14 January 2000 Source: Hardcopy from the National Security Agency in response to an appeal of an earlier FOIA request for TEMPEST-related documents. This is one of three full and five partial documents received under the appeal; see NSA letter and list of documents: http://cryptome.org/nsa-foia-app2.htm For list of all FOIA TEMPEST documents received from the NSA: http://cryptome.org/nsa-tempest.htm For comprehensive TEMPEST information:
The definition of NONSTOP is classified. It apparently refers to TEMPEST protection of cryptographic data and systems, perhaps in particular radio communication systems.
[92 pages; marked UNCLASSIFIED OR
National Security Agency
IBW = | (Sinewave input signal level in r.m.s.-volts. recorded in par. b,)
(Impulse input signal level in volts (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave)/ MHz, recorded in par. d.) |
f. Repeat at other detection system tuned-center frequencies as required by this paragraph. (U) Bandwidth Measurement AM Postdetection.
The minimum number of bandwidth measurements for tunable, heterodyne detection systems employing a demodulator shall be two per decade of frequency or one per tuning band (near the center) whichever is the greater number of readings. The 6 dB and impulse bandwidth shall be measured in accordance with the following paragraphs. (U) 6 dB Bandwidth Measurement.The 6 dB bandwidth of detection systems shall be measured as follows:
a. Apply the output of a frequency and amplitude calibrated sinewave generator to the input of the detection system. The generator output sinewave shall be amplitude modulated with a sinewave using any convenient modulation index which shall be maintained constant over the required frequency range. The frequency of the modulating sinewave shall he adjustable over the bandpass of the detection system.b. Adjust the carrier frequency of the cw generator around the tuned -center of the de tec t ion system until the maximum level of the modulating signal is observed at the same output port o f th e detection system used during NONSTOP testing.
c. Adjust the frequency of the modulating signal until the maximum output level of the detection system is observed. Record the output level with a peak-responding voltmeter calibrated in r.m.s. volts. (A meter calibrated in decibels would facilitate measurements.)
d. Maintaining the same cw generator carrier frequency, carrier amplitude and modulation index, and the same detection system tuned frequency as in par c., reduce the frequency of the modulating signal until the output of the detection system decreases 6 dB from the level ontained in par. c. or until the modulating frequency is essentially zero frequency (such as would occur in a d.c.-coupled demodulator), whichever comes first. Record this frequency.
e. Increase the frequency until the output of the detection system decreases 6 dB from the level obtained in par. c. Record this frequency.
f. Subtract the frequency recorded in par. d., from that in par. e. to obtain the detection system bandwidth.
g. Repeat at other detection system tuned-center frequencies as required by this paragraph. (U) Impulse Bandwidth Measurement.
The impulse bandwidth of detection systems shall be measured as follows:
a. Apply the output of a frequency-and-amplitude-calibrated AM sinewave generator (meeting the requirements of to the input of the detection system. The generator output signal snall he amplitude-modulated 30% with a sinewave of 400 Hz (or 1000 Hz).b. Adjust the carrier frequency of the AM sinewave generator around the center frequency of the detection system until the maximum output level of the detected signal is observed at the same cutout port of the detection system used during NONSTOP testing. Record the output peak-to-peak amplitude observed on the oscilloscope and the signal level in r.m.s. volts of the AM sinewave applied at the input of the detection system.
c. Disconnect the AM sinewave generator and apply the output of a calibrated impulse generator to the input of the detection system. Set the IG repetition rate to any convenient rate less than two-fifths of the nominal detection system bandwidth.
d. Adjust the IG output level so that the peak magnitude of the waveform displayed on the oscilloscope (at the detection system output) is equal to one-half the peak-to-peak amplitude of the detected sinewave recorded in par. b. Record the level in volts (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave/MHz), of the impulsive signal applied at the input of the detection system.
e. Calculate the impulse bandwidth of the detection system with the following formula:
IBW = 0.3 (AM Sinewave input signal level in r.m.s. volts recorded in par. b.)
__________________________________________________________(impulsive input signal level in volts (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave MHz recorded in par. d.) f . Repeat at other detection system tuned-center frequencies as required by this paragraph. (U) Bandwidth Measurement, FM Postdetection.
The minimum number of bandwidth measurements for FM detection systems shall be two per decade of frequency or one per tuning band (near the center), whichever is the greater number of readings. The FM postdetection bandwidth shall be measured as follows:
a. Set the FM generator deviation to zero and tune the generator carrier frequency to the selected test frequency. Reduce the FM generator outputsignal level until the reading on the r.m.s. voltmeter at the FM video output is at a maximum. Note this reading.b. Increase the FM generator output signal level until the true r.m.s. voltmeter indicates 20 dB below the reading noted in par. a. This is the input signal level corresponding to 20 dB of quieting.
c. Adjust the frequency of the modulation signal to one-fourth of the nominal predetection bandwidth or the highest modulating frequency the FM generator will accomodate, whichever is less.
d. Adjust the modulation to produce a deviation of one-fourth of the FM discriminator bandwidth or the maximum deviation of the FM generator, whichever is less.
e. While maintaining a constant deviation, decrease the modulation frequency until the video output voltmeter reaches a maximum.
f. Readjust the modulation voltage to produce a deviation equal to one-fifth the modulation frequency.
g. Note the FM video output signal level as indicated by the voltmeter at the FM video autput.
h. Increase the frequency of the modulation signal until the FM postdetection output signal level falls 6 dB below the level as noted in par. g. Record this frequency as the FM postdetection bandwidth. (U) Bandwidth Measurements, FM discriminator.
