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10 September 2012

LA Prosecutor Patrick Frey Chats with Barrett Brown 3

Part 2:
Part 1:

Part 3. LA County Prosecutor Patrick Frey finally pisses me off after two years of asking me for favors, info while his buddy Robert Stacy McCain calls for FBI to investigate me, accuses me of being FBI informant, and finally takes back obviously made-up accusation in favor of claiming I'm a terrorist. As Frey would soon learn, McCain was correct about that last one.

Earlier convos involving HBGary and Brett Kimberlin and whatnot can be found on (as are first two parts of our New York Times e-mail leak, to be followed by another if I recall correctly). Another release - in which Frey demands I attack a lawyer who has advised me for free since early last year and who was more helpful than any other single person in getting pro bono legal defense for those facing 15 years in DDOS attack on Payal - will be released when I get around to it.

Barrett Brown


Are you going to be covering this, or perhaps other bloggers on your
end of things? This is a Marine who served in highest, most risky
manner a U.S. citizen can serve, as with my brother and many of my
other family members (other branches, not the Blessed Marines Who Are
Allegedly the Best). This is fucking terrible and even people like me
who often attack U.S. military are pissed off. Please, Patrick,
consider addressing this. If this becomes precedent, we're fucked.



Also (and this just came up mostly in last hour from new info I'm
receiving as I put out Tweets asking for names of good civil
litigators, will be filing suit probably within next two months and
will explain why publicly in next two weeks,), it appears that there's
more overlap than I thought on your SWAT/Rob whatshisname and my own
issues, including legal ones. Getting "briefed" on it privately in IRC
by some Occupy supporter on Twitter whose identity I don't know but
whose explanation seems to be based at least partly on public record
as well as documents that were stolen recently by one of these obscure
hacking outfits from a person who will be at least named in my suit.
Probably I'll want to ask you a couple of questions about what I'm
hearing, if that would be agreeable to you; I don't know to what
extent this may be useful to you in figuring out exactly what
happened, or even how much of it might turn out to be either incorrect
or unverifiable, but it seems to be at least somewhat useful to me
already and the person seems worth listening to, which is why I'm
sitting here copying down his account. Later I'll provide you with the
details if you want them, but again, could really use a bit of insight
into some of these things and especially people like Brendan Darby and
Lee Stranahan whose names are coming up and with whom I'm still not
very familiar. Let me know if you can help with that. Also, amusingly
enough, another person who got in touch with me about a month ago, an
activist, asked me about whether Neal Reahauser is a good guy to work
with, competent, etc, having met him at some deal.


Tell and ask away. Rauhauser-inspired attempts to blame Brandon Darby
are old news and unconvincing, so if that's it, color me uninterested
in the theory but interested in who is pushing it. I'll listen either

Frey [again]: 

I don't want to answer questions and get no information in return, though.


Okay, about done talking to him, looks like the person does think
Darby was involved based on some audio-mashup he linked to but I
haven't heard it yet and it sounds like you're not interested in that
possibility, and anyway I'm obviously more interested in my own stuff
anyway so am really just interested in a couple of other things he's
giving me in terms of files. I'll send you bits potentially relevant
to you just so you'll have them a bit later and will send you a couple
questions when I've looked at some things. In the meantime, have you
ever heard of a woman named Jennifer Emick?

Brown [again]: 

As noted, I will indeed send you info although since this person seems
to think it was this Darby fellow based on whatever, probably it won't
be of use to you. I'll also point out that I've provided you with info
on this matter already without asking for anything in return, and that
this included correspondence addressed to me, and that this matter
also involves criminal activity towards me, which I certainly hope
you'll take as seriously as I have about criminal activity directed
towards you. So, pretty please with sugar on top, answer a couple of
questions for me, okay?

Frey: Sure. I read about her in that book by Parmy Olson.

Frey [again]: 

If you start asking me questions like have I talked to x person about
y topic etc., I may not answer. Whether I have or not.

But shoot anyway.


