15 September 2003. Thanks to A:

The attached story was posted recently on the online section of Estates Gazette, the largest UK weekly trade publication for the commercial property industry.

Address and/or eyeball of the office invited; send to jya@pipeline.com. PGP key here.

EGi News (UK)

Secret Service spies West End offices for expansion

Adam Coffer 08 September 2003 07:00

The rapid expansion of the Secret Intelligence Service, MI6, has led it to acquire a new 60,000 sq ft (5,574 sq m) West End office.

Last March, MI6 said it was seeking to double its front-line recruitment and expand UK operations, prompted by the "war against terrorism".

EG has learned that the SIS has signed a long lease, paying around £2m pa in rent for the building, which it will use as a satellite office for its main 1m sq ft Vauxhall Cross headquarters on Albert Embankment, SE1.

The Ministry of Defence asked EG not to reveal the location of the office for security reasons.

A spokesman for the defence press & broadcasting advisory committee said: "Obviously, the location of the head office is in the public domain and very visible, so is under heightened security.

"However, satellite offices rely upon the security of their occupants remaining unknown.

If details emerge and the Secret Intelligence Service's occupation is known, the threat of terrorist attacks and surveillance from rival organisation increases dramatically."

The agents involved refused to confirm the identity of the tenant and are bound by the Official Secrets Act. One said: "It is true that a deal has been done at the building but we have signed confidentiality terms and cannot comment."

To safeguard against what it has described to Cabinet ministers as the greatest threat to Britain's security in 60 years, MI6 last year called for a budget increase of 10-20% and a rapid expansion of its counter-terrorism unit.

The expansion and predicted future growth has caused MI6 to outgrow its existing accommodation.

Another West End source said: "Although the deal has been agreed and signed, there is a clause that allows MI6 to walk away from the deal if its identity is matched to the building."

EGi News 08/09/03