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13 October 2006

Two notices.

[Federal Register: October 13, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 198)]
[Page 60583-60587]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []




In the Matter of All Licensees Who Possess Radioactive Material 
in Quantities of Concern and All Other Persons Who Obtain Safeguards 
Information Described Herein; Order Imposing Requirements for the 
Protection of Certain Safeguards Information (Effective Immediately)


    The Licensees, identified in Attachment 1 \1\ to this Order, hold 
licenses issued in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, by 
the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or Commission) or an 
Agreement State, authorizing them to possess and transfer items 
containing radioactive material quantities of concern. The NRC intends 
to issue security Orders to these licensees in the near future. Orders 
will be issued to both NRC and Agreement State materials licensees who 
may transport radioactive material quantities of concern. The Orders 
will require compliance with specific Additional Security Measures to 
enhance the security for transport of certain radioactive material 
quantities of concern. The NRC will issue Orders to both NRC and 
Agreement State licensees under its authority to protect the common 
defense and security, which has not been relinquished to the Agreement 
States. The Commission has determined that these documents will contain 
Safeguards Information, will not be released to the public, and must be 
protected from unauthorized disclosure. Therefore, the Commission is 
imposing the requirements, as set forth in Attachments 2 and 3 to this 
Order and in Order EA-06-242, so that affected Licensees can receive 
these documents. This Order also imposes requirements for the 
protection of Safeguards

[[Page 60584]]

Information in the hands of any person,\2\ whether or not a licensee of 
the Commission, who produces, receives, or acquires Safeguards 

    \1\ Attachment 1 contains sensitive information and will not be 
released to the public.
    \2\ Person means (1) any individual, corporation, partnership, 
firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, 
group, government agency other than the Commission or the 
Department, except that the Department shall be considered a person 
with respect to those facilities of the Department specified in 
section 202 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 1974 (88 Stat. 
1244), any State or any political subdivision of, or any political 
entity within a State, any foreign government or nation or any 
political subdivision of any such government or nation, or other 
entity; and (2) any legal successor, representative, agent, or 
agency of the foregoing.


    The Commission has broad statutory authority to protect and 
prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of Safeguards Information. Section 
147 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, grants the Commission 
explicit authority to ``* * * issue such orders, as necessary to 
prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of safeguards information * * *'' 
This authority extends to information concerning transfer of special 
nuclear material, source material, and byproduct material. Licensees 
and all persons who produce, receive, or acquire Safeguards Information 
must ensure proper handling and protection of Safeguards Information to 
avoid unauthorized disclosure in accordance with the specific 
requirements for the protection of Safeguards Information contained in 
Attachments 2 and 3 to this Order. The Commission hereby provides 
notice that it intends to treat violations of the requirements 
contained in Attachments 2 and 3 to this Order applicable to the 
handling and unauthorized disclosure of Safeguards Information as 
serious breaches of adequate protection of the public health and safety 
and the common defense and security of the United States. Access to 
Safeguards Information is limited to those persons who have established 
the need-to-know the information, are considered to be trustworthy and 
reliable, and meet the requirements of Order EA-06-242. A need-to-know 
means a determination by a person having responsibility for protecting 
Safeguards Information that a proposed recipient's access to Safeguards 
Information is necessary in the performance of official, contractual, 
or licensee duties of employment. Licensees and all other persons who 
obtain Safeguards Information must ensure that they develop, maintain 
and implement strict policies and procedures for the proper handling of 
Safeguards Information to prevent unauthorized disclosure, in 
accordance with the requirements in Attachments 2 and 3 to this Order. 
All licensees must ensure that all contractors whose employees may have 
access to Safeguards Information either adhere to the licensee's 
policies and procedures on Safeguards Information or develop, maintain 
and implement their own acceptable policies and procedures. The 
licensees remain responsible for the conduct of their contractors. The 
policies and procedures necessary to ensure compliance with applicable 
requirements contained in Attachments 2 and 3 to this Order must 
address, at a minimum, the following: the general performance 
requirement that each person who produces, receives, or acquires 
Safeguards Information shall ensure that Safeguards Information is 
protected against unauthorized disclosure; protection of Safeguards 
Information at fixed sites, in use and in storage, and while in 
transit; correspondence containing Safeguards Information; access to 
Safeguards Information; preparation, marking, reproduction and 
destruction of documents; external transmission of documents; use of 
automatic data processing systems; removal of the Safeguards 
Information category; the need-to-know the information; and background 
checks to determine access to the information.
    In order to provide assurance that the licensees are implementing 
prudent measures to achieve a consistent level of protection to 
prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of Safeguards Information, all 
licensees who hold licenses issued by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission or an Agreement State authorizing them to possess and who 
may transport items containing radioactive material quantities of 
concern shall implement the requirements identified in Attachments 2 
and 3 to this Order. The Commission recognizes that licensees may have 
already initiated many of the measures set forth in Attachments 2 and 3 
to this Order for handling of Safeguards Information in conjunction 
with current NRC license requirements or previous NRC Orders. 
Additional measures set forth in Attachments 2 and 3 to this Order 
should be incorporated into the licensee's current program for 
Safeguards Information. In addition, pursuant to 10 CFR Part 2.202, I 
find that in light of the common defense and security matters 
identified above, which warrant the issuance of this Order, the public 
health, safety and interest require that this Order be effective 


    Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 81, 147, 161b, 161i, 161o, 182 
and 186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the 
Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 2.202, 10 CFR Part 30, 10 CFR Part 
32, 10 CFR Part 35, and 10 CFR Part 70, It is hereby ordered, effective 
immediately, that all licensees identified in Attachment 1 to this 
order and all other persons who produce, receive, or acquire the 
additional security measures identified above (whether draft or final) 
or any related safeguards information shall comply with the 
requirements of Attachments 2 and 3 to this order.
    The Director, Office of Federal and State Materials and 
Environmental Management Programs, may, in writing, relax or rescind 
any of the above conditions upon demonstration of good cause by the 


    In accordance with 10 CFR 2.202, the Licensee must, and any other 
person adversely affected by this Order may, submit an answer to this 
Order, and may request a hearing on this Order, within twenty (20) days 
of the date of this Order. Where good cause is shown, consideration 
will be given to extending the time to request a hearing. A request for 
extension of time in which to submit an answer or request a hearing 
must be made in writing to the Director, Office of Federal and State 
Materials and Environmental Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and include a statement of 
good cause for the extension. The answer may consent to this Order. 
Unless the answer consents to this Order, the answer shall, in writing 
and under oath or affirmation, specifically set forth the matters of 
fact and law on which the Licensee or other person adversely affected 
relies and the reasons as to why the Order should not have been issued. 
Any answer or request for a hearing shall be submitted to the 
Secretary, Office of the Secretary of the Commission, U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff, 
Washington, DC 20555. Copies also shall be sent to the Director, Office 
of Nuclear Material Safety and Safeguards, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission, Washington, DC 20555, to the Assistant General Counsel for 
Materials Litigation and Enforcement at the same address, and to the 
Licensee if the answer or hearing request is by a person other than the 
Licensee. Because of possible delays in delivery of mail to United 
States Government offices, it is requested that

[[Page 60585]]

answers and requests for hearing be transmitted to the Secretary of the 
Commission either by means of facsimile transmission to 301-415-1101 or 
by e-mail to and also to the Office of the 
General Counsel either by means of facsimile transmission to 301-415-
3725 or by e-mail to If a person other than the 
Licensee requests a hearing, that person shall set forth with 
particularity the manner in which his interest is adversely affected by 
this Order and shall address the criteria set forth in 10 CFR 2.309.
    If a hearing is requested by the Licensee or a person whose 
interest is adversely affected, the Commission will issue an Order 
designating the time and place of any hearing. If a hearing is held, 
the issue to be considered at such hearing shall be whether this Order 
should be sustained.
    Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202(c)(2)(i), the Licensee may, in addition to 
demanding a hearing, at the time the answer is filed or sooner, move 
the presiding officer to set aside the immediate effectiveness of the 
Order on the ground that the Order, including the need for immediate 
effectiveness, is not based on adequate evidence but on mere suspicion, 
unfounded allegations, or error. In the absence of any request for 
hearing, or written approval of an extension of time in which to 
request a hearing, the provisions specified in Section III above shall 
be final twenty (20) days from the date of this Order without further 
order or proceedings. If an extension of time for requesting a hearing 
has been approved, the provisions specified in Section III shall be 
final when the extension expires if a hearing request has not been 
    An answer or a request for hearing shall not stay the immediate 
effectiveness of this order.

    Dated this 4th day of October 2006.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Charles L. Miller,
Director, Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental 
Management Programs.

Attachment 1--List of Applicable Materials Licensees


Attachment 2--Modified Handling Requirements for the Protection of 
Certain Safeguards Information (SGI-M)

Modified Handling Requirements for the Protection of Certain Safeguards 
Information (SGI-M)

General Requirement

    Information and material that the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory 
Commission (NRC) determines are safeguards information must be 
protected from unauthorized disclosure. In order to distinguish 
information needing modified protection requirements from the 
safeguards information for reactors and fuel cycle facilities that 
require a higher level of protection, the term ``Safeguards 
Information-Modified Handling'' (SGI-M) is being used as the 
distinguishing marking for certain materials licensees. Each person 
who produces, receives, or acquires SGI-M shall ensure that it is 
protected against unauthorized disclosure. To meet this requirement, 
licensees and persons shall establish and maintain an information 
protection system that includes the measures specified below. 
Information protection procedures employed by state and local police 
forces are deemed to meet these requirements.

Persons Subject to These Requirements

    Any person, whether or not a licensee of the NRC, who produces, 
receives, or acquires SGI-M is subject to the requirements (and 
sanctions) of this document. Firms and their employees that supply 
services or equipment to materials licensees would fall under this 
requirement if they possess facility SGI-M. A licensee must inform 
contractors and suppliers of the existence of these requirements and 
the need for proper protection. (See more under Conditions for 
    State or local police units who have access to SGI-M are also 
subject to these requirements. However, these organizations are 
deemed to have adequate information protection systems. The 
conditions for transfer of information to a third party, i.e., need-
to-know, would still apply to the police organization as would 
sanctions for unlawful disclosure. Again, it would be prudent for 
licensees who have arrangements with local police to advise them of 
the existence of these requirements.