There are two methods for measuring the FM discriminator bandwidth; one requires a cw generator and the other requires an FM generator.
Method 1: CW Generator.
a. Tune the cw generator to the selected test frequency. Reduce the cw generator output signal level until the reading on the r.m.s. voltmeter at the FM video output is at a maximum. Note this reading.b. Increase the cw generator output signal level until the r.m.s. voltmeter indicates 20 dB below the reading noted in par. a. This is the inout level corresponding to 20 dB of quieting.
c. Tune the cw generator through the receiver passband while observing the d.c. voltmeter indication at the FM video output.
d. Tune the cw generator to the frequency at which the d.c. voltmeter indicates a maximum peak. Note the frequency f1 of the cw generator as indicated on the frequency counter.
e. Tune the cw generator to the frequency at which the d.c. voltmeter indicates a minimum Note the frequency f2 of the cw generator.
f. Compute and record the FM discriminator bandwidth as follows:
FM Discriminator Bandwidth = /f1 - f2
Method 2: FM Generator.
a. Set the FM generator deviation to zero and tune the generator carrier frequency to the selected test frequency. Reduce the FM generator output signal level until the reading on the r.m.s. voltmeter at the FM video output is at a maximum. Note this reading.b. Increase the FM generator output signal level until the true r.m.s. voltmeter indicates 20 dB below the reading noted in par. a. This is the input level corresponding to 20 dB of quieting.
c. Adjust the modulation frequency and deviation to produce a suitable display of the FM video output signal on the oscilloscope.
d. Start increasing the deviation of the input signal, and while observing the demodulated signal on the oscilloscope, continue increasing the deviation until the response begins to flatten at the peaks.
e. Multiply the deviation by 2 and record as the FM discriminator bandwidth. (S) Bandwidth Measurements of Specific xxxxxxxxxx
The two circuits which are special xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx detection svstems, are the [1 line redacted]. Bandwidth measurements for these shall he made in accordance with the following paragraphs: (S) Bandwidth Measurement of xxxxxxxxxx(
S) The bandwidth of the xxxxxxxxxxxx shall be checked as follows:(S) a. The substituion source output shall be [1 line redacted].(
S) b. The substitution source xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be the largest signal line under test and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) c. The amplitude variation of the substitution source output shall he detected using xxxxx.(
S) d. The xxxxxx is to be applied to the vertical input of an oscilloscope and the amount of xxxxxxxxxxxx adjusted so that the detected signal can easily be seen on the oscilloscope.(
S) e. Measure the peak-to-peak voltage excursion and compare this measurement with the amount of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) f. The xxxxxxxxxxxx is sufficient if the measured voltage in par. e. is within +10% of the calculated voltage of par. e. (
S) Bandwidth Measurement of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe bandwidth of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be checked as follows:
(S) a. The substitution source output shall be [1 line redacted].(
S) b. The substitution source and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be the largest signal line under test and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) c. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of the substitution source output shall he compared with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) d. xxxxxxxxxx is to he applied to the vertical input of an oscilloscope and the xxxxxxxxxxxxxx so that the detected signal can easily he seen on the oscilloscope.(
S) e. Measure the peak-to-peak voltage excursion and compare the measurement with the amount of[1 line redacted].(
S) f. xxxxxxxxxxx is sufficient if the measured voltage in par. e. is within ±10% of the calculated voltage of par. e.
6.2.2 (U) Signal Measurement Standards.The acceptable calibration generators for the purpose of this standard are. AM generators, FM generators, impulse generators, AM substitution sources, TM substitution sources, and sinewave generators. (U) AM Generators. (U) Requirements.An amplitude modulated RF source shall be used to make AM narrowband measurements and to ensure that the AM detection systems comply with the senseitivity requirements in The AM generator shall conform to the following requirements:
a. The amount of amplitude modulation shall he calibrated with respect to the r.m.s. voltage of the modulating signal in accordance with The range of amplitude modulation shall he continuously variable from zero to a value equal to or exceeding 30%.
c. The relationship between amplitude modulation and modulating signal voltage shall he linear.
d. The AM generator output power level of the fundamental signal frequencv shall be capable of being equal to the power level of the carrier at which point the calibration signal is inserted into the detection system.
e. Harmonic and spurious outputs shall be 30 dB or more below the power level of the fundamental signal frequency.
f. The ambient noise of the AM generator output shall not restrict the detection system in complying with the sensitivity requirements in
g. The bandwidth of the generator shall he such that the modulating signal frequency can be adjusted over the bandpass of the AM detection system. (This requirement may be waived when detection bandwidths exceed presently available generator modulating frequencies.)
h. Frequency accuracy: +2 percent.
i. Amplitude accuracy: +10 percent. (U) Calibration.
The relationship between the modulation signal r.m.s. voltage and the r.m.s. AM sideband level small be determined. A plot depicting the AM r.m.s. sideband level as the ordinate and the modulating signal r.m.s. voltage as the abscissa shall be derived. (The extension of the straight line must pass through this origin.) If the peak amplitude variation (with a sinewave modulating signal) can he determined, the AM r.m.s. sideband level is found by dividing the peak amplitude variation by 2.
