DVDs. By $25 or more generous donation for two DVDs of the Cryptome 14.5-years archive from June 1996 to November 2010. The archive contains about 58,000 files (~8.9GB) published on Cryptome.org and its related sites along with the companion site Cartome.org and US Army INSCOM Dossiers of about 25,000 pages. The DVDs will be sent anywhere worldwide without extra cost. Email a shipping address to cryptome[at]earthlink.net. How to Donate

keeley-v-scap.pdf     Keeley Gets Freddie Scappaticci As Defendant     April 8, 2011

daiichi-assess.pdf    Fukushima Daiichi Reactors Condition Assessment  April 7, 2011
iaea-ns-g-1-6.pdf     Safety Guide for Seismic Design of Nuke Plants   April 7, 2011
daiichi-photos4.htm   Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Photos 4         April 6, 2011
nuke-disassembly.zip  Taking Apart a Nuclear Bomb                      April 6, 2011 (5.2MB)
fbi-ecoterrorism.pdf  Tactics of Eco-Terrorists to Thwart Cops LES     April 6, 2011

fp-npp.zip            Fire Protection of Nuclear Power Plants          April 6, 2011 (1MB)
anti-forensics.pdf    Anti-forensics with a small army of exploits     April 6, 2011
af-insurgents.zip     AF Paramilitary Terrorist Insurgent Groups FOUO  April 6, 2011 (3.5MB)
hmx1-ircm2.htm        Marine One Anti-Missile Countermeasures 2        April 6, 2011
se-no-us-spy.pdf      Sweden Rules There Was No Unlawful US Spying     April 5, 2011

ftc040511.htm         FTC RFC on Google Settlement of Unfair Buzz      April 5, 2011
acus040511.htm        Disclosure of FOIA Records and Information       April 5, 2011
daiichi-photos3.htm   Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Hi-Res Photos 3  April 5, 2011
kalandia.htm          Kalandia (Qalandia) Israel Checkpoint Eyeball    April 4, 2011
comodo-db.rar         Comodo CA Database Globaltrust and Instantsslcms April 4, 2011 (6.8MB)

kosovo-crime.zip      Kosovo Org-Crime - Secret US-NATO Report         April 4, 2011 (6.3MB)
xhavit-haliti.zip     Xhavit Haliti - Secret US-NATO Org-Crime Report  April 4, 2011 (1.4MB)
ge-bwr6.zip           General Electric Boiling Water Reactor-Daiichi   April 4, 2011 (7.2MB)
ro-stray-dog.htm      The Stray Dog Business in Romania                April 3, 2011
obama-bb.htm          Obama Bench and Bridge New York City             April 3, 2011

mpee.zip              Media Piracy in Emerging Economies               April 3, 2011 (5.3MB)
daiichi-photos2.htm   Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Hi-Res Photos 2  April 3, 2011
daiichi-photos.htm    Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Plant Hi-Res Photos    April 2, 2011
fukushima-areva.zip   Steps of the Fukushima Daiichi Incident by Areva April 1, 2011 (3.7MB)
japan-npp.htm         Japan Nuclear Power Plants Eyeball               April 1, 2011

gao-11-447r.htm       Federal Reserve Banks InfoSys Controls Need Fix  March 31, 2011
isfsi-security.pdf    US Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage Security           March 30, 2011 (410KB)
navalny.zip           Alexey Navalny Fights Russian Corruption Online  March 30, 2011 (1.7MB)
wl-donors.htm         Wikileaks Donor Relations Updated                March 29, 2011
unmik-organs.zip      UNMIK Investigation Organ Trafficking Kosovo     March 28, 2011 (8.3MB)

tor-spy.htm           TOR Made for USG Open Source Spying Says Maker   March 25, 2011                
isfsi-eyeball.htm     US Nuclear Spent Fuel Storage Casks Eyeball      March 24, 2011
doe032211.htm         Texas Poly-generation Coal Gasification Project  March 22, 2011
faa032311.htm         FAA Bans Flights Within Tripoli Flight Region    March 21, 2011
hempel-toxic.pdf      Hempel Accused of Toxic Ship Water Tank Coating  March 21, 2011

don032111.htm         Navy Plans TRIDENT Explosives Wharf              March 21, 2011
von-nothaus.zip       Liberty Dollar Von Nothaus Indictment-Exhibits   March 21, 2011 (1.1MB)
obama-protect41.htm   Obama Protection 41                              March 20, 2011
libya-fight-03.htm    Libya Fight Photos 3                             March 20, 2011
rsa-apt-wand.pdf      RSA APT Magic Wand Fix                           March 19, 2011


