A Cryptome DVD is offered by Cryptome. Donate $25 for a DVD of the Cryptome 10+-years archives of 39,000 files from June 1996 to December 2006 (~4.1 GB). Click Paypal or mail check/MO made out to John Young, 251 West 89th Street, New York, NY 10024. Archives include all files of cryptome.org, cryptome2.org, jya.com, cartome.org, eyeball-series.org and iraq-kill-maim.org. Cryptome offers with the Cryptome DVD an INSCOM DVD of about 18,000 pages of counter-intelligence dossiers declassified by the US Army Information and Security Command, dating from 1945 to 1985. No additional contribution required -- $25 for both. The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost.

8 April 2007. Other excerpts from the ICIP dossier:

ogto-orgies.pdf     + Spying on Redstone Lab Sex-Obsessed Physicist    April 8, 2007
pentagon-ci.pdf     + Pentagon Communications Counterintelligence      April 8, 2007
careless-token.pdf  + CARELESS TOKEN Communications Intercept Op       April 8, 2007
dossp.pdf           + Dedicated Operations Security Support Program    April 8, 2007
hebrew-project.pdf  + Spying on Hebrew Project Suspected Israeli Spy   April 8, 2007
pamphlet-381-3.pdf  + Military Counterintelligence Pamphlet 381-3      April 7, 2007

7 April 2007

These reports on Site R counterintelligence (codenamed CANARY EFFORT) are excerpted from documents released under FOIA by the US Army Intelligence and Security Command (INSCOM). The FOIA request was made in March 2001 and the documents received on February 27, 2007 (letter of transmittal). They are dossiers on the Army's domestic counterintelligence efforts in the 1970s targetted at military bases under a program named the Internal Counterintelligence Program (ICIP). The full ICIP release consists of about 900 pages and will be added to the INSCOM DVD offered by Cryptome, noted above.

Site R is formally named the Alternate Joint Communications Center (AJCC), an underground national command bunker. It is supported by Fort Ritchie.

The Site R files listed below Zipped: http://cryptome.org/mci/site-r-ci.zip (2.1 MB)


1. 16 February 1972 (1 page)

2. 15 December 1973 (4 pages)

3. 29 March 1974 (5 pages)

4. 4 February 1975 (2 pages)

5. 4 February 1975 (1 page)

6. 4 February 1975 (1 page)

7. 4 February 1975 (2 pages)

8. 4 February 1975 (2 pages)

9. 4 February 1975 (2 pages)

10. 4 February 1975 (1 page)

11. 4 February 1975 (2 pages)

12. 9 September 1975 (2 pages)

13. 16 June 1976 (2 pages)

14. 6 May 1976 (6 pages)

15. September 1976 (1 page)