Note: If the transfer curve is dependent upon the AM generator output power level, the AM generator shall be calibrated for each RF carrier power to he used in the AM tests. (U) FM Generators. (U) Requirements.A frequency modulated RF source shall be used to make narrowband FM measurements and to ensure that the FM detection systems comply with the sensitivity requirements in The FM generator shall conform to the following requirements:
a. The amount of frequency modulation shall be calibrated with respect to the r.m.s. voltage of the modulating signal in accordance with The range of frequency deviation shall he continuously variable from zero to a value equal to or exceeding the signaling rate, where presently available equipments permit.
c. The relationship between frequency deviation and modulating signal voltage shall he linear.
d. The FM generator output power level of the fundamental signal frequency shall be capable of being equal to the power level of the carrier at which point the calibration signal is inserted into the detection system.
e. Harmonic and spurious outputs shall be 30 dB or more below the power level of the fundamental signal frequency.
f. The ambient noise and frequency stability of the FM generator output shall not restrict the detection system in complying with the sensitivity requirement in
g. The bandwidth of the generator shall be such that the modulating signal frequency can be adjusted over the bandpass of the FM detection system, when present FM instrumentation permits.
h. Frequency accuracy: +2 percent.
i. Amplitude accuracy: +10 percent. (U) Calibration.
The relationship between the modulating signal r.m.s. voltage and the r.m.s. frequency deviation shall be determined. A plot depicting the r.m.s. frequency deviation as the ordinate and the modulating signal r.m.s. voltage as the abscissa shall be derived. (The extension of the straight line must pass through the origin.) If the peak frequency deviation (with a sinewave modulating signal) can be determined, the r.m.s. frequency deviation is found by dividing the peak frequency deviation by 2. A suggested method of calibrating an FM generator involves taking advantage of the carrier and sideband nulls by observation on a spectrum analyzer. In order to obtain the peak frequency deviation per unit of modulating signal r.m.s. voltage, the modulating frequency should be held constant and the amplitude varied from zero. Whenever the carrier or a particular pair of sideoands are nulled out, e.g., disappear as observed on the spectrum analyzer, a modulation r.m.s. voltage measurement is made. It is also necessary to observe the number of nulled sidebands and the number of times that particular sideband (or carrier) has been nulled as the modulating voltage varies. With this information and using a table of Bessel zero's, the deviation can be obtained. The number from the Bessel zero's table must be multiplied by the modulating frequency to obtain the peak frequency deviation for a particular modulating signal r.m.s. voltage. The transfer curve of r.m.s. frequency deviation vs. modulating signal r.m.s. voltage can thus be derived. (U) Impulse Generator. Requirements.An impulse generator shall be used to make broadband measurements. Impulse generators shall conform to the following requirements:
a. Calibrated in dBµV/MHz (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave) (peak minus 3 dB) to a 50-ohm resistive load.b. Flat spectrum (+2 dB) over its usable frequency range.
c. Amplitude accuracy: +2 dB. (U) Calibration. The impulse generator shall be calibrated by one of the following four methods:
Method 1:a. Apply the output to the impulse generator to be calibrated to the input an amplitude-linear receiver having synchronously-tuned, less-than-critically coupled circuits. Radio interference field intensity receivers are satisfactory for this purpose if their impulse bandwidth is at least five times the repetition rate of the impulse generator. Any automatic gain control (AGC) system shall he disabled and the AGC line firmly referred to ground with a low-impedance voltage source of appropriate value.b. Obtain an oscilloscope pattern of the overall receiver response at the IF output. The oscilloscope controls shall be so adjusted that the pattern is as large as possible within the calibrated area on the face plate. Either photograph or trace the pattern. Record the oscilloscope sweep speed setting. (The sweep speed shall he calibrated accurately.)
c. Use a planimeter or other integrating device to determine the area of the positive portion of the major lobe of the response waveform. (More accuracy can be obtained by summing the area under the odd-numbered lobes and subtracting from it the total area under the even-numbered lobes.) This operation shall he carried out at least five times and the average of the readings taken as the area.
d. Calculate the impulse bandwidth of the receiver in accordance with the following formula:
IBW in MHz = Pattern height* in cm X10n [exponential is blurred]
________________________________________________(Pattern area * in cm/2)(sweep speed in sec/cm) *Refers only to positive portion of response waveform.
e . Connect a calibrated sinewave generator to the receiver. Tune the generator to the receiver's tuned frequency and adjust the output until the peak pattern height is the same as that obtained with the impulse generator in pars. a. and b. Record the output of the sinewave generator in microvolts (r.m.s.).
f. Calculate 20 log10 (e/d) where e and d are the results obtained in pars. e. and d. above expressed in microvolts (r.m.s.) and megahertz (MHz) respectively. This calculation gives the spectral intensity of the impulse generator output in dBµV/MHz (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave).
Method 2:
a. Select a bandpass or low-pass filter with the following characteristics:(1) Minimum upper roll-off of 18 dB/octave.(2) Maximum upper 3 dB cutoff point which is 10% of the reciprocal of the width of the driving impulse (from the IG to the calibrated) or 80% of the bandpass of the oscilloscope in use whichever is less.
(3) Passband wide enough to permit passage of sufficient energy so that the peak voltage of the output waveform can he accurately read on the oscilloscope.