O f f s i t e 

iSpy                  iPhone App to Spy on Kentuckians                 April 7, 2011

7 April 2011          NYC Rally: N Africa Wikileaks Manning Anonymous  April 6, 2011
DIY Nuke              How To Build A Nuclear Bomb                      April 6, 2011
Dumb                  NL Police Threaten to Shut Public Intelligence   April 5, 2011
AO                    USAID RFQ for Agent Orange Cleanup in Vietnam    April 4, 2011
AOW                   Anonymous Operation Want                         April 3, 2011

IL Fun                A Morning at an Israeli Kalandia Checkpoint      April 2, 2011
NIEs                  CIA Releases National Intelligence Estimates     March 30, 2011
Navalny NYT           Alexey Navalny vs RU Corruption - NY Times       March 30, 2011
Navalny.ru            Alexey Navalny Website (RU)                      March 30, 2011
ARPA Yarp             The ARPANET Dialogues Fantasy                    March 29, 2011

Art Inc               Eccentricity Gives Way to Uniformity in Museums  March 27, 2011
IR Grab               Iran Generates Comodo Certificate Authorities    March 25, 2011
SIA                   Stealthier Internet Access                       March 25, 2011
OSI                   Accountability in the Aftermath of the Holocaust March 25, 2011
US IR                 Time for US to Work with Iran                    March 25, 2011

Tempest               Tempest Penetration Means Invented               March 24, 2011
MS Hole               Fraudulent Digital Certs Could Allow Spoofing    March 23, 2011
CA Hole               Detecting CA compromises and browser collusion   March 23, 2011
USick                 Secrecy News on Sub-USA Secrecy Abysmia          March 23, 2011
B-Moe                 Bombing Moe: The 4 percent Brits                 March 21, 2011


A protester wearing a Bart Simpson mask holds a placard that reads 'Change energy policy' at an anti-nuclear power rally at the Tokyo Electric Popwer Company (TEPCO) headquarters in Tokyo on April 8, 2011. A powerful aftershock rocked Japan's tsunami disaster zone, killing at least four and triggering new concerns over nuclear power plants in a region still grappling with an atomic emergency. The crippled Fukushima number 1 nuclear plant has leaked radiation which has made its way into tap water and farm produce, sparking food export bans covering a large area.




An aerial view shows Onagawa Nuclear Power Plant is seen at Miyagi Prefecture in this photo taken by Yomiuri Shimbun on April 8, 2011. Water leaked out of spent fuel pools at the Onagawa nuclear plant in northeast Japan after a strong aftershock rocked the region late on Thursday, but there was no change in the radiation levels outside the plant, operator Tohoku Electric Power said on Friday.

New Cryptome/Cartome Publication:

Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City: Architectural Theory, Security and the Global City
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory, publication September 2011



"The maintenance of secrets acts like a psychic poison which alienates the possessor from the community" Carl Jung, via Tony Gosling

Military Casualties

Iraq Civilian Dead Wounded Care War Contracts
MARCH 2011

dodi-5220-22.pdf      DoD National Industrial Security Program         March 19, 2011
dodm-3305-13m.pdf     DoD Security Accreditation and Certification     March 19, 2011
cia-hrp.htm           CIA Historical Review Panel Public Statement     March 18, 2011
fr-spy-2011.zip       First Responders Spy Guide 2011                  March 17, 2011 (3.5MB)
jnpp-safety.zip       Japan Nuclear Power Station Safety Design        March 17, 2011 (2.4MB)

Alshamikha.zip        Alshamikha Female Jihad Magazine (Arabic)        March 16, 2011 (2.3MB)
fru-indict.htm        HMG Indicts Former FRU Member                    March 14, 2011
eg-ss-01.htm          Egypt State Security Officials Named             March 12, 2011
eg-ss-02.htm          Egypt State Security Officials Unnamed           March 12, 2011
fbi-shootout.zip      FBI Report on PA Officer Shootout (Grim Pix)     March 12, 2011 (1.3MB)