Ah, you read the Parmy book. It's okay, parts are wrong, although no
one individual will ever know all the mistakes since so much is
clandestine (I actually learned a lot about what the damn Lulzsec guys
did behind the scenes did Topiary ran off to join the idiot circus
instead of sticking with my research campaign, in which case he
wouldn't now be facing the kind of sentence he probably is). But I'm
guessing you'd never heard of her before. Only reason I ask is that
she left a comment on Robert Stacy McCain's blog last year when he did
a post about me, during such time as she was both serving as an FBI
"informant" and working secretly for HBGary pursuant to their covert
campaign to get me "picked up" and discredited despite the fact that I
committed no crimes against them, etc. Have long known a few things
about it, but only in last two months did I learn she was being paid
by them to do some of what she and her former partners did, or that
the guy who posted part of my address for the Zetas was an ex-military
buddy of an HBGary exec, etc. Then found out a few more things. Just
recently decided to sue in addition to the very long letter we'll be
sending to the FBI, judge, and making public.

Right now, I think the only real question I have for you is, do you
know if Robert Stacy McCain might have had any discussions at all with
either Emick or anyone at HBGary at any time, and do you have any
correspondence in which he discusses me? I'm not interested in suing
him (I almost did last year over something he wrote about me but
decided against it before we filed, largely because I'm uncomfortable
suing an individual blogger for libel even if he did refuse to correct
his accusations when shown clear evidence regarding it, but hey, we
all have our less-desirable allies), but if he has any involvement in
any of these things beyond what's clear by his writing about me in
last two years, I need to know for both my FBI case (if one does
materialize, which is looking less likely now) as well as [legal specifics

Brown [again]:

Also, I haven't read this yet:

... but it's one of the things that were apparently taken from Emick's
server by the UGNazi group (which is part of why I'm now interested in
some of the details of this whole other Weinergate conflict thing -
didn't know my chief enemies figured in at least peripherally and
forgot that Kimberlin came up in context of HBGary originally, as you
first told me way back after that hack when Talkingpoints didn't use
his name) and appears to include info on your SWAT thing, though
likely nothing that will be new to you as it's supposedly written by
one of the folks from your side (this guy says it's the writing style
of the blogger/tweeter "libertychick" but I don't read her so no
opinion). I'm getting about 3 gigs of data that will apparently
include more of relevance to your thing, so will send along anything
else pertinent from that. Here's the portion of convo I had today that
may possibly be relevant to you. As for this Darby being SWATer, I do
recall Reahauser telling Liederman that he himself thought it was one
of his little Twitter e-warriors who SWATed you, so either Darby's
being wrongly accused or Neal didn't have this info or he actually
knows more about it and is disinclined to discuss it even with his
lawyer, but anyway the SWAT angle doesn't figure in to my situation so
I'll let you decide. Beginning part is him telling me about contents
of large file I'm getting.