(4) 50-ohm input and output impedance in the passband.
b. Determine the impulse bandwidth (IBW) of the filter employing the procedures specified in Method 1 above, pars. a. through d., substituting the word "filter" for "receiver". (Once the IBW of the filter has been measured, the filter may be used to calibrate any number of IGs; however, the IBW shall be rechecked in accordance with
c. Terminate the output of the IG to be calibrated with a 6-db (minimum), 50-ohm pad and connect it to the input of the filter.
d. Terminate the output of the filter with a 50-ohm resistive load and connect it to the vertical input of the oscilloscope.
e. Record the peak voltage of the filter output on the oscilloscope in microvolts.
f. Calculate:
20 log10 (e/b) + Pad Loss -3 dB + Filter Insertion Loss where e and b are the results obtained in pars. e. and b. above expressed in microvolts (r.m.s. ) and megaHertz respectively. This calculation gives the spectral intensity of the impulse generator output in dBµV/MHz (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave).Method 3:
a. Apply the output of the impulse generator to be calibrated to the input of a spectrum analyzer having the following characteristics:(1) Known impulse bandwidths.(2) Absolute amplitude accuracy equal to or better than +2 dB.
b. Select a spectrum analyzer bandwidth which is at least five times the repetition rate of the impulse generator but no larger than one-tenth the usable spectrum of the impulse generator. Select a scan time in seconds/division no less than 10/repetition rate (Hz) to ensure ten impulse responses per division.
c. Add any conversion factors to the spectrum analyzer displayed voltage needed to convert dBm to dBµV. Subtract the impulse bandwidth of the spectrum analyzer in decibels with reference to 1 MHz to this value to convert to dBµV/MHz and subtract 3 dB to convert the reading to dBµV/MHz (equivalent r.m.s. sinewave) which is the spectral intensity of the impulse generator output.
Method 4:
Compare the output of the IG to be calibrated with the output of another IG which has previously been calibrated in accordance with Method 1 or Method 2 within the last six months. (
S) AM Substitution Source. (S) Requirements.(
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxx calibration generator, for the purposes of this standard, is the substitution source. At the present time the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is the only substitution source meeting the requirements. This xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The AM substitution source shall be used to ensure that the detection system complies with the sensitivity requirements in The substitution source shall conform to the following requirements.(S) a. The substitution source shall he capable of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) b. The substitution source shall be capable of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) c.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx peak-topeak voltage excursion shall determine the amount of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) d. The xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall he calibrated with respect to the peak-to-peak voltage excursion of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in accordance with
S) e. The range of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be continuously variable from zero to a value at least a tenth of a volt.(
S) f. The relationship between xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) g. The xxxxxxxxxxxxx and ambient noise of the substitution source output shall not restrict the detection system in complying with the sensitivity requirements in . Signaling rate accuracy: +2 percent.
i. Amplitude accuracy: +10 percent. (U) Calibration.
The AM substitution source shall be calibrated as follows.
a. The xxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be amplitude modulated with a single tone or square wave with a maximum signaling rate of 0.1 times the signaling rate of the modulated output signal.b. Apply the amplitude modulated output of the substitution source to the vertical input of an oscilloscope.
c. Adjust the peak-to-peak voltage of the modulating signal so that the amplitude modulation can easily be seen on the oscilloscope.
d. Determine and record the amount of amplitude variation and the peak-to-peak voltage of the modulating signal.
e. Decrease or increase the amount of amplitude variation and repeat par. d. f or ten points over at least a decade change in the peak-to-peak voltage of the modulatings signal.
f. Plot these points using the amplitude variation as the ordinate and the peak-to-peak voltage of the modulating signal as the abscissa. (The extension of the straight line must pass through the origin.) The slope of the straight line defined by these points is the gain of the substitution source. (
S) xx Substitution Source. (S) Requirements.(
S) The acceptable xxx calibration generator, for the purposes of this standard, is the xxx substitution source. At the present time, the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx source meeting the requirements. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx source shall be used to make xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and to ensure that the detection system complies with the sensitivity requirements in The substitution source shall conform to the following requirements.(S) a. The substitution source shall be capable of [1 line redacted].(
S) b. The substitution source shall be capable of generating xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) c. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx peak-to-peak voltage excursion shall determine the amount of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx at the substitution source output.(
S) d. The amount of xxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be calibrated with respect to the peak-to-peak voltage excursion of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in accordance with
S) e. The range of xxxxxxxxxxx shall he continuously variable from zero to 5% of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) f. [1 line redacted.](
S) g. The xxxxxxxxxxxx and ambient noise of the substitution source output shall not restrict the detection system in complying with the sensitivity requirements in Signaling rate accuracy: +2 percent.
i. Amplitude accuracy: +10 percent. Calibration.
S) The xx substitution source shall be calibrated as follows:(S) a. The output xxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be xxxxxxxxxxxx with a single tone or square wave with a maximum xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of the modulated output signal.(
S) b. Apply the xxxxxxxxxxxxx output of the substitution source to the vertical input of an oscilloscope.c. Trigger the oscilloscope with an unmodulated periodic signal which is in phase with the substitution source output (when unmodulated).
S) d. Adjust the peak-to-peak voltage of the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can easily be seen on the oscilloscope(
S) e. Determine and record the amount of [1 line redacted].(
S) f. Decrease or increase the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx par. e. for ten points over at least a decade change in peak-to-peak voltage of xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) g. Plot these points xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx the peak-to-peak of xxxxxxxxxxxxxx as the abscissa. (The extension of the straight line must pass tnrough the the origin. ) The slope of the straight line defined by these points is the transfer factor of the substitution source xxxxxxxxxxxxx. (U) Sinewave Generators.