ai-27.pdf             Control of NATO Classified Documents             March 12, 2011
usa-v-appelbaum.htm   USA v. Jacob Appelbaum, et al (Twitter Records)  March 11, 2011
pm030811.htm          US Master Spy Succession Order                   March 11, 2011
libya-fight-02.htm    Libya Fight Photos 2                             March 11, 2011
fru-portrait-2.htm    Force Research Unit Portrait 2                   March 10, 2011

fr-10266.htm          French Foreign Affairs CompSec Plans Disclosed   March 9, 2011
nps030811.htm         White House Security Zone Expands                March 8, 2011
cdc030811.htm         CDC Request for Information on WTC Cancer Threat March 8, 2011
WTC-NYPD-Video        Video: WTC Attack 9-11 from NY Police Helicopter March 6, 2011
libya-fight.htm       Libya Fight Photos                               March 5, 2011

assange-manne.htm     The Cypherpunk Revolutionary Julian Assange      March 5, 2011
dodd-2311-01e.pdf     DoD Law of War Program                           March 5, 2011
secnav-5510-35b.pdf   Navy Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability       March 3, 2011 (361KB)
ofr030411.htm         Publication of Threat Docs During Gov Hiatus     March 3, 2011
manning-new.htm       New Gov Charges Filed Against Bradley Manning    March 2, 2011

opnav-5440-7442.pdf   Navy Establishes Cyber Warfare Base              March 2, 2011
opnav-5400.pdf        Navy Moves Info Ops Unit to Cyber Warfare Base   March 2, 2011
jonsdottir-wl.htm     Birgitta Jonsdottir Interview on Wikileaks       March 2, 2011
solo-radhaz.zip       Commando Solo Aircraft RF Radiation Hazard       March 2, 2011 (1.5MB)
ceasars-spy.pdf       Ceasars Palace Online Spying Guide               March 2, 2011

state-kabbaj.htm      State Department Crime Against Younes Kabbaj     March 1, 2011
eo13566.htm           Obama Blocks Libya Property and Transactions     March 1, 2011
dod030211.htm         Federal Transition to Secure Hash Algorithm-256  March 1, 2011
hbg-trickery.htm      HBGary Suspected Trickery Update                 March 1, 2011
common-lines.htm      Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City     March 1, 2011

O f f s i t e 

RU-US                 SecDef Gates on US-Russia Military Relations     March 21, 2011
Spy Drs               Spy Research Fellowship Program                  March 21, 2011
NSA Patent            Device for and method of geolocation             March 21, 2011
NSA Patent            Assessing security of information access system  March 21, 2011
NSA Rip               NSA Classifications Disclosed in Court Filing    March 21, 2011

SAMs                  Libyan SAM Network                               March 21, 2011
TOR Doors             TOR: Bug Doors In TOR's SSL Layer                March 20, 2011
TOR Trap              TOR Not Safe in Iran                             March 20, 2011
MC Prep               Marines Prepare for Bradley Manning Protest      March 20, 2011
Libya COP             Libya Military and Special Places Eyeballs       March 20, 2011

AHA                   Activism-Hacking-Artivism (IT)                   March 20, 2011
DoD OD 1              Libya Cruise Missile Attack Gloat                March 20, 2011
DoD OD 2              Libya Cruise Missile Attack Gloat Images         March 20, 2011
A-Payback             Dai-Ichi Radiation Plume Attack                  March 20, 2011
TOR Tap               WIKILEAKS: Lamo And The TOR Assange Connection   March 19, 2011

Gap Sap               Trenchant Critiques Beget Sappy Proposals        March 19, 2011
Spy Spy               Spies Spy Spy Firm RSA                           March 18, 2011
SM Greed              Social Media Value in Informational Capitalism   March 18, 2011
Nuke Fun              Nuclear Energy Satire (DE)                       March 17, 2011
Guide                 Responding to a Nuclear Emergency                March 17, 2011

NISA GOV              Japan Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency       March 17, 2011
JNES NGO              Japan Nuclear Energy Safety Organization         March 17, 2011
Copy Rot              White House Wants New Copyright Law Crackdown    March 16, 2011
GE Hot Rods           General Elctric Spent Nuclear Fuel Rods Threat   March 16, 2011
DG JP                 Digital Globe Images of Japan Quake Damage       March 15, 2011

Itamar                Fogel Family Killing Photos Banned by IL Press   March 13, 2011
Info Ops              INFOdocket and Full Text Reports                 March 13, 2011
JP Quake              Japan Earthquake Tsunami Resources               March 13, 2011
BoA Hack              Anonymous To Show Bank of America Fraud          March 13, 2011
RR Hit                Secret Service Tapes of Ronald Reagan Shooting   March 12, 2011