Criminal and Civil Sanctions

    The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, explicitly provides 
that any person, ``whether or not a licensee of the Commission, who 
violates any regulations adopted under this section shall be subject 
to the civil monetary penalties of section 234 of this Act.'' 
Furthermore, willful violation of any regulation or order governing 
safeguards information is a felony subject to criminal penalties in 
the form of fines or imprisonment, or both. See sections 147b. and 
223 of the Act.

Conditions for Access

    Access to SGI-M beyond the initial recipients of the order will 
be governed by the background check requirements imposed by the 
order. Access to SGI-M by licensee employees, agents, or contractors 
must include both an appropriate need-to-know determination by the 
licensee, as well as a determination concerning the trustworthiness 
of individuals having access to the information. Employees of an 
organization affiliated with the licensee's company, e.g., a parent 
company, may be considered as employees of the licensee for access 


    Need-to-know is defined as a determination by a person having 
responsibility for protecting SGI-M that a proposed recipient's 
access to SGI-M is necessary in the performance of official, 
contractual, or licensee duties of employment. The recipient should 
be made aware that the information is SGI-M and those having access 
to it are subject to these requirements as well as criminal and 
civil sanctions for mishandling the information.

Occupational Groups

    Dissemination of SGI-M is limited to individuals who have an 
established need-to-know and who are members of certain occupational 
groups. These occupational groups are:
    A. An employee, agent, or contractor of an applicant, a 
licensee, the Commission, or the United States Government;
    B. member of a duly authorized committee of the Congress;
    C. The Governor of a State or his designated representative;
    D. A representative of the International Atomic Energy Agency 
(IAEA) engaged in activities associated with the U.S./IAEA 
Safeguards Agreement who has been certified by the NRC;
    E. A member of a state or local law enforcement authority that 
is responsible for responding to requests for assistance during 
safeguards emergencies; or
    F. A person to whom disclosure is ordered pursuant to Section 
2.744(e) of Part 2 of part 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations.
    G. State Radiation Control Program Directors (and State Homeland 
Security Directors) or their designees.
    In a generic sense, the individuals described above in (A) 
through (G) are considered to be trustworthy by virtue of their 
employment status. For non-governmental individuals in group (A) 
above, a determination of reliability and trustworthiness is 
required. Discretion must be exercised in granting access to these 
individuals. If there is any indication that the recipient would be 
unwilling or unable to provide proper protection for the SGI-M, they 
are not authorized to receive SGI-M.

Information Considered for Safeguards Information Designation

    Information deemed SGI-M is information the disclosure of which 
could reasonably be expected to have a significant adverse effect on 
the health and safety of the public or the common defense and 
security by significantly increasing the likelihood of theft, 
diversion, or sabotage of materials or facilities subject to NRC 
    SGI-M identifies safeguards information which is subject to 
these requirements. These requirements are necessary in order to 
protect quantities of nuclear material significant to the health and 
safety of the public or common defense and security.
    The overall measure for consideration of SGI-M is the usefulness 
of the information (security or otherwise) to an adversary in 
planning or attempting a malevolent act. The specificity of the 
information increases the likelihood that it will be useful to an 

[[Page 60586]]

Protection While in Use

    While in use, SGI-M shall be under the control of an authorized 
individual. This requirement is satisfied if the SGI-M is attended 
by an authorized individual even though the information is in fact 
not constantly being used. SGI-M, therefore, within alarm stations, 
continuously manned guard posts or ready rooms need not be locked in 
file drawers or storage containers.
    Under certain conditions the general control exercised over 
security zones or areas would be considered to meet this 
requirement. The primary consideration is limiting access to those 
who have a need-to-know. Some examples would be:
    Alarm stations, guard posts and guard ready rooms;
    Engineering or drafting areas if visitors are escorted and 
information is not clearly visible;
    Plant maintenance areas if access is restricted and information 
is not clearly visible;
    Administrative offices (e.g., central records or purchasing) if 
visitors are escorted and information is not clearly visible;

Protection While in Storage

    While unattended, SGI-M shall be stored in a locked file drawer 
or container. Knowledge of lock combinations or access to keys 
protecting SGI-M shall be limited to a minimum number of personnel 
for operating purposes who have a ``need-to-know'' and are otherwise 
authorized access to SGI-M in accordance with these requirements. 
Access to lock combinations or keys shall be strictly controlled so 
as to prevent disclosure to an unauthorized individual.

Transportation of Documents and Other Matter

    Documents containing SGI-M when transmitted outside an 
authorized place of use or storage shall be enclosed in two sealed 
envelopes or wrappers. The inner envelope or wrapper shall contain 
the name and address of the intended recipient, and be marked on 
both sides, top and bottom with the words ``Safeguards Information--
Modified Handling.'' The outer envelope or wrapper must be addressed 
to the intended recipient, must contain the address of the sender, 
and must not bear any markings or indication that the document 
contains SGI-M.
    SGI-M may be transported by any commercial delivery company that 
provides nationwide overnight service with computer tracking 
features, U.S. first class, registered, express, or certified mail, 
or by any individual authorized access pursuant to these 
    Within a facility, SGI-M may be transmitted using a single 
opague envelope. It may also be transmitted within a facility 
without single or double wrapping, provided adequate measures are 
taken to protect the material against unauthorized disclosure. 
Individuals transporting SGI-M should retain the documents in their 
personal possession at all times or ensure that the information is 
appropriately wrapped and also secured to preclude compromise by an 
unauthorized individual.