Sinewave generators shall conform to the following requirements:
a. Frequency accuracy: +2 percent.b . Harmonic and spurious outputs 30 dB or more down from power level of the fundamental signal frequency.
c. Amplitude accuracy: +10 percent.
6.2.3 (U) Calibration Requirements and Operational Check.
Prior to the beginning of EUT evaluation, all test instrumentation shall be checked to assure proper operation in accordance with the manufacturer's specification. All instrumentation used as signal measurement standards and all calibrated metering and display devices shall be calibrated under an approved program in accordance with MIL-C-45662. After the above initial check and calibration, the instrumentation shall he checked at least once every six months or immediately after exposure to conditions which might affect calibration. The detection system sensitivity shall be spot-checked at least once a month, immediately after exposure to conditions which might affect calibration or at the request of witnessing official(s) of the authority sponsoring the tests. If, during any of the anove tests, a departure from the requirements of this standard is noted, the tester shall.
a. Determine the cause(s) of deviations.b. Make necessary repairs and adjustments.
c. Request the authority sponsoring the test to determine the necessity for rerun of affected tests.
6.3 (U) Test Environment.
6.3.1 (U) Laboratory Test Requirements.In those cases where it is feasible to perform NONSTOP testing in a shielded enclosure, the following paragraphs shall apply. (U) Test Chamber.(
S) The test chamber shall be a shielded enclosure which shall provide the necessary attenuation to protect the test instrumentation xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx in the case of conducted tests and to prevent extraneous signals from limiting detection system sensitivity. (U) Ground Plane.
The ground plane shall consist of a solid copper or brass plate that has a minimum thickness of 0.25 mm for copper or 0.63 mm for brass and is 2.25 square meters or larger in area, with the small side no less than 76 cm in length. At least one long side of the ground plane shall be bonded to the shielded enclosure. If bonding straps are used, they shall consist of solid copper 0.25 mm minimum thickness, having a maximum length-to-width ratio of 5 to 1 and be placed at distances no greater than 90 cm apart. The d.c. bonding resistance between the ground plane and the shielded enclosure shall not exceed 2.5 milliohms. For large equipment mounted on a metal test stand, the test stand shall be considered a part of the ground plane for testing purposes and shall he bonded accordingly. (U) Ambient Signal Control, Test Setup.
After the test setup has been determined and before formal testing of the EUT has begun, the ambient signals originating from the test setup shall be evaluated by performing a tunable ER test on the EUT. The tests shall be performed with only the EUT deenergized. All necessary test instrumentation and associated EUT exciser equipment shall be connected and operated normally. The ER measurements shall be made in one of the planes or polarizations of the antenna that will be used during EUT tests. The tests shall be performed over the narrowband and broadband tunable frequency ranges which are to be used during EUT tests. Ambient signals detected during these evaluations cannot be attributed to the EUT and therefore shall be reduced to a level equal to or below the appropriate limits at all test frequencies.
Note: If the requirements of this paragraph are met, it follows that those of are also met. However, if the tester chooses to combine the tests, he must he cautioned that it may be difficult to distinguish between facility ambient signals and test setup ambient signals, and much time may be wasted in locating and eliminating the source of bothersome signals.
Conduction ambient levels shall be determined with the EUT deenergized. Both the narrowband and broadband ambient measurements shall be performed over the designated frequency range.
6.3.2 (U) Controlled Environment Test Requirements.
Where laboratory tests are impossible due to size and/or power limitations, the system may be tested at a location meeting the requirements for ambient levels. The ambient levels at the location chosen to perform testing must be no greater than those specified in Figure 13.
Note: The ambient level requirements are normalized to a 1 kHz bandwidth measurement.
6.3.3 (U) Site Test Requirements.
Ambient noise levels at site locations required to undergo NONSTOP testing cannot, for the most part, be controlled. Many interfering signals may result from equipment operating within the site to be tested or from local interference from other sources. Therefore, it is advisable that testing be performed during those periods of the day that will have the lowest ambient noise levels in order to enhance detection capabilities.
7. (
xxxxxxxxxx | xxxxxxxxxx | |
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx |
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx |
(S) (4) [1 line redacted] found in Step 3. [1 line
(S) (5) [2 lines redacted.] (S) xxxxxxxxxxxxx Measurements.(
S) Signal-plus-ambient noise and ambient noise levels are to be measured with a [1 line redacted] rate tested. The signal-plus-ambient noice and ambient noise are to be measured in decibels with reference to [1 line redacted] determined as follows.(S) a. The substitution source shall be xxxxxxxxxxxxxx and operated at the same rate as the signal under test. The xxxxx substitution source output shall be used when the signal under test is a xxxxxxx signal, and the xxxxxxxxxx substitution source cutout shall be used when the sigqal under test xxxxxxxxx.(
S) b. The same detection svstem control settings shall be used as in the xxxxxxxxx test.(
S) c. Apply the substitution source output to the detection system and the [1 line redacted.](
S) d. [2 lines redacted.][1 line redacted.]
S) e. [1 line redacted] when read from the transfer curve in f. [2 lines redacted.](
S) g. [1 line redacted] when read from the transfer curve derived in
7.7.5. (S) xx Measurements.