13:47] <Carlito2000> Jen Emick & William Welna getting cornholed by
#treehouse on
[13:47] <Carlito2000> logs posted by Bitchiest aka Kelly Hallisey
[13:47] <Carlito2000> ringleaders there are Bratty (Kelly), Render64
(her man), Pythorian, girlfriday, DingoLingo & humu
[13:47] <Carlito2000> Emick has been circulating among right wingers
for a while now
[13:47] <Carlito2000> Approached by @ZAPEM, tentatively Michele
Lessick a while ago. Very likely was working with
[13:47] <Carlito2000> @Liberty_Chick (Mandy Nagy) and @dmatthewstewart
(Douglas Matthew Stewart) in pursuit of Anonymous
[13:47] <Carlito2000> they hassle @AnonyOps, @AnonyNewsNet, claiming
they are Neal Rauhauser, and otherwise act stupid
[13:47] <Carlito2000> Emick has appeared just once as "Cream" on
@BrooksBayne site, as secret source on Rauhauser
[13:47] <Carlito2000> there is a huge split there - Darby/Stranahan
get crosswise with Bayne, nasty civil war stared a month ago
[13:48] <Carlito2000> nachash (@doxbin) release big torrent on
@Sanguinarious (Welna) and there was a Jen Emick funpack
[13:48] <Carlito2000> funpack contains a doc about pursuit of Brett
Kimberlin, straight out of HBGary playbook, and it was NOT in the
initial dump UGnazi took from Emick
[13:49] <BarrettBrown> oic
[13:49] <BarrettBrown> where can I get that?
[13:49] <Carlito2000> source is believed to be Tom Ryan, canna go into
details on how we sorted that out
[13:49] <BarrettBrown> okay
[13:49] <BarrettBrown> I know he and Emick are in some petty war
[13:49] <Carlito2000> So, its in Emicks's directory but the writing
ain't her or ZAPEM, seems very much to be @Liberty_Chick style
[13:49] <BarrettBrown> and vaguely aware of Bitchiest etc conflicts,
all that, but haven't followed as much as I should
13:49] <Carlito2000> So, its in Emicks's directory but the writing
ain't her or ZAPEM, seems very much to be @Liberty_Chick style
[13:49] <BarrettBrown> and vaguely aware of Bitchiest etc conflicts,
all that, but haven't followed as much as I should
[13:50] <Carlito2000> sadly, I am a subject matter expert on this anondrmama
[13:50] <Carlito2000> So Darby is under suspicion as being the SWAT
caller that triggered #Swatgate
[13:50] <BarrettBrown> And what's Darby's deal in particular?
[13:50] <Carlito2000>
[13:51] <BarrettBrown> he's under suspicion of doing swat call on Patterico?
[13:51] <Carlito2000> calls on Mike Stack aka @CryingWolfeBlog
6/23/2011 @Patterico 6/30/2011 @EWErickson on 5/26/2012(?)
[13:52] <Carlito2000> and alleged event for @AaronWorthing on
5/29/2012, but no audio has been released
[13:52] <Carlito2000> SWAT of Stack was done to cover their tracks -
they took out Weiner because he triggered the extortion investigation
into former FBI agent turned Congressman Mike Grimm
[13:52] <Carlito2000>
[13:53] <Carlito2000> 2012 calls are due to some stuff with James
O'Keefe - Rauhauser appear at some hearing in NJ about him
[13:53] <Carlito2000> @Patterico dox @NadiaNaffe, Rauhauser hooked her
up with @LeidermanDevine, epic lawsuit ensued
[13:57] <Carlito2000> So New Hampshire state grand jury on O'Keefe, NY
federal grand jury on Grimm, D.C. federal grand jury on O'Keefe, and
Chicago cybercrime task force wants swatters, they get info on Darby
[14:09] <BarrettBrown> okay, so I'll take a look at these links here
[14:09] <BarrettBrown> anything I need to know specifically about
Darby and Stranahan?
[14:09] <BarrettBrown> as I'm not yet clear on who they are
[14:11] <Carlito2000> Darby is FBI snitch  from RNC 2008, was involved
in making OccupyUnmasked movie, which we are trolling the fuck out of
[14:11] <Carlito2000> he was the SWAT caller, we think, and he was
implicated in the murder of Palestinian peace activist Riad Haad, in
Texas, about six years ago
[14:11] <Carlito2000> Stranahan is a dopey former liberal porn guy
scam artist who also worked on the movie
[14:12] <BarrettBrown> jesus
[14:12] <Carlito2000> Keep in mind Grimm (former FBI) is going down in
NY-11, Mike Rogers (former FBI) called for Manning's execution and
he's from MI-08
[14:12] <Carlito2000> and Coleen Rowley in MN-02 is former FBI turned
[14:12] <BarrettBrown> so, what's the specific evidence of Darby being
involved in Swating, and we're talking about PAtrick Frey SWAT
[14:12] <Carlito2000> we want Grimm, Rogers out /w Anon boot print on
their asses, and we push Rowley in :-)
[14:12] <BarrettBrown> or is that included in one of those links?
[14:13] <Carlito2000> Frey was 2nd of 4 politicall ymotivated
[14:13] <Carlito2000>
[14:13] <Carlito2000> and that is the best evidence - Darby is a
ringer for the swat caller
[14:13] <Carlito2000> @OsborneInk did the audio mashup
[14:13] <Carlito2000> best jurnos on this mess
[14:14] <BarrettBrown> okay, will have a look
[14:14] <Carlito2000> @OsborneInk @LiberalGrouch @beezling
@BreitbartUnmask @ronbryn (crazy as fuck)
[14:14] <Carlito2000> it's a lot, I know
[14:14] <Carlito2000> but we on it non-stop, so if you need
clarification we will provide

"Carlito2000" sounds an awwwwwful lot like Neal.

