Rear Admiral U. S. Navy (Retired)
Harrogate Springs
Wetumpka, Georgia

October 17, 1983

Dear Erik,

Your Aunt Alyce has told me that you are a strong, healthy six year old boy and that you miss your father, James von Brunn, who has been held by federal authorities now for some time. We all hope that he will soon now be released, for in the opinion of those of us who understand the malfunctioning of certain elements of our once near perfect government he has committed no crime. But quite the contrary, he has taken very courageous and patriotic actions to try to alert the U.S. citizen to the real organization of the Federal Reserve System and its great danger to the survival of our once White Christian constitutional republic, the cornerstone of Western Civilization.

It is my conviction that James von Brunn deserves the gratitude and assistance of every White Christian citizen of these United States. And I believe he would have this support were it not for the cabal which controls not only the Federal Reserve System but also the nationally effective communications media.

In the early 1950s I discussed this media control with General Douglas McArthur in a lengthy private conversation. We both agreed that the greatest internal and external threat to the survival of the United States is the near ironclad control over the U.S. communications media.

I suppose you know that your father was a PT-Boat Captain in World War II. We were both naval officers and have been friends for a long time. I was fortunate enough to be Air Officer and then Executive of the aircraft carrier, U.S.S. Enterprise, the greatest fighting ship in all the annals of recorded history. Perhaps some day I shall have the opportunity to tell you about the fierce battles which took place near Guadalcanal.

This is something you must know: all U.S. naval officers, before they are granted a commission, take an oath "to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign OR DOMESTIC. " This is a lifetime commitment as long as the officer remains a U.S. citizen.

When your father attempted a non-violent citizens’ arrest of the board of governors of the Federal Reserve System, I believe the evidence will show that he intended no physical harm to anyone and that his motive was to force the controlled media to give him the opportunity to prove to the American public that the Federal Reserve is their most dangerous enemy, and that the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 must be repealed by the U.S. Congress if the U.S. Constitutional Republic is to survive.

To show that your father was not alone in his attempt to expose the character and dangers of the Federal Reserve I am sending herewith some documents proving that the Alabama State Legislature passed (unanimously in the House) a joint resolution HJR-90 signed by Governor James on Mach 2, 1982 "memorializing the U.S. Congress to Repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913."

Erik, although your father and your Aunt Alyce are now suffering legal or illegal decisions which we hope can be successfully challenged, when you grow older and become a man you will realize that your father has upheld the basic element of White Christian Civilization, to wit: every intelligent White man should live and strive to provide a better future for his children and grandchildren. That is what Jim von Brunn is striving to do for you .


Jno. G. Crommelin

Rear Admiral U.S. Navy (Retired).

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[You can read
James von Brunn's
own account of his
Federal Reserve Caper


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