6 February 2005

Thanks to VL.

Source: http://www.peratovic.net/zeljko/appeals/MI6/mi6.html

Zeljko Peratovic
Croatian Parliament III Pile 25
Trg svetog Marka 6-7
10 000 Zagreb
phone:00 385 1 606 1570
fax:00 385 1 606 1569
mobile: 00 385 91 22 999 66

Mile Culumovic, temporally President
Council for civilian supervision of safety services
10 000 Zagreb
fax: 00 385 1 63 03 458

Second addition of the preissue of citizens from 06.12.2004.

Dear Sir,

I have received Your answer (from 28th of December, 2004.) on my Preissue and its addition from December 2004.

I am glad that the Council will act consistent to legal authorities (ZoSS, articles 80-84). But, since my last letter to Council, I became more concerned, because I became, not only the victim of POA (Counter-intelligence agency), during activity of Zeljko Bagic and Franjo Turek, but also the victim of intelligence underground, acting on my discreditation as a cooperator of secret service, actually, the British MI6.

When I got a letter from President of Parliament Committee for human rights and national minorities, Mr. Furio Radin, on 28th of August 2004, in which he informed me which steps did the Committee take, following my Preissue, I was surprised that the envelope in which the letter came, was opened, and then again glued up with the glue tape. Mr. Furio Radin and secretary of the Committee, on 21th of January 2005, in the presence of Mr. Zarko Puhovski, after I showed them the envelope, said that the envelope glued up in that way was not send from the Parliament, and that the glue tape was put on the envelope on the way to me.

I can withdraw a conclusion that the POA took that letter and controled it. It was also possible that some groups from intelligence underground opened it, and the least possible was that some postman was interested what was in the letter of President of Parliament Committee for human rights and national minorities to some journalist.

Please, put this suspicions under serious investigations. Following events are connected with texts which appeared on Internet, at the middle of this month, and in which I was proclaimed for an agent of MI6, and it was said how can I still be working as a journalist in "Vjesnik", as such a person.

In first text from page cryptome.org/mi6-peratovic.htm (article 1.) which is under maintainance of a former high-ranking official of British MI5, and it was also said that President Stjepan Mesic presented me publicly in "Feral Tribune" as an MI6-agent, on the basis of activity of Turek and Bagic.

There were also nonsense like, an agent of MI6, Bloom, protected me from expeling from their service, by words that I was "mentally retarted, but useful". But, the worst thing was that I was presented as a journalist who wrote aimed lies against general Gotovina and as an enemy of movement for joining Northern Ireland to Republic of Ireland.

I also got information from colleagues form Britain that simphatyzers of IRA were "interested" in me. Second text was from official american media-agency, UPI, and which was published by Washington Times on web address www.washtimes.com/upi-breaking/20050113-041835-4514.htm (article 2). In that text, besides quotations from this address above mentioned, was also added that I disabled, with my activities, the arrest of general Gotovina. They were also surprised how I, after all that, still worked in "Vjesnik". My numerous colleagues informed me that they also saw this articles, and based on them, there were started forums on Internet, and some groups in editorial office of "Vjesnik" said that the director Franjo Maletic got several complaint on my work, I was affraid that mentioned quotations was made to jeopardise my professional egzistency.

I have sent a denial to "Washington Times", but they didn't published it even after one week. I am also preparing a law accusation against them with help of one american group for protection of journalists. Besides, I am affraid that the pressure against my editorial office for my dismissal from "Vjesnik" (the daily is owned by Government of Croatia) will grow further, so I request from Council to include these accusations in investigations, and inform me as soon as posible, about development of procedure, not only about its conclusion.

Best regards,

Zeljko Peratovic In Zagreb, 23th of January 2005.

Thanks to VL.

The following testimony was recently issued by Dobroslav Paraga in response to reports of a misinformation campaign targeting former combatants in the Croatian war of independence:

"Tony Cascarino was a young Irish fighter for freedom and justice when he arrived in Zagreb in autumn 1991 and entered the headquarters of HOS (Croatian Defence Forces which I founded 1990-1991.) HOS included thousands of brave and strong fighters and volunteers in the war in Croatia and Bosnia and Herzegovina).

Tony explained his great sympathies for the Croatian struggle for independence and freedom. He spoke of his aversion against the Serbian aggression and was unsatisfied with the unprincipled official policy of the British government to Belgrade and Yugoslavia.

After Vukovar, I was arrested and interrogated for a month. Two months earlier my deputy Ante Paradzik had been assassinated.  My lawyer told me in custody in Zagreb that Cascarino had organized and formed a military unit of more than 350 HOS soldiers at the front line to free me from prison.

Several days later, Cascarino came from Vinkovci (a photo exists of him in front of a Yugolav army tank model 84 destroyed in the village Nustar) and he was involved in the defence of the HOS military and Party of Rights headquarters in Zagreb city.  The police occupied Starcevic Square in front of HOS headquarters awaiting orders for military action against the defenders inside.

HOS Army general Blaz Kraljevic (killed in West Herzegovina 1992) said the young, smart and brave Irishman was the best. He assisted in many dangerous battles including Vukovar, Vinkovci, Nustar, Jasenovac, Novska, Petrinja, Zadar etc.

He was a brother in arms with the best HOS fighters later involved in the Croatian army and he contributed in the war with other prominent foreigners like him. I remember Ronnie, Jim, Brian, Neil, Dave, Tom Crowley, Jean M. Nicolier and others.

Croatian people, HOS volunteers and I personally express permanent gratitude and remember forever the great man, idealist and hero we call Tony Cascarino."

Dobroslav Paraga, human rights activist, former MP and president of the Croatian Party of Rights 1861., Zagreb, Senoina 13

17th January 2005