19 February 2003
12 Feb 03 . OFFICE OF NAVAL INTELLIGENCE CIVIL MARITIME ANALYSIS DEPARTMENT WORLDWIDE THREAT TO SHIPPING MARINER WARNING INFORMATION . POC: CHARLES DRAGONETTE: OFFICE: COMM (301) 669-3261 FAX (301) 669-3247 E-mail cdragonette@nmic.navy.mil . 1. This message provides information on threat to and criminal action against merchant shipping worldwide. . A. To aid in our reporting, please add the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) as an information addressee when possible to your normal corporate and organizational reporting requirements. The ONI message address is ONI WASHINGTON DC//21// or, the ONI Violence at Sea (VAS) desk may be contacted at commercial phone (301) 669-3261 or via e-mail at cdragonette@nmic.navy.mil. Report may also be made to the National Response Center (U. S. Coast Guard) hotline: 1-800-424-0201 or the Maritime Administration Office of Ship Operations, MAR-613, (202) 366-5735; FAX (202) 366-3954, e-mail: opcentr1@marad.dot.gov. . B. This Worldwide Threat to Shipping Report is available weekly to members of the Maritime Security Council via the MSCALERT. For information on corporate membership in the Maritime Security Council, contact Mr. Kim Petersen at mscalert@maritimesecurity.org or visit the MSC website at www.maritimesecurity.org. Message is also posted at the National Imagery and Mapping Agency site . C. The International Maritime Bureau (IMB) also publishes a weekly piracy summary, based on reporting from the IMB Piracy Reporting Centre in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Each week's report is published on Tuesday and may be accessed through their web page www.iccwbo.org. . D. Anti-piracy and crime current developments: . 1. PHILIPPINES: Philippine authorities have tightened security at air and seaports to protect local and foreign delegates to the 4th World Meeting of Families in Manila, beginning 22 Jan (LM, MSC). . E. Source codes: Information contained in this report is derived through direct reporting and analysis of reports of other agencies and commercial sources. Source codes will be added to new reports to enable users requiring more detail to make contact. Codes currently in use are: . BIMCO, Baltic and International Maritime Council, Denmark DOT, U. S. Department of Transportation FP, Fairplay, London GP, Greenpeace IMB, International Maritime Bureau, London and Kuala Lumpur IMO, International Maritime Organization, London INFO, Informa Group, formerly LLP, Llp Limited, London LL, Lloyd's List, daily, London LM, local media MARAD, Maritime Administration, US MSC, Maritime Security Council, US NIMA, National Imagery and Mapping Agency, Navigation Safety System ONI, Office of Naval Intelligence analysis Operator, owner or operator of affected vessel USCG, United States Coast Guard RAN, Royal Australian Navy STATE, U. S. Department of State . 2. Designation of a high threat area is based on an assessment of all source information relating to the existence of, or potential for piracy and other crime, terrorism, civil unrest or low intensity conflict. Every effort is made to ensure that incidents are not double-counted. In the event double counting is detected or an event is later learned not to be as initially reported, an explanation of the cancellation of the inaccurate report will be made in at least one message prior to dropping the erroneous report. Specific incidents will be reported for one month. . 3. This week's highlights: . A. British cruise ships to resume calls at Trinidad per 6 Feb announcement (Para 5.B.1.). . B. Chemical tanker boarded, intruder apprehended 8 Feb, Portuario de Paita, Peru (Para 5.C.2.) . C. Reefer ship boarded 9 Feb, Ile De Goree, Senegal (Para 5.G.1.). . D. Attempt to board tanker 7 Feb, Lome, Togo (Para 5.G.2.). . E. Crew of (JENLIL) overpowered guards and escaped from hostage situation off N. Somalia per 9 Feb report (Para 5.H.2.). . F. Bulk carrier boarded 6 Feb, Chittagong, Bangladesh (Para 5.H.4.). . G. LTTE boat destroyed in explosion following inspection by peace monitors 7 Feb (Para 5.H.9.). . H. Container ship boarded 8 Feb, Banten Roads, Indonesia (Para 5.K.1.). . 4. Contents and summary of threat areas detailed in paragraph 5. . A. NORTH AMERICA: 1. No current incidents to report. B. CENTRAL AMERICA-CARIBBEAN: 1. British cruise ships divert from Trinidad as of 17 Jan apparently based on Dec 2002 UK Government warning. Calls to resume per 6 Feb announcement. 2. Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 17 Jan at anchor west of Pigeon Island, Jamaica. 3. Yacht boarded, robbed 26 Jan Nueva Gerona Channel, Isla De La Juventud, Cuba. 4. Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 22 Jan, Havana, Cuba. C. SOUTH AMERICA: 1. Total of 5,333 oil company workers fired as of 31 Jan; rest of Venezuela strike appears over. 2. Chemical tanker boarded, intruder apprehended 8 Feb, Portuario de Paita, Peru. 3. Tanker boarded 26 Jan at mooring buoys, Callao, Peru. D. ATLANTIC OCEAN AREA: 1. No current incidents to report. E. NORTHERN EUROPE-BALTIC: 1. No current incidents to report. F. MEDITERRANEAN-BLACK SEA: 1. Israeli forces detonated an explosives-laden raft 17 Jan off Gaza. G. WEST AFRICA: 1. Reefer ship boarded 9 Feb, Ile De Goree, Senegal. 2. Attempt to board tanker 7 Feb, Lome, Togo. 3. Multiple attempts to board cargo ships 24 Jan at Tema, Ghana. 4. LPG tanker boarded 23 Jan at Bonny Town, Nigeria. 5. Local women blocked Nigerian navy access to a new base 22 Jan in continued protest over income sharing. 6. Survey/supply vessel boarded, crew held hostage 20-21 Jan in Nigeria's Delta State. H. INDIAN OCEAN-EAST AFRICA: 1. Container ship boarded, robbed 1 Feb Dar es Salaam, Tanzania 2. Crew of (JENLIL) overpowered guards and escaped from hostage situation off N. Somalia per 9 Feb report. 3. Survey ship boarded, robbed 25 Jan at Goa, India. 4. Bulk carrier boarded 6 Feb, Chittagong, Bangladesh. 5. Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 29 Jan Chittagong, Bangladesh. 6. Twenty passenger injured in robbery of ferry 26 Jan on Meghna River, Bangladesh. 7. Thirty Bangladeshi fishermen kidnapped 23 Jan and held for ransom. 8. 12 Bangladeshi trawlers raided, robbed 19 Jan Agunmukha River, Bangladesh. 9. LTTE boat destroyed in explosion following inspection by peace monitors 7 Feb. I. RED SEA: 1. No current incidents to report. J. PERSIAN GULF: 1. No current incidents to report. K. SOUTH EAST ASIA: 1. Container ship boarded 8 Feb, Banten Roads, Indonesia. 2. Bulk carrier boarded, robbed 1 Feb Adang Bay, Indonesia. 3. Bulk carrier boarded, thief injured 29 Jan, Panjang, Indonesia. 4. Tug hijacked, three crew believed held hostage, 28 Jan, Balu Amper, Batam, Indonesia. 5. Tanker boarded, robbed 27 Jan Lawi-Lawi, Indonesia. 6. Cargo ship boarded 25 Jan while getting underway from Samarinda, Indonesia. 7. Bulk carrier boarded 19 Jan Taboneo anchorage, Banjarmasin, Indonesia. 8. Tug and barge hijacked 22 Dec off Batam, Indonesia found according to 21 Jan report. 9. Two bullet ridden bodies found in drifting boat 22 Jan off Zamboanga, Philippines. 10. Tanker boarded 31 Jan Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. L. NORTH ASIA: 1. No current incidents to report. M. PACIFIC OCEAN AREA: 1. No current incidents to report. N. ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC NON-STATE ACTIVIST GROUPS: 1. Greenpeace ship blocked entrance to military port of Marchwood 29 Jan to 1 Feb. 2. Greenpeace activists blocked entrance to port of Marchwood, U. K. 27 Jan to protest possible Iraq War. 3. Greenpeace activists boarded a tanker 24 Jan in the Gulf Gulf of St. Vincent, near Adelaide, Australia. 4. Greenpeace activists boarded a single-hull tanker 20 Jan to protest Gibraltar authorities permitting ship to anchor. . 5. DETAILS: There is reported active violence against shipping, a credible threat to shipping, or the potential to develop into a direct threat to the safety of shipping in the following areas: . A. NORTH AMERICA: No current incidents to report. . B. CENTRAL AMERICA-CARIBBEAN: . 1. TRINIDAD & TOBAGO: Calls by British cruise ships to Port of Spain are ready to resume according to a 6 Feb announcement. Operators are said to have received "assurances" from the Island government (INFO). . 2. JAMAICA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 17 Jan at 0120 local time while anchored 1.3 nm west of Pigeon Island. Four persons from an unlit boat boarded via the anchor chain. They broke open the forecastle locker and escaped with ship's property when crew raised alarm (IMB). . 