(S) [2 lines redacted]. Calibration source substitution
shall be made at a point that requires the calibration signal to follow the
same signal path and pass through the same devices as the detected emanation.
Deviation from this procedure is permitted only when an accurately precalibrated
device preceded the point of signal sunstitution. When this deviation is
required, appropriate conversion factors shall then be added to the substitution
signal level to obtain the xxxxxxxxxxxxxx of the detected emanation. (S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Measurements.(
S) Whenever possible, signal-plus-ambient noise and ambient noise voltage excursions are to he measured with a display device, such as an oscilloscope. [6 lines redacted.](S) a. The substitution source shall be xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx as the signal under test. The xxx substitution source output shall be used.(
S) b. The same detection system control settings shall be used as in the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) c. Apply the substitution source output to the detection system and the [1 line redacted].(
S) d. [2 lines redacted.]e. Subtract the ambient noise measurement of par. d. from the signal-plus-ambient noise measurement of par. d.
S) f. [1 line redacted] when read from the transfer curve derived in[4 lines redacted] following steps:
(S) (1) [1 line redacted.](
S) (2) [2 lines redacted.](
S) (3) In the following table, locate xxxxxxxxxxxxx in Step 2, and the corresponding factor.
xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxxx
S) (4) [2 lines redacted.](
S) (5) [2 lines redacted.] (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxx Measurements.(
S) Signal-plus-amblent noise and ambient noise levels are to be measured with [3 lines redacted].(S) a. The substitution source shall be xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx under test. The xxxx substitution source output shall be used.(
S) b. [1 line redacted] test.(
S) c. Apply the substitution source output to the detection system and the [1 line redacted.](
S) d. [2 lines redacted.][1 line redacted.]
S) e. [1 line redacted] read from the transfer curve in
S) f. [2 lines redacted.](
S) g. [1 line redacted] when read from the transfer curve in
7.8 (S) Specific Conduction Test Requirements.
(S) Conduction tests performed on xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
shall be made in accordance with 7.8.1. If a conduction test is performed
and CE found above the specified limit, three options are available:
a. Accept the conduction test results (noncompliance with standard).(
S) b. [3 lines redacted] to determine compliance with this document.(
S) c. [3 lines redacted.]
7.8.1. (S) Conduction Tests.(
S) All conduction tests shall be made with a direct voltage tap if possible. In many cases, attenuation will be needed to prevent damage to detection systems. The methods of achieving this attenuation can he through any coupling device, such as xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or any other appropriate devices that prevent damage to the detection system. When performing conduction tests xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx or other specified test lines, three considerations shall be taken into account:a. The d.c. voltages on the line may saturate a d.c.-coupled detection device and render the device ineffective.(
S) b. Intended signals, especially the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx may tend to saturate the detection system, particularly the transducer and input circuitry, thereby causing the system to become insensitive to undesired signal data emanations on the line.(
S) c. The detection system may cause undue loading of the intended signal on the line and cause xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.Solutions to the detection system saturation and line loading problems can be accomplished with the following corresponding components:
(1) A d.c. blocking network (d.c. saturation).(2) Attenuator (signal saturation).
(3) High impedance a.c. blocking network (line loading). (
S) Dry xxxxxxxxx Conduction Tests(S) This section specifies the NONSTOP tests xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx for the dry condition. Three specific tests covering the established frequency range are to be performed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. The first test is a search of [2 lines redacted]. This test is described in [1 line redacted] as described in The third test examines the [1 line redacted] [2 lines redacted.] (S) Dry xxxxxx Conducted Carrier Search[16 lines redacted.] (
S) Dry xxxxxx Conducted Carrier Test[15 lines redacted.] (
S) Dry xxxxxx Conducted Receiver Search[3 lines redacted] specified in 7.3.3. Approval of a test plan as specified in 5.2 is required before the start of formal testing. Requirements for documentation, control plan certification reports and EUT evaluation reports are specified in 5. [1 line redacted.] Typical test setups are shown in figure 14. The test instrumentation bandwidth requirements are given in and Figures 7 through 12. The detection system must be [4 lines redacted]. The spectrum searches are [1 line redacted]. The level of any detected compromising signal is to be measured according to 7.7 and compared to the appropriate limit. (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[8 lines redacted.] (S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[8 lines redacted.] (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) [3 lines redacted]. Typical test setups are shown in Figure 14. Both broadband and narrowband AM tests and broadband and narrowband FM tests shall be performed. Bandwidth requirements are given in Requirements for documentation, control plans, certification reports and EUT evaluation reports are specified in 5. The level of detected compromising signals when found are to be measured according to 7.7 and compared to the appropriate limits in Figures 18 through 21 or 27 through 31. [2 lines redacted.] (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) The portion of the xxx EUT spectrum which contains signals at levels above the limits but do not xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This test is to be conducted with xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx specified in 7.3.3. Typical test setups are shown in Figure 14. Both broadband and narrowband AM tests and broadband and narrowband FM tests shall be performed on all output ports of the [2 lines redacted]. The required test bandwidths for the broadband and narrowband spectrum search are determined [2 lines redacted.] The required test conditions are specified in 7.6. Bandwidth requirements are given in Requirements for documentation, control plans, certification reports, and EUT evaluation reports are specified in 5. The level of detected compromising signa1s when found are to be measured according to 7.7 and compared to the appropriate limits.7.8.2. (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxx[10 lines redacted.] (S) xxxxxxxxxx[8 lines redacted.] (S) xxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be performed in accordance with the following test procedure. A typical test setup is shown in Figure 13. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx measurements are to be performed in accordance with 7.7.4. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can be removed from the EUT or made constant and still allow proper operation of the EUT, the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can be observed on the oscilloscope by connecting the output xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to the oscilloscope. Observe the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ambient noise level when the EUT is processing the xxxxxxxxxxxxx signal. [2 lines redacted] and still allow proper operation of the EUT. [3 lines redacted]. Measurements are to be made in accordance with (
