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22 April 2013. A sends:

Date: Mon, 22 Apr 2013 19:23:25 -0400
Subject: Number 5 (Man in blue, Boston Blasts: Bystanders Giving Aid)

From the page

Number 5 (man in blue with shorts, not jeans) is goaltender Matt Reis of the New England Revolution (Major League Soccer), who's wife was running in the Boston Marathon:

Per an interview he gave to the media:

Matt had moved just before the explosion to get a better view of his wife crossing the finish line. The man he returns to the scene to help is his father-in-law John Odom, pictured in this Daily Mirror article:

Reis used his belt to tie a tourniquet around Odom's leg in a move that likely saved his life, this can be seen in photos "4:10:26" through "4:11:13". Odom, who suffered severe damage to his legs and lost a large amount of blood, has since been through six surgeries in an attempt to stabilize him:

20 April 2013

Boston Blasts: Bystanders Giving Aid


2013-0395.pdf         Dzhokhar Tsarnaev Complaint via Boaz Guttman     April 22, 2013 (2.0MB)
2013-0388.htm         First Seconds After Boston Bomb Blast 1          April 21, 2013
2013-0380.pdf         Tamerlan Tsarnaev                                April 19, 2013
2013-0379.htm         Djohar Tsarnaev                                  April 19, 2013
2013-0371.htm         Boston Bomb Blasts 2                             April 16, 2013
2013-0370.htm         Boston Bomb Blasts                               April 16, 2013

Bystanders who aided victims of the Boston Marathon bomb blasts have not been individually recognized. Those who aided in the first four minutes deserve admiration for quick action which likely saved lives. Some are shown below.

For close-up photos of the scene with other bystanders giving aid:

Overviews from which these are taken with some enlarged:

The latter taken from 150 photos by Aaron "tango" Tang via Flicker

Boston Blasts Bystanders

1st Blast

Race clock time 2:11:12 (the blast occurs at 4:09:42). Note at center the dark-haired woman in purple with shades (number 1) and the blonde-haired woman at her right in orange (number 2). They are at the blast location -- are felled and walk away. Shown for tracking.


2:11:52. The two women at center right. Below them is a bald man in a blue jacket with shades (number 3). He will aid the victims along with others.


2:11:53. The two women and man at upper right.


2:16:58. The three are at lower right.






3:36:30. The woman in orange at lower right.


Note blue and white bag to left of woman in orange (photo below). The woman carrying it is friend of Krystle Campbell, who was killed. Face of Krystle may be at her right. They are at the center of the blast.

4:10:00. Seconds after the blast, woman in purple and man in blue just visible at center.


This is the center of the blast. Individuals most maimed and killed took the brunt for those surrounding them. Krystle Campbell at center bottom was killed. EMS is checking for pulse.



Krsytle Campbell and friend. Note the blue and white bag in photo above.

4:10:02. Note man in red jacket (number 4) left of man in blue bending toward woman in purple; behind her is woman in orange.




4:10:04. Note bald man in blue jacket and shorts at upper left (number 5) and to his right a man in red jacket bending over a victim (number 6).


4:10:06. Woman in purple is beginning to rise. Man to her left (number 7) is carrying a woman in turquoise sweater (number 8). Note at left man in blue jacket and shorts (number 5) rushing to help near three downed victims (numbers 8, 9 and 10, with man bending over the leftmost (number 11). Note downed woman in red and black (number 12) at right center.






4:10:18. Women in purple and organge (numbers 1 and 2) are leaving the pile of victims which surrounded them. Man with cowboy hat (number 13) at upper right beginning to climb the barrier.


4:10:22. Women in purple and orange  (numbers 1 and 2) at left have walked away apparently unscathed except for hearing loss. Note two bald men in blue jackets at center. Man with cowboy hat (number 13) at right descending the barrier.





4:10:26. Everyone standing will aid victims. Woman in pink vest (number 14), man to her left (number 15),man to his left (number 16),man with cowboy hat (number 13) at right and man at upper center in white t-shirt and black cap (number 17), as well as others.






4:11:00. Police and EMS arrive.










4:11:40. Man in blue jacket and shorts (number 5) has been holding victim's hand without stop and offering words of solace. Man in blue jacket (number 3) at left holding pink poster, a very lucky man.











4:11: 47






4:14:00. Full array of rescuers on scene have replace bystanders. Note man in blue jacket (number 5) at center top being patted on the back by EMS: Well done.


2nd Blast