Preparation and Marking of Documents

    While the NRC is the sole authority for determining what 
specific information may be designated as ``SGI-M,'' originators of 
documents are responsible for determining whether those documents 
contain such information. Each document or other matter that 
contains SGI-M shall be marked ``Safeguards Information--Modified 
Handling'' in a conspicuous manner on the top and bottom of the 
first page to indicate the presence of protected information. The 
first page of the document must also contain (i) the name, title, 
and organization of the individual authorized to make a SGI-M 
determination, and who has determined that the document contains 
SGI-M, (ii) the date the document was originated or the 
determination made, (iii) an indication that the document contains 
SGI-M, and (iv) an indication that unauthorized disclosure would be 
subject to civil and criminal sanctions. Each additional page shall 
be marked in a conspicuous fashion at the top and bottom with 
letters denoting ``Safeguards Information--Modified Handling.''
    In additional to the ``Safeguards Information--Modified 
Handling'' markings at the top and bottom of each page, transmittal 
letters or memoranda which do not in themselves contain SGI-M shall 
be marked to indicate that attachments or enclosures contain SGI-M 
but that the transmittal does not (e.g., ``When separated from SGI-M 
enclosure(s), this document is decontrolled'').
    In addition to the information required on the face of the 
document, each item of correspondence that contains SGI-M shall, by 
marking or other means, clearly indicate which portions (e.g., 
paragraphs, pages, or appendices) contain SGI-M and which do not. 
Portion marking is not required for physical security and safeguards 
contingency plans.
    All documents or other matter containing SGI-M in use or storage 
shall be marked in accordance with these requirements. A specific 
exception is provided for documents in the possession of contractors 
and agents of licensees that were produced more than one year prior 
to the effective date of the order. Such documents need not be 
marked unless they are removed from file drawers or containers. The 
same exception applies to old documents stored away from the 
facility in central files or corporation headquarters.
    Since information protection procedures employed by state and 
local police forces are deemed to meet NRC requirements, documents 
in the possession of these agencies need not be marked as set forth 
in this document.

Removal From SGI-M Category

    Documents containing SGI-M shall be removed from the SGI-M 
category (decontrolled) only after the NRC determines that the 
information no longer meets the criteria of SGI-M. Licensees have 
the authority to make determinations that specific documents which 
they created no longer contain SGI-M information and may be 
decontrolled. Consideration must be exercised to ensure that any 
document decontrolled shall not disclose SGI-M in some other form or 
be combined with other unprotected information to disclose SGI-M.
    The authority to determine that a document may be decontrolled 
may be exercised only by, or with the permission of, the individual 
(or office) who made the original determination. The document shall 
indicate the name and organization of the individual removing the 
document from the SGI-M category and the date of the removal. Other 
persons who have the document in their possession should be notified 
of the decontrolling of the document.

Reproduction of Matter Containing SGI-M

    SGI-M may be reproduced to the minimum extent necessary 
consistent with need without permission of the originator. Newer 
digital copiers which scan and retain images of documents represent 
a potential security concern. If the copier is retaining SGI-M 
information in memory, the copier cannot be connected to a network. 
It should also be placed in a location that is cleared and 
controlled for the authorized processing of SGI-M information. 
Different copiers have different capabilities, including some which 
come with features that allow the memory to be erased. Each copier 
would have to be examined from a physical security perspective.

Use of Automatic Data Processing (ADP) Systems

    SGI-M may be processed or produced on an ADP system provided 
that the system is assigned to the licensee's or contractor's 
facility and requires the use of an entry code/password for access 
to stored information. Licensees are encouraged to process this 
information in a computing environment that has adequate computer 
security controls in place to prevent unauthorized access to the 
information. An ADP system is defined here as a data processing 
system having the capability of long term storage of SGI-M. Word 
processors such as typewriters are not subject to the requirements 
as long as they do not transmit information off-site. (Note: If SGI-
M is produced on a typewriter, the ribbon must be removed and stored 
in the same manner as other SGI-M information or media.) The basic 
objective of these restrictions is to prevent access and retrieval 
of stored SGI-M by unauthorized individuals, particularly from 
remote terminals. Specific files containing SGI-M will be password-
protected to preclude access by an unauthorized individual. The 
National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) maintains a 
listing of all validated encryption systems at
 SGI-M files may be transmitted over a 

network if the file is encrypted. In such cases, the licensee will 
select a commercially available encryption system that NIST has 
validated as conforming to Federal Information Processing Standards 
(FIPS). SGI-M files shall be properly labeled as ``Safeguards 
Information--Modified Handling'' and saved to removable media and 
stored in a locked file drawer or cabinet.


    SGI-M may not be transmitted by unprotected telecommunications 

[[Page 60587]]

except under emergency or extraordinary conditions. For the purpose 
of this requirement, emergency or extraordinary conditions are 
defined as any circumstances that require immediate communications 
in order to report, summon assistance for, or respond to a security 
event (or an event that has potential security significance).
    This restriction applies to telephone, telegraph, teletype, 
facsimile circuits, and to radio. Routine telephone or radio 
transmission between site security personnel, or between the site 
and local police, should be limited to message formats or codes that 
do not disclose facility security features or response procedures. 
Similarly, call-ins during transport should not disclose information 
useful to a potential adversary. Infrequent or non-repetitive 
telephone conversations regarding a physical security plan or 
program are permitted provided that the discussion is general in 
    Individuals should use care when discussing SGI-M at meetings or 
in the presence of others to ensure that the conversation is not 
overheard by persons not authorized access. Transcripts, tapes or 
minutes of meetings or hearings that contain SGI-M shall be marked 
and protected in accordance with these requirements.


