25 June 2003
US Department of State
International Information Programs
Washington File
25 June 2003
(Administrator James M. Loy says "TSA Offers Real Solutions'"Op-ed article from USA Today) (520) (begin byliner) (This byliner by TSA Administrator James M. Loy first appeared in USA Today June 25, 2003, and is in the public domain. No republication restrictions.) TSA Offers Real Solutions' By James M. Loy (Adm. James M. Loy is administrator of the Transportation Security Administration.) The new system will have more checks to limit mistaken identity. Securing air travel from terrorist threats is a demanding responsibility of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). That's why there is a no-fly list to help keep terrorists off aircraft and why we are developing a second-generation Computer-Assisted Passenger Prescreening System, known as CAPPS II. The TSA is the first to agree that our current system for prescreening passengers is outdated, oftentimes resulting in frustrating delays for innocent travelers. The result is greater reliance on the list of individuals who may be a threat to aviation, based on information from federal intelligence and law enforcement agencies. That situation presents challenges -- challenges the TSA is determined to meet, not just grouse about. First, a small number of travelers with names similar to those on the no-fly list often are delayed when getting boarding passes. So far, we have heard from a tiny number of the 45 million people who fly each month. To date, only 16 of them have sought relief from the TSA. Second, all 74 domestic airlines check passengers against the list using procedures they individually determine. The result is sometimes inconsistent application of the procedure for clearing travelers, leading to those frustrating delays. To address both problems, the TSA is offering real solutions. Short-term, the TSA has developed a way for those travelers who experience a delay getting a boarding pass to seek relief by writing our Office of the Ombudsman for information about a new clearing process (e-mail ombudsman@dhs.gov). In fact, airlines already have been notified about several of those passengers, whose travel experiences now should be more pleasant. The long-term solution is CAPPS II, which would take routine passenger information -- name, date of birth, home address and home phone number -- and check it against private-sector databases to confirm a passenger's identity. The result should be a more consistent approach to pre-screening passengers, improved security and less hassle for everyone. In developing CAPPS II, the TSA initiated a national dialogue with everyone concerned, including privacy advocacy groups. The goal was to ensure that privacy is maintained while security is enhanced. In the near future, the TSA will provide additional information about CAPPS II to address public complaints and concerns. We want to have a clear written record, against which the public can hold us accountable. When it is implemented, CAPPS II will be a carefully limited system that reflects American values. Our intent is not to be intrusive, but to stop those few people who pose a threat. With both solutions, the TSA is underscoring its commitment to deliver security and customer service to everyone boarding a flight. (end byliner) (Distributed by the Bureau of International Information Programs, U.S. Department of State. Web site: http://usinfo.state.gov)