Frey [again]:

" do you
know if Robert Stacy McCain might have had any discussions at all with
either Emick or anyone at HBGary at any time, and do you have any
correspondence in which he discusses me?"

No and no. I know of no such discussions and he has not discussed you 
in emails I am aware of. Everything I know he has said about you has 
been in public posts. Never heard him mention Emick or any contacts 
with HB Gary that I can think of.

I think your source Carlito2000 is Neal. He's spreading disinformation 
the way he tends to, by sending it to people other than the target, to 
make it seem more credible. I know all his tricks by now and he and 
his people are all boring me.


I actually know for a fact that he's not Neal, just like I knew for a
fact that @Anony_Ops wasn't Neal. And if I thought it was Neal I
wouldn't take it all too seriously. I don't think you've probably
spoken to Neal on IRC whereas I have, and I know his tendencies.
Anyway, did you see my question about McCain, etc? In two weeks I and
my lawyer will be putting out a comprehensive account of what
wrongdoing as well as actual crimes were directed at me, so you'll be
able to get a sense of how serious this matter is.

Brown [again]:

Okay, just saw this other e-mail, thanks for answering. Possibly I'll
have other questions in the next few weeks as I navigate through some
of this, or possibly I won't have any; only thing here that's relevant
to my case is any involvement Emick may have had in this larger
Weinergate battle, and although that document on it (part of which is
insane, particularly HBGary part) was found in Emick's files, it's
possible she only figures in a bit and not in any way that involves
wrongdoing/credibility issues on her part, and anyway got more than I
need on that. Long story short, my life was put in danger (as
confirmed even by FBI) by several individuals late last year, all
ex-military intelligence contractors with connections to HBGary/Aaron
Barr and one who was old friends with one of their execs. And this
"informant" who was going to FBI about me was secretly being paid by
HBGary to get me "picked up" on something, as revealed by more e-mails
that she hasn't even tried to deny are real (and which include things
that only I would know about, so were obviously real anyway). None of
that, or a lot of the other stuff I've found out, was supposed to be
known to me, and much of what the FBI seems to think I did comes from
that ridiculous arrangement, which is why my lawyers are advising me
to go ahead with a civil suit. Just to give you a heads up, it's
possible that McCain will figure into this at some point, though not
definite. I have no interest in hurting anyone at all, even the people
who have conspired to ruin my life and get my mother detained by armed
agents of the state with no manners, but beyond a great deal of
malicious libel McCain crossed another line last year with a certain
article that called on me to be investigated, and then another one
when he decided to claim I was probably an FBI snitch (which he
clearly doesn't believe - if he did, he wouldn't make it public and
ruin my informant work against a bunch of Occupy-loving
non-conservatives). Don't know how you feel about him but suffice to
say I won't be doing anything that's not entirely necessary for my
work to proceed. If you have any questions at any point, let me know.


Using a method I don't discuss over e-mail and which isn't that
interesting anyway. Pat, I know what I'm doing, and I do what I do
under constant attack that usually involves trickery and is sometimes
rather sophisticated (I've been fooled before on at least one occasion
by one of these damn contractor types that I since learned about, and
learned from). Whether you accept that answer is your business; just
remember that it's very easy to see a single enemy behind everything
and to read too much into the connections one can draw. You've already
had very mistaken impressions about how Anonymous works and what
Project PM does, so take my word on this one.


How do you know for a fact it's not Neal if you don't know who it is?


Using a method I don't discuss over e-mail and which isn't that
interesting anyway. Pat, I know what I'm doing, and I do what I do
under constant attack that usually involves trickery and is sometimes
rather sophisticated (I've been fooled before on at least one occasion
by one of these damn contractor types that I since learned about, and
learned from). Whether you accept that answer is your business; just
remember that it's very easy to see a single enemy behind everything
and to read too much into the connections one can draw. You've already
had very mistaken impressions about how Anonymous works and what
Project PM does, so take my word on this one.

I get mistaken impressions and this one could be as well, but I have
spent a LOT of time reading Rauhauser's writing -- I'd wager more than
you have, if your relationship with him is as arms-length as you say
-- and it sounds an awful lot like him.

An AWFUL lot.