    Documents containing SGI-M should be destroyed when no longer 
needed. They may be destroyed by tearing into small pieces, burning, 
shredding or any other method that precludes reconstruction by means 
available to the public at large. Piece sizes one half inch or 
smaller composed of several pages or documents and thoroughly mixed 
would be considered completely destroyed.

Attachment 3--Trustworthiness and Reliability Requirements for 
Individuals Handling Safeguards Information

Trustworthiness and Reliability Requirements for Individuals Handling 
Safeguards Information

    In order to ensure the safe handling, use, and control of 
information designated as Safeguards Information, each licensee 
shall control and limit access to the information to only those 
individuals who have established the need-to-know the information, 
and are considered to be trustworthy and reliable. Licensees shall 
document the basis for concluding that there is reasonable assurance 
that individuals granted access to Safeguards Information are 
trustworthy and reliable, and do not constitute an unreasonable risk 
for malevolent use of the information.
    The Licensee shall comply with the requirements of this 
    1. The trustworthiness and reliability of an individual shall be 
determined based on a background investigation:
    (a) The background investigation shall address at least the past 
three (3) years, and, at a minimum, include verification of 
employment, education, and personal references. The licensee shall 
also, to the extent possible, obtain independent information to 
corroborate that provided by the employee (i.e., seeking references 
not supplied by the individual).
    (b) If an individual's employment has been less than the 
required three (3) year period, educational references may be used 
in lieu of employment history.
    The licensee's background investigation requirements may be 
satisfied for an individual that has an active Federal security 
    2. The licensee shall retain documentation regarding the 
trustworthiness and reliability of individual employees for three 
years after the individual's employment ends.

 [FR Doc. E6-16995 Filed 10-12-06; 8:45 am]


[Federal Register: October 13, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 198)]
[Page 60587-60590]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access []




In the Matter of All Licensees Identified in Attachment 1 to 
Order EA-06-241 and All Other Persons Who Seek or Obtain Access to 
Safeguards Information Described Herein; Order Imposing Fingerprinting 
and Criminal History Records Check Requirements for Access to 
Safeguards Information (Effective Immediately)


    The Licensees identified in Attachment 1 \1\ to Order EA-06-241 
hold licenses issued in accordance with the Atomic Energy Act (AEA) of 
1954, as amended, by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC or 
Commission) or Agreement States, authorizing them to engage in an 
activity subject to regulation by the Commission or Agreement States. 
On August 8, 2005, the Energy Policy Act of 2005 (EPAct) was enacted. 
Section 652 of the EPAct amended Section 149 of the AEA to require 
fingerprinting and a Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 
identification and criminal history records check of any person who is 
to be permitted to have access to Safeguards Information (SGI).\2\ The 
NRC's implementation of this requirement cannot await the completion of 
the SGI rulemaking, which is underway, because the EPAct fingerprinting 
and criminal history records check requirements for access to SGI were 
immediately effective upon enactment of the EPAct. Although the EPAct 
permits the Commission by rule to except certain categories of 
individuals from the fingerprinting requirement, which the Commission 
has done (see 10 CFR Part 73.59, 71 FR 33,989 (June 13, 2006)), it is 
unlikely that licensee employees or others are excepted from the 
fingerprinting requirement by the ``fingerprinting relief'' rule. 
Individuals relieved from fingerprinting and criminal history records 
checks under the relief rule include Federal, State, and local 
officials and law enforcement personnel; Agreement State inspectors who 
conduct security inspections on behalf of the NRC; members of Congress 
and certain employees of members of Congress or Congressional 
Committees, and representatives of the International Atomic Energy 
Agency (IAEA) or certain foreign government organizations. In addition, 
individuals who have a favorably-decided U.S. Government criminal 
history records check within the last five (5) years, or individuals 
who have active Federal security clearances (provided in either case 
that they make available the appropriate documentation), have satisfied 
the EPAct fingerprinting requirement and need not be fingerprinted 
again. Therefore, in accordance with Section 149 of the AEA, as amended 
by the EPAct, the Commission is imposing additional requirements for 
access to SGI, as set forth by this Order, so that affected licensees 
can obtain and grant access to SGI. This Order also imposes 
requirements for access to SGI by any person, from any person,\3\ 
whether or not a Licensee, Applicant, or Certificate Holder of the 
Commission or Agreement States.

    \1\ Attachment 1 to Order EA-06-241 contains sensitive 
information and will not be released to the public.
    \2\ Safeguards Information is a form of sensitive, unclassified, 
security-related information that the Commission has the authority 
to designate and protect under section 147 of the AEA.
    \3\ Person means (1) any individual, corporation, partnership, 
firm, association, trust, estate, public or private institution, 
group, government agency other than the Commission or the Department 
of Energy, except that the Department of Energy shall be considered 
a person with respect to those facilities of the Department of 
Energy specified in section 202 of the Energy Reorganization Act of 
1974 (88 Stat. 1244), any State or any political subdivision of, or 
any political entity within a State, any foreign government or 
nation or any political subdivision of any such government or 
nation, or other entity; and (2) any legal successor, 
representative, agent, or agency of the foregoing.


