequency
LUT  Local Users Terminal

M    Million
MAISRC    Major Acquisition System Review Council
MAP  Manual Assist Position, a PC used to access the Thrane & Thrane SITOR
     equipment for message processing.
MBA  Multi-Beam Antenna
MBPS MegaBits Per Second (BPS x 1,000,000)
MBS  Multi-year Budget Strategy
MCM  Multi-Chip Module
MCW  Modulated Continuous Wave.
MDR  Medium Data Rate (Tx rate 4800-1.544 Mbps)
MDT  Message Distribution Terminal, a Zenith PC used for office automation. 
     Coast Guard uses it on the AUTODIN/NAVCOMPARS circuits for connectivity to DOD
     message system.
MEGACOM   AT&T MEGACOM 800 Service for large WATS customers
MEK  Message Encryption Key
MF   Medium Frequency  (300 - 3000 KHz)
MFSK Multiple Frequency Shift Keying
MHz  MegaHertz (millions of cycles per second)
MIL-COM   Commercial contractor that does the majority of installation work
     for NAVELEX both ship and shore.
MILNET    Military Network - unclassified segment of DDN
MILSATCOM Military Satellite Communications - A DOD UHF military satellite
     system for transmission of voice, data and imagery.
MILSTAR   MILitary STrategic And Relay (Satellite)
MIMIC     Microwave/Millimeter Wave Monolithic Integrated Circuit
MISSI     (NSA's) Multilevel Information Systems Security Initiative - MISSI
     products provide: writer-to-reader info security services including data
     integrity, access control, authentication, non-repudiation and
     confidentiality.  Support for e-mail, file transfer, remote login, database
     mgmt. Compatibility w/commercial computing & networking technology. Protection
     against unauthorized disclosure or modification of information while allowing
     integration of systems w/different sensitivity levels.
MFCW Medium Frequency Morse CW (400-512 KHz)
MLA  Mail List Agent (in DMS) - e-mail "exploder" for e-mail sent to a
distribution list.
MLS  Multi-Level Security
MMDF-II   Multichannel Memorandum Distribution Facility
MMS  Multi-level Mail Server
MNS  Mission Needs Statement
MODEM     Modulator-Demodulator combination
MOSAIC    Message Security Protocol, NSA owned/produced government furnished
     software provided to vendors for "multi-level secure architechture",
     public/private data encryption key.  A "workstation product" using NSA "Type
     II" algorithm, provides security services for sensitive but unclassified (SBU)
     electronic mail.
MROC Multi-command Required Operational Capability
MSK  Minimal Shift Keying
MSP  Message Security Protocol (w/DMS)
MTA  Message Transfer Agent (DMS)
MTBF Mean Time Between Failures
MTDS Message Transfer Distribution System  (now called ITDS)
MTTR Mean Time to Repair
Multimedia     The ability to process audio, video, text, graphics and fax.
Multiple  A local device that allows one audio source input to generate
     outputs to multiple transmitters.
MUX  Multiplex(er)

NAVCAMS   US Naval Communications Area Master Station
NAVCOMPARS     NAVy COMmunications Processing And Routing System used for
     sending secure message to AUTODIN from ship, stations or mobile units.
NAVTEX    NAVigational TEXt, an international broadcast on 518 KHz that
     provides  the mariner a printed copy of up to 26 different  types of
NB   Narrowband
NBAM Narrowband Amplitude Modulation
NBFM Narrowband Frequency Modulation
NCA  National Command Authority
NCCS Network Communications & Control Station
NCTS Naval Computer & Telecommunications Station
NEACP     National Emergency Airborne Command Post
NEC  Numeric Electromagnetics Code
NES  Network Encryption System (NOT NINTENDO Entertainment System)
NESP Navy EHF Satellite Program
Network   The pieces & parts of a communications system that connect computing
Network Management  The process of managing the devices and software
     within a network. This may include phone lines, 
     fiberoptic cables, radios, satellite services, 
     repeaters, bridges, routers, gateways, etc.
NIC  Network Information Center (Internet)
N-ISDN    Narrow-band Integrated Services Digital Network
NIST National Institute of Science & Technology  (old National Bureau of
NLSP Network Level Security Protocol
NMA  Communications Station Miami, FL Radio call sign.
NMC  CAMSPAC San Francisco, CA Radio call sign.
NMCC National Military Command Center
NMCS National Military Command System
NMF  Communications Station Boston, MA Radio call sign.
NMG  Communications Station New Orleans, LA Radio call sign.
NMN  CAMSLANT Portsmouth, Va Radio call sign.
NMO  Communications Station Honolulu, HI Radio call sign.
NNI  Network to Network Interface
NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
NODE termination point for two or more communication links
NOJ  Communications Station Kodiak, AK Radio call sign.
NPR  Noise-Power Ratio
NRV  Communications Station Guam Radio call sign.
NWS  National Weather Service