Also, he has recently reanimated in several forms. Coincidence that
someone sounding like him is using you (I assume unwittingly) to pass
stuff to people like me, right now? Seems unlikely.


Er, Neal has no idea I'm in contact with you and neither does anyone
else, so the idea that this is him carrying out a secret and subtle
plan to give me info knowing I'll give it to you so that you can then
deny it anyway is pretty down the list of possibilities here - even if
I didn't have other means of checking. Anyway, I'm not especially
interested in anything right now other than documentation that will
help me to end this FBI "investigation" that was carried out after
dishonest claims by HBGary and their "informant," so even if this was
Neal, wouldn't matter to me, as I don't take any claims seriously
unless I can verify them, and this person has more documentation being
uploaded to me, so not my concern.


What is the documentation you're getting? Regarding what?

It's not his Kookpocalypse nonsense, is it?

Whether it's Neal or not, the subject matter topics and attitudes are 
100% in line with stuff he has said in the past (and verbal quirks are 
similar too -- but never mind that as it's not my point to press that 
issue since you don't care). Whoever is giving you this stuff is 
certainly allied with him if it's not him. Given that it seems likely 
someone allied with Neal was responsible for the SWATting, I'd like 
to know about this documentation to the extent you're willing to share.


The documentation concerns the FBI informant who worked with HBGary on
getting me raided and isn't likely to connect to Weingergate
thingamajigs, as apparently that doc I was given today is only thing
relating to it (and that she had it might mean very little, like
perhaps she was at one point briefly in contact with one of the folks
who's been engaged in this on your end, though whoever wrote it is a
nut and/or idiot based on the description of HBGary in there and it
definitely wasn't written by Emick herself). Several other people who
used to be anti-Anon and very anti-me but who now hate Emick after
originally working with her have another suit going, though class
action, and being familiar with her were just as surprised as me to
see that among the few pertinent files that were taken from her. Still
a lot to figure out, probably will never get all of it. I'll send you
anything I feel ethically obligated to but likely most of this won't
interest you.


@occupyunmasked is transparently Neal and talking about all the same
shit you were talking about today.

He sucks ass at hiding his writing style.

Sucks. Ass.


I've seen several people talking about that "same shit" in last 24
hours since lots of people are following/involved in this sprawling
issue, and again will remind you that you and others have jumped to
pretty weird conclusions on this before, like Project PM being some
kind of persona management club when there's 3 years of press/paper
trail showing otherwise. I've made lots of similar mistakes in last 2
years when trying to figure out where certain things were coming from,
who's connected to who and how strongly, etc.

Hey, it's always possible that I'm wrong on this one and that the guy
yesterday was Neal, and that he somehow knew I'd be checking and
prepared for that. Stranger things have happened. But please chill out
a little on this, especially when I'm just giving you info as-is. I've
been very nice and even apologetic to you about this mainly because I
feel awkward about having worked with Neal in the past and having him
hang out in our IRC off and on for a while he's out there doing
whatever ridiculous Twitter shit, but maybe I need to reiterate that I
have nothing to do with any of your problems, have given you all info
I have on the matter, and have asked you literally one question about
that problem. I gave you that info not because it's fun for me to talk
to some prosecutor about the giant fight he's involved in with one of
the 200 people I've worked with at some point in last year, but
because I felt ethically obligated to do so. It would have been wrong
for me not to have told you everything I know that might relate to
your SWATing, and I'll keep sending you anything that I come across
regardless of whether you think it's a secret info trap or whatever no
matter how bitchy you get about it to me because I'm trying to be as
decent as person as possible to make up for the very imperfect ways
I've handled things.

Seriously, though, I need you to chill out in general when
corresponding with me. I've spent hours of my life talking to you
about your problems and even sending you e-mails and otherwise getting
myself potentially involved in something I don't want to be in, and
still I got a "what have you done for me lately" from you yesterday
when I asked about my own goddamn problem for once. Probably I won't
have any more questions for you on this anyway, but can you please
remember that you have zero reason to think of me as however you seem
to think of me? Probably I came off as kind of an asshole based on all
my gloating about how we'd taken down all these other assholes last
year, and maybe that's it, but anyway I'm very ashamed of enjoying all
of that, so just deal with me as you would a pretty nice guy who's
trying to help you at the risk of getting some weird nerd pissed off
at him, and when he's got his own shit going on? Thanks.


