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22 August 2008

Trowbridge Ford forum:

From: "Trowbridge Ford" <[at]>
Subject: Richard Volaar article
Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 12:26:25 +0200

While I realize that you post all kinds of articles, especially since you have posted many by me, I still think that posting Richard Volaar's one, "NSA Security Officer: We Should Just Kill These People," buggers belief, particularly when it claims that well-known and respected reporters like James Risen, Bill Gertz, Seymour Hersh, Vernon Loeb, et al, are on its hit list.  If NSA starts shooting people, these persons will be the last to bite the dust.

To begin with, Volaar's article is just feedback from one that Wayne Madsen, another reporter on the list, called "Hayden's Heroes", wrote which you posted back on May 8, 2005 - - and you surprisingly failed to link now.  In it, Madsen complained of the activities that the National Security Agency's director, General Michael Hayden, had carried out while at the Fort Meade facility. Among other things, Madsen discussed operation FIRST FRUITS where the sigint agency collected the names of authors who wrote articles, unofficial  and negative ones about it. In its data base were the names of all the people mentioned in Volaar's article except for Madsen's, and I am sure that his is in it now, if for no other reason than writing "Hayden's Heroes".

While Volaar and Madsen now would like us to believe that their names were in the FIRST FRUITS data base because of their negative ones about NSA, they are primarily in it because of their, it seems, unofficial capacity.  It's hard to imagine a group of writers who, at worst, have engaged in only constructive criticism of the Agency and its personnel. More often, they have written articles which have covered up its worst excesses or failures.

Take, for example, James Risen's articles about the Bureau's Robert Hanssen when he was exposed as having been a long-time KGB spy.  In his long exposé in The New York Times, there was no inkling of what information Hanssen, a strong anti-communist, passed along to Vladimir Kryuchkov's FCD of the Moscow spy agency - what would be most gernane to explain why a member of Opus Dei and a friend of FBI director Louis Freeh felt compelled to spy for the Soviets. 

It apparently was because Washington was using its double agents in the joint FBI-CIA Operation Courtship to take advantage of a surprise they planned to pull off on the Soviets - a non-nuclear conclusion to the Cold War - by assassinating Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme, and making it look like Moscow had done it. For more on this, see my article about why Alexander Litvinenko, the leader of a Red Army transport security platoon who discovered all the sensors that the CIA was shipping through the USSR in a cargo container to determine Moscow's reaction to the Palme surprise (OPERATION ABSORB), was assassinated.

Seymour Hersh wrote about the Kennedys in The Dark Side of Camelot what he has never gotten round to writing about the NSA, and its official superior, the CIA - agencies which followed a worse
pattern of arrogance and cunning, thanks to their insulation from any effective, much less moral, oversight, and attacked their enemies, especially after their manifest failures, with a savagery which were supposed to be reserved for criminals and real enemies.  The book is a massive juxtaposition of what the CIA and the Kennedys, especially Jack, were essentially doing during his Presidency where the victim is blamed primarily for its crimes - e.g., the assassination plots against Castro and others, the Bay of Pigs fiasco, the Missile Crisis not ending in the end of Castro and his regime, etc., up to his own assassination.

And so it goes with the other authors. If their work is the worst that can be said about covert government, especially NSA, none have any justified fears of being taken down by anyone, and is a sad commentary about the state of the media in dealing with our runaway police state.  Perhaps, the hit list is provided just to keep it on course.

Sincerely yours,
Trowbridge Ford

Trowbridge Ford writes 22 August 2008:

Thanks for posting my e-mail.

I am particularly pleased because Richard Volaar and Wayne Madsen are such crass disinformers, probably ones who either work for the agencies they claim are trying to kill them or are paranoid enough that they don't have to employ them.

I was stunned when I saw that Volaar recently revived the famous FBI memo about Jack Ruby, the one claining that the former communist was working for Tricky Dick, back in 1947 when he was an informant for his staff at HUAC.

This goes back to about 1974 when J. David Truby came up with the apparent forgery when he was writing an article about my ideas for The National Tatler about the Nixon- Al 'Deep Throat' relationship. The forgery sparked a bitter dispute between Truby and me, resulting in my threatening, as I recall, to sue him if he went ahead in making it appear that I was the one who discovered the memo, and was making a bigger deal about it, and Truby going ahead by publishing watered-down versions about the memo, and what I was making of it.

There were two articles I recall about it all in Tatler, and a clarifying one in a 1976 issue of  The Writer's Digest - what I thought had ended the whole matter, long before I left the States permanently in 1989.  Little did I realize that as soon as I left for Portugal, Jim Marrs published Crossfire, claiming that he had discussed with me the memo, and that I, a researcher who had gone through many Bureau documents, knew that it was a forgery, though I still professed that it was genuine, just in the hope of settling scores with the former President.

Then two people, one a high school teacher, and the other an apparent DOJ prosecutor, got in touch with me in hope of gaining more evidence of my malice toward Nixon in the expectation, it seems, of suing me for deliberately and malicously libelling an important politician.  The teacher supplied me with a video tape to have the best evidence possible against me, and the prosecutor supplied me with all kinds of evidence about what Jack Ruby had done of a criminal nature in the hope that I would say something about his relation with Nixon in the process.

I did not satisfy either of these requests because I was never out to get Nixon, just interested in researching what he had done. My idea about Nixon's relation with Jacob Rubenstein, aka Jack Ruby, was totally based upon HUAC records - what showed that Chicago's Jacob Rubenstein was a former leader of the CP's Young Communist League, and that he had quit it after Stalin had had Foster take over the whole operation.  Ruby, aka 'Sparky' for his delivery of the communist newspaper Iskra, then went on to become a runner for Sam Giancana's Outfit.

When the effort to sue me failed, and Nixon then died, Clinton and several of his associates, it seems, had me poisoned for my alleged vendetta against the fallen former President.  Jim DiEugenio has explained the whole campaign against me in the special issue of Probe in January 1996, claiming that I was the one who maliciously led the false campaign against Nixon, and the campaign and I should be appropriately fixed.  

For the next three and a half years, I had cyclical attacks, about one every four weeks, where I had rising, hot flashes, incredibe dizziness, vomiting and diarrhea at the end of which I almost or on occasion lost consciousness.  I attributed the attacks to too much heavy living, not to poisoning at a restaurant I ate at on occasion.  The attacks occurred sufficiently later on the next day that it was a long time before I attributed to the meal I ate the previous evening.  My problems reminded me of how Washington attorney Paul Wilcher died at about the same time for attacking Bubba and company in similar ways. 

For more on my difficulty, see my articles about becoming an American exile, and how its covert government almost killed me.

For Volaar and others to raise this whole matter about the FBI memo just makes me think that I am one who has much more to worry about being killed by covert government than either Volaar or Madsen.

Thanks again,

Sincerely yours,
Trowbridge Ford