OC-3 155 MBs optical "pipe"
OC-12     622 MBs optical "pipe" (ie: SONET)
OE   Operating Expenses
OG-30     Operating Guide 30 - Operating & Maintenance Funds
     (OG 30.19 [point account] for G-T projects)
OG-42     Operating Guide 42 - Repair & Replacement Funds
ON   Organizational Notary
OPCEN     Operations Center
Optical Fiber  any filament or fiber made of dielectric materials and
     consisting of a core (to carry laser generated light signals) and a
     surrounding cladding that reflects the signal back into the core. May be glass
     or plastic.
ORBCON    A low earth orbiting satellite communications service provider.
ORD  Operational Requirements Document
OSC  USCG Operations Systems Center, Martinsburg, WV
OSI  Open Systems Interconnection enables multivendor systems to
     intercommunicate - protocol suite - X.400 message transfer agent (MTA), X.500
     directory system agent (DSA) 
OSI Stack Open Systems Interconnection - An international set of standard
     protocols between end systems. The stack consists of seven layers:  
     (7)  Application 
     (6)  Presentation
     (5)  Session
     (4)  Transport
     (3)  Network
     (2)  Datalink
     (1)  Physical 

     Each layer has its own job and interface specification.   
OTAR Over-The-Air-Rekey  (of crypto equipment)
OTAT Over-The-Air-Transfer  (of crypto keying material)
OTCIXS    Officer Tactical Communications Information Exchange System, 2.4Kbps
     Satellite system to exchange user friendly tactical data less than 10 minutes
     old to users.  Soon to be on all 270 WMEC and 378 WHEC.

P/P  An abbreviation for either patch panel or Phone Patch.
PABX Private Automatic Branch EXchange for local telephone service.
Packet    a unit of data, consisting of binary digits including data and
     call-control signals, that is switched and transmitted as a composite whole.
Packet Switching    a data-transmission technique whereby physical resources
     on a path are switched on a per-packet basis, using control information in the
     header of each packet; it can operate in either connection-oriented or
     connectionless mode.
PBS  Private Branch Exchange. A small or local phone switching service.
PCM  Pulse Code Modulation
PCMCIA    Personal Computer Memory Card International Association
PCMT Personal Computer Message Terminal
PDU  Protocol Data Unit
Pipe Simply:  A communications path.  
PLA  Plain Language Address
PM   Phase Modulation
PMO  Program Management Office
PMSP Pre-Message Security Protocol (w/DMS) - provides encryption, integrity
     and non-repudiation for Unclassified-Sensitive E-mail
POC  Proof of Concept
POM  Porgram Objective Memorandum
POP  Point of Presence
POTS Plain Old Telephone Service.
PP   Project Plan
PPBES     Planning, Programming, Budgeting, Evaluation System
PRF  Pulse Repetition Frequency
PRT  Packet Radio Terminal
Producer Push  A concept where data is sent from producers to 
     users.  As opposed to User Pull, where data is 
     retrieved by a user as required.
Protocol  The rules and conventions between communicating processes.
PSK  Phase Shift Keying
PSN  Public Switched Network.
PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network.
Public Network See "Cloud"
PVC  Permanent Virtual Connection

"Q" Signals    Operating signals used on both commercial and military
     circuits.  From International Telecommunications Union Radio Regulations.
QRY  A CW "Q" signal meaning Your number is.
QUALCOM   A geosynchronous satellite communications service provider.
QUERY     A request for data from a remote data base.

R&D  Research & Development
RAM  Random Access Memory
RATT Radio Teletype
RCCOW     Return Control Channel Orderwire
RCP  Resource Change Proposal
RCS  Receiver Control System
RD   Routing Domain
RF   Radio Frequency
RFL  A manufacturer of FSK and VFCT type terminal modems for multiplexing.
RISC Reduced Instruction Set Computer
rlogin    Remote Log-In
RLPA Rotatable Log Periodic Antenna
ROBUST    The ability to operate, or degrade gracefully, under adverse or
     damaged conditions.
ROM  Read Only Memory
Router    A process that connects homogeneous networks.  A device used to
     connect the wires from one or more networks together.  Routers examine the
     network address of each packet.  Those packets that contain a network address
     different from the originating PC's address are forwarded onto an adjoining
     network.  Routers also have network-management and filtering capabilities, and
     many newer routers incorporate bridging capabilities as well. More expensive
     and harder to install than a bridge.
ROW  Return Orderwire
RRPSH     Root Registry Public Signature key
RX   Receiver