    The Commission has broad statutory authority to protect and 
prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of SGI. Section 147 of the AEA 
grants the Commission explicit authority to issue such Orders as 
necessary to prohibit the unauthorized disclosure of SGI. Furthermore, 
Section 652 of the EPAct amended Section 149 of the AEA to require 
fingerprinting and an FBI identification and a criminal history records 
check of each individual who seeks access to SGI. In addition, no 
person may have access to SGI unless

[[Page 60588]]

the person has an established need-to-know the information and 
satisfies the trustworthy and reliability requirements described in 
Attachment 3 to Order EA-06-241.
    In order to provide assurance that the Licensees identified in 
Attachment 1 to Order EA-06-241 are implementing appropriate measures 
to comply with the fingerprinting and criminal history records check 
requirements for access to SGI, all Licensees identified in Attachment 
1 to Order EA-06-241 shall implement the requirements of this Order. In 
addition, pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202, I find that in light of the common 
defense and security matters identified above, which warrant the 
issuance of this Order, the public health, safety and interest require 
that this Order be effective immediately.


    Accordingly, pursuant to Sections 81, 147, 149, 161b, 161i, 161o, 
182 and 186 of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, and the 
Commission's regulations in 10 CFR 2.202, 10 CFR Parts 30 and 73, it is 
hereby ordered, effective immediately, that all licensees identified in 
attachment 1 to order EA-06-241 and all other Persons who seek or 
obtain access to safeguards information, as described above, shall 
comply with the requirements set forth in this order.
    A. 1. No person may have access to SGI unless that person has a 
need-to-know the SGI, has been fingerprinted or who has a favorably-
decided FBI identification and criminal history records check, and 
satisfies all other applicable requirements for access to SGI. 
Fingerprinting and the FBI identification and criminal history records 
check are not required, however, for any person who is relieved from 
that requirement by 10 CFR 73.59 (71 FR 33989 (June 13, 2006)), or who 
has a favorably-decided U.S. Government criminal history records check 
within the last five (5) years, or who has an active Federal security 
clearance, provided in the latter two cases that the appropriate 
documentation is made available to the Licensee's NRC-approved 
reviewing official.
    2. No person may have access to any SGI if the NRC has determined, 
based on fingerprinting and an FBI identification and criminal history 
records check, that the person may not have access to SGI.
    B. No person may provide SGI to any other person except in 
accordance with Condition III.A. above. Prior to providing SGI to any 
person, a copy of this Order shall be provided to that person.
    C. All Licensees identified in Attachment 1 to Order EA-06-241 
shall comply with the following requirements:
    1. The Licensee shall, within twenty (20) days of the date of this 
Order, establish and maintain a fingerprinting program that meets the 
requirements of Attachment 1 to this Order.
    2. The Licensee shall, within twenty (20) days of the date of this 
Order, submit the fingerprints of one (1) individual who (a) the 
Licensee nominates as the ``reviewing official'' for determining access 
to SGI by other individuals, and (b) has an established need-to-know 
the information and has been determined to be trustworthy and reliable 
in accordance with the requirements described in Attachment 3 to Order 
EA-06-241. The NRC will determine whether this individual (or any 
subsequent reviewing official) may have access to SGI and, therefore, 
will be permitted to serve as the Licensee's reviewing official.\4\ The 
Licensee may, at the same time or later, submit the fingerprints of 
other individuals to whom the Licensee seeks to grant access to SGI. 
Fingerprints shall be submitted and reviewed in accordance with the 
procedures described in Attachment 1 of this Order.

    \4\ The NRC's determination of this individual's access to SGI 
in accordance with the process described in Enclosure 5 to the 
transmittal letter of this Order is an administrative determination 
that is outside the scope of this Order.

    3. The Licensee shall, in writing, within twenty (20) days of the 
date of this Order, notify the Commission, (1) if it is unable to 
comply with any of the requirements described in this Order, including 
Attachment 1 to this Order, or (2) if compliance with any of the 
requirements is unnecessary in its specific circumstances. The 
notification shall provide the Licensee's justification for seeking 
relief from or variation of any specific requirement.
    Licensee responses to C.1., C.2., and C.3. above shall be submitted 
to the Director, Office of Federal and State Materials and 
Environmental Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
Washington, DC 20555. In addition, Licensee responses shall be marked 
as ``Security-Related Information--Withhold Under 10 CFR 2.390.''
    The Director, Office of Federal and State Materials and 
Environmental Management Programs, may, in writing, relax or rescind 
any of the above conditions upon demonstration of good cause by the 