Whoa. Chill out. ALL I am saying is @OccupyUnmasked very very very
strongly sounds like Neal.

I'm not accusing you of anything and I appreciate what you have
shared. Just relax and stop misreading what I write you as accusatory.


Again, I'm not responding simply to that last e-mail. I'm saying that
in the past you've been kind of demanding on some things with me in
the past and, again, clearly had a mistaken impression that I was
involved in this fake people/persona management thing that's actually
the main topic I've famously thrown myself against in the past year,
keep telling me various people I work with are actually Neal, and ask
me to denounce lawyers who don't owe me any favors and who are the
reason these kids facing 15-year-sentences from your fun prosecutor
buddies have real defense instead of some much worse situaton that's
going to ruin their youth. I'm also really kind of offended about you
telling me you want more information if you're going to answer my
questions about the bizarre shit I've been targeted by myself. I
didn't ask you for any favors when I got involved in this stupid
fucking fight you and McCain are in with all these people who are
about as bad as McCain, and I've never asked you to correct his
obviously malicious libel about me first being (1) someone the FBI
should be investigating and (2) oh, now and FBI informant. Put
yourself in my shoes, read the totality of our correspondence, and
consider treating me like you would someone who's helping you out when
he's in far more difficulty than you'll ever face in your life. Pretty


You need to calm the fuck down. Your response is way out of kilter.

I told you a while back: "I won't demand any more that you denounce 
Leiderman if you don't want to."

Why you're acting like I'm still pressing the issue is beyond me.

You're offended that I *asked* for information relevant to my swatting? 
Get offended all you like, but don't ask me to feel responsible. My 
request was polite and appropriate and I get a tirade in return.

I have looked at the correspondence. Maybe you should. I have been 
plenty polite especially in the recent round of correspondence and I 
don't deserve these rants.

Frey [again]:

I appreciate that you're going through a rough time but there is no
need to take it out on me. I do appreciate the help and information.
It is not a shot at you for me to observe that Rauhauser is
OccupyUnmasked and that it is very obvious to me.


I'm not trying to take anything out on you and apologize if that's
what it seems. Mostly I was offended by you asking for more info in
response to answering questions, but I forget that that's how the
world works for the most part. You didn't do anything wrong, I'm just
not used to dealing with people outside a certain niche community.
Have a good week.

Brown [again]:

Since you hate the Times so much for whatever reason, like maybe they
don't come down hard enough on protesters who carry weapons but only
the non-conservative ones, you might enjoy the e-mails I'm leaking of
their incompetence in dealing with out work, their broken priorities.

Brown [again]:

You know we've put out a series of e-mails showing the NYT to be a
piece of shit, right? And that it's being covered elsewhere? And that
you guys hate the Times for not lying hard enough about Iraq and

Also, you should probably tell Stacy he needs to think really hard
about his next e-mail to me and that it needs to contain an agreement
to speak to me on the phone like a fucking man. He's already likely to
be subpenaed in 2 months on this new shit, and have begun speaking to
another lawyer about libel case I almost instigated last year. I get
them free, he doesn't, and I'll happily fucking ruin him if he
continues to libel me.


Do you want me to forward your email to Stacy? Serious question. I
won't if you don't want me to, but I will if you do.

For what it's worth, it is crystal clear to me that "Occupy Unmasked"
is Neal Rauhauser. What's more, he left a comment on my site today
(well, tried to; it got caught in the filter) with an enemies' list
and a recitation of the atrocities perpetrated on each enemy. The top
entry reads: "Breitbart -- terminated with prejudice." O'Keefe comes
next. Then me, with a boast about the Nadia Naffe lawsuit designed to
silence me and the complaints to my employers. The list also includes
Kimberlin critics Aaron Walker and Seth Allen, Michael Grimm, with
whom Neal has been obsessed as of late, and Sandy Adams, who wrote a
letter to Eric Holder about the swattings.

That's who's behind the Occupy Unmasked account. It's Neal Rauhauser.
And for some reason he was upset at a former Congresswoman who wanted
the swattings solved.

Just so you know.