3. CUBA: An unidentified yacht was boarded 26 Jan at night while anchored in the channel at Nueva Gerona, Isla de Juventud. Crew and yacht property stolen. Crew reports local authorities unresponsive to report of the theft. Yacht crime everywhere is undoubtedly more rampant than reporting would indicate. This and the following incident in Cuba are among very rare reports received of crime in waters around the island-probably reflecting the scarcity of commercial and recreational voyages and difficulty of filing crime reports, rather than reflecting an actual scarcity of crime (IMB, ONI). . 4. CUBA: An unidentified bulk carrier was robbed 22 Jan at 0600 local time during cargo operations in the port of Havana. Intruders broke open the forecastle store and stole ship's supplies. Authorities were informed but no action taken (IMB). . C. SOUTH AMERICA: . 1. VENEZUELA: On 7 Jan criminal courts ordered more than 40 arrested masters and other officers of Venezuelan oil tankers freed. 31 Jan it was reported that 222 merchant marine workers of PDVSA had been fired, the first discharged by the newly-appointed head of PDVSA. A total of 5,333 of PDVSA's 37,942 workers have been fired. As the rest of the general strike against President Chavez is reported to have crumbled, only the oil sector remains out. PDVSA says there will be no pardon for discharged and striking employees and that the company and its ships' crews will be rebuilt by those who did not strike and by new hires (INFO). . 2. PERU: An unidentified chemical tanker was boarded 8 Feb at 0430 local time while in position 05 03.5S, 081 07W at Portuario de Paita Terminal. A person armed with a knife boarded via the poop from a small boat. Watch raised alarm and Coast Guard apprehended the intruder (IMB). . 3. PERU: An unidentified tanker was boarded 26 Jan at 0340 local time by an individual operating from a small boat. Intruder gained access via the anchor chain and hawse pipe, but escaped with his accomplices in the boat when alarm sounded (IMB). . D. ATLANTIC OCEAN AREA: No current incidents to report. . E. NORTHERN EUROPE-BALTIC: No current incidents to report. . F. MEDITERRANEAN-BLACK SEA: . 1. ISRAEL: The navy destroyed an explosives-laden raft found floating off the northern Gaza Strip 17 Jan. The Hamas organization claims one of its members was killed in the explosion of the raft which was probably being used to smuggle explosives into the territory (INFO). . G. WEST AFRICA: . 1. SENEGAL: An unidentified refrigerated cargo ship was boarded 9 Feb at 0400 local time in Dakar Roads, 2 nm southeast of Ile de Goree. To persons armed with knives boarded via the stern but were chased off by alert crew (IMB). . 2. TOGO: An unidentified tanker reports attempted boarding 7 Feb at 2315 UTC while anchored in position 06 04N, 001 21E at Lome. Eight persons armed with knives attempted to board using a grappling hook. When crew thwarted attempt persons in boat threw a small net in the water and pretended to fish. Through the night other small boats with from eight to ten armed persons and little fishing gear circled the ship in apparent attempts to board (IMB). . 3. GHANA: An unidentified cargo ship was subject to attempted boarding 24 Jan between 0454 and 0600 local time while anchored at Tema. Alert crew repelled the attempt but the twelve persons in a wooden boat then attempted to gain access to another anchored ship., but also failed where upon they returned for a second attempt against the first vessel. Port control was notified and sent a boat to investigate at 0710 (IMB). . 4. NIGERIA: An unidentified LPG tanker was boarded 23 Jan at 0405 local time while a Bonny Town anchorage, Port Harcourt. One of three persons operating form a small boat gained access at the forecastle, unreported by the contract watchman. Crew spotted the intruder and raised alarm, whereupon he jumped into the river and was recovered by his accomplices (IMB). . 5. NIGERIA: Local tribeswomen, demanding more government aid and sharing of oil revenues, blocked the river leading to a proposed naval base in the Niger Delta 22 Jan. After appeals to lift the blockade were ignored, Nigerian gunboats turned back to their base at Warri (INFO). . 6. NIGERIA: The offshore supply and survey vessel (GULF SUPPLIER) was boarded 20 Jan by a group of 60 local tribespeople and was reboarded and looted of food and communications gear 21 Jan. The crew, which had initially been held hostage, were freed and Nigerian Navy personnel removed the locals, arresting some of the boarders and one of their negotiators. Local reports indicate that the vessel was mistaken for one working for Shell Oil, whose boat had been boarded and run aground 1 Jan. The protesters in the current incident claimed Shell had reneged on agreements reached at the time of the 1 Jan boarding. Oil industry personnel and equipment have been caught between the Nigerian Government and local tribes frequently during the past three years. Normally, injuries are few and disruptions to production only temporary (Operator, ONI). . H. INDIAN OCEAN-EAST AFRICA: . 1. TANZANIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 1 Feb at 0230 local time at container berth 11, Dar es Salaam. Ship was preparing to depart and 5 shore watchmen did not report the intruders. When spotted by crew the thieves jumped overboard and escaped with a mooring line (IMB). . 2. SOMALIA: The N. Korean-flag (JENLIL), hijacked off N. Somalia 30 Jul, is reported still held with ransom demanded for 6 crew being held ashore. According to 19 Jan press the International Red Cross brought food to the hostage crew. The Greek owner is reported to have paid $100,000 ransom, but the forces holding the ship demanded an additional $100,000. On 9 Feb it was reported the ship had escaped after six crew members overpowered two guards and sailed the ship out of Bareda, 100 miles east of Bossaso (LL, IMB, INFO). . 3. INDIA: An unidentified survey ship was boarded 25 Jan at 1800 UTC at Goa. Two persons operating form a canoe stole ship's stores (IMB). . 4. BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 6 Feb at midnight local time while at berth 9, Chittagong. Two persons armed with knives broke into the forecastle store and attempted to steal stores. One man was caught by crew and turned over to local authorities while the second man escaped (IMB). . 5. BANGLADESH: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jan at 2345 local time while at outer anchorage, Chittagong. Crew shouted at the intruders and reported to the bridge and thieves jumped overboard with ship's stores (IMB). . 6. BANGLADESH: An unidentified river passenger vessel was raided 26 Jan on the Meghna River. A gang of 10 to 11 thieves boarded the boat, bound for Chandpur Boro Station from Alam Shah Bazaar and looted passenger valuables after beating them and injuring twenty (INFO) . 7. BANGLADESH: Thirty Bangladeshi fishermen were reported kidnapped early 23 Jan by alleged Indian pirates from along the Malancha River in the Sunderbans. The thirty are reportedly being held for ransom and local police were said to have refused to launch a rescue operation (INFO). . 8. BANGLADESH: River pirates raided 12 fishing boats 19 Jan at about 0800 local time, one after the other as the boats returned home from market along the Agunmukha River. Seven or eight persons stole money and goods before escaping in a speedboat (INFO). . 1. SRI LANKA: A trawler, stopped by peace monitors for inspection which revealed an anti-aircraft gun and hundreds of rounds of ammunition, was destroyed by its crew in an apparent suicide blast, after the three-persons aboard asked the two monitors to jump overboard before the detonation. The monitors declared the vessel represented a clear violation of truce terms in the long-running Sri Lankan insurgency (Press). . I. RED SEA: No current incidents to report. . J. PERSIAN GULF: No current incidents to report. . K. SOUTH EAST ASIA: . 1. INDONESIA: An unidentified container ship was boarded 8 Feb at 2340 local time in position 06 00S, 105 56E, Banten Roads. Six persons boarded but were driven off when watch sounded alarm (IMB). . 2. INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 1 Feb at 0245 local time while anchored at Adang Bay. As ship was Preparing to depart thieves, suspected by master of receiving aid from local stevedores, stole two 20-person life rafts which had been secured with wires and clips (IMB). . 3. INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 29 Jan between 2200 and 2300 at Panjang Port. About eight persons mixed with local stevedores, broke padlocks on stores' lockers and tried to steal ship's stores. They jumped overboard when crew raised alarm and one was seriously injured and is hospitalized (IMB). . 4. INDONESIA: The 142-ton tug (BW WISDOM) was hijacked 28 Jan between 1900 and 2000 local time while anchored at Batu Ampar, Batam. Ten person armed with parangs and steel pipes boarded the tug, and sailed it away, abandoning the barge (BAYSWATER 228) which had been tied along side. Three of the tug's six crew escaped by jumping over the side; the remaining three crew are believed being held hostage (IMB, INFO). . 