    In accordance with 10 CFR 2.202, the Licensee must, and any other 
person adversely affected by this Order may, submit an answer to this 
Order, and may request a hearing on this Order, within twenty (20) days 
of the date of this Order. Where good cause is shown, consideration 
will be given to extending the time to request a hearing. A request for 
extension of time in which to submit an answer or request a hearing 
must be made in writing to the Director, Office of Federal and State 
Materials and Environmental Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and include a statement of 
good cause for the extension. The answer may consent to this Order. 
Unless the answer consents to this Order, the answer shall, in writing 
and under oath or affirmation, specifically set forth the matters of 
fact and law on which the Licensee or other person adversely affected 
relies and the reasons as to why the Order should not have been issued. 
Any answer or request for a hearing shall be submitted to the 
Secretary, Office of the Secretary, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 
ATTN: Rulemakings and Adjudications Staff, Washington, DC 20555. Copies 
also shall be sent to the Director, Office of Federal and State 
Materials and Environmental Management Programs, U.S. Nuclear 
Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555, and to the Assistant 
General Counsel for Materials Litigation and Enforcement at the same 
address, and to the Licensee if the answer or hearing request is by a 
person other than the Licensee. Because of possible delays in delivery 
of mail to United States Government offices, it is requested that 
answers and requests for hearing be transmitted to the Secretary of the 
Commission either by means of facsimile transmission to 301-415-1101 or 
by e-mail to and also to the Office of the 
General Counsel either by means of facsimile transmission to 301-415-
3725 or by e-mail to If a person other than the 
Licensee requests a hearing, that person shall set forth with 
particularity the manner in which his/her interest is adversely 
affected by this Order and shall address the criteria set forth in 10 
CFR 2.309.
    If a hearing is requested by the Licensee or a person whose 
interest is adversely affected, the Commission will issue an Order 
designating the time and place of any hearing. If a hearing is held, 
the issue to be considered at such hearing shall be whether this Order 
should be sustained.

[[Page 60589]]

    Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.202(c)(2)(i), the Licensee may, in addition to 
demanding a hearing, at the time the answer is filed or sooner, move 
the presiding officer to set aside the immediate effectiveness of the 
Order on the ground that the Order, including the need for immediate 
effectiveness, is not based on adequate evidence but on mere suspicion, 
unfounded allegations, or error. In the absence of any request for 
hearing, or written approval of an extension of time in which to 
request a hearing, the provisions as specified above in Section III 
shall be final twenty (20) days from the date of this Order without 
further order or proceedings. If an extension of time for requesting a 
hearing has been approved, the provisions as specified above in Section 
III shall be final when the extension expires if a hearing request has 
not been received.
    An answer or a request for hearing shall not stay the immediate 
effectiveness of this order.

    Dated this 4th day of October 2006.

    For the Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Charles L. Miller,
Director, Office of Federal and State Materials and Environmental 
Management Programs.

Attachment 1--Requirements for Fingerprinting and Criminal History 
Records Checks of Individuals When Licensee's Reviewing Official is 
Determining Access to Safeguards Information

General Requirements

    Licensees shall comply with the requirements of this attachment.
    A. 1. Each Licensee subject to the provisions of this attachment 
shall fingerprint each individual who is seeking or permitted access 
to Safeguards Information (SGI). The Licensee shall review and use 
the information received from the Federal Bureau of Investigation 
(FBI) and ensure that the provisions contained in the subject Order 
and this attachment are satisfied.
    2. The Licensee shall notify each affected individual that the 
fingerprints will be used to secure a review of his/her criminal 
history record and inform the individual of the procedures for 
revising the record or including an explanation in the record, as 
specified in the ``Right to Correct and Complete Information'' 
section of this attachment.
    3. Fingerprints need not be taken if an employed individual 
(e.g., a Licensee employee, contractor, manufacturer, or supplier) 
is relieved from the fingerprinting requirement by 10 CFR Part 
73.59, has a favorably-decided U.S. Government criminal history 
records check within the last five (5) years, or has an active 
Federal security clearance. Written confirmation from the Agency/
employer which granted the Federal security clearance or reviewed 
the criminal history records check must be provided. The Licensee 
must retain this documentation for a period of three (3) years from 
the date the individual no longer requires access to SGI associated 
with the Licensee's activities.
    4. All fingerprints obtained by the Licensee pursuant to this 
Order must be submitted to the Commission for transmission to the 
    5. The Licensee shall review the information received from the 
FBI and consider it, in conjunction with the trustworthy and 
reliability requirements included in Attachment 3 to this Order, in 
making a determination whether to grant access to SGI to individuals 
who have a need-to-know the SGI.
    6. The Licensee shall use any information obtained as part of a 
criminal history records check solely for the purpose of determining 
an individual's suitability for access to SGI.
    7. The Licensee shall document the basis for its determination 
whether to grant access to SGI.
    B. The Licensee shall notify the NRC of any desired change in 
reviewing officials. The NRC will determine whether the individual 
nominated as the new reviewing official may have access to SGI based 
on a previously-obtained or new criminal history check and, 
therefore, will be permitted to serve as the Licensee's reviewing 


    A Licensee shall not base a final determination to deny an 
individual access to SGI solely on the basis of information received 
from the FBI involving: An arrest more than one (1) year old for 
which there is no information of the disposition of the case, or an 
arrest that resulted in dismissal of the charge or an acquittal.
    A Licensee shall not use information received from a criminal 
history check obtained pursuant to this Order in a manner that would 
infringe upon the rights of any individual under the First Amendment 
to the Constitution of the United States, nor shall the Licensee use 
the information in any way which would discriminate among 
individuals on the basis of race, religion, national origin, sex, or 