S/a  Service/agency
S-band    Frequency band from 1550 MHz - 5200 MHz
S/N  Signal to Noise Ratio
SACS STU-III   Secure Access Control System.  The newest generation of secure
     telephone for landline use with voice or data and is automatic answering.
SAFENET   Survivable, Adaptable, Fiberoptic, Embedded network. A Navy standard
     fiberoptic LAN.
SAG  Secure Air to Ground, normally voice over specific HF Radio frequencies
     using PARKHILL or ANDVT.
SAMPS     Semi-Automated Message Processing System
SARSAT    Search And Rescue SATellite
SATCOM    Sattelite Communication
Satellite Frequency Bands (fixed)

UHF       UHF/DOD             235 - 322 MHz 
                              335.4 - 399.9 MHz

L         Commercial          1.53 - 1.6605 GHz (INMARSAT)

S         Commercial/DOD      1.807 - 1.823 GHz Uplink 
                              2.257 - 22773 GHz Downlink
C         Commercial          5.925 - 6.425 GHz Uplink 
                              3.7 - 4.2 GHz Downlink
X         SHF/DOD             7.9 - 8.4 GHz Uplink 
          DCSC I - III        7.25 - 7.75 GHz Downlink

Ku        Commercial          14.0 - 14.5 GHz Uplink 
                              10.95 - 11.2 GHz Downlink any region
                              11.45 - 11.7 GHz Downlink any region
                              11.70 - 12.2 GHz Downlink region 2

Ka                            17.7 - 20.2 GHz Uplink 
                              27.0 - 30.0 GHz Downlink

EHF       MILSTAR             44 GHz Uplink MILSTAR II
                              20GHz Downlink 

SBU  Sensitive But Unclassified
SCCN Secure Command & Control Network
SCF  Satellite Control Facility
SCI(F)    Sensitive Compartmented Information (Facility)
SCN  System Control Network, an unclas voice circuit over HF Radio for Coast
     Guard and Commercial vessel.
SCPC Single Channel Per Carrier
SCT  Single Channel Transponder
SDH  (CCITT) Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (aka: SONET) Worldwide digital
     hierarchy for broadband transmission systems. 155 Mbps network to network
     transport interface standard.
SDLS Satellite Data Link System
SDM  Subrate Data Multiplexing
SDMA Space Division Multiple Access
SDN  Secure Data Network, a SACS STU-III and SWS based system for secure
     message transmission.
SDN  Softward Defined Network
SDNS Secure Data Network System - (w/DMS) DOD/DON Secure network that provides
     user to user security through Message Security Protocol (MSP)and Pre-Message
Security Protocol (PMSP). Message encryption from workstation to workstation.
SDS  Satellite Data System
SERVER    A process that answers a query.
SGLS Space (Satellite) to Ground Link System
SH   System High
SHA  Signature Hash Algorithm
SHF  Super High Frequency  (3 - 30 GHz or 3000 - 30000 MHz)
SINA Static Integrated Network Access
SITOR     SImplex Teletype Over Radio, a narrow band direct printing teletype
     using ARQ protocol for error free data communications from ship to ship or
     ship to shore.  Coast Guard sends SITOR navigational warnings broadcasts using
     the FEC mode.
SMDS Switched Multi-megabit Data Service
SMEF System Management Engineering Facility
SMG  SNS Mail Guard - used to control traffic between networks (ie. between a
     Secret high and a SBU network to allow exchange of SBU information)  (see SNS)
SMTP Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SNS  Secure Network Server - goes beyond SMG functionality -  SNS will have
MOSAIC and CP capability allowing confidentiality for claslsified data to the
     WSP workstation level.
SOM  Start of Message
SONET     Synchronous Optical Network
SOP  Standard Operating Procedure
SOVT System Operation Verification Test
SOW  Statement of Work
SP3  Security Protocol 3 (Network Layer)
SP4  Security Protocol 4 (Transport Layer)
SPWG Security Policy Working Group
SRD  Site Routing Domain.  A "local" physical area over which routing occurs. 
     (ie. base, CGC, etc.)
SS   Spread Spectrum
SSA  Solid State Amplifier
SSAMPS    "Super" SAMPS: An automatic message processing system.
SSIX Submarine Satellite Information Exchange System
SSMA Spread Spectrum Multiple Access
SSR-1     Receive Only terminal for Fleet Broadcast
STU-III   Secure Telephone Unit (3rd Generation) The newest generation of
     secure telephone for landline. (Replaced the KY-71 STU-II)
SVC  Secure Voice Conferencing
SVN  Secure Voice Network, for ship to ship or ship to shore communications
     over HF Radio using ANDVT.
SWS  Standard Work Station