WL3                   Wikileaks, Appelbaum, Lamo, Project Vigilant     March 12, 2011
DoJ-WL-Pry 1          DoJ to Get Access to Wikileaks-Related Accounts  March 11, 2011
Sec Toot              RT Shows NYC Security Theatrical Sites           March 11, 2011
EG Spies 2            Egypt State Security Officers 2                  March 11, 2011
EG Spies 1            Egypt State Security Officers 1                  March 11, 2011

Megadeath             Reducing Consequences of Nuclear Detonation      March 11, 2011
Cy Kill               Cyberwar Damage to Citizens                      March 11, 2011
NSA Shield            NSA Film Blocks Wireless Signal                  March 11, 2011
DHS Trap              Homeland Security Honey Pots                     March 11, 2011
SSS                   Sweden's Silent Submarine                        March 11, 2011

LM                    Liberated Government Manuals                     March 11, 2011
MC Simon              Monaco Russian Organized Crime Simon Reuben      March 11, 2011
TOR Non               Appelbaum: TOR US Millions for Inept Anonymity   March 10, 2011
TOR Hack              WIKILEAKS: AppelBaum: How TOR Has Been Crippled  March 10, 2011
EMP Cult              Cult of the EMP Crazy in Korea                   March 9, 2011

CAW                   Cyberwarfare Analysis - You're Doing It Wrong    March 9, 2011
Toys                  CENTCOM to Wage Toy War with SM Sock Puppets     March 8, 2011
Joe Knows             Joe Biden: Spy Agencies Run Amok                 March 7, 2011
SDDI                  Solid State Drives Insecurity                    March 6, 2011
WSA                   GCHQ Weapons Systems Analysts                    March 4, 2011

JA                    Assange's rage against the state                 March 4, 2011
DDB                   Daniel Domscheit-Berg Interview 11-0302          March 3, 2011
IV                    Indignez Vous Page Restored After Google Ax      March 2, 2011
CIRC                  HBGary Corporate Information Recon Cell          March 2, 2011
Anon Beast            Savage Anonymous NO, Pussy-Whipped Wikileaks OK  March 1, 2011

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Cryptome/Cartome Essays, Deborah Natsios

Common Lines of Flight Towards the Open City: Architectural Theory, Security and the Global City
The SAGE Handbook of Architectural Theory, publication September 2011


New York VOIR DIRE: Interrogating the Juridical City State of Exception
Deborah Natsios / Cryptome, 20 December 2010

Initial version presented 17 April 2010, during panel: "Sovereign spaces: security after the war on terror"
2010 Annual Meeting, Association of American Geographers (AAG)

http://cryptome.org/cartome/Natsios-Voir-Dire.pdf (3.4MB)

Les Oiseaux Beyond Empire: Schoolgirl Quarantines from Dalat to the rue de Sevres
Not online

Watchlisting the Diaspora
Presented 3 October 2008: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB)
Targeted Publics: Arts and Technologies of the Security City


Expanded and to be published as:

The Geographer in Jules Romains' 'Donogoo Tonka or the Miracles of Science: A Cinematographic Tale'
Commentary and digital film presented at Forum Finale, Temple Hoyn Buell Center for the Study of American Architecture, Graduate School of Architecture, Planning and Preservation, Columbia University, 5 April 2008.


Towards a New Blast Zone
in Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West, Urbanitats, No. 19, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona 2008.

Paper presented 18 May 2007, at the symposium “Architectures of Fear: Terrorism and the Future of Urbanism in the West”, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), Barcelona.


National Security Sprawl
In Sensing the 21st Century City: Close-Up and Remote
AD Architectural Design
Vol. 75 No. 6 Nov/Dec 2005
Brian McGrath and Grahame Shane (eds.)
Wiley-Academy (London)


Jerusalem Sky
In The Next Jerusalem : Sharing the Divided City, Ed. Michael Sorkin
2002 Monacelli Press, New York, NY


Parallel Atlas: 38°N
Version 10, May 2002


Reversing the Panopticon
Invited Talk, 16 August 2001
10th USENIX Security Symposium, Washington, DC.


Homeland Defense and the Prosecution of Jim Bell
8 June 2001