Procedures for Processing Fingerprint Checks

    For the purpose of complying with this Order, Licensees shall, 
using an appropriate method listed in 10 CFR Part 73.4, submit to 
the NRC's Division of Facilities and Security, Mail Stop T-6E46, one 
completed, legible standard fingerprint card (Form FD-258, 
ORIMDNRCOOOZ) or, where practicable, other fingerprint records for 
each individual seeking access to Safeguards Information, to the 
Director of the Division of Facilities and Security, marked for the 
attention of the Division's Criminal History Check Section. Copies 
of these forms may be obtained by writing the Office of Information 
Services, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Washington, DC 20555-
0001, by calling (301) 415-5877, or by e-mail to 
Practicable alternative formats are set forth in 10 CFR Part 73.4. 
The Licensee shall establish procedures to ensure that the quality 
of the fingerprints taken results in minimizing the rejection rate 
of fingerprint cards due to illegible or incomplete cards.
    The NRC will review submitted fingerprint cards for 
completeness. Any Form FD-258 fingerprint record containing 
omissions or evident errors will be returned to the Licensee for 
corrections. The fee for processing fingerprint checks includes one 
re-submission if the initial submission is returned by the FBI 
because the fingerprint impressions cannot be classified. The one 
free re-submission must have the FBI Transaction Control Number 
reflected on the re-submission. If additional submissions are 
necessary, they will be treated as initial submittals and will 
require a second payment of the processing fee.
    Fees for processing fingerprint checks are due upon application. 
Licensees shall submit payment with the application for processing 
fingerprints by corporate check, certified check, cashier's check, 
money order, or electronic payment, made payable to ``U.S. NRC.'' 
[For guidance on making electronic payments, contact the Facilities 
Security Branch, Division of Facilities and Security, at (301) 415-
7404]. Combined payment for multiple applications is acceptable. The 
application fee (currently $27) is the sum of the user fee charged 
by the FBI for each fingerprint card or other fingerprint record 
submitted by the NRC on behalf of a Licensee, and an NRC processing 
fee, which covers administrative costs associated with NRC handling 
of Licensee fingerprint submissions. The Commission will directly 
notify Licensees who are subject to this regulation of any fee 
    The Commission will forward to the submitting Licensee all data 
received from the FBI as a result of the Licensee's application(s) 
for criminal history records checks, including the FBI fingerprint 

Right to Correct and Complete Information

    Prior to any final adverse determination, the Licensee shall 
make available to the individual the contents of any criminal 
records obtained from the FBI for the purpose of assuring correct 
and complete information. Written confirmation by the individual of 
receipt of this notification must be maintained by the Licensee for 
a period of one (1) year from the date of the notification.
    If, after reviewing the record, an individual believes that it 
is incorrect or incomplete in any respect and wishes to change, 
correct, or update the alleged deficiency, or to explain any matter 
in the record, the individual may initiate challenge procedures. 
These procedures include either direct application by the individual 
challenging the record to the agency (i.e., law enforcement agency) 
that contributed the questioned information, or direct challenge as 
to the accuracy or completeness of any entry on the criminal history 
record to the Assistant Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation 
Identification Division, Washington, DC 20537-9700 (as set forth in 
28 CFR Part 16.30 through 16.34). In the latter case, the FBI 
forwards the challenge to the agency that submitted the data and 
requests that agency to verify or correct the challenged entry. Upon 
receipt of an official communication directly from the agency that 
contributed the original information, the FBI Identification 
Division makes any changes necessary in accordance with the 
information supplied by that agency. The Licensee must provide at 
least ten (10) days for an

[[Page 60590]]

individual to initiate an action challenging the results of an FBI 
criminal history records check after the record is made available 
for his/her review. The Licensee may make a final SGI access 
determination based upon the criminal history record only upon 
receipt of the FBI's ultimate confirmation or correction of the 
record. Upon a final adverse determination on access to SGI, the 
Licensee shall provide the individual its documented basis for 
denial. Access to SGI shall not be granted to an individual during 
the review process.

Protection of Information

    1. Each Licensee who obtains a criminal history record on an 
individual pursuant to this Order shall establish and maintain a 
system of files and procedures for protecting the record and the 
personal information from unauthorized disclosure.
    2. The Licensee may not disclose the record or personal 
information collected and maintained to persons other than the 
subject individual, his/her representative, or to those who have a 
need to access the information in performing assigned duties in the 
process of determining access to Safeguards Information. No 
individual authorized to have access to the information may re-
disseminate the information to any other individual who does not 
have a need-to-know.
    3. The personal information obtained on an individual from a 
criminal history record check may be transferred to another Licensee 
if the Licensee holding the criminal history record check receives 
the individual's written request to re-disseminate the information 
contained in his/her file, and the gaining Licensee verifies 
information such as the individual's name, date of birth, social 
security number, sex, and other applicable physical characteristics 
for identification purposes.
    4. The Licensee shall make criminal history records, obtained 
under this section, available for examination by an authorized 
representative of the NRC to determine compliance with the 
regulations and laws.
    5. The Licensee shall retain all fingerprint and criminal 
history records received from the FBI, or a copy if the individual's 
file has been transferred, for three (3) years after termination of 
employment or determination of access to SGI (whether access was 
approved or denied). After the required three (3) year period, these 
documents shall be destroyed by a method that will prevent 
reconstruction of the information in whole or in part.

 [FR Doc. E6-16996 Filed 10-12-06; 8:45 am]