5. INDONESIA: An unidentified tanker was boarded 27 Jan at 2100 UTC in heavy rain while at Lawi-Lawi anchorage. Thieves armed with long knives escaped with a life raft and ship's stores after crew raised alarm (IMB). . 6. INDONESIA: A cargo ship heaving anchor was boarded 25 Jan at 2305 UTC while in position 01 00S, 117 17E, Samarinda anchorage. Six persons stole a liferaft before escaping. Pilot tried to contact shore police without response (IMB). . 7. INDONESIA: An unidentified bulk carrier was boarded 19 Jan at 0100 local time at Taboneo anchorage, Banjarmasin, by one of five person who approached in a small boat. The intruder, armed with along knife, boarded via the hawse pipe but was driven off when duty seaman threw sand in his eyes (IMB). . 8. INDONESIA: The tug (MODAL WAN) and barge (COASTWAY 1905C), hijacked 22 Dec at 0400 local time from Tanjung Uban, Batam, with a cargo of 1,800 tons of palm oil, were reported recovered 21 Jan. The tug was found 1 Jan at Tanjung Berakit, Indonesia and the barge was found the week of 13 Jan "near Thailand. The hijackers took the master and mate toward shore in a speedboat and later released the mate who made a report at Tanjung Pinang, Bintan. The crew of six believed still missing. Fate of the master unknown. 2002 has seen a marked shift in hijackings away from coastal freighters toward tugs and their barges, which are clearly more vulnerable because of low speed, the fact that they hug the shoreline and that they are manned by smaller crews (IMB, INFO, ONI . 9. PHILIPPINES: Two bullet riddled bodies were found 21 Jan slumped in a boat drifting off Zamboanga. It is most likely the two were victims of local pirates (INFO). . 10. VIETNAM: An unidentified tanker was subject to attempted boarding 31 Jan at 0300 local time while at Nha Be Terminal, Ho Chi Minh City. Three persons with grappling hooks were scared off by crew who recovered the hooks and lines (IMB). . L. NORTH ASIA: No current incidents to report. . M. PACIFIC-ANTARCTIC OCEAN: No current incidents to report. . N. ENVIRONMENTAL AND ECONOMIC NON-STATE ACTIVIST GROUPS: . 1. GREENPEACE-U. K.-ANTI-WAR: Anti-war protesters from Greenpeace ship (RAINBOW WARRIOR) boarded civilian ship (LYRA J) at anchor off Southampton 30 Jan at 0800 local time and set up a peace camp onboard, while another protester in an inflatable boat chained himself to the ship's anchor chain as it prepared to take on a pilot to get underway into Marchwood Military Port. On 1 Feb port authorities cut the anchor chain on (RAINBOW WARRIOR) and towed clear of its position in which it was blocking access to Marchwood Port (INFO). . 2. GREENPEACE-U. K.-ANTI WAR: Greenpeace ship (RAINBOW WARRIOR) anchored 27 Jan 0900 UTC at the entrance to the military supply port of Marchwood, Southampton to protest military buildup in advance of possible war against Iraq. On 28 January high winds caused (RAINBOW WARRIOR) to drag anchor and the vessel had to slip its cable. U. K military authorities said the protest, which included three persons chaining themselves to the chartered merchant ship (MAGDALENA GREEN) had delayed loading by eight hours Greenpeace declared its intention to continue its protest but did not specify means (GP, INFO) . 3. GREENPEACE-AUSTRALIA-POLLUTION: Protesters claimed 24 Jan to have boarded the tanker (STOLT AUSTRALIA) shortly before 0700 local time in St. Vincent Gulf to protest delivery of a cargo of shale oil to the Port Stanvac refinery in Adelaide. The protesters were removed by 1300 local time (GP, LP). . 4. GREENPEACE-GIBRALTAR-SINGLE HULL TANKERS: Greenpeace activists boarded the Maltese flag tanker (VERMAMAGNA), anchored in Algeciras Bay and strung banners protesting the presence of a single-hull tanker in Gibraltar waters. Gibraltar authorities detained the Greenpeace inflatable used in the action (GP, INFO). . 6. Originator of this WWTTS report requests consumer feedback. Originator will incorporate all anti-shipping events and violence against the maritime industry into this weekly message where appropriate. The Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI) can be contacted via message traffic at ONI WASHINGTON DC//21// or, the ONI violence at sea (VAS) desk may be contacted at comm. phone (301) 669-3261 or via e-mail at cdragonette@nmic.navy.mil. //