T1   Digital multiplexed carrier system provided by long distance carriers for
     voice or data transmission that will handle up to 24 - 64Kb voice channels or
     1.544 Mbps of unchannelized data.  Equal to CCITT designation DS1.  (T1 = 64Kb
     x 24 DS0's = 1.536 Mbs + (8K overhead) = 1.544 Mbs = 1 DS1  
T3   AT&T standard for dialed-up or leased line circuits.  Digital multiplexed
     carrier system that will handle up to 28 T-1's,  45 Mbps (44.736Mbps) of data. 
     Equal to CCITT designation DS3.
TAC  Terminal Access Controller or Tactical Application Computer
TACSAT    Tactical Satellite
TAIS Target Architechture & Implementation Strategy
TBD  "T" Budget Database
TCC  Telecommunications Center or Transportable Communications Center
TCF  Technical Control Facility
TDM  Time Division Multiplexing (fixed bandwidth)
TDMA Time Division Multiple Access
Technology Insetion    The process of upgrading or adding new technology
     in a piece meal manner.
TEMP Test and Evaluation Master Plan
Terrestrial WAN   A landbased data network that covers a large
     geographic area.
TH   Time Hopping
Thrane & Thrane   The manufacturer of the SITOR modem used by the 
     Coast Guard CAMS/COMMSTAs.         Sometimes called 
TISCOM    USCG Telecommunications & Information Systems Command, Alexandria,
TOPOLOGY  A geometric or physical configuration of a communications network.
TR   Trouble Report
TRANSEC   Transmission Security
TRD  Transit Routing Domain:  A facility that connects site routing domains
     through other transit routing domains.
TREE Transient Radiation Effects on Electronics
Trunk     Facility between customer premise and LEC CO, and between carrier
TS   Top Secret
TTNR Test Tone to Noise Ratio
TTY  Teletype
TX   Transmitter
Type I    crypto item that secures classified or unclassified sensitive data
Type II   crypto item that protects sensitive but unclassified info only
Type 2    a standard PCMCIA interface

U    Unclassified
UA   User Agent (DMS)
UCT  Unstructured Circuit Transport - transfer of bits at a constant rate
     between two points
UET  Unattended Earth Terminal
UHF  Ultra-High Frequency  (300-3000 MHZ)
UMS  Universal Modem System
UNI  User to Network Interface
UPS  Uninterupptable Power Supply
User Pull A concept where data is retrieved by a user. (Opposite of Producer

VAN  Value Added Network - A packetl-switched network that offers high
     reliability and such services as protocol conversion and data buffering.
VFCT Voice-Frequency Carrier Telegraph, a composite tone pack of up to 16
     different data signals in a 3000Hz voice channel.
VGPL Voice Grade Private Line (analog)
VHF  Very-High Frequency  (30-300 MHZ)
VHSIC     Very High Speed Integrated Circuit
Video Conferencing  Using high spped data communications to establish
     two-way television.
VLF  Very Low Frequency
VLSI Very Large Scale Integration
VOBRA     VOice BRoadcast Automation
VSAT Very Small Aperture Terminal

W    Watt
WAIS Wide Area Information Server
WAN  Wide Area Network
WATS Wide Area Telephone Service
WB   Wide Band
WBAM Wide Band Amplitude Modulation
WBFM Wide Band Frequency Modulation
WBS  Work Breakdown Structure
WESTAR    Western Union Satellite
WHCA White House Communications Agency
WORM Write Once, Read Many
WS   Workstation
WSA  Workstation Security Applique (aka: Applique) - converts COTS
     workstations into "trusted" devices.  Consists of a "WSP" and Security Monitor
WSP  Workstation Security Package (similar to MOSAIC but uses NSA "Type I"
     crypto algorithm) provides security services for classified information.  Uses
     a PCMCIA card called "CP" (see CP).
WWABNCP   World Wide AirBorne Command Post
WWMCCS    World Wide Military Command & Control System

X-band    Frequency Band from 5200 MHz to 10,900 MHz
X.25 A CCITT standard - A data packet format used to pass relatively low speed
     data through communications networks.  Error checking/ARQ is performed at each
     node in the network.
X.121     CCITT terminal addressing scheme
X.400     CCITT/ISO Message Handling System (MHS) standard
X.500     CCITT/ISO Directory Service Standard

"Z" Signals    Operating signals on Military communications circuits.
ZNI1 A Secure TTY position.
ZNI2 A unclas TTY position.
ZYB  An administrative message.  The ZYB is put after the date time group.

     - glossary list created by USCG Telecommunication and Information Systems 
       Command, Alexandria VA.