As for Stacy, I am not his boss but I am happy to forward your email
if you like, or to convey any message you genuinely want conveyed.


Not everyone who uses certain info or is involved in a certain
conflict is Reahauser. The whole point of doing what you, me,
Reahauser, and everyone else does is to get others to take on one's
output and use it. Not discussing this anymore with you.

Forward this to him if you'd like but he and I have already spoken. My
concern is that he is emotionally incapable of acknowledging error and
that I'm going to be forced to subpoena him and perhaps even sue in
conjunction with this civil suit, depending on what turns up when I
talk to this former contractor scumbag who now hates the other
contractor that left a comment on his blog. Since he's your friend (or
not, I don't know what you think of him as a person), you might
encourage him to think about what he's been writing me and why it will
make things more difficult for him if I do proceed with a libel suit,
for instance, which the last lawyer was hot for even back before he
added more libel this year.


I'm not sure you paid attention to what I said. Forget for a moment
whether this person is who you oddly keep calling Reahauser. Occupy
Unmasked has declared an intent to harm me in my career.

Stacy probably knows I still disagree with some of his past writings.
But he is an ally in battling the people trying to harm me. Occupy
Unmasked is one of the people trying to harm me.

That matters to me. A lot.


I paid attention to what you said. Guess what? McCain is among those
trying to destroy me, trying to get me locked up, trying to get me
hated and mistrusted by my colleagues. I know you don't give a shit,
which makes sense because you're a fucking prosecutor and conservative
blogger who's always asking me for shit. I suggest you either learn to
deal with me like a human being rather than a fucking blogger or stop
communicating with me altogether, as I've run out of reasons to give a
shit about your fight with people who are being targeted, like me, by
your law enforcement buddies.


It's probably not productive to talk to you while you are in your
current mood, but let me just suggest that I not blame you for what
Rauhauser does and you not blame me for what McCain does (or what
other people in my profession do).

I will try to contact him regarding you. Honestly, though, I know less
about you than you probably realize. My life doesn't revolve around
the Internet and you might assume I am familiar with things I am not.

From my vantage point I would assume you have bigger worries than
McCain. But I could be wrong. If I am it's probably due to ignorance
and not rudeness or whatever you're thinking.



I'm sorry for this, but based on what McCain has decided to write and
imply here:

... I'm going to have to release our conversation in which you ask
Anonymous to deal with Jeff Goldstein's blog for you. If I'm going to
be connected to Rauhauser on this matter even though I've spoken to
you more than I have him, I'm going to have to demonstrate how many
other interesting connections exist in this, starting with you.

The only alternative is that McCain agrees to a ten-minute
conversation with me by phone at midnight tonight, which of course
will be recorded.

Tell McCain he has until midnight to call me for at least a ten-minute


I don't remember asking Anonymous to deal with Jeff Goldstein's blog.
I don't remember asking Anonymous to do anything ever. Also, I just
said I am not blaming you for anything Rauhauser does. My suggestion
was that we deal with each other as individuals rather than tarring
each other with the actions of other people we know.

I was going to encourage McCain to call you and had already sent him
an email to that effect, but now it feels like blackmail and I don't
even recall what I am supposedly being blackmailed about. In any
event, my sales pitch to him -- that I had talked with you in the past
and thought you maybe weren't such a bad guy -- does not feel like a
pitch I can make in response to a threat.


By the way: I had not seen McCain's post when I responded to your 
email earlier.


You have 2 and a half hours. I have logs if you'd like to review them.
You also have time to read more about what it is that I do and what I
consider to be appropriate in dealing with government agents,
particularly law enforcement.

No hard feelings. If I were selling weed or involved in a gang, you'd
have to prosecute me. My job is unpaid, but it is nonetheless my job
by default.


I just looked and see nothing like what you are talking about. Feel 
free to share whatever logs you claim to be referring to.

I'm not sure what it is that you do or what the reference is to 
government agents. It sounds like you're trying to threaten me somehow 
but I don't know why, or what you are threatening. Again: Stacy is his 
own person, and if you are threatening me, that doesn't make me want 
to advocate your position in any way.


Appreciate your understanding. If any  reporters ask, should I put
them in touch with you?


No idea why any reporter would bother with any of this.


What you don't know could fill the internet.