S) xxxxxxxxxxx Tests.(
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx signal shall be performed in accordance with the following tes procedures. [1 line redacted] test setup is shown in Figure xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are to be performed in accordance with [5 lines redacted.] (
S) xxxxxx Tests(
S) [3 lines redacted.](
S) [2 lines redacted.](
S) [3 lines redacted.](
S) [1 line redacted] shall be determined by a substitution measurement. The xxxxxxxxx is then compared with its respective limit xxxxxx shall be performed in accordance with and (S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tests(
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall be performed in accordance with the following test procedure. A typical test setup is shown in Figure 16. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are to be performed in accordance with [1 line redacted] and still allow proper operation of the RED equipment, the [2 lines redacted] to the oscilloscope. [3 lines redacted] and still allow proper operation of the RED equipment. [3 lines redacted.] (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Tests(
S) xxxxxxxxxx shall be performed in accordance with the following test procedures. For [1 line redacted]. A typical test setup is shown in Figure 16. xxxxxxxxxxxxxx measurements are to be performed in accorcance with [2 lines redacted] when the RED equipment is not processing [2 lines redacted.]
7.9 (S) Electric Radiation Tests.
(S) The ER tests may xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
or can be performed following a conduction test to determine
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx found during conduction testing.
(S) The ER tests should be performed in the
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx whichever is specified. All of the conduction tests specified
in 7.8 are to be performed under ER testing. A typical ER test setup is shown
in Figure 17.
The EUT operation during testing shall comply with 7.6. Sensitivity requirements for instrumentation are specified in and Figures 1 through 5. Bandwidth requirements are given in and Figures 7 through 11. Tests for both broadband and narrowband AM and narrowband and broadband FM shall be made.
(S) If electric radiation tests are the only tests
performed xxxxxxxxxxxxxx. This can be accomplished by first
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx specified in 7.8.2.
(S) If conduction tests xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx have
previously been performed and ER testing is to [2 lines redacted.]
7.9.1. (S) Controlled Environment ER Tests.(
S) In addition to the requirements in 7.9, the test distance for controlled environment ER tests is to be the [1 line redacted] cannot be specified, a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx will be used. The ER limits for a controlled environment test are specified in (
S) Site ER Tests.(
S) In addition to the requirements specified in 7.9. the test distance for site ER tests shall be the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Limits for site ER tests are specified in 7.10.3.
7.10 Limits.
To comply with this document. all compromising emanations detected must meet the limits specified. except in the following cases:
(S) a. [2 lines redacted.]
(S) b. [1 line redacted] whichever is higher.
(S) c. [3 lines redacted.]
The AM limits in this document are dependent upon test category (determined by RED data rate) and are given as allowable voltage levels versus tuned frequency. [2 lines redacted] and are given as allowable xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. All FM limits are dependent upon, and normalized to [2 lines redacted]. That is, for each tuned frequency, [2 lines redacted].
7.10.1. (S) Conduction Limits.(
S) The following conduction limits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx shall apply. (S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Limits.The conduction limits specified herein are intended to cover [1 line redacted]. The AM narrowband conduction limits are given in Figure 18 and the AM broadband conduction limits are specified in Figure 19. Narrowband FM conduction limits are specified in Figure 20 and broadband FM conduction limits are specified in Figure 21. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are given in Figures 32 through 35. Figure 32 gives the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx while Figure 33 specifies the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are specified in Figure 34 and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are shown in Figure 35. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are given in Figures 36 through 39, with Figure 36 being xxxxxxxxxxxx, Figure 37 being xxxxxxxxxxxx, Figure 38 is xxxxxxxxxxxx, and Figure 39 is xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Limits.(
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx can be tested according to this document. Only conduction limits are specified for this application. [2 lines redacted.] This gain must be taken into account to derive a corrected set of limits for a specified system. [1 line redacted.](S) a. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx are given in Figures 27 through 30. To correct for xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx proceed as follows:(S) (1) AM Limits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from the limits given in Figures 27 and 30. [1 line redacted.](
S) (2) FM Limits [1 line redaced] given in Figures 29 and 30.These [1 line redacted].(
S) [1 line redacted.](
S) b. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx(
S) The limits given in Figures 27 through 30 must be corrected for [1 line redacted]. Proceed as follows.(S) (1) AM Limits - Go to the correction curve in Figure 31 and [1 line redacted]. Read the corresponding correction factor, in dB. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, in dB and as a xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, and add to it the correction factor previously found in Figure 31. Take this total and subtract it from the limits given in Figures 27 and 28. These values are now the corrected AM limits desired.(
S) (2) FM Limits - Go to the correction curve in Figure 31 and locate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. Read the corresponding correction factor in dB. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx, in dB (at the frequency of interest) and add to it the correction from Figure 31 as just determined. Take this total and subtract it from the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx of the FM limits given in Figures 29 and 30. These curves are now the corrected FM limit desired.(
S) Note: A different curve may have to be derived for each test frequency of interest. [1 line redacted.]7.10.2 (
S) Electric Radiation Limits for Controlled Environment Testing.The ER limits for controlled environment testing are given in Figures 22 through 25. The narrowband AM ER limits are specified in Figure 22, and the broadband ER limits are given in Figure 23. The FM narrowband limits are given in Figure 24 and the broadband FM limits are specified in Figure 25. These FM limits must be corrected for data rate and tuned frequency using the correction factor graph of Figure 26.
(S) a. Locate the tuned frequency and the corresponding tuned frequency correction factor, in dB, in Figure 26. [1 line redacted]. This now gives the FM curves for the particular tuned frequency.b. When measured signals are to be compared to the limits. rather than generating a curve for each tuned frequency. an equivalent method follows:
(S) (1) At a particular tuned frequency, measure the signal [1 line redacted] in Figure 26 and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.(
S) (2) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx from this number and locate this on the scale in either Figure 24 or 25, whichever is applicable. The deviation measured can now he compared to the limit.7.10.3. (
S) Electric Radiation Limits for Site Testing.The ER limits for site testing are the ambient noise levels at that site measured with the EUT deenergized. In practice, this requirement means that any CE detected during a site ER test is above the limit. Specifying the limit as the ambient noise level, serves to indicate the level to which the signal must be reduced in order to comply with this document.
7.11 (U) USDE Classification.
To be considered a USDE, the level of the compromising emanation must exceed the limits specified herein. If in the course of the testing. a phenomenon or emanation is encountered that lies outside of the specified requirements of this document, and this phenomenon or emanation could conceivably compromise the classified information being generated, processed or transferred by the RED equipment, it shall he the responsibility of the tester to bring this discovery to the attention of the authority sponsoring the tests.
APPENDIX A (U)Security Classification Guidelines (U)
A1. ( The following guidelines shall he used to classify materials or information generated as a result of performing NONSTOP tests or handling related information. The classification levels assigned to these items are minimum and indicate the levels of protection which are needed for various types of NONSTOP information. In actual cases when equipments or installations are involved, the classification may very often need to be raised. It must be remembered that indications of NONSTOP deficiencies concerning communications equipment and operational installations are really indications of weaknesses in the country's defense posture. and classification is based on how serious the weaknesses are. It is further noted that UNCLASSIFIED information concerning NONSTOP should not be discussed or made available to persons without a need-to-know. No information related to NONSTOP should be released for public consumption through the press, advertising, radio-TV or other public media. Any questions concerning the classification of specific information should he referred to the Service concerned or to the cognizant Civil Agency organization.
A2. ( 1. Terms a. TEMPEST (UNCLASSIFIED) ____________________ * This term UNCLASSIFIED when not used in the context of being a type of CE problem. 2. Description of the following TEMPEST phenomena, without relating them to specific equipment: ( 3. Definitions of terms: a. Compromising Emanations - Unintentional data-related or intelligence-hearing signals which, if intercepted and analyzed, disclose the classified information transmitted, received. handled. or otherwise processed by any information-processing equipment. (UNCLASSIFIED) 4. The statement that TEMPEST is a study of or concerned with compromising emanations. (UNCLASSIFIED) 5. The statement that information processing equipment may or does emit compromising emanations, without mentioning specific equipment or types of emanations. (UNCLASSIFIED) 6. The statement that a specific equipment or system (cryptographic or other) meets the requirements of a specific TEMPEST specification or standard. (UNCLASSIFIED)
7. The statement, without giving details, that a specific equipment or system
(cryptographic or other) does not meet the requirements of a specific TEMPEST
specification or standard. (If details are given, paragraph 10 applies.)
( a. Indications that there are TEMPEST deficiencies at an operational site processing classified information. (
( a. Crypto-equipment (including OTT mixers). ( 9. Test plans, test procedures, detection techniques, or maximum permissible signal limits, related to: a. HIJACK or NONSTOP ( 10. Test results or other information revealing unremedied weaknesses of specific equipment in connection with line conduction, electromagnetic radiation, or power line modulation: a. Crypto-equipment (including OTT mixers). (
11. Test results or other information revealing unremedied weaknesses of
specific operational equipment or systems in connection with HIJACK and NONSTOP.
12. Test results or other information concerning developmental equipment
or systems in connection with HIJACK or NONSTOP. (
( 14. Schematics of specific suppression circuits, devices or components related to the following, and identified as such: a . Line conduction, electromagnetic radiation, or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. (UNCLASSIFIED) 15. The schematics and location within equipments, or the purpose of specific suppression circuits, devices, or components related to the following, and identified as such: a. Line conduction, electromagnetic radiation, or xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( 16. The statement that a specific number of dB of attenuation is provided by a specific suppression circuit. (UNCLASSIFIED)
17. Information revealing newly discovered or certain special techniques
of interception, analysis or testing concerning equipment. ( 18. Compromising emanations information classified in accordance with these guidelines should be indicated either on the individual page where the information appears or on the front cover of the document in which it is contained, as follows: Classified by NSA/CSSM 123-2.
Figure 17. - Typical Electric Radiation Detection System Test Setup (U) (C).
Table 2. - Testing Requirement Flow Diagram For
Table 3. Testing Requirement Flow Diagram For xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (U) (C).
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